What the heck is CFS?? - Colorado Springs School District 11

What the heck is CFS??
• Consumer Family Studies
• Affective Needs class
• Having to do with
• Students with IEPs for
emotional or behavioral
What is the purpose of this class?
Goal setting
Check in/out
Social skills development
Problem solving skills
Working together, supporting
Work completion and skills
• Access to tutoring center
Goals set and met
To Do Sheets
Check ins and outs
Participation in Covey
• Behavior and use of time in
“But this is just a study hall!!”
• NO, this is NOT a study hall. It is a class for
credit. Study hall is not for credit.
• This is why you have assignments and grades
beyond work for other classes.
Supplies Needed
• A binder with a section for this class or a
notebook you can leave in this room for
• Something to write with everyday.
• ID, username and password
• Log ins for College in Colorado, ALEKS and
Edmodo if you use it.
• There is a journal everyday with few
• Each is worth 4 points and graded on the
following scale:
Score 4.0
Advanced. Write 4 complete sentences or more for each journal assigned. Repeat, Address and Prove
response with complex, insightful details. For Monday and Friday Follow Up: answer all questions
demonstrating self awareness and with evidence in complete sentences.
Score 3.0
Proficient. Write 3 sentences or more for each journal assigned. Repeat, Address and Prove response. For
Monday and Friday Follow Up: answer all questions insightfully in complete sentences.
Score 2.0
Progressing without help. Write 1-2 sentences for each journal assigned. Responds to prompt. For Monday and
Friday Follow Up: Answer all questions.
Score 1.0
Partial success with help. Write incomplete responses for some of journals assigned which may or may not
respond to prompt. For Monday and Friday Follow Up: Answer at least half of questions.
Score 0.0
Even with help, no success. Journals not completed.
Weekly Goals
• You will set a goal that is Measurable,
Attainable and Challenging every Monday (or
first day of the school week)
• Your goal can be academic (Go to the tutoring
center 2 times this week. Finish 10 ALEKS
skills.) or it can be social (Learn the name of
someone I don’t know in my English class.
Ask _____ to go to the dance with me)
• You will work on and monitor this goal and
determine if you have met it by Friday.
Grades for Goals
• You can earn up to 4 points for setting and
meeting your goal.
Score 4.0
Advanced. Goal is MAC and met with evidence.
Score 3.0
Proficient. Sets a goal which is observable and measurable, meets the goal and justifies that it has been
Score 2.0
Progressing without help. Sets a goal which is observable and measurable, does not meet the goal, and
explains changes needed to meet goal.
Score 1.0
Partial success with help. Sets a goal which is not measurable.
Score 0.0
Even with help, no success.
To Do Sheet
• You get one the first day of the week. It’s due
• Worth 25 points for a normal week.
• Write MAC goal for week at top
• Set an extracurricular goal, worth 2 points
• Two tasks for each day- 1 point for identifying
task and 1 point for marking that you completed
• This proves that you are using your time
efficiently since this class is for credit.
My Goal for this week (MAC):
Date: ______________________
Assignment or activity
Things I need to work on today:
Why not?
Nothing you need to do???? Read, review vocabulary and notes, work on ALEKS, IEP goals,
progress monitoring, College in Colorado, Khan Academy, check grades, check email
What counts as a task for my To Do
Tasks you get credit for:
• Getting help in the Tutoring
• Finishing an assignment for
another class.
• Working on your IEP goals.
• Reading for another class.
• ALEKS if you need it for
• Checking grades or email
twice/week for no more
than 10 minutes.
• Studying/reviewing notes
for another class.
These are NOT tasks that
• Journals or other
assignments for this class.
• Goals such as being calm.
• Things a dead person can
• Playing computer games,
listening to music, talking
with friends.
• Sleeping
• We are working on Sean Covey’s 6 Most
Important Decisions and/or 7 Most Habits of
Highly Effective Teens.
• This is to help you make decisions that help
you reach your long term goals. We do this
because this is an affective needs class and
you all have this need identified on your IEPs.
• It really can help you if you let it.
Classroom Expectations/Rules
• Enter the room peacefully and on
time with the materials and attitude
you need to do work.
