Performance audit — Audit Planning Memorandum Audit Planning Memorandum Absenteeism Background With the Tasmanian Government comprising over 27,500 employees, payroll and other employee related costs are significant at $2.107bn (for the year ended 30 June 2013). Where staff are unable to work either due to short term or long term sickness or injury (absenteeism), the productivity and cost effectiveness of the public service is significantly impacted. With today’s economic conditions demanding optimal cost and revenue performance, the cost of absenteeism is a key financial metric focussed on by management of organisations and is in many ways the first gateway measure of how effective the processes are for managing absenteeism. Notwithstanding this, the drivers of absenteeism cost, can be attributed to numerous factors, which makes it difficult to actually benchmark across other organisations and jurisdictions. With the management of absenteeism being decentralised to Tasmanian Agencies, it is critical that these processes are designed and operating with optimal effectiveness and efficiency. Audit Objectives The objective of the audit is to assess whether sick leave and other absenteeism arrangements are being effectively and efficiently managed. Audit Scope This audit will assess the performance of the following entities in respect to reducing the cost and incidence of absenteeism: Department of Police & Emergency Services; Department of Justice; Department of Education; TasTAFE; and Tasmanian Health Organisation South. The audit will establish reasons for absenteeism levels and this will be considered from two key aspects, being cost (or more specifically the drivers of cost and therefore efficiency) and processes (and therefore effectiveness). There will be a particular focus on reasons for absenteeism levels at the selected audit clients, from both cost and process perspectives with a particular focus on sick leave and processes applied in managing staff back to work. Audit Criteria In the area of absence management, there are no available independent standards in which to benchmark audit clients against contemporary better practice. Accordingly, the criteria for this performance audit have had regard to experience with key elements of 1 Performance audit — Audit Planning Memorandum systems where efficiency and cost effectiveness are key objectives. Process, cost, return to work Objective /subobjective Criteria Effectiven Reporting & ess monitoring Effectiven Policy ess development and management Sub-criteria Does the organisation generate timely and accurate reporting on absences Is the reporting protected from manipulation Is the reporting disseminated to the right levels within the organisation Does the organisation use the reported information effectively to determine if further remedial action is required Does the organisation set KPI’s for absence management Does the organisation benchmark its results against other like organisations Is absence management included in staff PD’s or individual performance KPI’s? Does the organisation have policies that are practical and clear on the roles and responsibilities for absence management Does the organisation regularly review the policies and update as necessary Does the organisation outline clear responsibility for policy development Does the organisation have sound policies for promulgation of polices and 2 Audit approach Consult with the organisation and document an understanding of how reporting is generated. Enquire, if relevant, how absence management is included in performance management. Conduct walkthroughs to validate our understanding of this. Review performance against any KPI’s Obtain, if available, any benchmarking available from market (state owned enterprises) or from each organisation and review. Consult with the organisation and document an understanding of how policies are developed and managed. Consult with the organisation and document processes applied at the time of recruitment to identify any prior absenteeism concerns. Read policies from each audit client and compare for consistency. Create a Performance audit — Audit Planning Memorandum Objective /subobjective Criteria Sub-criteria Audit approach enhancing awareness of the policy framework Does the organisation have sound recruitment processes to identify any prior history of absenteeism in previous employment? Effectiven Data capture ess Does the organisation have sufficient processes for ensuring the absence management data is captured Does the organisation have sufficient processes for ensuring the absence management data is accurate and complete Does the organisation capture the right information? Efficiency IT systems Does the organisation use IT systems effectively to assist in absence management (eg data capture, reporting, exception reporting, monitoring)? Efficiency Preventative Does the organisation awareness and generate sufficient staff support awareness of preventative 3 matrix of policy elements and determine a ‘best of breed’ from those reviewed (request any specific information here from Shared Service Management Office SSMO). Conduct consultations with staff regarding awareness of the organisation’s policies. Conduct walkthroughs to validate our understanding of this. Collate listing of data captured from each audit client and compare for consistency. Create a matrix of data captured and determine a ‘best of breed’ from those reviewed. Consult with the organisation and document an understanding of how data is captured (completeness and accuracy). Conduct walkthroughs to validate our understanding of this. Determine how each audit client uses IT in absence management and compare for consistency. Create a matrix and determine a ‘best of breed’ approach from those reviewed. Determine how each audit client creates awareness in preventative absence Performance audit — Audit Planning Memorandum Objective /subobjective Criteria programs Sub-criteria measures for absences Does the organisation provide staff support programs Does the organisation measure the success and value for money for the staff support program Does the organisation receive reports from service providers and take action in relation thereto? Audit approach measures and compare for consistency. Create a matrix and determine a ‘best of breed’ approach from those reviewed. Enquire with organisations on the issues preventing a ‘quicker’ return to work Enquire on mechanisms for measuring success and value for money for staff support programs and validate. Determine cost per FTE of staff support programs for each audit client and compare for consistency. Effectiven Managing staff Does the organisation have Determine how each audit ess back to work appropriate processes in client approaches from long term place to manage staff back managing staff back to absences to work from longer work from longer absences absences and compare for Does the organisation consistency. Create a receive any support from matrix and determine a external parties as it relates ‘best of breed’ approach to absence management from those reviewed. Does the organisation Enquire on how cases are transition cases to ‘workers transitioned from sick compensation’ cases on a leave to workers timely basis? compensation cases. Efficiency Cost of absence Has the organisation’s Obtain directly attributable average cost per FTE costs from each organisation reduced over the five year over the five year period period five years 2009-10 to and compare. Discuss 2013-14 reasons for any anomalies. Efficiency Performance of What are the key drivers for Obtain absence data from and reasons for the organisation’s average organisations personnel absence costs cost per FTE over the five systems and analyse for year period five years 2009- reasons, trends, etc. Data 10 to 2013-14 analysis outcomes may Are there any trends identify common themes indicating systemic fraud by and characteristics that may 4 Performance audit — Audit Planning Memorandum Objective /subobjective Criteria Sub-criteria Audit approach staff allow grouping of reasons Are there any correlations and issues in order to focus between absence costs and the recommendations to any Enterprise Agreement such groupings. conditions Consider those elements Are there any common noted in the scope section themes and characteristics above. of absenteeism within the Obtain profile of absence organisations that can be entitlements from each grouped to assist in the audit client and compare for organisation’s response? consistency. Correlate, if relevant, back to absence data Compare the cost of absence alongside the Enterprise Agreement conditions and assess for any correlations. 5