I. Introduction to Wave Propagation • • • • Waves on transmission lines Plane waves in one dimension Reflection and transmission at junctions Spatial variations for harmonic time dependence • Impedance transformations in space • Effect of material conductivity July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 1 Waves on Transmission Lines • Equivalent circuits using distributed C and L • Characteristic wave solutions • Power flow July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 2 Examples of Transmission Lines I(z,t) Two-Wire Line (Twisted Pair) + V(z,t) - z Coaxial Line I(z,t) + V(z,t) Conductors Dielectric Strip Line July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 3 Properties of Transmission Lines (TL’s) • Two wires having a uniform cross-section in one (z) dimension • Electrical quantities consist of voltage V(z,t) and current I(z,t) that are functions of distance z along the line and time t • Lines are characterized by distributed capacitance C and inductance L between the wires – C and L depend on the shape and size of the conductors and the material between them July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 4 Capacitance of a Small Length of Line Open circuit I(t) + E V(t) l The two wires act as a capacitor. Voltage applied to the wires induces a charge on the wires, whose time derivative is the current. Since the total charge, and hence the current, is proportional to the length l of the wires. Let the constant of proportionality be C Farads/meter. Then dV (t) I(t) Cl dt July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 5 Inductance of a Small Length of Line B I(t) Short circuit + V(t) l The wire acts as a one - turn coil. Current applied to the wires induces a magnetic field throught the loop, whose time derivative generates the voltage. The amount of magnetic flux (magnetic field area), and hence the voltage, is proportional to the length l of the wires. Let the constant of proportality be L Henrys/meter. Then dI(t) V(t) Ll dt July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 6 C and L for an Air Filled Coaxial Line C a b 2o ln b a L o ln b a 2 109 Permittivity of vacuum : o Farads/m 36 Permeability of vacuum : o 4 107 Henrys/m Suppose that a 0.5 mm and b 2 mm. Then 2 o 40.1 pF/m ln 4 Note that C and 1 1 8 3 10 m/s and LC o o July, 2003 L o ln 4 0.277 H/m 2 L ln b a o ln 4 377 83.2 C 2 o 2 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 7 C and L for Parallel Plate Line w h z w h Note that for air between the plates C 1 1 3 10 8 m/s LC o o July, 2003 h w o and o so that L L h C w © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni o h 377 o w 8 Two-Port Equivalent Circuit of Length Dz I(z,t) + V(z,t) z I(z,t) + V(z,t) z + LDz Kirchhoff circuit equations I(z,t) V(z,t) LDz V (z Dz,t) t or V(z Dz,t) V (z,t) I(z,t) L Dz t July, 2003 z+Dz I(z +Dz,t) C Dz V(z+Dz,t) I(z,t) CDz V (z Dz,t) I(z Dz,t) t I(z Dz,t) I(z,t) V (z Dz,t) C Dz t © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 9 Transmission Line Equations Taking the limit as Dz 0 gives the Transmission Line Equations V (z,t) I(z,t) L z t I(z,t) V (z,t) C z t These are coupled, first order, partial differential equations whose solutions are in terms of functions F(t - z/v) and G(t z /v) that are determined by the sources. The solutions for voltage and current are of the form 1 V(z,t) F(t - z/v) + G(t z /v) I(z,t) F (t - z/v) - G(t z /v) Z Direct substitution into the TL Equations, and using the chain rule gives 1 1 F'(t - z/v) - G'(t z /v) L F '(t - z/v) - G'(t z /v) v Z 1 F'(t - z/v) + G'(t z /v) CF'(t - z/v) + G'(t z /v) vZ where the prime (' ) indicates differentiation with respect to the total variable inside the parentheses of F or G. July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 10 Conditions for Existence of TL Solution For the two equations to be satisfied 1 L 1 and C v Z vZ Multiplying both sides of the two