Diapositive 1

In Europe we are surprised to see how religious Americans are: it’s especially hard
to understand for French who is used to strict secularism.
For us French, the American republic is not secular at all: presidents usually end
their speech by “God bless America” and the “in God we trust motto” is displayed
on dollar notes.
But, to study religion in the American society we must stray from our “French
vision” and accept what we think is paradoxical.
I/ Religion is a pillar of the American society
A/ So many different religions
Some stats:
In 2005 a survey showed:
in 1900, 50% of the Americans were affiliated with a Church whereas it was 70% in 2005.
95% believe in God
75% pray ED
75% read the Bible once a year ( at least)
40% say they attend masses ( 8 times more than in France, 4 times more than Europe)
30% think they have met God in their life ( “born again evangelists”)
Different religions DOC PHOTOCOP
Bible belt:
The Bible Belt is an informal term for a region in the southeastern and south-central
United States in which conservative Protestantism is a significant part of the culture
and Christian church attendance is generally higher than the nation's average.
Protestants still hold a short majority: 51, 3%
Mainline protestants (founders) are surpassed by evangelists:
The number of Catholics is pretty high 23,9%
There are 6 million Jews ( 1,7%)
Then there is a myriad of other believes: Mormons (Utah), New Age (California 60’s),
Buddhists, Hindus, 5000 cults, Jehovah’s witnesses who expect a new coming of Jesus,
B/ Religion has always been a founding principle
1)In some founding texts:
First amendment
1776 declaration of independence
Constitution 1787
T.Jefferson’s text
2) Religion is mentioned in the national symbols:
-The flag and the“Pledge of allegiance:
« I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic
for which it stands, one Nation under God( added 1954), indivisible, with liberty and
justice for all. »
-Dollar notes:
1956 Eisenhower put the motto on notes
but this motto appeared first in 1863 on 2 cent-coins during the civil War like a form of
protestant nationalism
Money is still linked with God’s protection: Rockefeller said: “God gave me my money”
3-Religion in education:
a) Scope trial: evolutionism against creationism
In Dayton Tennessee July 1925: sentenced a teacher JOHN SCOPES to a fine because he
taught evolution in class
Indeed the previous February, John Butler made a law which said it was unlawful to
teach evolution
"to teach any theory that denies the story of divine creation as taught by the Bible and to
teach instead that man was descended from a lower order of animals."
It’s remembered as the « monkey trial »
b) School prayers:
1962 the Supreme Court ruled to cancel payers in schools .
c) School vouchers’ controversy:
Defenders of strict church/state separation and secular government opposed to
use school vouchers to pay private schools
II/ Is religion a source of cohesion or a threat of division?
A/ Religion is a unifying factor:
1-In the society:
-The Salvation army
-Sister Aimee:
- mega churches and televangelists: See Bill Graham speech
2-In politics: Reagan, Carter, Civil right:
-Carter: Jimmy Carter Warns Religion And Politics Are Getting Too Cozy
-Reagan: quotes
-G.W.Bush: quotes
-Civil rights: MLK Baptist minister, Bus Boycott Montgomery 1955, I have a Dream
Washington 1963: refers to the Bible
Malcolm X see doc
B/ Religion can be a divisive factor:
1)In the society: gay marriage, right to life and post 9/11 anti Islamophobia.
-The ROE v/s WADE trial: 1973 Jane Roe ( Norma Mc Corvey) appealed to the
Supreme court after being refused abortion in TEXAS.
The SC gave her the right to abort and allowed abortion under 7 month pregnancy.3
months up to the mother then 4 following month decided with doctor
Now and since 1995, she leads a right-to-life movement saying back in 73 she was
-anti abortion and “right to life”: pro-lifers are the ones who stand up against
They are very conservative about religion but also use
-the 1776 declararyion of independence “ among these are life and the
pursuit of happiness”
-the 1948 universal declaration of human right “ we all have a right to
They are organized into a powerful LOBBY: http://www.nrlc.org/
-Statement of Carol Tobias, National Right to Life President)
-Gay marriage: the most conservative about religion as the Mormons or some
evangelist oppose gay marriage
Mitt Romney: opposes gay marriage but does not oppose adoption by gay
-The Huffington Post : american web newpaper founded by arianna Huftington
Open in 2005 , liberal view ( non conservative)
2) In politics:
-Founding fathers: Puritanism: very strict in religion, convinced God helped them in
their « MANIFEST DESTINY ».God gave American a mission to spread their value across
the world: it has been a source of tension and conflict showing religion can divide
-Jim Crow laws supported by the KKK: founded by Bedford 1865, re-founded in 1915
by Simmons, based on “white Anglo Saxon protestant” values. It praised discrimination
and violence against the ones who were not seen as “good Christians”
-1919: Harding’s prohibition 18th amendment : in the name of religious Puritanism and
religious conservatism and also to get women’s vote Harding passed the Prohibition act
: it caused illegal traffic of alcohol, gang warfare and created tensions in the American
-Harding and Coolidge’s quotas: 1921, 1924 and anti Catholicism
-Kennedy’s speech on religion:
On Sept. 12, 1960, presidential candidate John F. Kennedy gave a major speech to the
Greater Houston Ministerial Association, a group of Protestant ministers, on the issue of
his religion. At the time, many Protestants questioned whether Kennedy's Roman
Catholic faith would allow him to make important national decisions as president
independent of the church.
-“Monica Gate”:
The Lewinsky scandal was a political sex scandal emerging in 1998, from a sexual
relationship between United States President Bill Clinton ( 1992-2000) and a 22-yearold White House intern, Monica Lewinsky.
The story broke in the mainstream press on January 21 1998 in The Washington Post.
Bill Clinton was distrusted as a “bad Christian” and so as a president as president have
to be morally right