Counseling Inc Entry and Advanced Levels Substance Abuse

COUNSELING INC: Entry and Advanced Levels Substance Abuse Curriculum
Created by Peter Ninemire, LMSW, LCAC
Monday: Living In Balance- EBP
Wednesday – Matrix Family Ed
Week 2
Matrix Early recovery skills – Lecture
Definitions, Terms and Self-Diagnosis
(utilize role-play sheet suggested for session)
Part 1: Definitions and terms
Part 2: Self Assessment exercise Part 3: Biological aspects of addiction
Re: Neurotransmitters - Utilize NIDA/HBO Series
on Addiction Video “What is Addiction” (Video 2
– Vignette 1) Prior to
Physical Dependence, withdrawal symptoms
Tolerance/cross tolerance (show video?)
Alcohol and Other Drug Education
Part 1: Stimulant Drugs – utilize CNS video on
Use, Abuse and Addiction – The physiology,
Neurochemistry and Sociology of Drugs and
Compulsive Behaviors
(Hand out # 1, 2,3, &4 )
Matrix Early recovery skills session 1
Topic: Stop the cycle
Family education group
Topic: Cross addiction: back door to relapse
( Handout # 13 )
TCU Mapping the Journey
Exploring Self
Lecture - Identifying external triggers
Family Video Lecture/ Discussion
Topic: Medical aspects of chemical dependency
The Neurobiology of Addiction (Video)
( Handout # 10 )
Entry Level Group
LIVING IN BALANCE – Session 2 (continued)
Matrix Family Education Group?
Alcohol and Other Drug Education - Part 2:
Psychedelic and Hallucinogenic Drugs (to include
marijuana) The physiology, Neurochemistry
and Sociology of Drugs and Compulsive
Triggers and Cravings Presentation Video/Notes
Video: (Other Drugs – Other addictions) 19:55
(disk 2 – chapter 7) Optional - selected slides
from Present Power Point Slide Presentation,
and/or utilize CNS vignettes on marijuana
Eliminated Drug Court Booklet - Made room for
more material?
Maybe carryover early work on Living in Balance
Matrix Early recovery skills session 2
Uppers Video: 13:15 (disk 2 – chapter 3)
Present Power Point Slide Presentation
Week 3
Friday – Matrix Model – EBP
CNS Productions – Marijuana Neurochemistry
and Physiology
CNS Productions – Cocaine and Crack – A craving
for More
Matrix Early recovery skills Session 3
Lecture - Identifying internal triggers
Eliminated Drug Court Booklet - Made room for
more material?
Maybe carryover early work on Living in Balance
Monday - Alongside am/pm COC groups
Week 4
LIVING IN BALANCE – Session 2 (continued)
TCU Mapping the Journey
Part 3 – Depressant Drugs
Social Improvement
Matrix Early recovery skills session # 4
- Topic: 12 step introduction
(Handout # 11 )
The physiology, Neurochemistry and Sociology
of Drugs and Compulsive Behaviors
Downers Video: 18:25 (disk 2 – chapter 4)
Present Power Point Slide Presentation
Eliminated Drug Court Booklet - Made room for
more material?
Maybe carryover early work on Living in Balance
Opioid Drugs – Vignettes (NIDA/HBO series on
Opiate tx or CNS Video on opiates
Week 5
LIVING IN BALANCE – Session 2 (continued)
Part 4: A look at Drugs and the Brain
TCU Mapping the Journey
Decision Making
Utilize NIDA/HBO Series on Addiction Video
“What is Addiction” (Video 2 – Vignette 1) in
conjunction with NIDA power point by Peter
LIVING IN BALANCE – Session 2 (continued)
Part 4: A look at Drugs and the Brain
Your Brain after Drugs and the Memory of Drugs
CNS Productions - video
The Neurochemistry of Relapse and Recovery
Utilize CNS video on memory bumps
Matrix Early recovery skills session # 5 Lecture Topic: Your body chemistry in recovery
(Handout # 12 )
Eliminated Drug Court Booklet - Made room for
more material?
Maybe carryover early work on Living in Balance
Recommend showing power point first
Week 6
TCU Mapping the Journey
Taking Control
Matrix Early recovery skills session # 6 Lecture Topic: early recovery problems
(Handout # 13 & 14 )
Eliminated Drug Court Booklet - Made room for
more material?