equations gives v 1 LC or 2 vZ Z 1 m/s LC Dividing both sides of the two equations gives vZ L or v ZC L Z C v and Z are interpreted as the wave velocity and wave impedance. July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 11 F(t-z/v) Is a Wave Traveling in +z Direction Assume that G(t z /v) 0 Then the voltage and current are t=0 V(z,0)=F[(-1/v)(z)] V(z,t) F(t z /v) F (1 v)(z vt) I(z,t) 1 1 F(t z /v) F (1 v)(z vt) Z Z F(t z /v) represents a wave disturbance traveling in the positive z direction with velocity v. a -a t>0 Note that the current in the conductor at positive potential flows in the direction of wave propagation. July, 2003 z © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni V(z,t)=F[(-1/v)(z-vt)] a+vt z -a+vt vt 12 G(t+z/v) Is a Wave Traveling in -z Direction Assume that F(t z /v) 0 Then the voltage and current are t=0 V(z,0)=G[(1/v)(z)] V(z,t) G(t z /v) G(1 v)(z vt) I(z,t) a 2a z 1 1 G(t z /v) G(1 v)(z vt) Z Z G(t z /v) represents a wave disturbance traveling in the negative z direction with velocity v. Because of the minus sign in I(z,t), the t>0 2a-vt z -vt physical current in the conductor at positive potential flows in the direction of wave propagation. July, 2003 V(z,t)=G[(1/v)(z+vt)] © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni a-vt 13 Example of Source Excitation Excitation at one end of a semi - infinite length of transmission line. Source has open circuit voltage VS (t) and internal resistance RS . Radiation condition requires that excited waves travel away from source. Terminal conditions at z 0 : VS (t) RS I(0,t) V (0,t) 1 RS F(t) F (t) Z Z or F(t) VS (t) Z RS RS I(0,t) VS(t) + V(0,t) z 0 VS (t) RS I(0,t) V(0,t) 1 RS G(t) G(t) Z Z or G(t) VS (t) Z RS July, 2003 ∞ I(0,t) ∞ + V(0,t) 0 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni RS VS(t) z 14 Receive Voltage Further Along Line Voltage observed on a high impedance scope at a distance V(l,t) F (t l v) Z VS (t l v) Z RS Delayed version of the source voltage l from source. Scope RS VS(t) + V(l,t) ∞ with the semi - infinite line acting as a z load resisor for the source. V(l,t) Gt ( l v) 0 Z V (t l v) Z RS S Delayed version of the source voltage with the semi - infinite line acting as a ∞ load resisor for the source. July, 2003 l Scope + V(-l,t) -l © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni RS 0 VS(t) z 15 Power Carried by Waves P(z,t) Instantaneous power P(z,t) carried past plane perpendicular to z. I(z,t) V(z,t) P(z,t) V (z,t)I(z,t) z 1 F(t z v) G(t z v) F(t z v) G(t z v) Z 1 F 2 (t z v) G 2 (t z v) Z The two waves carry power independently in the direction of wave propagation For each wave, a transmission line extending to z acts as a resistor of value Z, even though the wires were assumed to have no resistance. July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 16 Summary of Solutions for TL’s • Solutions for V and I consists of the sum of the voltages and current of two waves propagating in ±z directions • For either wave, the physical current flows in the direction of propagation in the positive wire • Semi-infinite segment of TL appears at its terminals as a resistance of value Z (even though the wires are assumed to have no resistance) • The waves carry power independently in the direction of wave propagation July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 17 Plane Waves in One Dimension • Electric and magnetic fields in terms of voltage and current • Maxwell’s equations for 1-D propagation • Plane wave solutions • Power and polarization July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 18 Electric Field and Voltage for Parallel Plates w x Ex(z,t) z h + V(z,t) - y The electric field goes from the positive plate to the negative plate. If w >> h, the electric field outside of the plates is very small. Between the plates it is nearly constant over the cross - section with value 1 E x (z,t) V (z,t) Volts/m or V (z,t) hE