1 Kindergarten Cluster Management FINANCIAL PROCEDURES HANDBOOK 2015 UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 2 There are many acronyms used frequently throughout the handbook. PAC Parent Advisory Committee Each kindergarten has a committee of elected members who contribute to the effective operation of the kindergarten through some administrative tasks and fundraising. UCVT Uniting Care Victoria and Tasmania A unit of the Uniting Church Victoria and Tasmania DEECD Department of Education and Early Childhood Development The State government body that provides funding for four year kindergarten programs. KFS Kindergarten Fee Subsidy DEECD provide a subsidy to reduce kindergarten fees for families who meet the eligibility requirements VECTAA Victorian Early Childhood Teachers and Assistants Agreement All staff employed to provide a care and education to children are employed under this agreement. ACECQA Australian Childhood Education and Care Quality Authority In January 2012 all Australian states legislated to participate in a national system of Law and Regulations. ELAA Early Learning Association Australia (previously KPV) Is the peak body for employers in the children’s services system in Victoria. The Cluster membership with ELAA provides the cluster with industrial advice and support and includes a membership for all cluster kindergartens on non-industrial issues. LGA Local Government Authority All LGA’s have a Municipal Early Years Plan that provides direction and support to families with young children; and services in the municipality re future directions. Many facilities are owned and managed by LGA’s. Preamble Across Australia there are a multitude of services for children – kindergarten, preschool, long day care, child care, occasional care, early learning service and many more. There is very little uniformity of the names and they all meet the same legislative requirements. This booklet uses the term Children’s Services to describe the services that the booklet refers to – both child care and kindergarten programs. UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 3 Index Page 2 3 Acronyms and Preamble Index Part 1 Introduction 5 Part 2.1 Fee Invoicing and Collection Fee Collection - Kindergarten Flow Chart 7 9 Part 2.2 Payment of Accounts Authorisation process Account coding Processing of Accounts Flow chart Notes 11 13 14 Part 2.3 Petty Cash Flowchart Part 2.4 Budgeting Operational budget Fundraising budget Income and Expenditure 19 20 21 22 Part 2.5 Financial Reporting 24 Part 2.6 Payroll Part 2.7 Fundraising Grants and Donations Part 3 Code of Conduct and Confidentiality Flowchart Flowchart Process 16 17 25 26 27 Notes 29 A sample of each form is attached in a separate folder and clearly referenced throughout the booklet. These forms will also be available online. UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 4 UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 5 Part 1 Introduction The financial procedures handbook provides information, direction and processes about all financial business of the children’s service. It clearly identifies the tasks of all the parties – PAC members, staff and UCVT Cluster. Each kindergarten is seen as a separate entity operating within the parameters of the DEECD cluster management guidelines. The cluster undertakes the major responsibilities of employer, legal entity, financial manager, and operational manger of the kindergarten. The PAC Handbook provides guidance to shared roles and responsibilities of the PAC, staff and UCVT-Cluster. The PAC has the responsibility for financial direction and UCVT ensures this is within the parameters of good stewardship and the financial viability of the kindergarten. Difficulties can arise when financial procedures are not followed. When the following practices are maintained there will be no problems. 1. Accurate and correct data provided to the UCVT Finance team in relation to fee invoices. 2. Fundraising undertaken with accountability and clear reporting to PAC. 3. Monthly reports read, analyzed and processed. 4. Timely processing of financial transactions. 5. Oversight of kindergarten financial processes. 6. Coding correctly recorded when processing accounts. The data collection and accountability in relation to this is undertaken by the Cluster Coordinator, with support from the staff. DEECD officers undertake the regular ‘ratings and assessment’ visits on behalf of the national body ACECQA. These visits determine a rating for the children’s service that is then publically listed on the ACEQCA site where it can be viewed by families. UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 6 UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 7 Part 2 Fee Invoicing and Collection Kindergarten Enrolment Officer (PAC) TASK 1: Provide children’s data to UCVT for each terms’ invoices (Form 2.5) including a copy of the Children Eligible for a Kindergarten Fee Subsidy (KFS) (Form 2.6) TASK 2: Provide Notification of Change for each additional enrolment or departure throughout the