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Message from the Executive Director – Spring 2015
The new fiscal year of 2015/2016 is a special one for REES – do you know why?
There are a few reasons…..
To start we have made this year ‘The Year of the Employer’ where we have and continue to acknowledge the great
relationships that REES has built with a variety of employers from different sectors within Winnipeg. REES prides
itself in the networking capacity it has within the city, and the opportunities that arise from these relationships for
our consumers. Although we do have solid relationships with a variety of employers within the city we wanted to
branch out to new employers who may not have heard of REES and the innovative programs and services that we
do offer. To kick-start the idea of ‘The Year of the Employer’ we decided REES would hold an Open House in early
April that would specifically be geared towards employers; businesses and business owners, and this event was a
true success! The afternoon included over 60 employers/business owners who came through REES’ doors, toured
the offices and got to hear about our services through the excellent presentations that each team member had
created and delivered. Each presentation was true to a piece of REES’s puzzle; which included everything from our
specific programming, to accommodations and accessibility needs, to information on our workshop series. Each
visitor left that day knowing much more about REES, who we are and what we offer.
In January 2015 REES launched its new website and REES thought this would be a great opportunity to highlight
our employers and have an ‘Employer of the Month’ where we would recognize one employer in the city that REES
has worked with and has taken an active role in hiring REES consumers. Since January we now have highlighted 5
employers and these are Cargill Ltd, Stafford Pricechopper, St. Raphael Wellness Centre (SWRC), Downtown
Winnipeg Biz, and Giant Tiger. Please check out our new website ( but more importantly check
back each month to find out who our next upcoming employer will be! To follow this up with our employer theme
we just recently held our REES Awards Breakfast event on May 11 th where we had the opportunity to honor two
amazing employers and one star individual. That morning the two employers acknowledged were Stafford
Pricechopper and Downtown Winnipeg Biz and the star individual award was presented to Connie Momotiuk who
is currently employed with Giant Tiger. This event is so important to REES as it provides awareness to the
community around what REES is all about and the services we provide, but more importantly how our services and
the staff that work within these services assist people to pursue their employment goals and be successful in life.
Another exciting part of this fiscal year is that just in the past month board members and staff came together to
develop a new Strategic Plan for REES in 2015/2016. The objectives and strategies of this plan will guide the
organizations goals over the next 18 months. Some areas that this Strategic Plan will touch on are the following; to
develop and enhance REES services through the feedback received from our consumers and staff, build and
strengthen REES’s marketing and exposure in the community, create stability and accountability to the
employment targets of the organization, and increase REES’s revenue through a variety of different methods. I
know I am really looking forward to these next 18 months and being part of the implementation and planning of
this great organization.
Lastly, REES has just recently joined the social media world and we have created an official Facebook, LinkedIn,
Instagram and Twitter account. Please check us out and follow us as we start to highlight upcoming events,
celebrations and accomplishments of REES.
Message from the Board of Directors
It is hard to believe a year has passed since our 25th Anniversary gala awards celebration which was held in June
2014. It is a remarkable accomplishment for any organization, let alone a not for profit agency, to be viable and
serve the community for a quarter century. For some organizations, simply achieving this milestone would be
sufficient, but for everyone at REES, it was an opportunity for us to review and reflect on how we could improve
and evolve to ensure we would continue to make a strong contribution to the community for another 25 years.
In the spring of 2015, we embarked on developing a new strategic plan so we could ensure REES would continue to
provide value added services to our consumers, employers and the community. We held focus groups with our
consumers and staff to obtain information on what we were doing well in addition to areas in which we could
improve and change to ensure we were meeting the needs of our stakeholders. The information we received was
a true gift as it has helped us to shape creative new strategies and objectives which will provide direction as we
continue to strive towards our vision of "...being recognized as the premiere innovative and progressive
employment service for people with physical disabilities and employers in the community".
As we continue to look at creative new ways to serve our stakeholders and the community in the future, REES is
mindful of the ongoing contributions of our members, volunteers, donors, staff, employers and our consumers.
Thank you for all your dedication, commitment and support which have provided a strong foundation upon which
REES can continue to build.