x (z,t). h w Recall that C . h July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 19 Magnetic Field and Current for Parallel Plates w x I(z,t) h z y Hy(z,t) or By(z,t) The magnetic field links the currents in the plates. If w >> h, the magnetic field outside of the plates is very small. Between the plates it is nearly constant over the cross - section, as if in a solenoid, with value Hy (z,t) 1 By (z,t) Recall that L July, 2003 1 1 I(z,t) I(z,t) Amps/m or I(z,t) wH y (z,t). w w h . w © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 20 Maxwell’s Equations in 1-D Inserting the foregoing expressions for Transmission Line equations h hE x (z,t) wHy (z,t) z w t V(z,t), C, I(z,t) and L into the w wH y (z,t) hE x (z,t) z h t or E x (z,t) H y (z,t) z t H y (z,t) E x (z,t) z t These are the two Maxwell equations for linearly polarized wave propagating in 1- D. They are independent of ( h,w) and refer to the fields. We may think of the plates as being taken to ( considered. x,y) so they need not be The field are in the form of a plane wave, which covers all space and is a simple approximation for fields in a limited region of space, such as a laser beam. July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 21 Plane Waves: Solutions to Maxwell Equations Maxwell' s equations are formally equivalent to the Transmission Line Equations The solution is therefore in terms of two wave traveling in opposite directions along z . E x (z,t) F (t z /v) G(t z /v) In air v 1 o o H y (z,t) 1 F(t z /v) G(t z /v) c 3 108 m/s is the speed of light and o 377 o is the wave impedance. For waves in simple dielectric medium, o is multiplied by the relative dielectric constant r . r 1, but it can be a function of frequency. As and example, in water at radio frequencies (below 20 GHz) r 81, but at optical frequencies r 1.78. For normal media July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 22 Power Density Carried by Plane Waves Total instantaneous power carried in parallel plate line P(z,t) V (z,t)I(z,t) hE x (z,t)wHy (z,t) hwE x (z,t)H y (z,t) watts E Power density crossing any plane perpendicular to z is p(z,t) P(z,t) hw E x (z,t)H y (z,t) watt/m 1 F 2 Direction of propagation 2 H (t z /v) G 2 (t z /v) Direction of H y is such that turning a right hand screw in the direction from E x to Hy advances the screw in the direction of propagation July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 23 Polarization The physical properties of a plane wave are independent of the coordinate system. For a plane wave traveing in one direction : Electric field vector E must be perpedicular to the direction of propagation. Magnetic field vector H must be perpedicular to E and to the direction of propagation. The vector cross product p E H watt/m 2 is in the direction of propagation. The ratio E H is the wave impedance . July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 24 Examples of Polarization Linear polaization of E along x Linear polaization of E along y E a x cos (t z /v) E a y sin (t z /v) 1 H a y cos (t z /v) H ax E 1 sin (t z /v) x x z ax = unit vector along ay = unit vector along H x y z E y H y Circular polarization E a x cos (t z /v) a y sin (t z /v) H July, 2003 1 a y cos (t z /v) ax sin (t z /v) © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 25 Summary of Plane Waves • Plane waves are polarized with fields E and H perpendicular to each other and to the direction of propagation • Wave velocity is the speed of light in the medium • ExH watts/m2 is the power density carried by a plane wave July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 26 Reflection and Transmission at Junctions • Junctions between different propagation media • Reflection and transmission coefficients for 1-D propagation • Conservation of power, reciprocity • Multiple reflection/transmission July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 27 Junctions Between