year. (Form 2.7) TASK 3: Provide data re Term Fees; Deposit amounts; Levies (Form 2.8) TASK 4: Provide written advice in relation to processing and distribution of invoices (Form 2.8) UCVT Invoice Processing team TASK 1: Process invoice for each enrolment and distribute as negotiated TASK 2: Process all payments TASK 3: Process statement each month for outstanding debtors TASK 4: Outstanding fees are followed up with a phone call TASK 5: Process of late collection of fees implemented TASK 6: Families provided with receipt per term Invoice Payment Parents pay invoice within 2 weeks by BPay, cheque to UCVT, Direct Deposit UCVT Collection of Late Fees Process TASK 1: phone call to family TASK 2: letter to family stating enrolment will be cancelled if fee remains unpaid TASK 3: family data sent to UCVT Debt Collection Agency UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 8 UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 9 Fee collection Process- Kindergarten UCVT undertakes the ‘work’ of fee invoicing and fee collection for all children enrolled in a children’s service of the Cluster. 1. Collection of Children’s details and Children’s Services operating schedule. The Enrolment Officer of the children’s service provides the following information and this forms the basis of the UCVT work. This information is provided in templates provided by UCVT. Child’s name; enrolment status ( name of group, full fee paying or KFS recipient); address of child; contact details for parent responsible for payment of fees Form 2.5 Fees for each program; Deposits- refundable; levies – refundable Form 2.8 List of children in receipt of Kindergarten Fee Subsidy (KFS) Form 2.6 Method of delivery of invoices to families Form 2.8 Time frame for production of invoices Form 2.8 Any changes to enrolments throughout the year – children commencing through the year and children leaving through the year. Generally families will not receive a refund for fees paid for a child’s enrolment and children will be invoiced for the percentage of the term they attend if starting throughout the year. Form 2.7 Forms 2.5 and 2.8 must be completed and returned to the UCVT Finance team. Two weeks must be allowed for the UCVT Finance team to process the fee invoices after receipt of data. Form 2.6 can only be completed during the first week of each term when parents are required to show the current details of KFS eligibility to a staff member. 2. Payment of Fees All families will receive a fee invoice on a per term basis. They are requested to pay this invoice within 2 weeks. B Pay or Direct deductions from an account are the preferred manner of payment. Each kindergarten has a Fee Policy that defines the parameters of this process. UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 10 3. Late payment of fees process Any invoices unpaid after 4 weeks will be processed according to the following plan: The person listed as responsible for payment of the invoice will receive a reminder phone call. If requested a payment plan will be implemented with a clear time frame for full payment of the invoice. If this plan is not complied with a further phone call will follow requesting immediate payment and will be reinforced with a letter stating that the child’s enrolment is in jeopardy if the invoice is not paid. A child is not entitled to attend the next term of kindergarten if there is an outstanding invoice. The debt will be referred to the Debt Collection Agency. 4. Receipts Receipting is available on a termly basis for fees paid - both four, three and additional programs. Kindergarten fees are claimable from Centre Link if a person providing care in the kindergarten has a current CRN (Customer Reference Number). Not all kindergartens offer this rebate. Check the individual kindergarten’s handbook for details. Notes 1. Fee invoices are recorded as income in the financial monthly report when the invoice is generated. 2. Fees outstanding appear on the monthly report. 3. Families experiencing long or short term difficulties with fee payment are encouraged to contact UCVT and we will establish a payment process with them. 4. Costs incurred through the use of the approved Debt Collection Agency will be attributed to the kindergarten. 5. Debtors reports are available monthly. References: The Kindergarten Guide 2015 – DEECD (not available yet – see 2014 version) This document provides the data required by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development in relation to funded kindergarten programs. This document is updated annually and includes details related to KFS eligibility and grant amounts; Early Start eligibility and grant amounts www.education.vic.gov.au Fee Collection process is undertaken in Long Day Care services and complies with DEEWR requirements and managed through Child Care Management System. UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 11 Payment of Accounts Flow Chart Treasurer/ Authorized person (PAC) TASK 1: Operation of the kindergarten will produce accounts for all goods ordered and services received. TASK 