Week of 1/31/2011

DLG: Explain the changes Andrew Jackson made to democracy
Mon Jan 31, 2011
HW: Complete “Spoil System” Frayer Model & Answer Question, Chap
12 Quiz-Thursday
Warm-Up Chap 12.1
1. On page __10__ in your notebook, write the title Warm-Up Chap 12.1.
Using your notes, write the following question and answer: What was
significant (important) about the election of 1828?
2. Update your TOC
TODAY’s Activity
On page __9 or 9A__ in your notebook, draw the Frayer Model below:
Conn. to
1. Jacksonian Democracy
2. Answer the following question on Page 9 or 9A
your notebook: How did Jacksonian Democracy
Impact (change) democracy? I think “Jacksonian Democracy “ impacted democracy
by _______________________________________________________________.
3. Grade RSG Chap 12, Sec 2 & Go over Test (You need your folder)
Jacksonian Democracy
The idea of spreading political power to all people
and ensuring majority rule
1. Government for the people and run BY THE
(common) PEOPLE (Democracy)
2. Democracy in economic, social, and political life.
3. Wanted
a split between farming AND
4. Limited government but with a very strong
Changes in Ideas about Democracy
(pg 357)
Jacksonian Democracy
1. Government for the
people and run BY THE
(common) PEOPLE
2. Democracy in economic,
social, and political life.
3. Wanted a split between
farming AND
4. Limited government but
with a very strong president.
Changes in Ideas about Democracy
(pg 357)
Jeffersonian Democracy
Jacksonian Democracy
Government for the people
but run by well educated
(rich) leaders.
Government for the people
and run BY THE (common)
PEOPLE (Democracy)
Democracy in political life
Democracy in economic,
social, and political life.
Wanted farmers and mainly
Wanted a split between
agricultural life
farming AND
Limited government
Limited government but
with a very strong president.
Answer, using sentence stem, the
following question on Page 9 or 9A of
your notebook: How did Jacksonian
Democracy impact (change)
I think “Jacksonian Democracy”
impacted democracy by _____
Tues Feb 1, 2011
DLG: Analyze Jackson’s Indian policies, the removal and resettlement of Cherokee
Native Americans during the Jacksonian era.
HW: (1) Chap 13, Sec 3 RSG pages 117-118 & Answer Question, (2)
Chap 12 Quiz-Thursday; (3) BRING YOUR PLANNER
Warm-Up Chap 12.2
1. On page __10__ in your notebook, write the title Warm-Up Chap 12.2.
Using your notes, write the following question and answer: What is the
spoil system?
2. Update your TOC
TODAY’s Activity
Uncover History
In your notebook on page __11__ , title Chap 12, Sec 2 Jackson’s Policy Towards
Native Americans
Discuss RSG Pages 115-116 (if necessary)
Take notes using outline for sec 2
Create facial expressions and speech bubbles that reflects how Native Americans
and the common felt about Jackson’s Indian Policy
Wed Feb 2, 2011
DLG: Explain the impact Andrew Jackson had on Sectional Differences
HW: (1) Summarize Sec 3 Notes , (2) Chap 12 Quiz-Thursday, 3) Bring
Netbooks Charged
Warm-Up Chap 12.3
1. On page __10__ in your notebook, write the title Warm-Up Chap 12.3.
Using your notes, write the following question and answer: Why did the
Cherokees and other Native American tribes resist moving west?
2. Update your TOC
3. Download Chap 12 Powerpoint from website
TODAY’s Activity
In your notebook on page __12__ , title Chap 12, Sec 3 Conflicts over state’s rights
Discuss Sec 3 RSG Pages 117-118
Take notes using outline for sec 3
HW: Summarize in a paragraph Sec 3 notes and include the terms: tariffs,
state’s rights, South Carolina, and John C. Calhoun either on a sheet of paper
or in Netschool (Conflict over State’s Rights). Start your summary with: I
conclude that Sec 3 is about________
Thurs Feb 3, 2011
DLG: Explain the impact Andrew Jackson had on the Fall of the National Bank
HW: (1) Chap 13 RSG pages 123-124 & 125-126 – Due Monday
Warm-Up, 8 minutes
1. RSG Chap 12, Sec 4 pages 119 – 120, including skillbuilder
2. Turn-in Sec 3 Notes Summary
TODAY’s Activity
In your notebook on page __13__ , title Chap 12, Sec 4 Prosperity and Panic
Discuss Sec 3 RSG Pages 117-118
Take notes using outline for sec 4
Chapter 12 Quiz
Fri Feb 4, 2011
DLG: Analyze how US expanded due to Manifest Destiny
HW: (1) Chap 13 RSG pages 123-124 & 125-126 – Due Monday
1. Uncover History
2. Analyze the Picture
TODAY’s Activity
Uncover History
In your notebook on page __14__ , title Uncover History
Read Excerpt
Write a paragraph, When comparing and contrasting John O’Sullivans picture from
the right to the left, what is he trying to say about the United States’ past and its
Who or what does the lady in white represent?