Two Regions Terminal condtions for the I(0-,t) Junction of two TL' s V(0 ,t) V (0 ,t) TL 1 I(0 ,t) I(0 ,t) V(0-,t) I(0+,t) + V(0+,t) TL 2 0 Boundary conditions at the interface of two media z x E x (0,t) E x (0 ,t) Ex(0-,t) Ex(0+,t) Hy(0-,t) Hy(0+,t) H y (0,t) H y (0 ,t) Plane wave propagation and boundary conditions are analogus Medium 1 z Medium 2 to junctioning of two TL' s July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 28 Reflection and Transmission Incident wave x ExIn(z,t)=F1(t-z/v1) HyIn(z,t) Transmitted wave z Reflected wave v1 and 1 v2 and 2 A source creates an incident wave whose electric field is given by the known function F1 (t - z/v 1 ). Using the boundary conditions we solve for the unknown functions G1 (t + z/v 1 ) and F2 (t - z/v 2 ) for the electric fields of the reflected and transmitted waves : E x (0,t) F1 (t) + G1 (t) F2 (t) E x (0 ,t) Hy (0 ,t) July, 2003 1 1 F1 (t) - G1 (t) © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 1 2 F2 (t) H y (0 ,t) 29 Reflection and Transmission Coefficients Solution of the boundary condition equations for G1 (t) and F2 (t) in terms of F1 (t) G1 (t) F1 (t) F2 (t) F1 (t) The reflection coefficient 2 1 2 1 Examples : and transmission coefficient are given by : 2 2 1 2 1 I. Suppose medium 1 is air so that relative dielectric constant from air - to - dielectric July, 2003 1 o o 377 and medium 2 has r 4 so that 2 o ro 0.5. Then going ad 0.5 1 1 2 and ad 1 0.5 3 3 3 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 30 Reflection and Transmission, cont. II. Now suppose the wave is incident from the dielectric onto air so that medium 1 is the dielectric 1 0.5 and medium 2 is air 2 . Then going from 0.5 1 1 4 dielectic - to - air, da and ad 1 0.5 3 3 3 Note that : 1. da ad 2. Since T is the ratio of fields, July, 2003 not power, it can be greater than 1. © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 31 Reflected and Transmitted Power Instantaneous power carried by the incident wave p In (z,t), the reflected wave pRe (z,t), and the transmitted wave pTr (z,t) 1 pIn (z,t) E xIn (z,t)H yIn (z,t) F12 (t z v1 ) 1 pRe (z,t) E xRe (z,t)HyRe (z,t) pTr(z,t) E xTr(z,t)H Tr y (z,t) Just on either side of the interface pRe (0,t) July, 2003 1 1 G12 (t) 2 1 1 F12 (t) 1 1 1 2 G12 (t z v1 ) F22 (t z v1 ) 1 2 F1 (t) as well as Z1 1 1 pTr (0 ,t) F22 (t) 2 F1 2 (t) p In (0,t) and © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 2 2 32 Conservation of Power and Reciprocity p In (0,t) p Re(0 ,t) pTr(0 ,t) so that Conservation of power requires that 1 1 F1 2 (t) 2 1 1 F12 (t) 2 1 2 F12 (t) 1 2 2 or 1 2 This relation is easily shown to be satisfied from the expressions for For waves going from medium 2 to medium 1, , . the reflection coefficient 12 is the negative of 21 going from medium 1 to medium 2. Thus for either pRe (0,t) pTr (0 ,t) case the ratios and 1 2 are the same. In In p (0 ,t) p (0 ,t) Therefore the same fraction of the incident power is reflected from and 2 transmitted through the interface for waves incident from either medium. This result is an example of a very general wave property called reciprocity. July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 33 Termination of a Transmission Line Terminal condtions V(0,t) RL I(0,t) RL F(t) G(t) F(t) G(t) Z Solving for G(t) in terms of F (t), I(0-,t) TL V(0-,t) + RL 0 z G(t) F(t) where the reflection R Z coefficient is L RL Z Special cases : 1. Matched termination, RL Z and 0. Simulates a semi - infinite TL 2. Open circuit, RL and 1. Total reflection with V (0,t) 2F (t). 