Maybe carryover early work on Living in Balance
Friday night - perhaps addiction related video?
Monday - Alongside am/pm COC groups
Week 7
Family Discussion
Topic: avoiding and coping with relapse
( Handout # 9 )
Matrix Early recovery skills session # 7
- Topic: thinking , feeling and doing
(Handout # 15 & 16)
TCU Mapping the Journey
Planning for Sobriety
Monitoring progress
Matrix Early recovery skills session # 8 Lecture Topic: Keep it simple
(Handout # 17 )
Part I: Triggers, Cravings, and Avoiding Relapse
Part II: How a Trigger Leads to a Relapse
Utilize NIDA/HBO Series on Addiction Video “The
Science of Relapse” (Video 2 – Vignette 1)
Week 8
Part I: Planning for Your Sobriety
Role Play Exercises #4 and #5
Part II: The Road to Recovery
CNS Productions - video
The Neurochemistry of Relapse and Recovery
Part III: Relapse Decisions and Recovery
Week 9
Matrix Family Education Group
Alcohol and Tobacco
Relapse Prevention Family Group
Part I: Alcohol and Alcoholism
Questions for Alcohol: The Substance, the
Addiction, the Solution
An Interview with Mark Whillenberg, M.D.
From HBO Video Series on Addiction
(Disk 3 – Vignette 2)
Matrix Early recovery skills session # 9 Lecture Topic: Heartfelt matters
(Handout # 10)
CNS Video on Alcoholism
Discusses the different factors that can lead to
alcoholism, including genetics and psychiatric
Effects of Alcohol
CNS Productions – Alcohol and its effects
Part II: Tobacco
Week 10
Monday -
Alongside am/pm COC groups
TCU Mapping the Journey
Matrix Early recovery skills session # 10 Lecture
- Topic: setting goals
(Handout # 11 & 12 )
Relapse and Disease
Part I: What is Spirituality
Part II: Your higher power and prayer
Week 11
TCU Unlock your thinking and open you mind
Sex, Drugs and Alcohol
Feelings, thoughts and mind traps
Part I: Sex and Drugs
Alcohol and other drug use and sex
Sex as a trigger
Matrix Early recovery skills session # 11
Video topic: Cross addiction-the back door to
(Handout # 13 )
Part II: Sexual Problems
Week 12
TCU Unlock your thinking and open you mind
Roadblocks to healthy thinking
The Power of Self Talk (5 weeks at Counselor
Discretion) Counselor to input sequence of
material presented here as it occurs in group.
Stress and Emotional Well-being
Part I: Stress
Part II: Reacting to Stress
Monday -
Alongside am/pm COC groups
TCU Unlock your thinking and open you mind
Part I: Review of information about Stress
Thinking and behavior cycles
The Power of Self Talk (5 weeks at Counselor
Discretion) Counselor to input sequence of
material presented here as it occurs in group
Part II: Restructuring your life
Part III: Coping strategies
Week 14
Understanding and Reducing Angry Feelings
Negative Emotions
Understanding anger
Part I: Depression
Entry Level Group
The Power of Self Talk (5 weeks at Counselor
Discretion) Counselor to input sequence of
material presented here as it occurs in group.
Part II: Guilt and Fear
The physiology, Neurochemistry and Sociology
of Drugs and Compulsive Behaviors
Video: (Mental Health & Drugs) 16:20 (disk 1 –
chapter 10)
Present Power Point Slide Presentation
Understanding and Reducing Angry Feelings
Anger and Communication
Managing anger in relationships
Entry Level Group
The Power of Self Talk (5 weeks at Counselor
Discretion) Counselor to input sequence of
material presented here as it occurs in group.
Part 1: Understanding Anger
Part II: Expressing Anger
Week 16
Part I: Relapse
Part II: Exercises for Relapse Prevention
Understanding and Reducing Angry Feelings
The aggression cycle
Entry Level Group
The Power of Self Talk (5 weeks at Counselor
Discretion) Counselor to input sequence of
material presented here as it occurs in group.