2: Treasurer to ‘approve’ all accounts for payment that are received for the kindergarten. The approval process is to stamp, add the required code for each account and sign the document. TASK 3: Complete list of these accounts and forward all documentation to UCVT. (Form 2.1) TASK 4: Ensure that approval authority limits are maintained. TASK 6: The PAC can provide written direction to UCVT to pay specific invoices automatically. Reimbursement of costs to individuals – staff or PAC members TASK 1: Individual to complete form and return to UCVT for reimbursement. Receipts must be attached. (Form 2.2) Emergency Payments TASK 1: Emergency payments can be negotiated between the PAC and UCVT. UCVT Account Processing team TASK 1: Approved accounts are processed and paid on Tuesdays and Fridays and the transaction recorded in kindergartens financial report. TASK 2: Payments are made by Direct Deposit into the business bank account. TASK 3: Petty cash will be reimbursed on receipt of a completed Petty Cash reimbursement form. Petty Cash TASK 1: Staff will be provided with a Petty Cash amount. TASK 2: Staff will complete a Reimbursement of costs form and forward with all original receipts attached. (Form 2.2) UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 12 UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 13 Payment of Accounts Notes It is the responsibility of the PAC and staff to order all equipment, goods and services for the children’s service within the authorized limits – up to $5,000 for PAC and $500 for the staff. Approval for goods and services outside these limits requires the written approval of the UCVT Director. A written request to the UCVT Director will be processed promptly and if sufficient funds have been allocated in the budget and are available, approval will be immediate. Authorization of accounts Annually the PAC will complete the Cost Centre Authorisation Form (Form 2.4) for both operational and fundraising activities; and return to UCVT. The people listed on the Authorization Form for both the Operational budget and the Fundraising budget are the people who can authorize payments. These people will be nominated and recorded in the minutes at the first meeting of the PAC. Fundraising budget To provide clearer accountability for fundraising activities a separate budget with related account codes (Attachment 1) has been set up for each children’s service. When coding fundraising related accounts the specific coding will clearly identify the transactions and minimize mistakes. Processing of accounts The Treasurer/ Authorised person will process all accounts on a regular basis. UCVT provides a partially pre-coded stamp for each children’s service for the operational account CK4.... and the fundraising account CK45.. The Treasurer/ authorized person will: 1. Check each account is an approved expenditure 2. Ensure it is within the budgeted amount for the item 3. Stamp all accounts 4. Complete the remaining coding and sign 5. Complete the List of Invoices to be paid (Form 2.1) 6. Attach all documentation – stamped accounts 7. Forward all documentation to UCVT. There are three means of forwarding stamped accounts to UCVT: Delivered through Postal system Scanned and forwarded to Hang at hang.nguyen@victas.uca.org.au or accounting@victas.uca.org.au Email. An approved invoice sent via email will require prior authorization from UCVT Finance team that emails received from that address are authorized for payment. UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 14 Automatic payments for invoices directed to UCVT can be approved on an annual basis. This will be approved by the PAC and forwarded in writing to the UCVT Kindergarten Coordinator. UCVT undertake payments twice per week and the preferred manner of payment is directly into a bank account. If these details are not recorded on the invoice a request will be made to the authorized person to provide these. Emergency payments can be made with a written request and approval from the PAC/Treasurer and the UCVT Kindergarten Coordinator. An example of this would be payment of a plumber undertaking an emergency plumbing situation. If a PAC proposes a purchase or plans a financial activity that is outside of budget parameters the PAC will need to discuss this at a meeting and have the outcome recorded in the minutes. There are several issues that require consideration. Talk to the UCVT Kindergarten Coordinator. Does the children’s service have accumulated reserves from previous years that can be transferred to the operational budget? Can the project be delayed until funds have been accumulated through fundraising? Can reconsideration of the project occur at another meeting? Account codes (Form 2.20) UCVT provides a list of Account Codes for all transactions related to the operation of the children’s service. Brief explanations of each code are provided. The consistency of coding is an important aspect of accuracy in financial reports. The coding ensures transactions match the income and expenses of the budget pro forma and are accurately reported. For example the code CK 40..