We look forward to seeing you at our Annual General Meeting on June 24, 2015, from 4:00 -6:00 pm at Mediation
Services, 302-1200 Portage Avenue.
Katherine Wyrostok,
REES Board of Directors
What an exciting time to be a part of REES. On May 9, 2015 REES, handed out some well-deserved
awards to two businesses and one individual. Congratulations to all of our nominations and
congratulations to our recipients.
Star Individual Award Connie Momotiuk
Connie is described by her coworkers as a person with amazing qualities – a real breath of fresh air. Her success as an
employee has been a result of the combination of a strong manager who recognized her skills, and Connie, who excelled
in her role. Connie has promoted Deaf Culture and ASL to the staff at Giant Tiger. She has worked to promote a positive
picture of Deaf Culture, and through her friendly personality and competent performance, she has successfully created a
work culture that welcomes diversity. Connie has successfully moved up in her position, and has shown herself to be a
true leader among her coworkers. Connie truly demonstrates the meaning behind the Star Individual Award.
Congratulations Connie.
Star Employer Award Downtown Winnipeg Biz
Congratulations to the Downtown Winnipeg Biz for their recognition as Star Employer at the REES Awards, 2015. The
Downtown Winnipeg Biz has demonstrated a commitment to the full inclusion of people with disabilities through a
customized training process and a focus on how to accommodate candidates in the work environment. The Downtown
Winnipeg Biz is an extremely busy small office with a large number of staff who are out in the downtown area providing
assistance when needed. The inclusive nature of this organization is evident throughout their working culture.
The Downtown Winnipeg Biz has successfully hired, accommodated and retained people with disabilities, and through
their commitment to diversity and inclusion, they have earned the title of Star Employer.
Star Employer Award Stafford Price Chopper
REES is thrilled to honour Price Chopper on Stafford as the recipient of the REES Award for Star Employer at the REES
Awards Breakfast, 2015. Price Chopper offers a family friendly and community minded environment that promotes
inclusion. Price Chopper is a grocery store that is deeply rooted in their community. They believe in enhancing the
community where they live and work through various initiatives, including promoting non-profits in the store.
They are a small store with a big heart that makes a large impact on our community. Thank you to Stafford Price
Chopper for your commitment to the employment of people with disabilities through REES, and for creating and
maintaining an inclusive environment for your staff, customers, and community. Congratulations.
In keeping with Reaching E-Quality Employment Services making this year the year of the Employer. REES has
added a Workplace of the month to our website,l Please visit the REES
Website and see who our present and past workplaces of the month are.
It all started January 1, 2015 with Cargill Limited. Talk to your REES Representative and find out how your
company can become the REES Workplace of the month.
January 2015
Cargill Limited is the REES Workplace of the month.
Cargill Limited is headquartered in Winnipeg and employs
over 8000 people across Canada. They are one of the
largest merchandisers and processors of meat, eggs, malt,
oilseed and salt, and the manufacturing of livestock feed,
grain handling, and crop input.
They have been named one of Canada’s Best Diversity
Employers for 2013, top Employer for Diversity 2 years in a row through the Eluta Top 100 Company
program, won a 2013 Employer Award for the Champions of Diversity held at the Legislative buildings
and Canada’s Top Employer for Young People 2013. Cargill was also presented with the “Thanks a
Million” award (one of 4 companies to receive this) for raising over 1 million dollars across all United
Ways in Canada.
They have recently established a Canadian Diversity Council to assist in all aspects of inclusion.
They remain committed to increase the representation of the following groups:
Women -Aboriginal peoples -Visible Minorities- People with Disabilities
Their belief is if you foster an inclusive environment, you benefit from a diverse workforce with
excellent employees who may otherwise be overlooked. Cargill also produces a monthly Employment
Equity Newsletter and shares great stories.
In Manitoba, they are one of the Top 25 Employers and are also a Silver Sponsor of the Ability Axis
Expo, and have been a sponsor since its inception of 2011.
February 2015
Price Chopper is the REES Workplace of the month.
