Platform Modernization – A Case Study April 1, 2010 2010© Symphony Services Corp. and Misys Plc | Proprietary & Confidential THIS PRESENTATION IS MEANT FOR ONLY THE INTENDED RECIPIENTS. ANY REVIEW, USE, DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION, OR COPYING OF THIS DOCUMENT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Contents Platform Modernization Background Business Drivers Short and Long-term Goals Technical Challenges and Proposed Solutions Work Done-to-date Lessons Learned 2 2010© Symphony Services Corp. and Misys Plc | Proprietary & Confidential Background Symphony Services Provider of product engineering outsourcing services Over 3000 employees serve 150+ customers in multiple countries Focus on ISVs, embedded systems, and engineering services Misys – Our Client Provider of application software and services to the financial services and healthcare industries Over 6,000 employees serve customers in 120 countries 3 Divisions - Banking, Treasury & Capital Markets (TCM), and Healthcare (Allscripts) Symphony has been working with TCM division on modernization of a trading platform (application) called Summit 3 2010© Symphony Services Corp. and Misys Plc | Proprietary & Confidential Summit Background PRINCIPAL FORMULA FEES Summit is a multi-asset class solution for treasury and capital market participants Integrated front-to-back office solution Distributed CORBA-based application developed in C, C++, and .Net. Large monolithic application – 12.7 million LOC PRINCIPALSCHEDULE LIBOR 3M EUR/USD EUR/GBP INDEX 1 Technology base is becoming outdated (ex. CORBA) Issues with Performance and Scalability Desire to modernize Summit to remain technologically competitive DIGITAL BARRIER OPTION 1 OPTION 2 Exotics & Hybrids (MUST) Fixed Income Bonds STRIKE Treasury Derivatives Lending Loans & Interest Rates Syndicate Deposits Summit has been developed over a period of 20 years INDEX 2 MTNs Loans Credit FX Repos Bilateral Loans Currency MM Securities MBS/ABS Equity GICS Bond & Commodity Trading – Pricing, Trading, P&L, Positions, Hedging Risk – Market Risk, Credit Risk, VaR, Limits, Collateral Operations – Workflow, Settlement, Reporting, Accounting Rules based workflow 4 2010© Symphony Services Corp. and Misys Plc | Proprietary & Confidential Summit Architecture Problem with Scalability SummitFT Desktop HTTP or HTTPS External Client Apps (Java, Excel, C++, VB, etc) Web Application Server CORBA or SOAP High memory footprint & slow start up Real Time Servers Credit, Hedge Single point failure possibility Market Server Position Servers STP Servers Distribution Server Gateway Loaders eToolkit Server Direct function calls SummitFT CORBA Business Objects BVS CORBA Real time External Feeds Data Source Summit “Classic” Applications Financial Toolkit Metadata layer Database I/O Layer Sybase / Oracle / SQLServer Heavy I/O load 5 2010© Symphony Services Corp. and Misys Plc | Proprietary & Confidential Summit Modernization Business Drivers Improve user experience Reduce Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Improve interoperability Enhance performance, scalability, and reliability 6 2010© Symphony Services Corp. and Misys Plc | Proprietary & Confidential Summit Modernization Short-term Goals Short-term Goals Project Description Reduce Total cost of Ownership Port Summit onto 64-bit Intel platform Enhance Performance and Scalability Load balance STP servers Server Pooling Grid enhancements Cache improvements 7 2010© Symphony Services Corp. and Misys Plc | Proprietary & Confidential Summit Modernization Long-term Goals Componentize Summit Make components interoperable 1. Componentize 2. Make components interoperable – Leverage SOA Performance enhancements Eliminate performance problems due to single threaded STK Eliminate scalability issues with risk server Provide an alternative to distribution server Make Summit easy to install and upgrade Leverage Grid Computing Leverage JMS-MoM Migrate away from C, C++, CORBA over time 8 2010© Symphony Services Corp. and Misys Plc | Proprietary & Confidential Meeting Long-term Goals Technical Challenges Long-term Goals Challenges Componentize Summit STK modules are tightly coupled - single function call could load and execute over 200 libraries Make components interoperable Data layer is not virtualized – limits interoperability Summit objects are stateful - can not build stateless services from stateful objects CORBA IDL messages are synchronous - can not provide asynchronous services with synchronous messages Eliminate performance problems due to single threaded STK System has over 4000 global static variables –limits multi-threading 9 2010© Symphony Services Corp. and Misys Plc | Proprietary & Confidential Meeting Long-term Goals Proposed Solutions Long-term Goals Challenges Proposed Solutions Componentize Summit STK modules are tightly coupled - single function call could load and execute over 200 libraries Componentize – re-factor code Make components interoperable Data layer is not virtualized – limits interoperability Virtualize data layer – re-factor code Summit objects are stateful can not build stateless services from stateful objects Make Summit objects stateless – caching technology to store state information CORBA IDL messages are synchronous - can not provide asynchronous services with synchronous messages Replace ORBIX – replace IDL calls with MOM-based asynchronous calls System has over 4000 global static variables –limits multithreading Eliminate/Re-initialize global static variables Eliminate performance problems due to single threaded STK 10 2010© Symphony Services Corp. and Misys Plc | Proprietary & Confidential Modernization Short-term vs. Long-term Goals A balancing act Short-term Goals • Reduce Total Cost of Ownership • Enhance Performance, Scalability and Reliability Long-term Goals • Componentize Summit • Make components interoperable 11 2010© Symphony Services Corp. and Misys Plc | Proprietary & Confidential Summit Modernization Meeting Short-term Goals Completed projects to meet short-term Goals Short-term Goals Project Description Benefits Reduce Total cost of Ownership Port Summit onto 64-bit Intel platform 3-5 times cheaper compared to Sparc Enhance Performance and Scalability Load balance STP servers Allows Summit to be scalable – to add more servers and dynamically load balance among servers Server Pooling eTK server starts up 4-times faster on Windows and 8times faster on Solaris Grid enhancements Trade processing time reduced by half with 4 grid engines Cache improvements – to reduce load on database 50% improvement in retrieving bond definitions 12 2010© Symphony Services Corp. and Misys Plc | Proprietary & Confidential Meeting Short-term Goals Load balancing STP Servers Summit Applications Put notifications on queue Flow Server Queue Document Server Queue Trade Server Queue Admin Console (JMX) Message Broker (JMS) Benefits • Open-standards messaging • Dynamic Load Balancing • Scalability Receive Work Items STP Trade Servers STP Document Servers STP Flow Servers 13 2010© Symphony Services Corp. and Misys Plc | Proprietary & Confidential Meeting Short-term Goals Grid Enhancements Grid enable Summit applications • Accounting driver • Historical VAR – Based on DataSynapse platform Optimize existing Summit grid based applications – Provide more efficient data access for large grids – Improved trade “batching” algorithm, to use grid more efficiently – Send slowest jobs to grid first, to reduce overall duration – Use of binary format to stream data to grid engines – Use of DataSynapse grid cache (distributed cache) to store temporary data 14 2010© Symphony Services Corp. and Misys Plc | Proprietary & Confidential Meeting short-term Goals Server Pooling and Caching eToolkit Server Pooling eToolkit Manager manages a list of “free” and “allocated” pool of servers. “Free” eTK servers “Allocated” eTK servers etk.API.connect etk.API.release Internal data cache improvements – Allow Entity cache to be dynamically activated and resized using an admin application – Optimize cache implementation and ensure cache is used internally whenever possible – Optimize security cache implementation 15 2010© Symphony Services Corp. and Misys Plc | Proprietary & Confidential Meeting Long-term Goals Defined Target Architecture – role of Grid computing and SOA Completed SOA POC Componentized Financial Tools layer – one of the four STK layers Reduction in eToolkit memory footprint - 22 MB compared to 65 MB Reduction in eToolkit Server startup time - 2-3 sec compared to 9 -12 sec Completed Distributed Caching POC using Memcached (open source) Server re-start time is faster by an order of magnitude (7-11 sec compared to 2 minutes) 16 2010© Symphony Services Corp. and Misys Plc | Proprietary & Confidential Meeting Long-term Goals Target Architecture - Open Summit Upstream Systems Summit FT Workstation Summit Web Client Monitoring & Admin Other Client Reporting Front End Summit Middle Tier Gateway Services MOM/JMS Message Oriented Middleware Services Downstream Systems STP Servers (Trade/Flow/...) Pricing/Risk Engines Data/Compute Grid Dynamic load distribution Position Servers FT Business Objects Reporting / BI Engines Summit Data Store Operational Database Datamart 17 2010© Symphony Services Corp. and Misys Plc | Proprietary & Confidential Meeting Long-term Goals Interoperability via SOA Goal: Simpler integration of Summit with other systems; seamless integration with other Misys products Solutions • Make Summit business objects available as Services • Replace Orbix with JMS based Message Oriented Middleware. Misys SOA Stack Summit FT Other Systems • UI described in XML & mapped to business processes • Business Process Library described using services Enterprise Service Bus Summit Components: JMS, SOA Grid Customer System Service orchestration, Policy Management, Security Opics RiskVision CBS Equation DATA INTEGRATION LAYER 18 2010© Symphony Services Corp. and Misys Plc | Proprietary & Confidential Meeting Long-term Goals Lessons Learned Gap between current and desired target architecture is large Takes more time and effort than planned Management commitment in terms of direction and funding is critical Plan so that you can incorporate results into product releases on a regular basis Demonstrate benefits to end customers 19 2010© Symphony Services Corp. and Misys Plc | Proprietary & Confidential Thank you Shankar S. Hegde, Ph.D. Sr Client Partner & Chief Architect Symphony Services 1 Technology Park Drive Westford, MA 01886 978 590 1532 Ian Southward Europe Sales and Client Director Symphony Services 2 Sheen Road Richmond TW9 1AE +44 7827 919422 20 2010© Symphony Services Corp. and Misys Plc | Proprietary & Confidential