The strengthening of royal power under Henry VIII and Wolsey

This unit explores the issues of power,
influence and control in society within the
Tudor period.
Three key areas to explore will be:
1. The search for international influence
in the years 1509-29 (relations with
France, Scotland and Spain).
2. The strengthening of royal power
under Henry VIII and Wolsey (the
structure of government: the role of
Wolsey to 1529 and the relations with
King, Nobility and Parliament.
3. The changes brought about in both
politics and society in the course of
the Henrician Reformation to 1540
(changing relations with the Catholic
Church and the break with Rome; the
role of parliament in the early stages of
the reformation; the roles of Cranmer
and Cromwell. The dissolution of the
Monasteries. Support for and opposition
to religious change from 1529).
• Source base exam
• Lasts 1 hr 20 minutes
• 7 – 9 unseen sources roughly 550 words
in total.
• There will be two source-based
• Question a) is worth 20 marks and is
compulsory. This will focus on reaching a
judgement by analysis, cross-reference and
evaluation of source material. No own
• Question b) is worth 40 marks and you will
have a choice from 2 questions either b (i) or
b (ii). This question will address a historical view
or claim using two sources in conjunction with
your own knowledge.
General scheme of work
Legacy of Henry VII 1485 - 1509
The Young Lion 1509 - 15
Foreign Policy 1509 - 40
Wolsey and government, 1515-23
The years of frustration, 1523-29
The King’s Great Matter, 1527-32
The Royal Supremacy, 1529-36
The Protestant Reformation, 1533-39
Thematic review of course
Henry VII’s legacy.