On July 10, 2014, The Northwest Company purchased
the Price Chopper Store in Winnipeg, from
Sobey’s. Located at Stafford and Pembina, this store is a
retail food beacon for the Fort Rouge, River-Osborne,
Crescentwood and River Heights areas.
Recently they have also proven to be a REES employer of
choice for their proactive stance on hiring people with
disabilities. Much like their parent company the North West Company, a commitment to serving the community at
large is evident, as they maintain a diverse employee base representing the rich cultural and disability mix that is
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Reaching E-Quality Employment Services has had the pleasure of working with the store’s Front End Head
Supervisor, Jeannie Harrison, who provided an opportunity for a REES consumer who was later hired as a cashier.
This occurred after the consumer successfully took part in both RHIP and RINT Placements.
“We are like a family here” Jeannie has commented about her staff.
That definitely seems to be the case, as Jeanne has the appeal of a caring but firm parent whose guidance and
openness have earned her the respect of her employees.
The REES projects have proven to be very useful to this store in that they were able to train the REES candidate
while we covered the participant’s wages and Workers’ Compensation. Not only did this save them money, but it
enabled them to identify any workplace accommodations or areas that required additional training. A win/win
situation for all! As a result of their satisfaction with the placement there has been a commitment to further hiring
in the future.
Congratulations Price Chopper, on being recognized by REES as our employer of the month!
March 2015
St. Raphael Wellness Centre,(SRWC-) is the REES Workplace of the month.
St. Raphael Wellness Centre,(SRWC-) is a Diversity Champion
In a short span of time, SRWC has hired two employees from
REES’s Co-Op Project to add to their team, enhancing SRWC’s
ability in continuation to deliver services.
SRWC is a not-for-profit community-based organization which
offers, Pre and Post treatment non-residential education and
counselling program for individuals and families affected by addiction.
SRWC recovery programs are based on the Continuum of Recovery Model, an evidenced-based approach proven
effective in addiction recovery. Because SRWC offers unique programs, it was absolute key for REES to find the
right match. The Co-Op Project assessed and trained both individuals, and found that both could offer the skills
necessary to fit SRWC’s team. SWRC was also screened to determine if accommodations would be possible for the
candidates who had multiple health conditions and ultimately was of most priority of REES.
Finding the fit for both the potential employees and the employer became more of a partnership or collaboration,
as communication simply flowed. This was evident when meeting all staff during a staff meeting where an
educational opportunity was not needed as all frontline staff knew and were quick to identify examples of what an
employer could do to accommodate an employee with the condition presented.
Right then and there, defining the job, and finding that match was the next natural action.
Strong communication between both REES and SRWC continue today, as both employees are not only employed,
but SRWC has taken the next step in investing in both employees by registering them into several courses since
January 2015 to assist them in growing in the field.
Employers such as SRWC who see such potential in hiring people with Health Conditions and/or Physical
Disabilities, who then proceed to go to the next step in embracing that potential in their employees is well
recognized by REES.
April 2015
Downtown Winnipeg BIZ is the REES Workplace of the month.
The Downtown Winnipeg BIZ is the oldest of Winnipeg’s 16 business
improvement zones and was established in 1989 by the City of
Winnipeg to provide a welcoming environment, keeping things clean
and safe, and advocating for continuous and positive change. Directed
by a management board of 15 business owners/leaders and a
representative from city hall –the Downtown Winnipeg BIZ runs programs and provides services that convey the
principles and objectives of a diverse and inclusive Winnipeg.
Deb Tomiski, Human Resources Manager for the BIZ, demonstrates and carries out these values in practicing
respectful hiring and workplace policies and initiatives. Deb says that “Employees are treated like family” and she
delivers on this premise with workplace accommodations, flexible scheduling and generous adaptability when it
comes to family and health issues. Deb says there has never been an employee on Stress Leave as long as she has
been there.
