FC 1408 Construction Site Fire Safety Manager

New York City Fire Code
Chapter 14 Fire Safety During Construction,
Alteration and Demolition
Presentation to New York Fire Safety Academy
for the Construction Industry
Assistant Chief Richard Tobin
Bureau of Fire Prevention
Fire Safety During Construction,
Alteration and Demolition (CDA)
• Buildings under CDA must comply with
Chapter 14 of the Fire Code and NFPA
• Construction Site is defined as any
location where a building, premise or
facility is undergoing construction,
alteration or demolition.
Fire Safety During CDA
FC 1403 Portable Fueled Space-heaters
• Portable Oil fueled heaters - May be used at
construction sites for curing and drying purposes.
• Portable Gas fueled heaters - Utilizing LPG , CNG or
piped natural gas may be used curing and drying
• Portable Coke fueled salamanders - Are not recognized
by the Fire Code. An FDNY variance for their use is
All categories of heaters cited under FC Section 1403
require an FDNY Certificate of Fitness S-92.
Fire Safety During CDA
Coke Salamanders are no longer recognized by
the New York City Fire Code.
• FDNY will write Variances allowing their use for
the 2009 – 2010 winter season.
• Requests for Variance must be submitted to:
Bureau of Fire Prevention
Technology Management Unit – 3rd Floor
9 Metro-Tech Center,
Brooklyn NY 11201
Fire Safety During CDA
• Coke Salamanders use coal briquettes.
• Require fire guard with Certificate of
Fitness S-92.
• Must be kept 10 feet from tarpaulins or
other combustible enclosures.
• Tarpaulins must be made of fire retardant
• CO monitor must be available on site and
hourly readings taken when in operation.
Fire Safety During CDA
• Record of CO readings must be maintained in
bound notebook, the hourly patrol record may be
kept in same notebook.
• There must be escape hatches with a minimum
width of 44 inches in place on the floor where
salamanders are deployed.
• Salamanders must be BSA approved devices
mounted on non-combustible platforms.
• Fire extinguishers must be in place one per
2,500 square feet of floor area.
Fire Safety During CDA
Section FC 1404
Against Fire
• Smoking is
prohibited at all
CDA Sites.
• No smoking signs
must be posted.
Fire Safety During CDA
Results In
Fire Safety During CDA
FC 1404 Precautions Against Fire
• Open fires are not allowed. It is unlawful to
ignite or maintain an open fire at a
construction site.
• Spontaneous combustion - Materials
subject to spontaneous combustion, such
as oily rags, shall be stored in an
approved fireproof container.
Fire Safety During CDA
FC 1404.5 Fire Watch - An Area of Confusion !!
• The Fire Commissioner may require persons holding
FDNY certificates of fitness to serve as on site “fire
watches” fire-watch is a broad term used in the new Fire
Code. Fire watches required to have an FDNY C of F are
referred to as “Fire Guards” by the FDNY.
• Fire guards (Require FDNY Certificate of Fitness) shall
be provided with at least one approved means of
notifying the FDNY in case of fire.
• The sole duty of the fire watch is to constantly patrol for
and watch for the occurrence of fire.
Fire Safety During CDA
• Combustible waste
shall be removed at
the end of each work
shift, but at least once
a day or stored in non
containers. It shall
not be allowed to
accumulate in the
Fire Safety During CDA
Rubbish to
Accumulate Has
Proven Deadly
Fire Safety During CDA
FC 1404.6 Cutting and Welding
• Hot Work is defined as cutting, welding,
brazing, soldering, torch applied roof
systems or any other similar activity or
• Hot Work Area – The area exposed to
sparks, hot slag, radiant heat, or
convective heat as a result of hot work.
Fire Safety During CDA
Hot Work Fire Watch Requirements
A fire watch(FDNYcertified) shall be
maintained and fireguards shall be require
in accordance with FC Sections 2604.2.1
through 2604.2.7
• 2604.2.1 – A fire watch(FDNY Certified) shall
be maintained during hot work operations.
The fire watch shall be maintained a minimum
of 30 minutes after conclusion of the work.
This timeframe may be extended DOC.
Fire Safety During CDA
Hot Work Fire Watch Requirements
• 2604.2.2 Location - Fire watch shall observe
the entire hot work area. Hot work conducted
in areas with vertical or horizontal fire
exposures that are not observable by a single
individual shall have additional personnel
assigned to ensure exposed areas are
Fire Safety During CDA
Hot Work Fire Watch Requirements
• 2604.2.3 Duties - Fire watch shall have fire
extinguishing equipment available. Fire watch
shall be trained to use extinguishers. Fire
watch shall extinguish spot fire and report
same to FDNY.
• 2604.2.4 Fire Training - The individuals
responsible for performing the hot work AND
the fire watch shall be trained to use portable
Fire Safety During CDA
Hot Work Fire Watch Requirements
• 2604.2.5 Fire Hoses - Where hose lines are
required, they shall be connected, charged
and ready for operation.
• 2604.2.6 Portable Fire Extinguishers - A
minimum of one (1) portable fire extinguisher
with a minimum 2-A-20-BC rating shall be
available and within thirty (30) feet of the
location where hot work is performed and
where fire guards are positioned.