Possibly utilize Role Play Exercises
Power Point Presentation: Neuroscience of
addiction (Peter’s on Lap Top)
Family Video lecture
Topic: Triggers and cravings presentation
Matrix Early recovery skills – Lecture
(Hand out # 1, 2,3, &4 )
Nora Volkow “What is Addiction” HBO Video
Series on Addiction (Video 2 – Vignette 1)
Evening Entry Level Group
Getting Started (Change Company brochure)
5-weeks to utilize at counselors discretion
Week 2
Neuroscience and the Biopsychosocio effects of
addiction (Review in different format)
Psychological Affects of Addiction (Wheel of
Addiction Lecture involving clients
Family Video Lecture
Topic: Alcohol, the substance, addiction &
( Handout # 2)
Matrix Early recovery skills session 1
Topic: Stop the cycle
( Handouts # 5, 6, & 7)
Matrix Early recovery skills session 2
Lecture - Identifying external triggers
Drug Court Booklet
Evening Entry Level Group
Getting Started (Change Company brochure)
Topic: Commitment to drug court & making the
choice towards a responsible lifestyle
( Home work: Pg 1-5 of drug court work book)
5-weeks to utilize at counselors discretion
Week 3
Interview with Dr. Volkow on Addiction - HBO
Video Series on Addiction (Video 3 – Vignette 1)
Introduce BIO on Dr. Volkow and concepts in it.
Family Video Lecture/ Discussion
Drugs, Brains, and Behavior – NIDA Brochure on
previously reviewed material – to be discussed
in small client groups & reported back to group
Evening Entry Level Group
Topic: My name is Bill W/ AA-12 steps
( Handout # 3,4 &5 )
Getting Started (Change Company brochure)
Matrix Early recovery skills Session 3
Lecture - Identifying internal triggers
Drug Court Booklet
Topic: My top three problems
( Home work: Pg 6-9 of drug court work book)
5-weeks to utilize at counselors discretion
Week 4
The Bio-Psycho-Social Model of Addiction
The biopsychosocial model addresses addiction
as a process that impacts biology, causes
personality problems and results in social
dysfunction. (Present and review in both hours)
Family Video Lecture/ Discussion
Topic: The science of Methamphetamines
( Handout # 6 )
Matrix Early recovery skills session # 4
- Topic: 12 step introduction
(Handout # 11 )
Evening Entry Level Group
Drug Court Booklet
Getting Started (Change Company brochure)
Topic: Things about me/ My story
( Home work: Pg 10- 15 of drug court work book)
5-weeks to utilize at counselors discretion
Week 5
Understanding Relapse – The Science of Relapse
From HBO Video Series on Addiction (Video 2 –
Vignette 2)
Treatment and Recovery from Addiction from
Peter’s Neuro-biopsychosocio handout.
(Community and EB Tx effective in Community
where symptoms occur)
Family Video Lecture/ Discussion
Topic: Roadmap to recovery
( Handout # 7 )
Matrix Early recovery skills session # 5 Lecture Topic: Your body chemistry in recovery
(Handout # 12 )
Evening Entry Level Group
Drug Court Booklet
Getting Started (Change Company brochure)
Topic: Thinking Errors - Making excuses, Ignoring
responsible action, sense of “above the law” &
asserting power over others.
( Home work: Pg 16-21 of drug court work book)
5-weeks to utilize at counselors discretion
Week 6
The CBT Approach from HBO Video Series on
Addiction – (Disc 3 – Vignette 3)
(How to get the most out of group. - Ask the
group why this is so?) – Group Therapy, joining
forces and leveling – nine basic support group
rules – An introduction to mutual support groups
for Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Family Video Lecture/ Discussion
Topic: stages of family recovery
( Hand out # 8)
Matrix Early recovery skills session # 6 Lecture Topic: early recovery problems
(Handout # 13 & 14 )
Drug Court Booklet
Evening Entry Level Group
CNS Productions - Methamphetamine –
Neurochemistry and Recovery
Topic: Thinking Errors-Self serving acts of
kindness, lazy thinking and getting sidetracked
( Home work: Pg 22- 25 of drug court work book)
Week 7
CNS – Use, Abuse and Addiction
Family Discussion
Topic: avoiding and coping with relapse
( Handout # 9 )
Matrix Early recovery skills session # 7
- Topic: thinking , feeling and doing
(Handout # 15 & 16)
The physiology, Neurochemistry and Sociology
of Drugs and Compulsive Behaviors