The Downtown BIZ has employed at least 3 REES clients and is always open to referrals, and as a workplace of
choice, readily communicates with REES regarding practical accommodations and/or other issues that come up to
make sure the employee can be successful. The BIZ practices hiring persons with disabilities as many of their 12
staff on their Enviro Team are referred by agencies like REES, students or the homeless. Their CHAT program
(Community Homeless Assistance Team) consists of people she calls ‘Survivors’ and is dedicated to performing
comprehensive outreach to individuals at-risk of, or experiencing homelessness downtown. CHAT Outreach
Workers facilitate individuals’ transition from homelessness to enhanced stability involving housing, employment
and educational support. Mission: Off the Streets Team (MOST), a partnership between the BIZ and Siloam
Mission, is a program that employs street people to help clean downtown while building life skills that may help
participants get a full time job. The new program gives homeless people work experience, skills and confidence.
Conversely, the MOST employs homeless people to pick up litter and snow shovel downtown sidewalks.
Like REES, the Downtown BIZ partners with other help organizations like Macdonald Youth Services, Graffiti
Gallery, Art Beat, Siloam Mission, Red Road Lodge, etc. as well as provides opportunities for Volunteer experience.
Over 210 volunteers log over 1,000 hours a month, boosting the presence on the street and gaining valuable work
experience—not to mention a shot at full-time employment, as paid ambassadors are hired from volunteers. The
new Downtown Watch Customer Service Program has expanding their program to include the senior members of
the community, along with people with disabilities
Reaching E-Quality Employment Services would like to salute Deb Tomiski, The Downtown Winnipeg BIZ and their
programs as they emulate the mission, vision and values they deliver on a daily basis, and as many people with
disabilities can attest to, the value of a hand up is as/or more important sometimes than a hand out.
May 2015
Giant Tiger is the REES Workplace of the month.
Canadian owned and operated since the first Giant Tiger
store opened in 1961 in Ottawa’s historic ByWard Market,
today the privately held company has more than 200 stores
in 8 provinces across Canada and employs more than 7,000
Giant Tiger is a proudly Canadian family discount store with
convenient locations in many Canadian communities. Almost all Giant Tiger stores are franchised and stores are
connected and committed to the communities they serve. Store owners work in the store and live in the
community. Each year, Giant Tiger donates millions of dollars to local charities, groups, teams, events and
associations, supporting and bringing together Canadians and their communities.
Competitive salaries are offered along with opportunities to learn, develop and advance throughout this
organization. This type of workplace compliments an equal opportunity work environment for all that are
employed by Giant Tiger.
Both Dave and Kerri, the Managers of the Giant Tiger stores (Regent Avenue and Pembina Highway) have stayed
true to the mission of Giant Tiger as an equal opportunity employer. Both stores have collaborated with our REES
Deaf Services to do a presentation on ‘How to Include Deaf Employees in the workplace’, and booked interpreters
for the training needed by their Deaf staff.
Giant Tiger has not only hired Deaf staff, but created an environment that has retained their Deaf staff. Connie, a
Deaf Employee of the Giant Tiger store on Regent Avenue, was recognized for her leadership and management
qualities and is currently responsible for the following departments - meat, deli and dry food. Her statement, “I am
very happy here and appreciate the fact that I have grown professionally and was given the necessary training
needed in my job”, says it all.
June 2015
CRW Systems Inc. is the REES Workplace of the month.
CRW Systems is a custom software
business that writes, supports and
maintains applications for businesses
and government and has been in
business for over 25 years.
CRW has been an employer partner with REES for more than ten years and Chris Woods, the owner of CRW
Systems, has been a proponent, coach and mentor for a dozen or more clients over the decade. In 2013, CRW was
awarded Star Employer at the Annual REES Awards.
Chris believes and demonstrates that people and relationships are paramount to the success of his business, and
models these values by ensuring the success of his employees. Chris takes it upon himself to make the most of the
skills offered by the employee and helps them grow professionally despite any disability. He understands and
acknowledges the needs of our clients regarding accommodations and provides REES consumers opportunities in
various capacities utilizing their strengths to develop in and beyond working for him. He has also provided value to
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clients in the form of attitudinal wisdom and life skills that have helped them start businesses and make good
career choices. CRW Systems’ business and employment practices provide a template for other businesses to
follow in making a difference by valuing skills and welcoming accommodations. We are pleased to acknowledge
CRW Systems as Employer of the Month.