Fire Safety During CDA
Hot Work Fire Watch Requirements
2604.2.7 Fire Guards for Torch Operations
The fire watch for torch operations
conducted at the following locations shall be
conducted by fire guards with FDNY C of F.
Construction sites.
On any roof top or in connection with any torch
applied roof system operations.
In any building or structure, when torch operation
is conducted by a person holding a citywide
permit for torch operations.
Fire Safety During CDA
Hot Work Fire Watch Requirements
• 2604.2.7.1 Construction sites and torchapplied roof systems – A fireguard shall be
provided for each torch operation at a
construction site and in connection with torchapplied roofing system operations. A fire
guard shall be provided for each torch in
operation. An additional fireguard shall be
provided on the floor or level below the torch
Fire Safety During CDA
FC Section 1405 Flammable and Combustible Liquids
• Storage of flammable and combustible liquids shall be in
compliance with Chapter 34 of the Fire Code Section
• Leaking containers shall be immediately repaired or
taken out of service. Spills must be cleaned up
• Sources of ignition are prohibited in storage area in
accord with Section 310.8 which grants the Fire
Commissioner wide latitude to designate that sources of
ignition create an undue fire hazard.
Fire Safety During CDA
FC Section 1405 Flammable and
Combustible Liquids
• 1405.5 Handling at point of final use
Class 1( flashpoint below 100 degrees F)
and Class 2 ( flashpoint below at or above
100 degrees F) liquids shall be stored in
approved safety containers.
• Containers for Class 1 liquids shall not
exceed 5 gallons capacity.
Fire Safety During CDA
FC 1406 Flammable Gases and Oxygen
• Requirements for storage are found in Chapters
26, 35 and 38 of the Fire Code.
• Oxygen shall be stored in compliance with Sec.
1406.2.1 through Sec. 1406.2.1.9
• Storage in excess of 1 cylinder (6.2 cubic feet)
shall be located outdoors.
• Storage room for oxygen must be ventilated and
not contain any combustible material or
flammable gas.
Fire Safety During CDA
FC 1406 Flammable Gases and Oxygen
• Service piping from an oxygen manifold shall be copper
tubing, stainless steel, wrought iron or steel and be run
vertically outside the building to the floor or floors being
• Signs shall be posted in storage area of liquid oxygen
• Operating instructions shall be posted near any liquid
oxygen manifold.
• An Affidavit shall be provided by the installer /contractor
certifying vaporizer, piping, hose and safety devices are
approved and tested.
Fire Safety During CDA
FC 1406 Flammable Gases and Oxygen
• Oxygen trailers shall be constructed in accordance with
United States DOT specifications.
• Operating instructions shall be posted near the trailer.
• The owner or operator of the trailer must notify FDNY 48
hours in advance of the delivery of the trailer to the site.
• Handling and use of portable liquid oxygen containers
and oxygen trailers shall be under personal supervision
of a certificate of fitness holder.
• Storage shall be under the general supervision of the C
of F holder.
Fire Safety During CDA
FC 1407 Explosive Materials
• FDNY Certificate of Fitness holders are
required for storage, handling and use.
• Blasting shall be conducted within
guidelines provided by FC Section 3303
and NFPA 495.
• Never fight explosives fires! Immediately
call FDNY.
Fire Safety During CDA
FC 1408 Construction Site Fire Safety
• Required whenever a site safety manager
or fire safety coordinator is required by the
Building Code.
• Fire Safety Manager shall conduct
inspection of site daily for fire safety
measures and maintain record of
inspections for FDNY review.
Fire Safety During CDA
Requirements For
Construction Site Fire
Safety Manager have not
been finalized by FDNY.
The expectation is that the
position will require an
FDNY Certificate of Fitness.
Fire Safety During CDA
FC 1408 Construction Site Fire Safety Manager
• Pre-fire plans shall be developed by Fire Safety
Manager and kept at site for FDNY review.
• FDNY shall be notified of any changes to the
• Training on portable fire extinguishers and other
fire protection equipment shall be provided to
construction workers by the Fire Safety
Fire Safety During CDA
FC 1408 Construction Site Fire Safety
• FSM shall ensure all fire protection
equipment and systems are available,
periodically tested, and maintained
according to the Fire and Building Code
• FSM is responsible for ensuring Hot Work
is done in accord with FC Chapter 26.
Fire Safety During CDA
FC 1408 Construction Site Fire Safety
• Impairment of Fire Protection Systems FSM shall comply with FC Section 901 in
the event of impairment any fire protection
• Records of inspections shall be
maintained for 3 years and available for
FDNY inspection.
Fire Safety During CDA
FC 1408 Construction Site Fire Safety Manager
• Whenever a required fire protection system is out
of service the FSM must immediately notify FDNY.
FC 1409 Fire Alarm Reporting
• A telephone not requiring a coin or other approved
and clearly identified means to notify FDNY shall
be provided. The emergency number of the FDNY
must be posted adjacent to the phone or other
approved device.
Fire Safety During CDA
FC 1410 Access for Firefighting
• Vehicle access shall be capable of
supporting FDNY vehicle load (75,000
lbs.) under all weather conditions.