History Video: 14:40 (disk 1 – chapter 1)
Present Power Point Slide Presentation with
support from Word Narrative
Present Overview and Outline as needed
Key words and phrases
Client worksheet folder exercises
Week 8
BOTH GROUPS view and process separately
Evening Entry Level Group
CNS – Use, Abuse and Addiction
The physiology, Neurochemistry and Sociology
of Drugs and Compulsive Behaviors
Heredity, Environment and Psychoactive Drugs
Video: 13:50 (disk 2 – chapter 2)
Present Power Point Slide Presentation with
support from Word Narrative
Present Overview and Outline as needed
Key words and phrases
Client worksheet folder exercises
Week 9
CNS Productions - video
The Neurochemistry of Relapse and Recovery
CNS – Use, Abuse and Addiction
The physiology, Neurochemistry and Sociology
of Drugs and Compulsive Behaviors
Uppers Video: 13:15 (disk 2 – chapter 3)
Present Power Point Slide Presentation with
support from Word Narrative
Present Overview and Outline as needed
Key words and phrases
Client worksheet folder exercises
Family Video Lecture/ Discussion
Topic: Medical aspects of chemical dependency
The Neurobiology of Addiction (Video)
( Handout # 10 )
Entry Level Group
CNS Productions – Cocaine and Crack – A
craving for More
Family video lecture
Topic: Families in recovery
( Handout # 11 & 12 )
Drug Court Booklet
Topic: Exploring Values-criminal lifestyle choices,
dishonesty vs. honesty.
( Home work: Pg 26-31 of drug court work book)
Matrix Early recovery skills session # 8 Lecture Topic: Keep it simple
(Handout # 17 )
Drug Court Booklet
Topic: Exploring Values- Intolerance vs. tolerance
( Home work: Pg 32- 35 of drug court work
Matrix Early recovery skills session # 9 Lecture Topic: Heartfelt matters
(Handout # 10)
Entry Level Group
Drug Court Booklet
CNS Productions – Alcohol and its effects
Topic: Exploring Values- Irresponsibility vs.
( Home work: Pg 36- 39 of drug court work
Week 10
CNS – Use, Abuse and Addiction
Family education group
Topic: Cross addiction: back door to relapse
( Handout # 13 )
Matrix Early recovery skills session # 10 Lecture
- Topic: setting goals
(Handout # 11 & 12 )
Entry Level Group
Drug Court Booklet
CNS Productions – Marijuana Neurochemistry
and Physiology
Topic: Exploring Values
( Home work: Pg 40-- 43 of drug court work
The physiology, Neurochemistry and Sociology
of Drugs and Compulsive Behaviors
Downers Video: 18:25 (disk 2 – chapter 4)
Present Power Point Slide Presentation with
support from Word Narrative
Present Overview and Outline as needed
Key words and phrases
Client worksheet folder exercises
Week 11
CNS – Use, Abuse and Addiction
The physiology, Neurochemistry and Sociology
of Drugs and Compulsive Behaviors
Alcohol Video: 16:50 (disk 2 – chapter 5)
Present Power Point Slide Presentation with
support from Word Narrative
Present Overview and Outline as needed
Key words and phrases
Client worksheet folder exercises
Week 12
Living with an Addiction
Handout #14
The CRAFT Approach (#3 video from HBO Series
on addiction) – coaching families on getting
family members help
Entry Level Group
Drug Court Booklet
The Power of Self Talk (5 weeks at Counselor
Discretion) 21Counselor to input sequence of
material presented here as it occurs in group.
Topic: Warning Signs that lead to trouble , Anger
( Home work: Pg 44-47 of drug court work book)
Supplemental Handouts – “Addictive Beliefs” and
“Reframing your Automatic thoughts”.
Marijuana – Escape to Nowhere
CNS – Use, Abuse and Addiction
The physiology, Neurochemistry and Sociology
of Drugs and Compulsive Behaviors
Alcohol Video: 16:50 (disk 2 – chapter 6)
Present Power Point Slide Presentation with
support from Word Narrative
Present Overview and Outline as needed
Key words and phrases
Client worksheet folder exercises
Matrix Early recovery skills session # 11
Video topic: Cross addiction-the back door to
(Handout # 13 )
Handout #15 (Questions for Marijuana – Escape
to Nowhere
Drug Court Booklet
Topic: Warning Signs that lead to troubleaccusations, boredom, dishonesty
( Home work: Pg 48-51 of drug court workbook)
Entry Level Group
The Power of Self Talk (5 weeks at Counselor
Discretion) Counselor to input sequence of
material presented here as it occurs in group.
