Jacksonian Democrats viewed themselves as the

Step 1: Analyzing the question
Directions: The first step in doing any DBQ is
determining exactly what the question is asking you
to do. Jot down your ideas in your workspace.
Jacksonian Democrats viewed themselves as the
guardians of the United States Constitution,
political democracy, individual liberty, and
equality of economic opportunity.
In light of the following documents and your
knowledge of the 1820’s and 1830’s to what
extent do you agree with the Jacksonians' view
of themselves?
Step 2: Recalling relevant
Directions: When answering any essay
question, you should briefly list the main
events of the time period addressed
before you read the documents (do so in
your work space). This will become your
"outside information" that you will weave
into your essay. Essays that lack this
required outside information do not
generally receive very high scores.
Step 3: Drafting the thesis
statement and outline
Directions: Before you read the
documents, draft a thesis statement and
outline for your essay (in your work
space). This will help you organize your
thoughts. It will also ensure that you
include ample outside information. You
will have a chance to revise this after
you read the documents and before you
begin to write.
Sample Thesis Statements
Thesis 1: Jacksonian Democrats,
supporters and followers of Andrew
Jackson, were indeed the guardians of
democracy and the interests of the
common people. They insisted on a strict
adherence to the Constitution, the
expansion of political democracy, and the
protection of individual liberty and equality
of economic opportunity. There were,
however, some areas where they failed.
Sample Thesis Statements
Thesis 2: Supporters and followers of Andrew
Jackson believed themselves to be the guardians
of the Constitution and the common people and
took credit for an increase in universal male
suffrage during the 1820's and 1830's. However,
the issues of slavery, the removal of Native
Americans, women's rights, states' rights, and the
national bank recharter and veto offered more
challenges than the Jacksonian Democrats could
successfully handle. The Jacksonian Democrats
were more the beneficiaries of political democracy
than the guardians of it.
Sample Draft Outline
I. Jacksonian Democrats and the
A. President responsible to the common
B. Defies Supreme Court ruling
concerning Cherokee
C. Willingness to use force against South
D. Supreme Court and monopoly
Sample Draft Outline
II. Political democracy
A. Increased political participation,
expansion of right to vote
B. Spoils system, kitchen cabinet
C. Labor and unionism
D. Elections of 1828 and 1832
E. Formation of the Whig Party
Sample Draft Outline
III. Individual liberty
A. American society/democracy
B. Indian removal policy
C. Continued existence of slavery
D. Women's rights
Sample Draft Outline
IV. Equality of economic opportunity
A. Veto of Bank, establishment of pet
banks/ Maysville Road veto
B. Specie circular
C. Panic of 1837 and Whigs
D. Competition and monopoly
Step 4: Analyzing documents
Directions: As you read a document,
note the main idea and source. Also
think about how each document might
relate to outside information as well as
to other documents. Jot down notes in
your work space.
Step 5: Revising the thesis
statement and outline
Directions: Revise your thesis
statement and outline to amend your
main points, if necessary, and
incorporate information from the
Step 6: Writing the essay
Directions: Now you should be ready to
write your essay.