• A Key box shall be maintained that is
operable by an FDNY key. The box shall
contain building entry keys and other
keys that may be required for access in
an emergency.
Fire Safety During CDA
FC 1410 Access for Firefighting
• A Key box shall be maintained that is
operable by an FDNY key. The box shall
contain building entry keys and other keys
that may be required for access in an
Fire Safety During CDA
FC 1410 Access for Firefighting
• Access for FDNY apparatus must be
provided. Access must be provided within 100
feet of temporary or permanent fire
department connections.
• Vehicle access shall be capable of supporting
FDNY vehicle load (75,000 lbs.) under all
weather conditions.
Fire Safety During CDA
FC 1411 Means of Egress and Elevators
• Stairways shall be available and remain
• Required means of egress shall be
maintained during CDA in accordance with
the Fire and Building Codes.
• Elevators shall be provided and
maintained for FDNY use in accordance
with construction and Building Codes.
Fire Safety During CDA
FC 1411 Egress and Elevators
• Section 3303.11 of the NYC Building
Code requires that means of egress shall
be maintained at all times during
construction and demolition. The only
exception to this rule is “where there are
approved temporary means of egress
systems and facilities.”
Fire Safety During CDA
FC 1411 Egress and Elevators
• Building Code Section 3303.12 temporary
elevator or hoist. Whenever construction or
demolition work reaches a height greater than
75 feet at least one elevator or hoist shall be in
readiness for FDNY use at all times. The max
distance between the highest accessible floor
from a temporary elevator or hoist for a building
under CDA is 75 feet.
Fire Safety During CDA
FC 1411 Elevator In
• If construction
reaches over
seventy-five in
height at least one
elevator shall be
kept in readiness at
all times for use by
the Fire Department
Fire Safety During CDA
FC 1412 Water Supply for Fire
• Any water supply for firefighting operations
including standpipe outlets, street hydrants,
and yard hydrants shall not be used for
construction, alteration or demolition purposes
unless approved by FDNY.
FC 1413 Standpipes
• Standpipe shall be maintained dry during
CDA and available for FDNY Use.
Fire Safety During CDA
FC 1413 Standpipes
For use at
construction sites
shall be provided,
maintained, and
made available for
FDNY use in
accordance with
this code, and the
construction codes
including the NYC
Building Code.
Fire Safety During CDA
New York City Building Code re: Standpipe
Section 27-1014(b) requires a standpipe when the building
reaches a height of seventy-five feet with a floor system in place.
Standpipes shall be maintained as dry systems.
During demolition / construction the standpipe risers shall be
capped above the outlet on the floor below the highest floor
maintaining the standpipe system on all lower floors for fire
department use.
Standpipe systems consisting of two or more risers may utilize
one of the risers to convey compressed air upon application to
and permission from the fire department.
A metal sign at the Siamese connection for the standpipe must be
present reading “STANDPIPE SIAMESE CONNECTION” with a
red light over the sign. The red light must be lit at night.
Fire Safety During CDA
Properly Posted
Siamese Sign With
Red Light
Fire Safety During CDA
Siamese Sign Is
Red Light and
Metal Sign
Fire Safety During CDA
1415 Portable Fire
Where required:
At each stairwell where
combustible waste is
At the entrance to storage
Where flammable or
combustible liquids are
stored, handled or used.
On each floor one per
2,500 square feet.
Fire Safety During CDA
FC 1416 Internal Combustion Powered
• Exhaust shall not discharge against combustible
• Equipment shall not be refueled while in
• Fuel for equipment shall be stored in an
approved outdoor area, and shall be moved in
containers not exceeding 5 gallons capacity.
Fire Safety During CDA
FC 1417 Roofing Operations
• If hot work is involved must comply with
Chapters 25, 35 and 38 as applicable.
• Tar Kettles shall not be located within 20 feet of
combustibles. Shall not be used on the roof of a
building and shall not block egress.
• Certificate of fitness to operate is required. And
C of F holder must be within 100 feet of the
kettle during operations.
Fire Safety During CDA
FC 1417 Roofing Operations
• At least one portable extinguisher shall be
available minimum rating of 3-A :40 BC
• 1417.4 It shall be unlawful to install roofing
material with a torch on a roof of
combustible construction using hot work
Fire Safety During CDA
FC 1418 Small arms ammunition for
powder-actuated tools:
• Stored in metal box.
• Away from heat and not stored in same
storage area or storage facility
containing compressed gases or
flammable liquids.
• Storage area marked “DANGERAMMUNITION”
Fire Safety During CDA
FC 1418 Small arms ammunition for
powder-actuated tools:
• Certificate of Fitness holder to
establish safe zone behind work area
with 1/2 inch steel plate.
• At least one portable fire extinguisher
with minimum 2-AA rating shall be
provided in ammunition storage area.
Fire Safety During CDA
FC 1418 Small arms ammunition for
powder-actuated tools:
• Powder actuated tools shall only be
operated by a Certificate of Fitness holder.
• Storage of small arms ammunition shall be
under the general supervision of an FDNY
Certificate of Fitness Holder.