Supplemental Handouts – “Addictive Beliefs” and
“Reframing your Automatic thoughts”.
CNS – Use, Abuse and Addiction
Topic: A Mothers Desperation
( HBO Video Series on Addiction)
Drug Court Booklet
The physiology, Neurochemistry and Sociology
of Drugs and Compulsive Behaviors
Video: (Other Drugs – Other addictions) 19:55
(disk 2 – chapter 7)
Present Power Point Slide Presentation with
support from Word Narrative
Present Overview and Outline as needed
Key words and phrases
Client worksheet folder exercises
Week 14
Beginning on Disc 1 - Ending session on Disc 4
Topic: Keeping Track: Responsible lifestyle
calendars, Weekly Progress reports to the judge.
( Home work: Pg 52-57 & 67 of drug court
Entry Level Group
The Power of Self Talk (5 weeks at Counselor
Discretion) Counselor to input sequence of
material presented here as it occurs in group.
South Boston Drug Court
(Disk 4 – 2nd to last Vignette from HBO Series on
Supplemental Handouts – “Addictive Beliefs” and
“Reframing your Automatic thoughts”.
CNS – Use, Abuse and Addiction
Family Group: Family Dynamics & Codependency
The physiology, Neurochemistry and Sociology
of Drugs and Compulsive Behaviors
Client will gain understanding of the roles family
members play.
Video: (Prevention) 19:00 (disk 1 – chapter 8)
Present Power Point Slide Presentation with
support from Word Narrative
Present Overview and Outline as needed
Key words and phrases
Client worksheet folder exercises
Entry Level Group
CNS – Use, Abuse and Addiction
The physiology, Neurochemistry and Sociology
of Drugs and Compulsive Behaviors
Family Group - Abusive Relationships - Client will
gain an understanding of the different types of
abuse and how it impacts the whole family.
Video: (Treatment) 13:43 (disk 1 – chapter 9)
Present Power Point Slide Presentation with
support from Word Narrative
Present Overview and Outline as needed
Key words and phrases
Client worksheet folder exercises
Entry Level Group
The Power of Self Talk (5 weeks at Counselor
Discretion) Counselor to input sequence of
material presented here as it occurs in group.
My Name is Bill W – The Power of the 12 Steps
Video on Founders of Alcoholics Anonymous
(Process after 60 minutes of video)
The Power of Self Talk (5 weeks at Counselor
Discretion) Counselor to input sequence of
material presented here as it occurs in group.
Supplemental Handouts – “Addictive Beliefs” and
“Reframing your Automatic thoughts”.
My Name is Bill W – The Power of the 12 Steps
Video on Founders of Alcoholics Anonymous
(Process after 60 minutes of video)
Supplemental Handouts – “Addictive Beliefs” and
“Reframing your Automatic thoughts”.
CNS – Use, Abuse and Addiction
Family Group - Manipulation & Emotional
Blackmail: How the dysfunctional family uses
manipulation to control others and how
emotional blackmail fits in.
Earl Hightower (From NADCP
The physiology, Neurochemistry and Sociology
of Drugs and Compulsive Behaviors
Video: (Mental Health & Drugs) 16:20 (disk 1 –
chapter 10)
Present Power Point Slide Presentation with
support from Word Narrative
Present Overview and Outline as needed
Key words and phrases
Client worksheet folder exercises
Neurotransmission Fact Sheet –
Recovery Bingo (with Prizes)
Post Acute Withdrawal Handout
Terrance Gorski with Lee Jamison
Supplemental Materials - The Recipe for Raising
Drug-Free Kids: Frequent Family Dinners
Entry Level Group
The Power of Self Talk (5 weeks at Counselor
Discretion) Counselor to input sequence of
material presented here as it occurs in group.
Supplemental Handouts – “Addictive Beliefs” and
“Reframing your Automatic thoughts”.
Family Group - Problem solving within the family
How to do problem solving and why it is
important within the family.
Supplemental Materials - Good Parenting
Creates Drug Free Kids Entry Level Group
The Power of Self Talk (5 weeks at Counselor
Discretion) Counselor to input sequence of
material presented here as it occurs in group.
Supplemental Handouts – “Addictive Beliefs” and
“Reframing your Automatic thoughts”.