• If you need water, restroom, healthy
food etc, please do this before the
bell rings.
• Get your binder, journal, check in/out
folder, To Do sheet and writing utensil
from the cupboard as you enter the
• Sit somewhere in the room where
you won’t be distracted or
distracting. Sit at a table, not a
computer for the start of class.
Classroom Expectations/Rules, Cont.
• Look for the journal and date on the board.
• Start your journal and check in/out. Put some thought
into this.
• Keep your voice quiet and calm.
• Write down 2 things on your to do sheet that you can
work on in this class today.
• Listen to teacher Instructions.
• Only you should hear your
audio (use headphones)
• Listen to teacher without
Headphones during instructions
• Greet your peers quietly
• Work until the bell rings.
Do not wait by the door!
Other Classroom/Building rules
• Get permission from a teacher before leaving
the room. Please return my hall pass!!!
• Try things yourself before asking a teacher for
• Drink water, but not energy drinks or soda!
• Healthy snacks are allowed in the classroom
as long as you clean up.
• Put your things away when the
Bell rings. Clean up after yourself!
Other Classroom/Building rules
• When we have company (someone comes in
the room to talk with me) please treat them
with respect.
• Computer use: Do not log in or sit at a
computer until you have completed check
in/out, to do list and any in class assignments.
• Last Period, please help me by shutting down
all computers
Can’t we all just get along??
Let’s avoid conflicts by:
• Please don’t jump into other people’s
• Understand that everyone has different needs
and things might not always look fair to you
from your perspective.
• We all have bad days- please don’t take it out
on me or your peers. Tell us what you need.
• Take care of each other.
An important Expectation for Me
• Please recycle. Don’t put recycling in trash
and trash in recycling.
• Trash: wrappers, Styrofoam, food, broken
pens/pencils, old binders, stinky, dirty stuff
• Stuff that Recycles:
– Paper
– Cans (please empty them first!)
– Plastic bottles (empty and throw away cap first)
– Cardboard
• You can listen to music while you are
working independently, BUT
– You must be passing your classes.
– Only you should be able to hear it.
– Your music needs to be on your MP3 player, not
the school computer.
– Bring and keep track of your own headphones.
– You cannot spend more than 2 minutes choosing
your music.
– Choose music that doesn’t have words and
won’t distract you.
Were you paying attention?
• Why are you in this class?
• In your own words, what is this class?
• Which activity in this class is worth the most
• How is this class different from study hall?
• What are the criteria for an advanced score on a
• What does MAC stand for?
• How many points can you earn
if you meet a MAC goal?
Score each of the following goals and
make them MAC.
• I will stay out of trouble.
• I will eat a healthy lunch.
• I will score at least a 75% on my math test
• I will introduce myself to 2 new people this
• I will become a mechanic.
Which of these are acceptable tasks
for your To Do Sheet?
Stay out of trouble.
Do 2 skills in ALEKS.
Study for my Greek roots quiz.
Find new music to listen to.
Be calm.
Finish math assignment Q3.2.
Retake math test in the tutoring center
See my counselor about my transcript
Talk with Mrs. Urban
Get a drink from 711
Get breakfast.
Check Ins/Outs
• One of us will see you at the beginning of the day
for a check in and at the end of the day for a check
• In the morning you will be asked how you are
feeling on a scale of 1-5 and to identify your
feelings and concerns for the day so we can
problem solve early.
• If you are feeling great, don’t need to talk with us
and don’t want to be interrupted in your class, you
can give a thumbs up sign so we know to catch you
• At the end of the day, we will ask you the same
sort of questions and remind you about what you
need to do that night.
What if I need to cool down?
• If you are having a rough time and need a short
break or someone to talk with, you can come to
this room, 240. Check in special services office,
room 214 if nobody is here.
• Or: Mrs. Urban’s office (by counseling)
• We will give you quiet time for a few minutes or
process with you if that is what you need.
• You need to let your teacher know before you
• Please don’t abuse this support.
• We will ask you to fill out a processing sheet.
• Our goal is to help you get back to class as quickly
as possible.