EDITORIAL COMMENT ON DEBT. By: Tim St. Vincent, Credit Counselling Society (CCS)
Have you ever wondered where it comes from? Have you ever wondered how your money manages to vanish right
from under you? Do you find that you have too much month, not enough money? You aren’t alone. Last year 20%
of Canadians saved $0.00 and 40% of Canadians said they didn’t save enough. Debt is in all of our lives to one degree
or another.
In our society, discussing money and debt is one of the last taboo topics. Almost anything else is acceptable to talk
about. There is a perception that those with excessive debt must have lower paying jobs, lower education and/or
bad credit scores. Perhaps this is why we don’t like to discuss this topic, but nothing could be further from the truth!
At CCS we see those from all walks of life. We have clients with excellent credit scores. We also see doctors, lawyers,
accountants, farmers, entrepreneurs, trades people, stay-at-home parents and much, much more.
A recent study shows that 35% of Canadians struggle to pay their monthly bills. If you’re worried about your debt
you are not alone. Part of our message is, if you need help, don’t be embarrassed to ask for it. People of all income
and education levels need and use our services. It is far too easy in our consumer driven society to spend more than
we make.
One of our core services focuses on helping those who find themselves in difficulty and need immediate assistance.
We have highly trained Credit Counsellors who will sit with consumers for one on one meetings, ensuring that they
fully understand all of their options, and the implications of each. As we are a non-profit organization, we have no
vested interest in directing a client to one solution over another. We just want people to understand what options
they have available to them. One such option open to some consumers is called a Debt Management Program
(DMP). Consumers who establish a DMP make 1 monthly payment to CCS and we disburse funds on their behalf to
their creditors. In return for paying back 100% of the principle, consumers will have their interest reduced or
eliminated by their creditors.
The other core services at CCS are education and outreach. The solution to debt is to learn the basics of money,
credit and debt management. To achieve our education goal we go out into the community and the workplace to
deliver workshops and webinars on debt and credit management, we have topics ranging from Budgeting (Budgeting
101, Budget Breakers, Irregular Income etc), to Families and Money (Couples and Money, Financially Fit Kids, etc) to
How to Retire without Debt and Debt Solutions along with many others.
If you feel you need help with credit and debt management, you are definitely not alone. Our Mission Statement is
“We Help. We Educate. We Give Hope. If you need our help, we are here for you. Be assured, all information is
held in the strictest of confidence.
If you wish to contact the Society for further information or to enroll in one of our many webinars, we can be
contacted at 1-888-527-8999 or visit one of our websites at or
In future editions of the REES Reporter we will cover off more specific topics that tie into our workshops and
webinars. If there is a topic of particular interest to you, contact REES and let them know!
The Journey By: Deanna Ng
The past two years have taught me patience and persistence when looking for work, knowing that having a
disability can present barriers to employment. Luckily, Reaching Equality Employment Services helped me
every step of the way. After leaving two term part-time jobs in 2013, I put out many resumes and cover
letters, but why was I not getting any work? It was time to take a step back and look at starting a new career.
In the spring of 2014, I entered the Youth Employment Program (YEP) at REES. In this program I gained preemployment skills such as assertiveness, understanding my gifts, awareness of the hidden job market, and
using valuable workplace skills such as conscientiousness and teamwork skills. We also covered job search
skills such as effective online tools, developing an effective resume and cover letter, and presenting myself
with ease and confidence at an interview.
After the program, I continued my job search, using the free computers at REES, with help, guidance, and
encouragement from the friendly staff. During the Disability Employment Awareness Month (DEAM) in
October 2014, much awareness was being raised of people with disabilities seeking employment. I attended
numerous symposiums, workshops, and events designed to get job seekers to meet employers.
In January of 2015, I was surprised with a call from the City of Winnipeg’s Handi-Transit department. Within a
matter of a few weeks I started work following a discussion with the employer about accommodations and a
period of training for the position.
I would recommend REES for job seekers with disabilities, and I will always know they are there to support me
in my employment journey.
REES Staff 2014 - 2015