Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance

Chapter 4
Leaders Facilitate
Hospitality and Restaurant
Learning Objectives
After completing this chapter, you should be able to:
• Explain principles to help employees become motivated.
• Review procedures for planning and implementing
employee development programs.
• State procedures helpful in maintaining a positive
• Describe basic coaching practices.
Learning Objectives continued:
After completing this chapter, you should be able to:
• Identify ways to manage conflict.
• Explain procedures for conducting effective
performance appraisals.
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance
The Importance of Motivated Employees
Motivation Concepts
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance
Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance
Employee Expectations
Motivation Methods
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance
Acknowledging Employees
Expressing Appreciation
Sharing Information
Showing Interest
Involving Employees
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance
Who Is Responsible?
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance
Overview of the Employee Development Process
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance
Step 1: Establish Goals
Step 2: Select Development Methods
Step 3: Approve and Implement the Plan
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance
Steps 4 and 5: Monitor Progress and Evaluate the Plan
Steps 6 and 7: Celebrate and Maintain Success
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance
Building a Positive Workplace Environment
Focus on Employees
Maintain Open Communication
Celebrate Success and Build Teams
Promote Diversity and Fairness
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance
More about the Manager’s Role
Ensuring a Fair Workplace
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance
Employer Liability for Harassment
Sexual Harassment
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance
The Coaching Process
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance
Coaching Principles
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance
Conflict Resolution Strategies
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance
Performance Appraisal Procedures
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance
Step 1: Preparing for the Meeting
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance
Step 2: Conducting the Meeting
Step 3: Closing the Meeting and Following Up
Discussing Performance Problems
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance - Summary
1. Explain principles to help employees become motivated.
Motivation is the process of giving employees a reason to do
Motivated employees promote teamwork, make suggestions, and
are interested in their jobs.
Effective managers know about and learn to meet their employees’
There are many ways managers can encourage motivation, and
most center on recognizing the value of employees and treating
them respectfully.
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance - Summary
2. Review procedures for planning and implementing employee
development programs.
• Managers should work with employees to help them improve their
performance and gain the knowledge and skills required for future
• The process involves setting development goals, identifying
development opportunities, approving and implementing the plan,
and monitoring and evaluating its progress.
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance - Summary
3. State procedures helpful in maintaining a positive workplace.
• Managers who maintain a positive workplace establish the
groundwork for effective motivation.
• They focus on employees, maintain open communication channels,
and celebrate success.
• They also build teams, promote diversity and fairness, and ensure a
fair workplace by prohibiting any type of harassment.
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance - Summary
4. Describe basic coaching practices.
• Coaching involves informal efforts to improve performance.
• Effective managers compare actual to expected performance.
• Then they reinforce positive performance publicly and correct
negative performance in private.
• The coaching process is ongoing as managers monitor the work of
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance - Summary
5. Identify ways to manage conflict.
• Typical conflicts occur because of personality clashes or
disagreements about work situations.
• Procedures to resolve conflicts involve identifying the conflict and all
persons involved, along with their feelings about the situation.
• Then managers should determine facts, develop a resolution that
meets the needs of all parties, and communicate and document the
resolution, following up as necessary.
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance - Summary
6. Explain procedures for conducting effective performance
• Employee appraisals help managers discuss past performance,
establish new performance goals, discuss job-related issues, and talk
about employee development programs.
• The process involves meeting preparation, conducting and closing
the meeting, and following up as necessary.
• Managers may also discuss performance during informal coaching
sessions or in special conversations.
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance
Key Terms:
Arbitration A process in which a neutral third party listens and reviews
facts and makes a decision to settle a conflict.
Coaching An informal process that reinforces positive job performance
and corrects negative performance; it involves considerable listening
skills, patience, and focus.
Conflict resolution Processes that encourage finding solutions to
problems before more formal grievance procedures are needed.
Cross-training Training an employee to do work that is not normally part
of his or her position.
Discrimination Treating persons unequally for reasons that do not relate
to their legal rights or abilities.
Employee development program An organized series of actions
planned to expand an employee’s skills and knowledge.
Esteem needs Needs that focus on how people feel about themselves
and how they think others feel about them.
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance
Key Terms continued:
Harassment Unwelcome conduct based on race, color, religion, sex
(including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability, or
genetic information.
Herzberg’s two-factor theory A theory that identifies two different sets of
factors that can motivate (motivation factors) and demotivate
(maintenance factors) employees.
Hostile environment (sexual harassment) An environment that is sexually
demeaning or intimidating (creating fear).
Incentive A factor such as recognition or wanting to be part of a group
that makes employees act in ways that help them reach personal goals.
Maintenance factor (two-factor theory) Things that, if not taken care of,
can make employees unhappy and prevent them from doing a good
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance
Key Terms continued:
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs A theory that identifies five basic human
needs, which typically arise in a certain order. As soon as one need is
fulfilled to the desired extent, a person is motivated to fulfill the next
Mediation A process in which a neutral third party facilitates a discussion
of difficult issues and makes suggestions about an agreement.
Motivation The process of providing a person with a reason to do
Motivation factor (two-factor theory) Things that motivate people.
Motivation factors can be personal and difficult to measure.
Negotiation A discussion between involved persons with the goal of
reaching an acceptable agreement.
Personnel file A file that is maintained for each employee and contains
confidential documents including employment application, emergency
contact form, disciplinary action history, and current personal
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance
Key Terms continued:
Physiological needs Needs that relate to the body and include food,
water, air, and sleep.
Progressive discipline A process that involves a series of punishments
that become more serious as unacceptable performance continues.
Quid pro quo (sexual harassment) Sexual harassment that occurs when
one person asks for or expects an action of a sexual nature from another
person in return for that person’s employment or advancement.
Safety needs Needs concerning those things that make people feel
secure or keep them safe.
Self-actualization The drive to do the very best that one can do, which
can make people push themselves, learn new things, and be creative.
Sexual harassment Unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature that
interferes with an employee’s job performance.
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance
Key Terms continued:
Social needs Needs that involve interaction with others, including love,
belonging, and friendship.
Zero tolerance A policy that allows no amount of harassing behavior.
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance
Chapter Images
Chapter 4 Leaders Facilitate Employee Performance
Chapter Images continued