OHS 7th Grade Mathematics

Course Syllabus
 The course objective for seventh grade mathematics is
to successfully equip each student with the following
skills: Decimals and Integers; Exponents, Factors, and
Fractions; Equations & Inequalities; Ratios, Rates, and
Proportions; Percents; Transformational Geometry;
Geometry and Measurement; Patterns and Rules;
Graphing and the Coordinate Plane; Displaying and
Analyzing Data; Using Probability. Each student will
be required to uses the skills of reading, listening,
writing, and modeling to master, investigate, interpret,
and evaluate mathematical concepts and ideas.
First 9 Weeks:
Decimals and Integers
Exponents, Factors, and Fractions
Equations & Inequalities
Second 9 Weeks:
Ratios, Rates, and Proportions
Transformational Geometry
Third 9 Weeks:
Geometry and Measurement
Patterns and Rules
Graphing and the Coordinate Plane
Fourth 9 Weeks:
Displaying and Analyzing Data
Using Probability
 Holt McDougal . Each student will be issued their
own textbook. Textbooks will be checked periodically.
Each student is responsible for maintaining and
having their book. Each student must put a cover on
their book. You will be charged for rebinding the book
if it is damaged. The teacher will not be responsible for
textbooks left in the classroom.
The supply list for my class is as follows:
Ring Binder with Paper
Paper Reinforcements
Subject Dividers
Graph Paper
Pencils and Pencil Erasers (Lead Pencils)
Optional: Expo Markers, Copy Paper, Tissue, Paper Towels, Hand
Sanitizer, lysol, Extra Pencils, Extra Erasers, Extra Paper
 Please provide if you can
 4-Function (a.k.a. Full Function or Basic) Calculator. As long as it will
add, subtract, multiply, and divide it will be fine. You can get them for
 Note: If a student brings a printed copy of the syllabus, plus two
of the "optional," he/she will receive 100 bonus points.
 First section – DOM
 Second section – Notes/Vocabulary
 Third section – Class work
 Fourth Section – Homework
 Fifth Section – Math Journal
 The following materials will be needed on a daily
basis: paper, pencil, textbook, and a notebook.
 This scale will be used in calculating grades.
 A – 90% or better
 B – 80% to 89%
 C – 70% to 79%
 D - 60% to 69%
 F – 0% to 59%
 The nine week class grades will be calculated based
upon the following:
Exams (Assessment)
Class work/Homework (Participation)
Math Journal (Participation)
Vocabulary (Participation)
DOMS (Participation)
 The grade will be based on 90% Assessment and 10%
 Exams will be given at the end of each chapter. Each exam will
consist of: multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank, short
answer, true/false, and open-ended questions. Standard testing
procedures will be followed on test days. All questions must be
directed to the teacher by the student raising their hand. There
is to be no talking, passing notes, looking at another student’s
paper, etc. If this occurs, the student/students’ could receive a
failing grade.
 9 Week Exams – A 9 week exam will be given at the beginning
and end of each 9 weeks. The exam given at the beginning of
each 9 weeks will not be graded but rather show us where we are
at and where we can improve on as a class and individually. The
exam given at the end of each 9 weeks will be graded and will
show us how we have improved as a class and individually.
 Class work and homework will be combined for a grade based on
completion. Each student will be given time at the end of class
to complete their class work/homework. If the work is not
finished in class it will then become homework for the student to
have completed before the next class. Students are expected to
work on their assignments until dismissed from class. Class
work/homework is expected to be completed neatly, numbered,
and with all work shown. The student should label the top right
corner of each assignment with: their name, date, class and
period, and assignment (page number and problems).
 Class work/Homework that is not fully complete/worked out in
detail will not be accepted. If you let another student copy your
work, you and that person will receive a “0.” There is no right or
wrong answer as long as you can justify your answer correctly.
 Small Groups – During Class work/Homework class
time students will be placed into small groups.
Students are expected to transition into small groups
quietly and work efficiently and effectively on their
assignment. This time will allow students to: get extra
instruction from the teacher and allow students to talk
quietly to their group about what thought and
problems they may have. If you cannot remain in
small groups quietly and work on assigned material
(not getting off task and talking), you will be taken out
of small groups.
