WELD 120 CRN 11353 GENERAL WELDING APPLICATIONS Fall 2013 Instructor: Bub Graham Office Location: JCB RM 120 Email: grahamb2@wnmu.edu Phone: (575) 519 2906 Office Hours: Available by appointment All Students enrolled in the Welding Technology Program will be required to have the appropriate books for the course being taken. If students are not able to obtain the required book(s) for the courses taken they should and will be dropped from the course. Course Catalog Description: Basic introduction to welding math, blueprint reading, welding symbols and welding detail drawing. Text books: Prentice Hall, NCCER Contren Learning Series Welding Core Curriculum & Level II. COURSE INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. Introduction to Welding Math, Blueprint reading, welding symbols, Reading Welding Detail Drawings. 2. Introduction to basic welding techniques. 3. Use of standard measurements. 4. Interpret and use drawings. 5. Prepare shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) equipment for open-root V-groove welds. 6. Practical dependant on how class advances. See Note. 7. Introduction to open-root V-groove welds in the: 1G Flat 2G Horizontal 3G Vertical 4G Overhead 8. Prepare shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) equipment for open-root V-groove pipe welds. 9. Identify and explain open-root V-groove pipe welds. 10. Introduction to SMAW for open-root welds in the : Flat (1G-Rotated) Position Horizontal (2G) Position Multiple (5G) Position Inclined Multiple (6G) Position Course Competencies: See Below 11. Student will do Welding Math, Blueprint reading, welding symbols, Reading Welding Detail Drawings. 12. Student will do Introduction to basic welding techniques. 13. Student will Use of standard measurements. 14. Student will Interpret and use drawings. 15. Student will Prepare shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) equipment for open-root Vgroove welds. 16. Student will do Practical 17. Student will do Introduction to open-root V-groove welds in the: 1G Flat 2G Horizontal 3G Vertical 4G Overhead 18. Student will Prepare shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) equipment for open-root Vgroove pipe welds. 19. Student will Identify and explain open-root V-groove pipe welds. 20. Student will do Introduction to SMAW for open-root welds in the : Flat (1G-Rotated) Position Horizontal (2G) Position Multiple (5G) Position Inclined Multiple (6G) Position Instructional Content/Student Reading: 00102-09--Introduction to Construction Math 00105-09—Introduction to Blueprints 29201-09—Welding Symbols 29202-09—Reading Welding Detail Drawings Students will do module questions at the end of these chapters and submitted. Module Questions provide positive reinforcement in the learning experience. Instructor will critically inspect/critic all welds and expect the students to improve to a proficient standard what will lead to a professional level. At any time you need extra assistance notify instructor. SPECIAL NEEDS STUDENTS: Students with disabilities in need of accommodation should register with the Special Needs Office (JUANCB 210, Ext. 6018) at the beginning of the semester. With student permission, that office will notify instructors of any special equipment or services a student requires. Assessments/Evaluations and Comprehensive Performance Testing in all areas. Assessments: A Mid Course examination will be administered (halfway of the course). A final examination will be administered within the last 2 days of completion of the course. Module questions will be 10% of the final grade Quizzes will count10% of the final grade Mid Course examination will count 30 % of the final grade Final examination will count 40 % of the final grade Course attendance will be 10 % of the final grade. Grading Scale: Percentage Letter Grade 90 – 100 80 – 89.99 70 – 79.99 60 – 69.99 0 – 59.99 A B C D F OTHER EXPECTATIONS: 1. Attend class regularly. A student may be dropped from class when accumulated unexcused absences exceed three absences. 2. Be on time to class. Excessive tardiness will result in a lowering of your grade. 3. Read the assigned chapters before coming to class. 4. Complete all assessments as required. Makeup work will be given at the discretion of the instructor. 5. Cellular phones, CD players, and similar devices as well as food and or drink are prohibited in the classroom/laboratory facilities. 6. Students are required to have and bring texts to class at all times. 7. Students are expected to act in a mature, responsible and respectful manner in the classroom and lab. 8. Students will be required to wear proper clothing and safety equipment during lab/shop assignments. 9. YOU are responsible for your own work. Please refer to page 61 Academic Integrity WNMU catalog for infractions consider academic dishonesty. NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the coursework and the above schedule, and assignments in this course, subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances such as in inclement weather or by mutual agreement between the instructor and the students.