MIS Assignments: Information Systems, Security, Ethics

Management Information System
Assignment - 1
Chap -1 (Text Book - V. Rajaraman, "Analysis and Designing of
Information System")
Q1) Explain Types of Information.
Q2) Discuss Why do we need Computer Based System.
Q3) Explain Qualities of Information.
Q4) Distinguish between data and information . Give two
examples of data and information obtained by Processing data.
Q5) What is the main difference between strategic and tactical
information? If information system is to be designed for a hospital
, What would be the operational information required?
Q6) What is Operational Information ? In what way is it different
from strategic information? For a Hospital Information System
what would be the Operational information required?
Q7) What is statutory information ? What statutory information is
expected from a hospital?
Q8) What in your opinion are the strategic, tactical and
operational information needed by an Electric Power Generation
Corporation ?
Management Information System
Assignment - 2
Chap - 2 (Text Book - V. Rajaraman, "Analysis and Designing of
Information System")
Q1) Explain how data will be processed in a bank when a chaque
is presented by a customer and payment made to him(assume
that the bank uses computers).
Q2) Explain TPS (Transaction Processing System).
Q3) Explain MIS (Management Information System).
Q4) Explain DSS (Decision Support System).
Q5) What is the basic difference between Transaction Processing
Q6) What type of information is provided by Management
Information System(MIS)?
Q7) What is difference between MIS and DSS?
Management Information System
Assignment - 3
Chap - 8 (Text Book - Laudon & Laudon, “Management
Information Systems – Managing the Digital Firm”)
Q1) List and Describe most common threads against
contemporary information system.
Q2) Define malware and distingue among a virus, a war and a
Trojan horse .
Q3) Define a Hacker and Explain how hackers create security
problems and damage systems.
Q4) Define Identity Theft and Fishing and Explain Identity Theft
such a big problem.
Q5) Explain how security & control provide value for business.
Management Information System
Assignment - 4
Chap - 8 (Text Book - Laudon & Laudon, “Management
Information Systems – Managing the Digital Firm”)
Q1) Define general controls and describe each type of general
Q2) Define application control and distingue each types of
application controls.
Q3) Name and describe three authentication methods.
Q4) Describe the roles of firewalls, inclusion detection system &
anti-virus software in prompting security.
Q5) Describe the role of encryption, digital certification in public
key infra-structure.
Management Information System
Assignment - 5
Chap - 5 ( Waman S. Jawadekar, “Management Information
Systems – Text & Cases”)
Q1) Discuss impact of IT and privacy.
Q2) Explain ethics and discuss ACM code of ethics and
professional conduction.
Q3) Discuss technical solution for privacy protection.
Q4) Explain intellectual property, copyright and patents.
Q5) Discuss information technology on the workplace.
Q6) Explain information technology quality and techniqu
Management Information System
Assignment - 6
Chap - Organizational Decision Making (Text book - )
Q1) What do you mean by relational decision making ? Explain.
Q2) Discuss the problems in making relational decision.
Q3) Explain hernerf Simon model of decision making.
Q4) Explain types of decision making system & decisions.
Q5) Discuss optimization techniques.
Q6) Payoff Analysis.
Management Information System
Assignment - 7
Chap -
Q1) Explain decision free analysis.
Q2) Discuss decision analysis by analytical modeling.
Q3) Discuss behavioral concepts of decision making.
Q4) Explain organizational decision making.
Q5) Explain dealing with uncertainly and organizational learning.