 Extra Small Group Understanding
 What to say in small groups
 Group must decided who will say something first (Keep Orderly)
 What to say or do (if you do not do these things, then you will not have an
affective small group and will not be allowed to continue with small group)
 Make a prediction
 I predict… I bet that… I think that… I wonder if…
 Ask a question
 Why did… What’s this part about… What would happen if… Do you think that…
 Clarify something that you had misunderstood
 Oh, I get it… Now I understand… No, I think this means…
 Make a comment
 This is good because… This is hard because… This is confusing because…
 Make a connection
 This reminds me of… This part is like… This is similar to… The differences are…
Small group instruction (Individual Member Job Descriptions) (Reciprocal Teaching)
 Questioner – makes connections to the lesson (text) by asking (writing) questions
 Word Builder – selects and defines vocabulary that is important to the understanding
of the lesson (text)
 Keeper – chooses details and facts that stand out in the lesson (text)
 Summarizer – describes the lesson (text) in a comprehensive and concise statement
 Rules:
Decide on which job each member will start with (each member will rotate jobs so that each
member gets a chance to do all jobs)
Read lesson (text), and write down information designated to assigned skill
3 min. to write, 2 min. to discuss findings with group
Rotate jobs (and paper) to repeat the same process on the next lesson (set of text)
Paper should be folded hamburger and hotdog style. There should be 4 papers (one for each
 Late Assignments – For every day an assignment is late, a 10% reduction will be
in place.
 Each student will complete a math journal at the
beginning and end of each class. At the beginning of
each class each student will be given a topic that they
are to write about. At the end of the class each student
will add to the topic they were given at the beginning
of the class.
 Vocabulary – Each student will be given vocabulary words that are
found within the lesson. They must then, at the beginning of class,
write what they think the definitions before they have been taught the
lesson and, at the end of class, write about what they now know the
definitions are after they have been taught the lesson. Then, each
student will discuss his/her answers within their group. Finally, to
leave class, each student will have to give/write 1 word and definition
that pertained to the lesson.
 Explanation of Process – Each student will be given the title of the
lesson that will be taught that day. They must then, at the beginning of
class, write about what they think the process of finding the solution
will be before they have been taught the lesson, and at the end of class,
write about what they now know is the process of finding the solution
after they have been taught the lesson. Then, each student will discuss
his/her answers within their group. Finally, to leave class, each student
will have to give/write 1 sentence that explained the process that
pertained to the lesson.
 “What Do I Know About” – Each student will be given the title of the
lesson that will be taught that day. They must then, at the beginning of
class, write about what they know about the lesson before they have
been taught the lesson, and at the end of class, write about what they
now know about the lesson after they have been taught the lesson.
Then, each student will discuss his/her answers within their group.
Finally, to leave class, each student will have to give/write 1 sentence
that they now know that pertained to the lesson.
 5 Word Predictions – Each student will be given 5 words that pertain to
the title of the lesson that will be taught that day. They must then, at
the beginning of class, formulate a conjecture about what they think
the title could be before they have been taught the lesson, and at the
end of class, write about how the title of the lesson and the 5 words
were connected thought the lesson. Then, each student will discuss
his/her answers within their group. Finally, to leave class, each student
will have to give/write 1 word and how it was connected to the lesson.
 Explore - Each student will be given the title of the lesson or a problem that will
be taught that day. They must then, at the beginning of class, take 2 minutes to
think about the lesson/problem, 1 minute to write about the lesson /problem, 2
minutes to talk with small group about lesson/problem, and 2 minute for
teacher explanation of lesson/problem, and at the end of class, write about
what they now know about the lesson/problem. Then, each student will
discuss his/her answers within their group. Finally, to leave class, each student
will have to give/write 1 sentence that they now know that pertained to the
 Take 2 - Each student will be given the title of the lesson that will be taught
that day. They must then, at the beginning of class, create 2 math problems
that they think will mirror the problems that will be presented in class that day
before they have been taught the lesson, and at the end of class, they must
solve the 2 math problems that they created and explain how they solved the 2
math problems after they have been taught the lesson. (If a group gets done
early, then they can create a word problem). Then, each student will discuss
his/her problems and answers within their group. Finally, to leave class, each
student will have to give/write 1 problem and answer that pertained to the
3-2-1 - Each student will be given the title of the lesson that will be taught that day. They
must then, at the beginning of class, write 3 statements that they already know about the
lesson being presented, 2 questions that they have before the lesson is presented, and 1
connection that they feel can be made between what they already know and what they
think they will be taught in the new lesson before they have been taught the lesson, and
at the end of class, write 3 statements that they now know about the lesson being
presented, answer the 2 questions that they had written previously, and 1 connection that
they now know can be made between what they knew before the lesson and what they
now know after they have been taught the lesson. Then, each student will discuss
his/her answers within their group. Finally, to leave class, each student will have to
give/write 1 statement or connection that pertained to the lesson.