– 4730 reflects that for this children’s service the electricity bill has been approved for payment. This amount will be recorded in the transactions for that children’s service and will be reflected in the next month’s financial report. Purchases of capital equipment will be coded CK 40.. - 7100, and the UCVT Finance team will calculate depreciation and finalize the activity. Petty Cash and Debit cards Petty cash by definition is for purchase of low cost items. Each children’s service has an approved amount for petty cash purchases. This can be varied with written approval from the PAC. Staff generally manage this process. Petty cash forms are completed with all transactions listed including coding for each item and then submitted to UCVT with all receipts attached. UCVT Finance team will process this and reimburse the petty cash ‘tin’ promptly. Petty cash reimbursements are signed off by the senior staff member. UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 15 Preferred providers Most children’s services purchase the majority of their goods from a small list of providers. E.g. Bellbird, MTA, Officeworks, Educational Experience and others. In 2014 UCVT will undertake the task of negotiating with regular suppliers to establish a list of Preferred Providers where a discount will automatically apply to all cluster members. GST This is claimed back for each relevant transaction as UCVT is a GST exempt business. This is processed by the UCVT Financial team. UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 16 Petty Cash Process Flow chart Cash Purchases Receipts Debit card purchases Reimbursement of approved expenditure - date, product and cost + Hang Nguyen Accounts Accounting Officer Finance team 130 Little Collins St Melbourne 3000 OR Hang.nguyen@victas.uca.org.au Mailed or scanned to Completed form -Petty Cash Claim -Reimbursement form – dated and signed UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 17 Petty Cash and Debit Cards Notes Petty cash by definition is for purchase of low cost items – less than $20.00. Each kindergarten has an approved amount for petty cash purchases. This can be varied with written approval from the PAC. Staff generally manage this and submit a completed Reimbursement form ( Form 2.2) on a regular basis to reimburse the amount of petty cash. Some PAC’s have also requested petty cash amounts and these are processed in the same way. Generally petty cash transactions are for items that meet the criteria for Consumables – code – 3260; or Teaching Materials – code - 2225. Reimbursements are made in the form of a CASH cheque or a transfer of funds to the Debit Card. Prompt and accurate completion and submission of these forms ensures petty cash is always available in the kindergarten. A system of Debit cards will be introduced shortly. These cards hold a pre-loaded amount of money for larger purchases. The Debit Card system will be acquitted in the same manner as Petty Cash with each transaction coded and supported with a receipt. The Debit Card use is similar to a credit card, however there is a limited amount of pre-loaded money. For a larger approved purpose e.g. replacement sand for the sand pit; an additional sum of money can be ‘loaded’ on the Debit card to cover the cost of the purchase. Approval for these transactions must be planned prior to the activity. The Treasurer/ Chairperson and Kindergarten Coordinator can request UCVT Finance team to increase the funds on the debit card. This request can be made during business hours or via email for the amount quoted for the purchase. Reimbursements will be made when petty cash is insufficient. There are occasions when a staff member or individual PAC member has paid for an approved purchase ‘out of their own pocket’ that requires reimbursement. Approval from the PAC or Kindergarten Coordinator must be gained prior to the purchase. Reimbursements will not be made unless correctly authorised. For example a staff member on holiday overseas purchases a number of cultural interesting items. They will be reimbursed on receipt of the completed form and substantiation of the cost of the purchase. Claim forms process Completed forms plus all receipts are submitted by mail or scanned to: Hang Nguyen – UCVT Finance team 9251 5239 or hang.nguyen@victas.uca.org.au UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 18 UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 19 Budget Development - Funding and Budget Notes The development of an annual budget provides a framework within which the children’s service operates. This process will include a review of current operations and anticipated operations for the following year. The demographics of each community changes and the kindergarten must reflect parent expectations for their children’s kindergarten years. Groups change as the demand for four or three year old programs rises and falls. Kindergartens are being asked by the government to be creative in planning for kindergarten sessions as the current trend