3. Short circuit, RL 0 and 1. Total reflection with V (0,t) 0. July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 34 Reflections at Multiple Interfaces x Incident wave ExIn(z,t)=F1(t-z/v1) Transmitted waves HyIn (z,t) Reflected waves 0 l z Multiple internal reflections v1 and 1 v2 and 2 v3 and 3 Multiple internal reflections occur within the finite thickness layer. These internal waves generate multiple reflected waves in medium 1 and multiple transmitted waves in medium 3. July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 35 Scattering Diagram for a Layer 1 2l/v2 4l/v2 t l z Space - time diagram indicates the relative amplitudes of the electric field of the individual components of the multiply reflected waves. In adding fields, account must be taken of the relative delay between the different components. July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 36 Summary of Reflection and Transmission • The planar interface between two media is analogous to the junction of two transmission lines • At a single interface (junction) the equation T = 1 + is a statement of the continuity of electric field (voltage) • The ratio of reflected to incident power = • Power is conserved so that the ratio of transmitted to incident power = 1 - • The reciprocity condition implies that reflected and transmitted power are the same for incidence from either medium • At multiple interfaces, delayed multiple interactions complicate the description of the reflected and transmitted fields for arbitrary time dependence July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 37 Spatial Variations for Harmonic Time Dependence • Traveling and standing wave representations of the z dependence • Period average power • Impedance transformations to account for layered materials • Frequency dependence of reflection from a layer July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 38 Harmonic Time Dependence at z = 0 Suppose that the voltage and current (or E x and H y fields) have harmonic time dependence exp( jt) at z 0. Then V(0,t) V (0)e jt F(t) G(t) 1 j t I(0,t) I(0)e F(t) G(t) Z where V (0) and I(0) are the complex voltage and current at z 0. The functions F(t) and G(t) can satisfy these equations only if they too have harmonic time dependence. Hence F(t) V e jt and where V 12 V (0) ZI(0) and V G(t) = V e jt 1 2 V (0) Z I(0) voltage amplitudes of the waves traveling in the July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni are the complex z directions. 39 Traveling Wave Representation At other locations z 0 V(z,t) F(t z v) G(t z v) V exp j (t z v) V exp j (t z v) V e jz v V e jz v e jt V (z)e jt 1 1 F(t z v) G(t z v) V exp j (t z v) V exp j (t z v) Z Z 1 j z v V e V e j z v e jt I(z)e jt Z Here V (z) is the phasor voltage and I(z) is the phasor current, which give the I(z,t) spatial variation for the implied time dependence Define the wave number (propagation constant) exp( jt). 1 k v m . Then 1 jkz jkz V e V e Z is the traveling wave representation of phasor voltage and current. jkz V (z) V e July, 2003 jkz V e and I(z) © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 40 Standing Wave Representation Substituting the expressions for V and V in terms of V (0) and I(0), and rearranging terms gives the standing wave representation of the phasor voltage and current : V(z) 12 V (0)e jkz e jkz 12 Z I(0)e jkz e jkz V (0)cos kz jZI(0)sin kz I(z) 1 V (0)e jkz e jkz 12 I(0)e jkz e jkz I(0)cos kz j V (0)sin kz Z Z 1 2 The wavenumber is k v 2f v 2 where is the wavelength v f 2 k For plane waves in a dielectric medium July, 2003 k © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 41 Variation of the Voltage Magnitude For V 0 we have a pure traveling For I(0) 0 we have a pure standing wave V (z) V e jkz . The magnitude wave V (z) V(0)cos kz. Its magnitude V (z) V e jkz = V V (z) V (0) coskz is periodic with is independent period k 2. of z. V (z) V (z) |V+| V (0) z July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 0 z 42 Standing Wave Before a Conductor Incident wave x ExIn(z) HyIn(z) Plane wave incident on a perfectly Perfect conduticng plate and the equivalent conductor circuit of a shorted TL 0 ExRe(z) z The standing wave field is E x (z) 12 ISC e jkz e jkz Reflected wave jI SC sin kz Two waves of equal