What is are acids and bases?

Content Standard:
Explain the process of dissolving in terms of solute/solvent interactions:
 Observe factors that affect the rate at which a solute dissolves in a specific solvent
 Express concentrations as molarities
 Prepare and properly label solutions of specified molar concentration
Essential Question:
Have I mastered the content of unit nine?
Musical Selection:
Relaxation Station
Learning Activities:
[ 90 minutes ] Unit Nine Test
Summary: Students will answer multiple choice and short answer questions related to
the standards of unit nine. The test was developed collaboratively by HHS chemistry
Differentiation Plan:
 All students are taking the same test today.
Assessment Plan:
 Formal assessment of understanding: Teacher will grade, record, and pass back the
summative assessment.
 Watch Chem-to-Go Lesson 38, complete the Cornell notes, and take the video quiz.
Content Standard:
 Compare, contrast, and evaluate the nature of acids and bases
o Arrhenius and Bronsted-Lowry Acid/Bases
o Strong vs. weak acids/bases in terms of percent dissociation
o pH
o Acid-Base neutralization
Essential Question:
What is are acids and bases? What are common properties of each?
Musical Selection:
TV Tuesday
Learning Activities:
[ 30 minutes ] Definitions, Theories, and Properties of Acids and Bases
Summary: Students will visit three learning stations: Arrhenius theory, Bronsted-Lowry
theory, and properties of acids and bases. Students will collect vital information from
each station.
[30 minutes] Active Learning – Higher Level Thinking about Definitions, Theories, and
Summary: Students will test 3 properties of acids/bases, apply definitions, and analyze
the differences between strong and weak acids/bases.
[30 minutes] Summarizing and Clarifying
Summary: Students will return to the “large group” classroom setting where the teacher
will facilitate a summary of critical concepts about acids and bases. Teacher will
demonstrate skills needed to answer quiz questions and assign homework.
Differentiation Plan:
 Flexible grouping: Students will visit learning and active learning stations with a
homogeneous group. Groups are determined by video quiz results.
Assessment Plan:
 Informal assessment of understanding: Teacher will review video quiz results and
listen to student conversations at the learning stations.
 Watch Chem-to-Go Lesson 39, complete the Cornell notes, and take the video quiz.
 Label compounds in Bronsted-Lowry theory example.
Content Standard:
 Compare, contrast, and evaluate the nature of acids and bases
o Arrhenius and Bronsted-Lowry Acid/Bases
o Strong vs. weak acids/bases in terms of percent dissociation
o pH
o Acid-Base neutralization
Essential Question:
What is the pH scale and how is it calculated? How is pOH calculated? How can the pH, pOH,
and/or ion concentrations be used to determine if a solution is an acid, base, or neutral?
Musical Selection:
The Middle
Learning Activities:
[15 minutes] Theories & Properties Quiz
Summary: Students will demonstrate mastery of knowledge on a short quiz.
[50 minutes] Acquisition of Knowledge – pH Scale, pOH scale, pH Calculation, pOH
Calculation, kw expression, and Identifying Acid & Base
Summary: Students will visit 6 learning stations in small homogeneous groups to review
prior knowledge and add a few details. Teacher will set an 8 minute timer for each
station. Students will gather new information on a data sheet.
[15 minutes] Summarizing & Clarifying
Summary: Students, working in homogeneous pairs from their previous groups, will
solve guided practice problems facilitated by the teacher to summarize and clarify
common mistakes. Students will have the opportunity to ask questions.
[10 minutes] Google-form Exit Questions
Summary: Students will solve 3 problems and enter the answers in a google form.
Differentiation Plan:
 Flexible grouping: Students will visit learning and active learning stations with a
homogeneous group. Groups are determined by video quiz results.
 Active Learning in variety of styles: Students will be moving around the room
consulting with a variety of materials: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, quantitative, and
 Configuration of seating chart: Struggling students will be seated near the front and
center of the classroom during the teacher-facilitated portion.
Assessment Plan:
 Informal assessment of understanding: Teacher will visit pairs to observe
understanding and answer questions.
 Collect diagnostic data exit question: Teacher will evaluate student understanding by
reviewing the exit questions answered on a google form.
 Formal assessment of understanding: Teacher will grade, mark, and return the
students’ quizzes.
 Solve pH, pOH, and Kw problems.
Content Standard:
 Compare, contrast, and evaluate the nature of acids and bases
o Arrhenius and Bronsted-Lowry Acid/Bases
o Strong vs. weak acids/bases in terms of percent dissociation
o pH
o Acid-Base neutralization
Essential Question:
What is the pH scale and how is it calculated? How is pOH calculated? How can the pH, pOH,
and/or ion concentrations be used to determine if a solution is an acid, base, or neutral?
Musical Selection:
Throwback Thursday
Learning Activities:
[30 minutes] Discussion of last night’s problems
Summary: Students will check their answers and ask questions about the problems
solved last night.
[60 minutes] pH, pOH, and Kw Tiered Assignment
Summary: Teacher will assign students to tier one or tier two based upon the exit
questions yesterday. Tier One students will be paired with another student and given an
answer key to use as they solve today’s problems. Tier two students will work with a
partner, use an answer key, and check in with teacher after each set is completed.
Differentiation Plan:
 Flexible grouping: Teacher will assign students to tier one or tier two based upon the
exit questions yesterday. Tier One students will be paired with another student and
given an answer key to use as they solve today’s problems. Tier two students will work
with a partner, use an answer key, and check in with teacher after each set is
 Configuration of seating chart: Struggling students will be seated near the front and
center of the classroom.
Assessment Plan:
 Collect and use formal data: Teacher will formatively assess understanding of today’s
lesson by reviewing the tiered assignment work that is turned in.
 Watch Chem-to-Go Lesson 40, complete the Cornell notes, and take the video quiz.\
 Prepare for tomorrow’s quiz.
Content Standard:
Explain the process of dissolving in terms of solute/solvent interactions:
 Observe factors that affect the rate at which a solute dissolves in a specific solvent
 Express concentrations as molarities
 Compare, contrast, and evaluate the nature of acids and bases
o Arrhenius and Bronsted-Lowry Acid/Bases
o Strong vs. weak acids/bases in terms of percent dissociation
o pH
o Acid-Base neutralization
Essential Question:
How are neutralization reactions carried out in the lab? What calculations are necessary to
titrate correctly?
Musical Theme:
Free Play Friday
Learning Activities:
[30 minutes] pH, pOH, kW Quiz
Summary: Students will demonstrate mastery of calculation skills on a short quiz.
[ 60 minutes] Virtual Titrations Lab
Summary: Students will carry out a virtual titration. The lab activity requires them to
manipulate the addition of a base to a known acid. Students encounter real-life problems
that might require them to start over or revise their calculations. Students will carry out
three different trials.
Differentiation Plan:
 Appropriate challenge: Every student will encounter a different set of variables in the
Assessment Plan:
 Formal assessment of understanding: Teacher will grade, mark, and return the
students’ quizzes.
 Prepare for Monday’s lab practical and cumulative quiz.