(not) talking about taboos

Talking About Taboos
International Meeting in Siena (Italy)
February 17th-18th, 2014
2010 - CITIZEN SOLIDARITY The socio-civic interdisciplinary project took place in Gdansk. It was a quest for new
tools and new forms of dialogue – a discourse on the Solidarity ethos as a way of fulfilling concrete
2014 – TAT and CITIZEN SOLIDARITY = (not) talking about taboos
Objective of action/change: How to communicate about exclusion without use of language of hatred. Love –
Hatred. Opposite emotions wake up the language of hatred.
Love can create positive symbols.
And hatred consists of negative emotions, which can destroy positive symbols.
Lack of a catalist in dialogue, when the conversation meanders onto extreme topics – associated with religion,
sexual orientation, nationalism, racial backgrounds – on the subject of dissidence.
Tools: journalistic skills / self-portrait with rainbow – dialogue; implementing elements of journalistic ethics –
listening to each side.
Subject: ONE RAINBOW OF LOVE AND HATRED.add your opinion.
Form: performance [meeting with the rainbow, recording in front of a camera, photo, technology, discussion]
Good practice: Youtube channel; at first examples, and then available will be a description of how to act by
means of civil journalism on the discussion platform; with intros to basic journalist skills [method i2i
contact + frame size]
the rainbow - why is it important?
rainbow - why is it important?
There exists lack of abilities to have a secular discussion about respect for
dissidence, diversity through love for another person in a neutral
atmosphere, in a public space.
Some positive symbols are created – monuments [by a permission to build a
rainbow in the centre of Warsaw] – only to be torn down by so-called
patriotic acts [setting fire to the rainbow] – while covered by the media
without reflection; the public hears exciting news presented by the media
– which creates more tension and not a time and place for discussions.
As an instalation in urban space in Warsaw it generates strong and violent
discussions not only between people of the same ag, but also from
different generations regarding problems of discrimination, dissidence and
lack of tolerance.
As an international symbol – including for Poland, where a rainbow has
strong significance, like:
– For some it is a symbol of tolerance of the LGBT community
– As a convenant between god and man [religion - bible]
(not) talking about taboos - with whom?
IN GDANSK – first activities april- june 2014.
MAŁGORZATA RYBICKA – social activist and member of the
oposition during the Solidarity era; works with people with
JACEK ŻAKOWSKI – publicist, journalist with great experience;
MAGDALENA MORAWSKA – artist photographer, psychologist,
teacher of photography skills;
MICHAŁ BONII – cultural expert, former minister of digitalization;
MILENA MISZTAL – Polish teacher, filmmaker.
(not) talking about taboos - research?
Questionnaire - online – for:
Adults [school Umfeld] – parents, teachers
Evaluation of the survey results during focus group discussions
recorded by cameras – with the permission of the participants
Recording interviews on camera with selected participants
Discussion [based on survey evaluation and interviews] in
seperate age groups during:
- Educational hours – schools
- Parent-teachers nights
- Board of teachers
(not) talking about taboos - sources
Annotated bibliography
Texts on mass influence:
Robert Cialdini – Influence
Charles Duhigg – The power of habit
Texts on how to see the other:
Emmanuel Levinas – Time and the Other
Texts on emotions
Paul Ekman – Telling Lies. Clues to deceit in the marketplace, politics and marriage.
Paul Ekman – Emotions revealed.
Paul Ekman Richard J.Davidson – The nature of emotions.
Text on the symbols:
Carl Gustaw Jung – Man and his symbols
Carl Gustaw Jung – Das symbolische Leben
Citizen Solidarity Project - This is the book AR”S”
Texts on identity:
Anthony Giddens – Modernity and Self-Identity
Matt Ridley – The Origins of Virtue
Johan Huizinga – Homo ludens
(not) talking about taboos - target
• Associations and councils of parents
• Managers in education [all levels]
• Teaching staff [all levels]
• Local government staff
• Government officials
(not) talking about taboos – action what?
Poland_june 2014
Gdańsk – school and its Umfeld –activities within the Umfeld
And/ Or
PERFORMANCE citizen (not) talking about rainbow
Gdynia – city gallery – public action
(not) talking about taboos – action - how?
With the cooperation from local schools and universities we will conduct a
workshop seminar. Dialogue and conversation will be empowered with
methods like:
i2i contact – the interlocutor chooses an unknown person from the
audience – and has to steer the conversation - on a chosen subject according to directives and get a result in specified time [„What is the
meaning of rainbow from your perspective? Why?”]
PERFORMANCE citizen (not) talking about rainbow - Gdynia.
Socio-artistic performance in a photography gallery. With support from local
government. With the use of Augmented Reality. Participants share their
feelings, which are recorded and then displayed with AR technology.
This way we would create the first content for ur Youtube channel.
(not) talking about taboos - results?
Actions carried out during the project can be useful in creating
„good practices” which will be implemented by individual
activities of journalists and workshop activities done by
animators, educators and people involved in the project.
Good practices will be based on basic journalist and film skills,
especially with understanding the merit and sense of using
journalist ethics.
Well-known and easy to operate youtube channel will allow
people to focus on its content and the interpretation of the
content rather than on how to use technology; through
introductions on civic journalism they can focus on the
discussion on the platform platform.
(not) talking about taboos - results?
Actions carried out during the project can be useful in creating
„good practices” which will be implemented by individual
activities of journalists and workshop activities done by
animators, educators and people involved in the project.
Good practices will be based on basic journalist and film skills,
especially with understanding the merit and sense of using
journalist ethics.
Known and easy to manage youtube channel will able to focus
on content and interpretation of it, not on used technology;
through civic journalism on discussion platform; with basic
skills of journalism.