Family Group – Boundaries: The difference
between healthy and unhealthy boundaries and
the importance of setting boundaries, both for
self and family.
Supplemental Materials - Research: Good
Parenting Can Prevent Drug Use, Aid Brain
Entry Level Group
Refusal Skills – From the Living Skills Series
3 Sessions with Workbook (Counselor Discretion
– utilize as needed (input outcome of material
covered here)
The Power of Recovery
With follow-up group process
Review “The 12-Steps of AA and Basic
Elements of the Psychotherapeutic
Process: A comparison
Process and utilize Glossary with
Recovery Terms
Turn into Bingo
Week 19
Opiate Addiction: Understanding
Replacement Therapy and Opiate
Addiction (HBO Video Series on
Addiction – (Disk 4 – Vignette )
Family Group – Healthy Relationships &
An Interview with Mark Whillenberg, M.D.
What are healthy relationships and how to
develop them within the family which includes
good communication skills.
From HBO Video Series on Addiction
(Disk 3 – Vignette 2)
Discusses the different factors that can lead to
alcoholism, including genetics and psychiatric
Entry Level Group
Refusal Skills – From the Living Skills Series
3 Sessions with Workbook
Counselor Discretion – utilize as needed (input
outcome of material covered here)
Week 20
An Interview with Kathleen Brady, M.D., Ph. D.
Discusses the prevalence of Co-Occurring
Disorders, their natural co-occurrence, and the
need to treat simultaneously.
Family Group - Taking Control of Your Life & the
7 Habits of a Successful Person
Being honest, open, doing the right thing which
includes developing habits that will bring success
Mark Windholm (75 minutes)
A Comedy of Substance
Second Half of Group to process aspects of video
Entry Level Group
Refusal Skills – From the Living Skills Series
3 Sessions with Workbook (Counselor Discretion
– utilize as needed (input outcome of material
covered here)
Supplemental Material: Hazelden videos on addiction.
Tuesday – Making Changes (Change Company – EBP)
Thursday-Thinking for a Change-EBP
Making Changes (A component of Starting Point) Staff to utilize supplemental material as
deemed appropriate for different sections of curriculum(s). Please enter respective
material from brochure and supplemental material used with each session here for
discussion in formulation of curriculum.
Type: Process
Supplemental Material (The Stages of Change [depiction] – making changes – static and
dynamic factors of change – Change Requiring a Temporary Surrender of Security and
change and insecurity – Appropriate Motivational Strategies for each Stage of Change)
Values Clarification – What’s Important to You?
Related to “7 Examples of Particularly Powerful Questions
Denial (Explaining and examining defense mechanisms – Supplemental (Anna Freud)
Supplemental Material for Groups (from Jeff) - Pessimism and Negativity
Building Healthy Boundaries - The Story of the Pessimist and the Optimist
Stress Reduction - Cognitive Distortions - Cognitive Restructuring
Making Changes (A component of Starting Point) Staff to utilize supplemental material as
deemed appropriate for different sections of curriculum(s). Please enter respective
material from brochure and supplemental material used with each session here for
discussion in formulation of curriculum.
Thinking for a Change
Topic: Our thinking controls how we act
(Thinking report)
Supplemental Material (The Stages of Change [depiction] – making changes – static and
dynamic factors of change – Change Requiring a Temporary Surrender of Security and
change and insecurity – Appropriate Motivational Strategies for each Stage of Change)
Values Clarification – What’s Important to You?
Related to “7 Examples of Particularly Powerful Questions
Denial (Explaining and examining defense mechanisms – Supplemental (Anna Freud)
Supplemental Material for Groups (from Jeff) - Pessimism and Negativity
Building Healthy Boundaries - The Story of the Pessimist and the Optimist
Stress Reduction - Cognitive Distortions - Cognitive Restructuring
Making Changes (A component of Starting Point) Staff to utilize supplemental material as
deemed appropriate for different sections of curriculum(s). Please enter respective
material from brochure and supplemental material used with each session here for
discussion in formulation of curriculum.
Thinking for a Change
Paying attention to our thinking
( Thinking report)
Supplemental Material (The Stages of Change [depiction] – making changes – static and
dynamic factors of change – Change Requiring a Temporary Surrender of Security and
change and insecurity – Appropriate Motivational Strategies for each Stage of Change)
Values Clarification – What’s Important to You?
