Trends, Truths and Themes: A report by the task force on competitive position Being the “best of the very good” is a tough position. Trend One: Getting students here Mixed signals: Building demand and dropping yield 50.00% 44% 40.00% 30.00% 28.10% 27.50% 24.90% 23.30% 22.70% 18% 20.00% 10.00% 11.90% 10.80% 13.40% 6.50% 0.00% FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 -10.00% FY 12-13 13-14 est -8% -20.00% Yield Application % increase TREND ONE Trend Two: Getting students through TREND TWO TREND TWO Trend Three: Getting students placed: The proliferation of external scorecards In 2012, 18% of graduates had a job lined up – up slightly over three years. 21% had been admitted to graduate school – down by half over three years. 58% left Augie with neither a job offer nor a graduate or professional school placement TREND THREE Starting salary: 7th of 9 Mid-career salary: 3rd of 9 TREND THREE Truth One: We are, and will remain, dependent upon tuition Tuition reliance 95.00% 90.10% 88.30% 90.00% 89.10% 87.50% 85.00% Axis Title 80.00% 75.00% 70.00% 65.00% 60.00% 55.00% 50.00% FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 FY 11-12 TRUTH ONE Truth Two: Resistance to paying a substantial fraction of our cost is rising 2004 to 2013* • Price: $28,173 to $44,937 (+$16,764) • Ave. EFC (demonstrated financial need**): $12,927 to $14,212 (+$1,285) • Ave. Grant: $9,009 to $18,914 (+$9,905) • Ave. Net Revenue: $19,164 to $26,023 (+$6,859) *estimated **71% of pool in 2008 and 79% of pool in 2012 TRUTH TWO Flat EFC, decreasing net revenue per student, and increasing “gap” $19,000 $17,000 $15,000 $16,661 $16,777 $15,752 $15,606 $13,597 $13,739 $14,771 $15,753 $14,997 $13,000 $13,744 $11,000 $9,000 $7,000 $5,000 $5,656 FY 08-09 $6,347 $6,542 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 Net revenue per f-y student EFC (of those with need) $7,205 $6,937 FY 11-12 FY 12-13 Gap between aid and EFC TRUTH TWO Truth Three: We are experiencing more intense emphasis on outcomes Who’s who and what’s what: The players who define our value • Net Price Calculator (NPC) • College Scorecard • • • • WSJ’s “How do schools stack up?” TRUTH THREE TRUTH THREE Truth Four: We have high fixed costs High fixed costs Compensation and debt service % of operating budget 70.00% 66.60% 66.70% 65.20% 65.00% 64.40% 64.90% FY 11-12 FY 12-13 60.00% 55.00% 50.00% 45.00% 40.00% FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 Compensation and debt service % of operating budget There are other fixed costs not highlighted, such as the cost to maintain our physical plant and utilities, etc. TRUTH THREE Truth Five: Making a compelling case continues to be difficult Who are our Top 10 competitors? The Simple Version Illinois State Marquette University of Illinois Bradley DePaul Illinois Wesleyan Loyola Northern Illinois University of Iowa University of Illinois-Chicago TRUTH FIVE Who are our Top 10 competitors? The Real Version For our best students, we compete with: For our bread-and-butter students, we compete with: University of Illinois Marquette Illinois Wesleyan Northwestern Washington Univ. Bradley Illinois State Loyola University of Chicago Carthage Marquette Illinois State University of Illinois Bradley DePaul Loyola University of Iowa Illinois Wesleyan Carthage University of Illinois-Chicago For the kids who are desperately grateful to have gotten in here, we compete with: Illinois State Northern Illinois University of Illinois-Chicago DePaul Bradley Western Illinois Carthage St. Xavier St. Ambrose Elmhurst So, the total number of Top 10 competitors for these three groups is 18. Only Bradley, Carthage, and Illinois State are “common” competitors. Bold: Not Top 10 Competitors Bold red: Not Top 25 Competitors TRUTH FIVE Say “no” and focus: Strengthening our competitive position Boeing’s strategy Purpose: Make air travel efficient and comfortable … and profitable. Plan: Switch from “economies of scale” to “economy through innovation.” Series of actions: Create a a lighter, faster, long-range jet, which will allow more direct flights, decreasing reliance on “hub and spoke” model. Measureable goal: Deliver more airplanes than Airbus…and more happy customers, who want more airplanes. (2013, Malham) Indiegogo’s strategy Purpose: Change the way the world gets funding. Plan: Democratize the fund-raising process and allow people or “campaign owners” to find financial backing for just about anything. Series of actions: Create open and accessible platform; develop powerful tools and a global reach; keep customers happy with a superior user experience, personalization and lots of hand-holding; respect and treat every funder equally. Measureable goal: Last for at least 100 years. 2013, Malham Themes to guide strategy to strengthen Augustana College’s competitive position • Attract a serious look • Create a culture of successful results and placements • Embrace our market • Emphasize our strengths • Advance beyond traditional campus-bound and calendar-based learning models Attract a serious look Purpose: Rethink the current price/cost model to respond to a negative perception of affordability. Create a culture of placement Purpose: Make post-graduation advising and planning a priority from day one to ensure Augustana College graduates achieve the best possible post-graduation results and placements in graduate school and jobs. Embrace our market Purpose: Compete for and enroll students who value and who have the greatest potential to benefit from the environment and experiences we can offer them. Emphasize our strengths Purpose: Shift the focus of families toward our distinctive strengths, to deepen those strengths and to formally recognize students’ successful engagement in trans-curricular experiences. Advance beyond traditional methods Purpose: Extend the reach and ambitiousness of our use of learning technologies, emerging technologies, more progressive pedagogy and alternative program structures. Discussion