is parents preferring longer sessions. Government funding The government through DEECD provides a per capita grant to kindergartens offering a four year old kindergarten program. This is a per capita funding and is received by the Cluster manager and allocated in each budget. DEECD requires the cluster to maintain current enrolments on the DEECD data base- Kindergarten Information Management (KIM) and the funding is based on this data. The government also provides additional funding – Kindergarten Fee Subsidy (KFS) for families in specific situations: holders of Health Care Cards; specific Visa restrictions, triplets. The full details for this can be found on www.deecd.com Families are requested to inform the enrolment officer or educators in the kindergarten to ensure the KFS is applied for in a timely way. Setting fees Setting the term fee is the most critical aspect of the budget process. INCOME DEECD Funding Children’s fees Other–bank interest - Expenditure Staff salaries Operating expenses = Small operating surplus A small operating surplus allows peace of mind for contingencies that may arise. When all costs have been determined including staffing requirements; the income is identified. Government kindergarten funding is based on enrolments and the only remaining factor is children’s fees. They must be set to balance the budget. The general ‘rule of thumb’ is to increase fees by 2-3% annually to meet general increasing costs. However if there are changes in anticipated enrolments this can have a dramatic impact on the budget. Budgets must be developed on anticipated enrolments and this must be addressed in a conservative manner. Kindergartens who are members of a Central Enrolment Register are provided with regular data of enrolment numbers in both three and four year old programs. The Treasurers role is to present the proposed budget to the PAC for approval. The PAC role is to monitor and review monthly financial reports to ensure the kindergarten is operating within the budget structure. UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 20 Operational Budget Each children’s service operates within the financial parameters of a ‘break even – small surplus’ budget to ensure ongoing financial viability. This process occurs towards the end of the preceding year. The UCVT Finance Team assist the PAC members, especially the Treasurer with this process. Staff input is sought throughout the process. When the budget is completed it will be Moved and Accepted by the PAC at their next meeting. Development of Operational Budget There is specific information to gather prior to developing the budget: Proposed operating schedule – anticipated enrolments for four and three year olds, group sizes, hours of sessions; fee amounts; staffing requirements; anticipated expenses Current years financial reports and an understanding of the present financial position of children’s service Any major activities proposed – playground renovation; replacement of children’s tables and chairs; purchase and installation of rain water tanks etc. The process 1. Ensure the three tasks above have been completed and information available. 2. Discuss any significant changes of operation with the UCVT Kindergarten Coordinator. 3. Initiate meeting with UCVT Finance Team and UCVT Kindergarten Coordinator. 4. UCVT Finance team will meet with the PAC members to upload data into the Budget software. UCVT will have preloaded payroll data; DEECD grants in the budget pro forma. 5. The purpose of the meeting is to create a first draft budget. 6. The outcome of a surplus or deficit will determine the adjustments and negotiations to occur. Fees can be raised or lowered; costs reduced where possible; alternative sources of income explored. (It is financially sensible to increase all fees in line with increased costs each year.) 7. The PAC and UCVT Kindergarten Coordinator will adjust the budget to achieve a positive outcome and a financially viable children’s service. 8. At no time will a budget be approved with fundraising as an integral aspect of the budget to achieve a break-even point. However fundraising can be identified and used to assist with the achievement of a particular goal. 9. The final budget will be presented to the next PAC meeting for approval. When this is complete UCVT Finance Team will insert the data into the reporting format for the following year. UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 21 Fundraising Budget Each children’s service will also develop a Fundraising budget for the year. This budget operates on the same basis as the Operational budget (codes and reporting). The purpose of this budget is to ensure costs relating to fundraising activities are attributed to the income from each activity. This will assist the PAC to ensure an effort for reward balance is working. A primary goal of fundraising is to provide additional resources and activities that allow the children’s service fees to remain lower. Fundraising activities should always have an identified goal for parents to relate to and an outcome