 K-W-L - Each student will be given the title of the lesson that will be taught that day.
They must then, at the beginning of class, write the “K” what they know and “W” what
they want to know about the lesson before they have been taught the lesson, and at the
end of class, write the “L” what they now know (Learned) about the lesson after they have
been taught the lesson. Then, each student will discuss his/her answers within their
group. Finally, to leave class, each student will have to give/write 1 sentence that they
learned that pertained to the lesson.
 ABC Brainstorm - Each student will be given the title of the lesson that will be
taught that day. They must then, at the beginning of class, write the letters A-Z
on a sheet of paper and find as many words as they can (3-5 min) that start with
the letters of the alphabet that what they think will pertain to the lesson before
they have been taught the lesson, and at the end of class, finish filling out/re
fill out the ABC Brainstorm (3-5 min) with words that they now know pertain
to the lesson after they have been taught the lesson. Then, each student will
discuss his/her answers within their group. Finally, to leave class, each student
will have to give/write 1 word that pertained to the lesson.
 Formula – Step Summary – Each student will be given the title of the lesson
that will be taught that day. They must then, at the beginning of class,
write/list the steps to what they think the process of finding the solution will
be before they have been taught the lesson, and at the end of class, write/list
the steps to what they now know is the process of finding the solution after
they have been taught the lesson. Then, each student will discuss his/her
answers within their group. Finally, to leave class, each student will have to
give/write 1 step to a formula that pertained to the lesson.
Vocabulary Quadrant Cards - Each student will be given the title of the lesson that will be
taught that day. They must then, at the beginning of class, take out a sheet of paper, fold
it hamburger and hotdog style, and then in the top left quadrant write the vocabulary
word/title of lesson, in the top right quadrant write the definition of the vocabulary word
(get information from the text book) before they have been taught the lesson, and at the
end of class, in the bottom left quadrant write the connections/important information
that they learned within the lesson, in the bottom right quadrant draw/workout an
illustration/problem that was covered within the lesson after they have been taught the
lesson. Then, each student will discuss his/her answers/papers within their group.
Finally, to leave class, each student will have to give/write 1 connection/important
information that they now know that pertained to the lesson.
 Venn Diagram - Each student will be given the title/title’s of the lesson that will be
taught that day. They must then, at the beginning of class, construct a Venn Diagram by
drawing 2 overlapping circles and fill out information in each circle on the topic’s (will be
2 topics) about what they know about the topic’s before they have been taught the lesson,
and at the end of class, look over and refine their pervious Venn Diagram with
information that they now know about the topic after they have been taught the lesson.
Then, each student will discuss his/her answers within their group. Finally, to leave class,
each student will have to give/write 1 common and different characteristic that they now
know that pertained to the lesson. (Remember in a Venn Diagram: Unique
characteristics of the two topics being compared are recorded in the outer of the two
overlapping circles. Common characteristics are recorded where the circles overlap).
 Each student will turn in their vocabulary at the
beginning of class the day of the chapter test to be
graded and will receive them back when they turn in
their test at the end of class.
 Each student will complete a DOM (Daily Math
Problems) at the beginning of each class. Each
student is expected to begin DOMS as they enter the
classroom. While each student is completing the
DOM, they are also expected to have their homework
from the previous night out on their desk for the
teacher to check.
 80 Minute Block
 5 Minute – Math Journal/Check Homework
 10 Minute – Class work/Homework Review
 10 Minute – Teacher Preview of Lesson/Textbook
Examples (I Do)
20 Minute – Teacher/Students complete Class work
Textbook Problems (We Do)
20 Minute – Small Group/Students Complete Class
work (Yall Do)
10 Minute – Students Complete Homework (You Do)
5 Minute – Math Journal
 Respectful
Show respect: For your teacher, student, and yourself
Raise your hand to ask permission: To talk, restroom, etc.
Always tell the truth
Keep hands and feet to your self
Help others
Always keep a positive attitude
 Responsible
Be on time: In your seat, ready to work when the bell rings
Complete all assignments
Study every night
If you have a question, Ask it
Do what is right
 Resourceful
 Have appropriate materials: In class and at home
 No food or drinks in classroom: Includes gum, candy, carbonated drinks, etc.