amplitude and ISC , v short 0 July, 2003 E x (0) 0 and H y (0) I SC traveling in opposite directions create a standing wave. z © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 43 Standing Wave Before a Conductor, cont. Plot of the magnitude of the standing wave field E x (z) ISC sin kz ISC -z Since k v 2f v 2 the nodes (zeros) of the field are separated by a distance July, 2003 k Dz or Dz k 2 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 44 Period Averaged Power For harmonic time dependence on a TL, of the instantaneous power is the time average over one period P(z) Re V (z)I (z) watts 1 2 Using the traveling wave representation 2 2 1 jkz jkz 1 jkz jkz P(z) Re V e V e V e V e V V Z 2Z Note that the average power is the algebraic sum of the power carried by the incident and reflected waves, and it is independent of z. 1 2 For harmonic plane waves In terms of traveling waves July, 2003 1 p(z) E 2 y p(z) Re E x (z)H (z) watts/m 1 2 In x 2 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni E Re x 2 2 45 Reflection From a Load Impedance For a complex load impedance ZL Z V(0) V V ZL I(0) L V V Z Solving for V in terms of V gives I(0) V(0) + ZL 0 V V where the complex reflection coefficient is ZL Z ZL Z V+ Reflected power 2 1 2 1 2 Re P V V P In 2Z 2Z July, 2003 z © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni V- ZL 0 z 46 Summary of Spatial Variation for Harmonic Time Dependence • Field variation can be represented by two traveling waves or two standing waves • The magnitude of the field for a pure traveling wave is independent of z • The magnitude of the field for a pure standing wave is periodic in z with period • The period average power is the algebraic sum of the powers carried by the traveling waves • The period average power is independent of z no matter if the wave is standing or traveling • The fraction of the incident power carried by a reflected wave is || July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 47 Impedance Transformations in Space • Impedance variation in space • Using impedance for material layers • Frequency dependence of reflection from a brick wall • Quarter wave matching layer July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 48 Defining Impedance Along a TL I(0) At z 0 the ratio of voltage to current can have some value Using the formulas for V (0) I(0) ZL V(0) + ZL ZIN V (z) and I(z) we can compute their ratio at z l. Defining this ratio as ZIN (l) we have -l 0 z V (l) V (0)cos(-kl) jZI(0)sin( kl) 1 I(l) I(0)cos(-kl) j V (0)sin(-kl) Z Dividing numerator and denominator by I(0) and rearranging gives Z cos(kl) jZsin( kl) Z jZ tan( kl) ZIN (l) Z L Z L Z cos(kl) jZL sin(kl) Z jZL tan(kl) ZIN (l) July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 49 Properties of the Impedance Transform The impedance formula Z cos(kl) jZsin( kl) Z jZ tan( kl) Z IN (l) Z L Z L Z cos(kl) jZL sin(kl) Z jZL tan(kl) shows that a length TL (or region of space) transforms an impedance to a different value. Some properties of the transformation : 1. For a matched load ZL Z, the imput impedace is matched 2. The impedance repeats Z IN Z Z IN (l) Z IN (l Dl) for k Dl or Dl k 2 3. For quarter wave displacement l 4, kl 2 and impedance inverts ZIN ( 4) Z 2 Z L 4. If ZL 0, then ZIN (l) jZtan( kl) July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 50 Using Transform for Layered Media x Incident wave ExIn(z) ExTR(z) Transmitted wave HyIn (z) 0 ExRe(z) l z Reflected wave v1 , 1 v2 , 2 v3 , 3 Z= 2 ZIN(l) July, 2003 ZL = 3 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 51 Circuit Solution for Reflection Coefficient Medium 3 acts as a load on the layer to the left. A semi - infinite TL (medium) at its terminals (accessible surface) acts as a resistor so that ZL 3 . Impedance of the finite segment of TL is segment is Z 2 . Wavenumber of this k 2 v 2 r2 oo ko r2 where ko oo is the wavenumber of free space. Input impedance