that parents can see. The funds should be used to purchase equipment or provide an outcome for the children enrolled in that year. Funds can be accumulated over several years for an identified purpose – major renovation. When the PAC make a decision to spend fundraising oncome on equipment or opportunities for children Form 2.9 Request for Transfer of Fundraising funds will be completed by the PAC. This money will then be transferred from the fundraising budget to the operational budget. Development of Fundraising Budget 1. Gather all necessary resources and data – current years fundraising data; identified unspent fundraising from previous year. Check reports of all fundraising activities in the previous and current year to determine activities that are financially successful. 2. Propose a calendar of fundraising events for the following year. This will include successful activities from current year and proposed new activities. When planning social activities determine the focus – fundraising or social. Some activities can be planned with an outcome for low fundraising goal and others for profit. 3. Identify an achievable goal for the year. 4. Discuss any significant projects for the following year – funding to replace children’s tables and chairs; purchase and installation of rain water tanks, etc. 5. Discuss any significant changes of activity with the staff. 6. This data will be included in the meeting with UCVT Finance team and UCVT Kindergarten Coordinator at the same time as the operational budget is developed. Monthly financial reports for both the operational and the fundraising budget will be forwarded to the Treasurer and PAC regularly. UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 22 Income and Expenditure Notes Income The two major items of income of the children’s service are the fees paid by the family and the funding from government. Kindergarten funding is the responsibility of DEECD - per capita grant and KFS, and Child Care Benefit in long day care settings is the responsibility of Family Assistance Office and DEEWR. Interest from bank investments, grants, donations and fundraising are the remaining income sources. Grants received by UCVT on behalf of a children’s service are recorded as income. UCVT will request support from the PAC to complete the accountability reports when required. Expenses Salaries for staff are the most significant component of the expenses of operating a children’s service. All staff are employed under the relevant awards or agreements. Kindergarten staff are employed under the Victorian Early Childhood Teachers and Assistants Agreement (VECTAA) Child Care staff are employed under the Children’s Services Award Administration staff are employed under the Clerks Private Sector Award 2010 The ratios of adult to child and qualified teacher to child are determined by Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) – the national body that provides the National Law and Regulations and this data prescribes the number of staff required. An amount is budgeted annually to replace children’s equipment due to wear and tear. To ensure children are accessing current educational and cultural materials some new equipment should be purchased each year. The day to day operational costs of the materials used to present the children’s program – paint, paper, buckets and spades, scientific materials, foodstuffs etc. are quite significant and essential. Training is an essential component of educators’ lives. There are requirements for staff to have training in first aid, asthma, anaphylaxis, child protection as identified in the ACECQA Regulations to ensure children’s wellbeing is met. In addition to this is the expectation that all educators will update and extend their knowledge regularly to ensure children are offered appropriate challenges and relevant programs based on current research. There is a requirement in the VECTAA for minimum hours of training for all educators. UCVT Administration charge. The services provided by the Cluster – UCVT are charged to the children’s service as 6% of the income of fees and government grants. This has been varied in some cases where some tasks have been undertaken by PAC or Administration Officers based in the UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 23 children’s service. This amount is charged monthly on actuals. This will cause significant variation across the months as it is based on real income. However it will also be an accurate record and not require an adjustment at the end of the year. Budget outcomes It is an assumption that each annual budget will have a break-even or small-surplus outcome. Some years of low enrolments challenge this premise and if the children’s service has significant reserves and the PAC make a written request to the UCVT Director they can continue to operate. However if there are not reserves the children’s service will need to re-plan the operating schedule. Financial reserves All children’s service financial reserves are held in accounts in UCA Funds Management. Interest