Stars and Their Characteristics 28.2 Constellations • Constellation- groups of stars that appear to form patterns – 88 constellations can be seen from n. and s. hemispheres – So far away that only after thousands of years might the motions be observed – Big Dipper- asterism (small-star grouping) • Part of Ursa Major- Great Bear Distance to Stars • Light year- distance light travels in a year – Used instead of kilometers/astronomical units • Parallax- basic way to measure star distance • The nearest stars have the largest parallax angles, while those of distant stars are too small to measure Elements in Stars • sphere of mostly hydrogen and helium gases – small percentage may be heavier elements (oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, etc..) • no two stars contain exactly the same elements in the same proportions – wavelengths depend on both composition and temperature Mass, Size, and Temperature of Stars • mass can be determined by the inertial properties of the body or by its gravitational effect on the bodies around it – more mass = more gravitational effect • stars vary more in size than they do in mass; and even more in density • range of colors a star emits depends on its surface temperature – Blue= hottest; red = coolest Luminosity and Absolute Magnitude • Luminosity (apparent magnitude)- brightness of a star at its current distance from Earth – depends on its size and temperature – Bigger stars tend to be brighter – Bluer stars tend to be brighter • absolute magnitudemeasure of how bright the star would be if all stars were at the same distance from Earth – The more negative the number, the brighter the star Object mv Mv Sun -26.8 4.83 Sirius -1.47 1.41 Vega 0.04 0.5 Betelgeuse 0.41 -5.6 Polaris 1.99 -3 Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram Diagram that plots the luminosity of stars against their surface temperatures H-R Diagram • Most stars (90%) are in a band that runs from the upper left (high, high) to the lower right (low, low) – Called main sequence stars • Stars vary in surface temperature and absolute magnitudes • commonality: actively fusing hydrogen into helium H-R Diagram cont… • giant stars- great luminosity and diameter; 10-100x greater than sun • supergiants- higher luminosity; diameter > 100x than sun • white dwarfs- stars near end of life – once red giants that lost atmosphere Stellar Evolution Birth of a Star (any size) • begins as a nebula- cloud of dust and gas (99% hydrogen) • nebula may condense when an outside force acts upon it • particles move closer together under gravity • increase density = increase temperature • if nebula glows, called protostar • center will become hotter until fusion takes place and a star is born Nebula and Protostar Stellar Evolution Death of a Star (size of the sun) • remain same size (main sequence) for billions of years because energy produced through fusion equals gravitational pull • hydrogen is used up so gravity takes over, which then produces heat by contraction • entire star expands (Red Giant) • core temperature rises enough for helium to fuse into heavier elements, producing a carbon-oxygen core • surface gases are blown away, leaving core (white dwarf) • planetary nebula- glowing halo of gases – fades as gases dissipate into space leaving white dwarf behind – once all fuel is used up, the core will no longer glow, becomes a black dwarf Main Sequence and Red Giant White Dwarf, Planetary Nebula, and Black Dwarf Stellar Evolution Death of a Massive Star • fusion process will continue until iron nuclei are formed – absorbs energy, so iron core quickly collapses • supernova- explosion that produces a brilliant burst of light – produces many elements: copper, uranium, silver, and lead Remnants of Massive Stars • neutron star-dense mass of neutrons formed through gravity • pulsar- a distant neutron star that emits rapid pulses of light and radio waves instead of steady radiation • black hole- remnant of a star at least 15 times as massive than the sun – gravitational force is so strong that light cannot escape Supernova and Neutron Star Pulsars and Black Holes