Related to “7 Examples of Particularly Powerful Questions
Denial (Explaining and examining defense mechanisms – Supplemental (Anna Freud)
Supplemental Material for Groups (from Jeff) - Pessimism and Negativity
Building Healthy Boundaries - The Story of the Pessimist and the Optimist
Stress Reduction - Cognitive Distortions - Cognitive Restructuring
TYPE: Process
TYPE: Process
Thinking for a Change
Topic: Recognizing thinking that leads to trouble
(Thinking report)
Making Changes (A component of Starting Point) Staff to utilize supplemental material as
deemed appropriate for different sections of curriculum(s). Please enter respective
material from brochure and supplemental material used with each session here for
discussion in formulation of curriculum.
TYPE: Process
Supplemental Material (The Stages of Change [depiction] – making changes – static and
dynamic factors of change – Change Requiring a Temporary Surrender of Security and
change and insecurity – Appropriate Motivational Strategies for each Stage of Change)
Values Clarification – What’s Important to You?
Related to “7 Examples of Particularly Powerful Questions
Denial (Explaining and examining defense mechanisms – Supplemental (Anna Freud)
Supplemental Material for Groups (from Jeff) - Pessimism and Negativity
Building Healthy Boundaries - The Story of the Pessimist and the Optimist
Stress Reduction - Cognitive Distortions - Cognitive Restructuring
Making Changes (A component of Starting Point) Staff to utilize supplemental material as
deemed appropriate for different sections of curriculum(s). Please enter respective
material from brochure and supplemental material used with each session here for
discussion in formulation of curriculum.
Thinking for a Change
Topic: Finding new thinking
(Thinking report)
Supplemental Material (The Stages of Change [depiction] – making changes – static and
dynamic factors of change – Change Requiring a Temporary Surrender of Security and
change and insecurity – Appropriate Motivational Strategies for each Stage of Change)
Values Clarification – What’s Important to You?
Related to “7 Examples of Particularly Powerful Questions
Denial (Explaining and examining defense mechanisms – Supplemental (Anna Freud)
Supplemental Material for Groups (from Jeff) - Pessimism and Negativity
Building Healthy Boundaries - The Story of the Pessimist and the Optimist
Stress Reduction - Cognitive Distortions - Cognitive Restructuring
Making Changes (A component of Starting Point) Staff to utilize supplemental material as
deemed appropriate for different sections of curriculum(s). Please enter respective
material from brochure and supplemental material used with each session here for
discussion in formulation of curriculum.
Thinking for a Change
Topic: Using thinking check ins
(Thinking report)
Supplemental Material (The Stages of Change [depiction] – making changes – static and
dynamic factors of change – Change Requiring a Temporary Surrender of Security and
change and insecurity – Appropriate Motivational Strategies for each Stage of Change)
Values Clarification – What’s Important to You?
Related to “7 Examples of Particularly Powerful Questions
Denial (Explaining and examining defense mechanisms – Supplemental (Anna Freud)
Supplemental Material for Groups (from Jeff) - Pessimism and Negativity
Building Healthy Boundaries - The Story of the Pessimist and the Optimist
Stress Reduction - Cognitive Distortions - Cognitive Restructuring
TYPE: Process
TYPE: Process
Thinking for a Change
Topic: Knowing your feelings
Making Changes (A component of Starting Point) Staff to utilize supplemental material as
deemed appropriate for different sections of curriculum(s). Please enter respective
material from brochure and supplemental material used with each session here for
discussion in formulation of curriculum.
TYPE: Process
Supplemental Material (The Stages of Change [depiction] – making changes – static and
dynamic factors of change – Change Requiring a Temporary Surrender of Security and
change and insecurity – Appropriate Motivational Strategies for each Stage of Change)
Values Clarification – What’s Important to You?
Related to “7 Examples of Particularly Powerful Questions
Denial (Explaining and examining defense mechanisms – Supplemental (Anna Freud)
Supplemental Material for Groups (from Jeff) - Pessimism and Negativity
Building Healthy Boundaries - The Story of the Pessimist and the Optimist
Stress Reduction - Cognitive Distortions - Cognitive Restructuring
Making Changes (A component of Starting Point) Staff to utilize supplemental material as
deemed appropriate for different sections of curriculum(s). Please enter respective
material from brochure and supplemental material used with each session here for
discussion in formulation of curriculum.