at left surface of the layer is then cos(k2 l) j 2 sin( k 2 l) ZIN (l) 2 3 2 cos(k2 l) j 3 sin(k 2 l) Reflection coefficient for the wave incident from medium 1 is ZIN (l) 1 2 3 1 cos(k 2 l) j( 22 13 )sin( k 2 l) ZIN (l) 1 2 3 1 cos(k 2 l) j( 22 1 3 )sin( k2 l) July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 52 Example 1: Reflection at a Brick Wall Medium 1 and medium 3 are air 1 3 o w IN Ex H IN y o o Medium 2 is brick with r2 4 k2 2k o and 2 o 12 o r2 o Reflection coefficient for the wave incident from air is 2 3 1 cos(k2 w) j(22 1 3 )sin( k2 w) 2 3 1 cos(k2 w) j(22 13 )sin( k 2 w) j 14 o o sin( 2k o w) 2 2 j 43 sin( 2ko w) 2 2 2 1 2o cos(2ko w) j 4 o o sin( 2k o w) 2cos(2k o w) j 54 sin( 2ko w) July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 53 Example 1: Reflection at a Brick Wall, cont. Let the wall thickness be Then p Re w 30 cm so that 2k o w 4 f 8 0.3 4 fGHz 3 10 9sin 2 (4 fGHz ) p 64 cos2 (4 fGHz ) 25sin 2 (4 fGHz ) in 2 || 0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.0 1.25 Since there is no conductivity in the brick wall, power transmitted through the wall is July, 2003 1 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 1.50 1.75 2.0 fGHz the fraction of the incident 2 54 Example 2: Quarter Wave Layers x Incident wave ExIn(z) ExTR(z) Transmitted wave HyIn (z) ExRe(z) 0 z Reflected wave v1 , 1 v2 , 2 v3 , 3 l=k2)= cos(k 2 l) cos(k 2 2 4) cos( /2) 0 and so that July, 2003 sin (k2 l) sin( /2) 1 ZIN ( 2 /4) 22 / 3 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 55 Example 2: Quarter Wave Layers, cont. For this value of ZIN we have 22 13 2 2 1 3 If we choose the layer material such that 22 1 3 , then 0 and no reflection takes place. Suppose that medium 1 is air and medium 3 is glass with relative dielectric constant g For no reflection : 22 o o o 1 3 o g o r2 o Note that the layer thickness is or l July, 2003 o 4 4 g or r2 g vo 1 v2 l 2 /4 4 f 4 f r 2o o 4 f r 2 where o is the wavelength in air. © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 56 Summary of Impedance Transformation • The impedance repeats every half wavelength in space, and is inverted every quarter wavelength • Impedances can be cascaded to find the impedance seen by an incident wave • Reflection from a layer has periodic frequency dependence with minima (or maxima) separated by Df = v2/(2w) • Quarter wave layers can be used impedance matching to eliminate reflections July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 57 Effect of Material Conductivity • Equivalent circuit for accounting for conductivity • Conductivity of some common dielectrics • Effect of conductivity on wave propagation July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 58 G, C, L for Parallel Plate Line w h z If the material between the plate conducts electricity, there will be a conductance G mho/m in addition to the capacitance C farads/m and inductance L henry/m. The conductivity of a material is give by the parameter mho/m Expressions for the circuit quantities are : w w h G C L h h w July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 59 Equivalent Circuit for Harmonic Waves + I(z) V(z) z I(z) z+Dz z + V(z) jLDz j C Dz G + I(z +Dz) V(z+Dz) In the limit as Dz 0 the Kirchhoff circuit equations for the phasor voltage and current give the TL equations for harmonic time dependence dV (z) jL I(z) dz July, 2003 dI(z) G jC V (z) dz © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 60 Harmonic Fields and Maxwell’s Equations w x h + I(z) V(z) z Ex(z) y Hy(z) If w >> h, the fields between the plates are nearly constant over the cross so that the phasor circuit quantities are - section, V (z) hE x (z) and I(z) wH y (z). Substituting these exprsssions in the TL equations for harmonic time dependence, along with the expressions for G, C, L gives Maxwell' s equations dE x (z) j H y (z) dz July, 2003 dH y (z) j E x (z) dz © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 