(Origins of Flight to World War I)
1. What does flight symbolize for human beings?
2. In what ancient country’s tradition did kings go to heaven on eagles?
3. In what ancient country were eagles not part of their flight stories?
4. Who was the messenger of the gods in the Roman myths?
5. What country originated the story of Daedalus and Icarus?
6. What is the main point of the Daedalus and Icarus story?
7. In the Chinese tradition, who had a rocket powered chair?
8. The development of kites is began in which country?
9. Which aviation advances were originally designed by Leonardo da Vinci?
10. What did G. A. Borelli design based on da Vinci’s ornithopter?
11. Who postulated that as the velocity of a gas increases the pressure decreases and vice versa?
12. Which part of an airfoil ensures that higher air velocity and lower pressure will provide lift?
13. Of the forces of flight, which ones oppose each other?
14. The game of pool is an excellent example of which of Newton’s laws of motion.
15. Jet engines power aircraft based on which of Newton’s laws of motion.
16. What gases are capable of lifting a balloon.
17. Who first used hot air to gain buoyancy in a balloon?
18. Who demonstrated the first human flight in a balloon.
19. Who found hydrogen more efficient than hot air to gain buoyancy in a balloon.
20. Otto Lilienthal was unable to overcome the problems associated with which flight control?
21. In what year was the internal combustion engine developed?
22. Who was the Wright Brothers main competitor in the race to fly?
23. On which date and where was the Wright Brothers first successful flight?
24. Which of the Wright Brothers was the pilot on the first flight?
25. How did the Wright Brothers solve their roll control problem?
26. Which aircraft designs are attributed to Glenn Curtiss?
27. What were Harriet Quimby’s achievements as an aviator?
28. Which country first used ailerons instead of wing warping?
29. Who was the first person to fly the English Channel?
30. Which countries were ruled by a grandchild of Queen Victoria in 1914?
31. Britain declared war on Germany in 1914 because of Germany’s invasion of what country?
32. What was World War I called before 1939?
33. The factors caused the United States to enter World War I in 1917?
34. What was the agreement called that ended World War I fighting?
35. What were Oswald Boelcke’s rules of engagement?
36. What did Oswald Boelcke’s rules of engagement mean?
37. Who developed the interrupter gear allowing machine guns to be fired through the propeller?
38. Which aircraft was the first aircraft to fly combat with the interrupter gear?
39. What was the airplane’s main function during World War I?
40. What was the primary problem caused by the rotary engine’s spinning cylinders?
41. Which aircraft was responsible for “Bloody April” during World War I?
42. Why were Zeppelins not successful as bombers?
43. How many aircraft did a pilot have to shoot down to become an “ace”?
44. Who developed the first effective bombing aircraft for Russia?
45. Who was the highest scoring ace for the British Empire?
46. Who shot down Manfred von Richthofen?
47. Flyboys portrays American volunteers flying for which country?
48. Why do pilots wear scarves?
49. Flyboys portrays which flying unit?
50. What was the JN-4’s nickname?