accrued from these accounts is attributed to the children’s service. UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 24 Financial Reporting Notes Monthly financial reports are produced for each children’s service - reporting against the approved budget. This is emailed to each Treasurer and Chairperson after it is produced –approximately 7 working days into the following month. This report includes all transactions processed in the previous month and reports include month to date (MTD) and year to date (YTD) figures. It provides the PAC with the opportunity to analyze the current financial position of the children’s service. A list of all transactions for the month can be provided to the PAC on request. Regular automatic transactions: DEECD grants are attributed monthly Salaries are attributed as actual cost in that monthly period Children’s fees are attributed when invoices are developed UCVT administration charge is calculated on a monthly basis of actual income Depreciation expenses are attributed on an annual monthly basis. There is no January financial report produced by the UCVT Finance team to a children’s service as minimal transactions occur in January. However during January the annual financial reports are prepared for each children’s service for the previous calendar year. These will include adjusted amounts including variations to DEECD payments and staff entitlements. When finalized this is provided to the PAC for discussion and acceptance at the next PAC meeting. The monthly financial reports are presented in three parts: 1. Income and expenditure – Profit and Loss Statement Indicates the current ‘ytd’ and ‘mtd’ status of each cost centre. A full list of transactions contributing to this is available through the Kindergarten Coordinator. Coding errors are often discovered at this stage when a cost centre is outside the predicted figures. 2. Balance Sheet This area reflects the accrued monies for fundraising, staff entitlements and funds. The outstanding debts are listed here. Capital values etc that do not reflect the manner in which children’s service’s budgets are developed as facilities are usually owned by other bodies – the Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (Victoria); Local government bodies etc. 3. Summary of financial statement. This section provides a quick overview of the report. UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 25 Any further information can be sought from the UCVT Kindergarten Coordinator or the UCVT Finance Team. Payroll Process Flowchart All employed staff of the UCVT Early Years Cluster Kindergarten Staff Child Care staff Administration staff No fortnightly time sheets. Variation forms submitted when leave is taken or approved additional hours worked All forms to be signed by senior staff member and forwarded according to payroll schedule Time sheets completed fortnightly Mail: Faxed: Email: Scan: Payroll Officer 130 Little Collins Street Melbourne 3000 Payroll Officer 9654 1019 Accounting@victas.org.au Payroll Officer s Vivian.Farrugia@victas.uca.org.au Michelle.Blackney@victas.uca.org.au Queries can be addressed to Kindergarten Coordinator Dannie Dupleix 9251 5696 Payroll Officers Viv Farrugia 9251 5234 Michelle Blackney 9251 5240 UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 26 Payroll Processes The payroll team process all cluster staff salaries according to the relevant awards: VECTAA 2009 all kindergarten staff Children’s Services Award all long day care staff Clerks – Private Employer Award administration staff Staff can access award information through the internet or by contacting the UCVT Kindergarten Coordinator. The payroll staff will pay all permanent staff according to the details in each staff member’s letter of appointment in compliance with the relevant award. Payroll staff receive all updates and amendments to awards and apply these in the correct time frame as per the advice from ELAA or Jobs Australia. There are three payroll processes: 1. Auto pay Kindergarten staff (permanent) are on ‘auto pay’. They do not submit regular time sheets as they are paid their ‘normal hours’ and conditions as per their annual letter of appointment. Any permanent change of hours of employment will be confirmed in writing (Payroll Memo) by the UCVT Kindergarten Coordinator. All staff are required to complete a Staff Attendance Record each day of attendance. A draft ‘Sign In and Out” book is provided to each service. All Payroll Forms are available from UCVT and available on line and are included in the Staff Payroll Procedures. 2. Time sheets Child Care staff are required to complete a fortnightly time sheet. Time sheets are signed by the senior staff member prior to submission. Time sheets are submitted to payroll as per annual schedule. All staff are required to complete a Staff Attendance Record each day of attendance (Sign in and Out Book). 