61 Maxwell’s Equations With Medium Loss With minor manipulation, Maxwell' s equations for 1 - D propagation of harmonic waves in a medium with conduction loss can be written dE x (z) and j H y (z) dz The complex equivalent dielectric constant dH y (z) ˆ E x (z) j dz ˆ is given by ˆ ro j o r j o ˆ o r j" Let " o . Then In other matierials atomic processes lead to a complex dielectric of the form o r j". These processes have a different frequency dependence for ", but have the same effect on a hamonic wave July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 62 Constants for Some Common Materials When conductivity exists, use complex dielectric constant given by = o(r - j") where " = o and o 10-9/36 Material* Lime stone wall Dry marble Brick wall Cement Concrete wall Clear glass Metalized glass Lake water Sea Water Dry soil Earth r 7.5 8.8 4 4-6 6.5 4-6 5.0 81 81 2.5 7 - 30 mho/m) 0.03 " at 1 GHz 0.54 0.22 0.02 0.36 0.3 0.08 1.2 0.005 - 0.1 2.5 45 0.013 0.23 3.3 59 --0.001 - 0.03 0.02 - 0.54 * Common materials are not well defined mixtures and often contain water. July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 63 Incorporating Material Loss Into Waves Using the equivalent complex dielectric constant, Maxwell' s equations have the same form as when no loss (conductivity) is present. The solutions therefore have the same mathematical form with ˆ. replaced by For example, the traveling wave solutions in a material are 1 E x (z) V e jkz V e jkz and H y (z) V e jkz V e jkz ˆ Here k o r j" and ˆ o r j" are complex quantities. July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 64 Wave Number and Impedance The complex wavenumber k will have real and imaginary parts k j o r j" If " is less than about r 10, we may use the approximations " or and or 2r Similarly, July, 2003 for " small, 1 j " o r j" or 2r © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 65 Effect of Loss on Traveling Waves For a wave traveling in the positive z direction E x (z) V e jkz V exp j( j )z V exp(- jz)exp(z) The presence of loss (conductivity) results in a finite value of the attenuation constant . The attenuation (decay) length is The magnitude of the field depends on z as given by 1 . E x (z) V exp( z) |V+| |V+| e z July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 66 Attenuation in dB For a traveling wave, the attenuation in units of deci - Bells is found from E x (z) V exp(z) Attn 20log 10 20log 10 V E x (0) 20 z log10 e 8.67z Thus the attenuation rate of the wave in a medium is July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 8.67 dB/m 67 Effect of Loss on Traveling Waves, cont. The instantaneous field of the wave has both sinusoidal variation over a wavelength 2 and the decay over the attenuation length 1 . For real amplitude V , the spatial variation is given by Re E x (z)e j t V Re exp j(t z)exp( z) or V+ V cos( t - z)exp( z) V+e z July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 68 Loss Damps Out Reflection in Media Traveling wave amplitude Incident wave Reflecting boundary Reflected wave z IN x E (z) V exp(z) July, 2003 Re x E (z) V exp(z) © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 69 Effect of Damping on the || for a Wall || 0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.0 fGHz With absorption in the brick wall, the interference minima are reduced and the reflection coefficient approaches that of the o first air - brick interface or B 1 3 B o The fraction of the incident power transmitted through the wall is July, 2003 1 2 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 70 Summary of Material Loss • Conductivity is represented in Maxwell’s equations by a complex equivalent dielectric constant • The wavenumber k = j and wave impedance then have imaginary parts • The attenuation length = 1/ • Loss in a medium damps out reflections within a medium July, 2003 © 2003 by H.L. Bertoni 71