Thinking for a Change
Topic: Understanding the feelings of others
Supplemental Material (The Stages of Change [depiction] – making changes – static and
dynamic factors of change – Change Requiring a Temporary Surrender of Security and
change and insecurity – Appropriate Motivational Strategies for each Stage of Change)
Values Clarification – What’s Important to You?
Related to “7 Examples of Particularly Powerful Questions
Denial (Explaining and examining defense mechanisms – Supplemental (Anna Freud)
Supplemental Material for Groups (from Jeff) - Pessimism and Negativity
Building Healthy Boundaries - The Story of the Pessimist and the Optimist
Stress Reduction - Cognitive Distortions - Cognitive Restructuring
Making Changes (A component of Starting Point) Staff to utilize supplemental material as
deemed appropriate for different sections of curriculum(s). Please enter respective
material from brochure and supplemental material used with each session here for
discussion in formulation of curriculum.
Supplemental Material (The Stages of Change [depiction] – making changes – static and
dynamic factors of change – Change Requiring a Temporary Surrender of Security and
change and insecurity – Appropriate Motivational Strategies for each Stage of Change)
Values Clarification – What’s Important to You?
Related to “7 Examples of Particularly Powerful Questions
Denial (Explaining and examining defense mechanisms – Supplemental (Anna Freud)
Supplemental Material for Groups (from Jeff) - Pessimism and Negativity
Building Healthy Boundaries - The Story of the Pessimist and the Optimist
Stress Reduction - Cognitive Distortions - Cognitive Restructuring
TYPE: Process
Thinking for a Change
Topic: Responding to the feelings of others
TYPE: Process
Thinking for a Change
Topic: Preparing for a stressful conversation
Making Changes (A component of Starting Point) Staff to utilize supplemental material as
deemed appropriate for different sections of curriculum(s). Please enter respective
material from brochure and supplemental material used with each session here for
discussion in formulation of curriculum.
TYPE: Process
Supplemental Material (The Stages of Change [depiction] – making changes – static and
dynamic factors of change – Change Requiring a Temporary Surrender of Security and
change and insecurity – Appropriate Motivational Strategies for each Stage of Change)
Values Clarification – What’s Important to You?
Related to “7 Examples of Particularly Powerful Questions
Denial (Explaining and examining defense mechanisms – Supplemental (Anna Freud)
Supplemental Material for Groups (from Jeff) - Pessimism and Negativity
Building Healthy Boundaries - The Story of the Pessimist and the Optimist
Stress Reduction - Cognitive Distortions - Cognitive Restructuring
Roots of Addiction – Video: Drug and Behavioral compulsions (32 Minutes)
(From CNS Productions)
Thinking for a Change
Topic: Responding to Anger
Second Half of Group – Process Video
Values and Personal Responsibilities (3 – groups – Living Skills Series)
Delivered at counselors discretion – However, Please enter respective material from
brochure and supplemental material used with each session here for discussion in
formulation of curriculum.
Values and Personal Responsibilities (3 – groups – Living Skills Series)
Delivered at counselors discretion – However, Please enter respective material from
brochure and supplemental material used with each session here for discussion in
formulation of curriculum.
Values and Personal Responsibilities (3 – groups – Living Skills Series)
Delivered at counselors discretion – However, Please enter respective material from
brochure and supplemental material used with each session here for discussion in
formulation of curriculum.
TYPE: Process
Thinking for a Change
Topic: Dealing with an accusation
TYPE: Process
Thinking for a Change
Topic: Introduction to problem solving
TYPE: Process
Thinking for a Change
Topic: Step 1- Stop and Think
TYPE: Process
Thinking for a Change
Topic: Step 3- Getting information to set a goal
DENIAL Brochure ( 2 weeks at counselor discretion)l
TYPE: Process
Supplemental information from Anna Freud and Therapy Cards to help clients gain insight
and understanding that decreases resistance
Counselors to input material covered here…
DENIAL Brochure ( 2 weeks at counselor discretion)l
Supplemental information from Anna Freud and Therapy Cards to help clients gain insight
and understanding that decreases resistance
Counselors to input material covered here…
Thinking for a Change
Topic: Step 5 – Choose , plan do
TYPE: Process
Thinking for a Change
Topic: Self evaluation- what else can I do