3. Relief and emergency staff process (VECTAA) Relief staff - If a permanent staff member is available to work to replace an absent staff member from the cluster staff group they will be paid their normal hourly rate for the additional time worked at 1.25% for assistants and 1.20% for teachers. Additional hours do not accrue entitlements as per normal hours. A variation form will be submitted on a fortnightly basis according to the payroll schedule. Emergency Staff – If a staff member works as an emergency staff member they will be paid according to the VECTAA. If relief or emergency staff are recruited from an agency they will provide the staff member on the premises with their time sheet for the period to be signed. They submit this to the agency UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 27 who invoices the cluster. If these accounts are received at the kindergarten they are approved through the normal accounts payable process. Fundraising, Grants and Donations Fundraising is an important task for the PAC. There are both social and financial goals and these need to be clearly agreed to before any activity is undertaken. Activities to achieve a financial outcome should be carefully planned and costed to ensure the work vs. financial gain is balanced. The PAC often includes a fundraising coordinator or fundraising team who develop an annual calendar of activities for approval by the PAC. Reports of current fundraising activities should be presented at each PAC meeting with the financial monthly report. A risk assessment form will be completed for all fundraising activities and forwarded to UCVT Kindergarten Coordinator. If the risk is seen as significant the UCVT Kindergarten Coordinator may follow up with the UCVT Insurance team to verify the activity is specifically covered by the insurance policy. Planning Process Plan activity Complete JSA (Job Safety Analysis) – risk assessment form (Form 2.15) Establish time frame and organizational costs Estimate income Present to PAC Meeting in a written format including all costs. (Form 2.11) Prepare a separate running sheet/ budget for each fundraising activity Code invoices correctly to ensure all costs are allocated appropriately and the true costs of each activity are identified Final task is to calculate surpluses Bank money into UCVT account completing and forwarding coding form to confirm this transaction Each kindergarten has a separate code - CK 45…. The third digit is the identifier for the kindergarten and the second digit indicates it is a fundraising budget code. Throughout the year the PAC may have raised a $2,000 surplus from a significant activity and then at the next meeting of the PAC agreed to spend this money on computer equipment such as a tablet for the children’s program. The money required for this purchase would be transferred to the operational budget – code CK 40… and then the items purchased and the invoice coded CK40… - 7100 and the GST will be claimed through the normal processes. UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 28 Grants The PAC will often have the opportunity to apply for a grant – local or state government, philanthropic organisations or community organisations. When the application is complete it must be forwarded to UCVT for sign off by the Director UCVT unit. Successful grant applications are implemented by the PAC with the support of the UCVT Kindergarten Coordinator and all related financial transactions and accountabilities are undertaken by the UCVT Finance team. Discuss any proposed grant applications with the UCVT Kindergarten Coordinator. Donations Financial donations will be banked through the UCVT banking processes. The funds are then available to the PAC to expend. Receipts can be produced by the UCVT Finance team. UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 29 Code of Conduct and Confidentiality Code of Conduct Policy All members of the PAC will be asked to read the Code of Conduct Policy and complete a form (Form 3.2) acknowledging they understand and will comply with the policy. Conflict of interest issues must be discussed at PAC meetings and individuals are required to declare any conflict of interest they may have in any financial discussion. The PAC is the body that plans and undertakes activities on behalf of the children’s service and all financial transactions must be open and honest. All decisions must be recorded in the minutes of a PAC meeting and approved by the majority of those present. Remember the phrase- If it is too good to be true – then it probably is! Privacy and Confidentiality Policy All members of the PAC will be asked to read the Privacy and Confidentiality Policy and complete a form (Form 3.2) acknowledging they understand and will comply with the policy. The PAC is the body that plans and undertakes some activities on behalf of the Approved Provider of the children’s service and all activities involving details of parents and children must be handled in a confidential manner consistent with the Privacy and Confidentiality policy. Remember the phrase- what happens in Vegas – stays in Vegas! UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook 30 UCVT Early Years Cluster – Financial Procedures Handbook