Digital Systems 1. Overview of Course Objective 2. Details of course website, BLOG 3. Details of Syllabus 4. Recommended Books 5. Details of Lab Sessions 6. Introductory concepts of commonly used keywords Course Outcome 1: Students will be able to apply logic technique for design of digital systems, and would be able to identify and use suitable digital components for design. 2: Students will be able to apply various optimization techniques for designing of an efficient digital system. 3: Students will be able to demonstrate and apply design phases of digital system for real life applications using Combinational and Sequential Circuits. 4: Students will be able to analyse real life problems and give efficient digital solutions using recommended techniques like Modular approach etc. Course Website and BLOG: Web Site: BLOG : Details of Syllabus of Digital Systems: Binary Systems - Introduction, Binary numbers, Conversions, Octal, Hexadecimal Numbers, Complements, Binary Codes, Binary Storage, Registers, Binary Logic Boolean Algebra And Logic Gates - Definition, Boolean Algebra, Theorems and Properties, Boolean Functions, Canonical and Standard Forms, other Logic operations, Digital Logic Gates, IC Logic families Boolean Function Simplification - The Map-method, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Variable Map, Pos Simplification, NAND/NOR implementations don’t care conditions, Tabulation method, Prime Implecants, Selection Of Prime Implecants Combinational Logic - Introduction, Design Procedure, Adders, Subtractors, code Conversion, Analysis Procedure, Multilevel NAND/NOR Circuits, Ex-OR and equivalent functions Combinational Logic with MSI and LSI - Introduction, Binary Parallel Adder, Decimal Adder, Magnitude Comparators, ROMs Decoders, Multiplexers, PLA. Details of Syllabus of Digital Systems: Sequential Logic - Introduction, Flip-Flops, Triggering of Flip-Flop, Analysis of clocked sequential circuits, State Reduction and assignment, Flip-Flop excitation Table, design procedure, design of counters, design with state equations Registers, Counters, Memory Unit - Introduction, Registers, Shift Registers, Ripple Counters, Synchronous Counters, Timing Sequences, the Memory Unit, examples of RAMs Digital Integrated Circuits - Introduction, BJT characteristics, RTL and DTL logics. IIL and TTL Logic. ECL and MOS Logic CMOS Logic, CMOS and TTL Interface, Introduction to VSNL Systems Recommended Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital Logic and Computer Design By M. Morris Mano – PHI electronics and microcomputers By R.K.Gaur Principals and applications - By Malvino and Leach Technology Principals and Practices - By Virendra Kumar Principals - By B.P.Singh logic design - By Holdsworth List of Practical Digital Systems Sr. Name of Practical Hour(s) No. Part-I Combinational Circuits 1 Verification of basic logic gates and Implementation of basic logic gates with NAND / NOR gates. 2 2 Realization of Half / Full Adder and Subtractor. 2 3 Design and realization Code Convertors, like Binary to Gray, Binary to Excess-3 and Vice–Versa. 2 4 Design and realization of BCD parallel adder using two binary adders. 2 5 Study of Multiplexer and realization of Boolean function using it. 2 6 Design a combinational circuit for Parity Generator and Checker. Additional Experiments on Combinational Circuits *A To Convert octal input to binary output and to study LED display using seven segment decoder. 2 *B To verify the truth table of one bit and two bit comparators using logic gates. 2 List of Practical Digital Systems Sr. Name of Practical Hour(s) No. Part-II Sequential Logic 7 Verification of truth tables of RS, D, JK and T flip-flops. 2 8 Design and realize modulo N Synchronous counter using JK flip-flops/T flip flop and observe the output. 2 9 Design and realize modulo N Ripple Asynchronous counter using T flip-flops/JK Flip Flop and observe the output. 2 10 To realize 4-bit shift register using D flip flop, observe the output. 2 11 Design a sequential circuit to divide input frequency by four. Select suitable flip flop and observe the output. 2 Additional Experiments on Sequential Circuits *A Design a Parallel in Serial Out shift register with control input. Use D flip flop and observe the output. 4 *B Design Modulo-N, UP/DOWN counter using T flip flop. 4 Total 32 hours Introductory Concepts of Commonly used Keywords: 1. Analogy Computers 2. Digital Computers 3. Hybrid Computer 4. Why Digital Computer Uses Binary Data…? 5. What is the relationship between Analog and Digital