 Consequences for not following Classroom Rules:
 1st Offense:
 Verbal warning from teacher
 2nd Offense:
 Written warning from teacher
 3rd Offense:
 Break/sentences & note home to parents
 4th Offense:
 Principal’s office
 Each student will have a character/behavior index card,
located in ABC order, in the index box holder located on
the teacher s desk. The card will contain their name,
contact information, and list of positive and needs
improvement character/behavior. Anytime a student
shows positive character/behavior they will record it on the
sheet. Likewise, anytime a student shows behavior that
needs improvement (breaking classroom rules) they will
record it on the sheet. If a student receives 3 “needs
improvement” entries he/she will contact his/her parents.
If a student receives 4 “needs improvement” entries he/she
will be referred to the principal’s office.
Each student is expected to abide by all school rules, as outlined in the Calhoun County
Code of Student Conduct at all times. This will enable a respectful, responsible, and
resourceful attitude to be maintained by all members of the class.
The teacher will use the class signal (hand up), when each student sees this it is their cue
to be quiet and listen for instruction.
Each class will have a seating chart. Each student is expected to be in their seat when the
tardy bell rings. As with Ohatchee High School policy the student will be tardy if they
are not in the classroom when the tardy bell rings. If a student is tardy, they will be
automatically sent to ISD. The seating chart is how the teacher will check attendance.
Each student, if they need anything, should remember to raise their hand.
Each student is expected to stay in their seat unless they have permission to be out of
their seat.
Each student should sharpen their pencil before class.
Each student should wait till the end of class to throw away paper.
Each student should use the restroom before class.
 One student is allowed out of the room at a time.
 Each student should label the top right corner of each assignment with: their
name, date, class and period, and assignment (page number and problems).
Each student will be allowed to use pencil only.
Each student is expected to remain quiet throughout
Each student is expected to walk in a single file line, on the right side of the
hall, quietly in the hall.
Each class will be dismissed by the teacher, not by the bell. Each class will be
dismissed by class rows.
There is no right or wrong answer as long as you can justify your answer
Do not write/destroy anything that is not yours.
To be dismissed from class, your desk must be fixed back in the correct stadium
The bell does not dismiss you, the teacher does.
 The school-wide attendance policy can be found in the
Student Code of Conduct. Since this is a progressive class,
each concept builds upon the previous one, regular
attendance is extremely important. Students must
attend school during the Grade 7 Alabama Reading and
Math Test (ARMT). If a student is absent, it is his/her
responsibility to find out from the teacher what
assignments must be made up (the make-up work will be
listed in the make-up work folder.) The student, if the
absence is excused, will have 3 days to make up any
assignments. The student, if the absence is not excused,
will not be able to make up the work.
 The following suggestions to parents will help students
be successful and have a positive experience in 7th
Grade Mathematics.
 Talk with your child on a regular basis about the
concepts he/she is learning.
 Create an atmosphere at home where your child has a
designated study space and study time.
 Offer help with homework or make sure your child asks
for help before or after school.
 Remain encouraging, supportive, and enthusiastic when
your child in talking to you about his/her school work.
 Math is a subject that builds upon itself. The tools and skills covered in
each lesson needs to be practiced to be mastered. As a student, you
need to continually ask yourself, "Do I understand what I'm doing?”
“Why am I doing it and what information is needed to use this
method?" If you can answer these questions for each topic covered,
your grade will take care of itself.
 The student is encouraged to participate in class discussions, as well as
group work. Don’t forget the only dumb question is the one you do not
 All homework will be posted on my website. www.ohatcheeindains.net.
 Please feel free to contact me at any time about any problem or
concern. I will be available before school and during break period for
any help needed. Please try to make arrangements prior to coming to
school early, since I have meetings and other things to do as well.
Students Name: ______________________________________________________
 Course: 7th Grade Mathematics
I, ___________________, understand my responsibilities in this course; the class rules as
outlined in the Calhoun County Student Code of Conduct; what materials I need; how
my grade will be calculated; what happens if I lose or damage my textbook; how I can get
help outside the classroom; how and when I can make up work. I have read the course
syllabus and grading policy with my parent(s).
Student signature: _____________________________Date: ______________________
Parent signature: ______________________________ Date: ______________________
Contact phone number: __________________________ Email Address: