The Federal Geospatial Platform CEOS WGISS September 2015 Brian McLeod, CCMEO 1 Context: The Importance of Geospatial Data… “Data is Canada’s new natural resource”… Treasury Board Minister, Tony Clement, July 2012 Canada Estimated contribution of $20.7B to GDP annually Open geospatial data has stimulated $600M in productivity improvements Around The World England & Wales: Estimated £320M impact to public service delivery in 2008-09 New Zealand: $1.2B (NZ) increase in productivity in 2008 Australia: Estimated impact between $6.43B to 12.6B (AUS) in 2006-07 Global Geo Services estimated to be larger than video game industry GEO Key to unlocking resource potential in the oceans and on the land… “…countries with the best data will win…” Kevin Lynch 2 …and ensuring the government’s geospatial data is managed effectively is essential to decision-making, innovation, and productivity Context: Geospatial Data: A widely used national resource… Numerous challenges in using this asset however: Examples of Geospatial Data Use. Sharing, and integration of cross-disciplinary “trusted” data across the federal family and with partners is limited – technology, standards, licensing barriers Lack of coordination in acquiring acquisition and use of geospatial information, services, technology, and expertise by departments and agencies have not been well coordinated (e.g., Wildfires mapping) No existing inventory of federal geospatial data assets, and no way to identify data gaps and needs at the enterprise level GEO evolves very quickly, within a tight fiscal context, aging infrastructure and public service demographic – innovation and efficiency is required We are better at sharing among provinces and territories than we are within the department. …to support national objectives & citizen well-being 3 Context: About the Federal Geospatial Platform Initiative… A three-year Government of Canada (GC) Initiative taking place between 2014 and 2017 that: Supports horizontal efforts to advance economic growth, social cohesion, well-being, and environmental management Will fundamentally change the way the GC shares, uses, and manages geospatial assets to better support the delivery of programs and services Facilitates a coordinated approach to geospatial thereby reducing duplication of efforts in acquisition and management of geospatial data, tools, and services Focus on getting the right data right Involves 21 GC departments and agencies of the Federal Committee on Geomatics and Earth Observations (also known as the FCGEO) 4 Vision: Geo-enabling the Federal Government The vision means: Leveraging the power of location and geography within workflows and business processes Sharing the best technology and data to produce applications and services which support decision-making Allowing non-technical users to discover, access and use geospatial information to produce their own maps Making the most relevant and current triple “A” geospatial information available to our leaders, analysts, and scientists to support decision-making Open geospatial information, services and applications are presented to the public coherently Strong Whole-of-Government Governance… Federal Committee on Geomatics and Earth Observations (FCGEO) championing the FGP (with members from 21 federal departments) FGP Executive Sponsor: DM Strong departmental participation in governance structure FCGEO FGP Management Board Decision-making based on clear accountabilities and responsibilities, and departmental input (FCGEO & Dept's - ADMs/DGs) FGP Client Board of Directors (from FCGEO & Dept's - Directors) True enterprise approach; recognized in 2013 by Clerk of Privy Council and DMs of Board of Renewal FGP Core Project Team (Director & Manager from Dept's) Statistics: - Over 100 consultation meetings with multiple stakeholders - Key Senior Managers (ADMs – DMs) briefed: - FCGEO, MPMO, Brd of Mgmt Renewal, SSC, ESDC - Federal CIO Community was briefed - Quarterly meetings with FCGEO ADMs - Interdepartmental engagement meetings Working Groups, Subcommittees Data Integration; Client Services; Data Management; Policy & Standards 5 (from FCGEO & Dept's Resources) 5 Context: The FGP in a nutshell… Best possible pathway for GC Spatial Analytics Use of common suite of GCwide tools Example of the FGP in Action: Responsible Resource Development The FGP will support the Government of Canada’s outcome area of Strong Economic Growth – National to local perspectives Online Decision Support Tools Users can search, discover, access, and visualize data to support informed decision-making Outcomes Has a comprehensive collection of “Triple-A Data” Accurate, Authoritative, and Accessible geospatial data that can be viewed, used, and shared Shared governance and management Trusted data, visualized together for faster and more accurate decisionmaking Map layers based on data from several departments streamlined review process strengthened environmental protection enhanced consultations with Aboriginal peoples stronger economy – job creation Sharing of geospatial assets and capabilities, through operational standards and policies Client centric design FGP: Data Repository, Catalogue, Web Services Policies & Standards 6 Interoperability Authoritativeness Annex: FGP geospatial data by theme… 7 Next Steps October 2015 Release 1 - Initial functionalities – repository, catalogue, and viewer Training begins for departments on integrating their geospatial data within the FGP January – March 2016 Future Year 2 releases: new features and functionalities added to FGP - repository, catalogue, viewer, collaborative mapping environment, internal/external web presence − Make regular improvements to enhance overall usability and user experience Ongoing Undertake sustained engagements and outreach with stakeholders to: − − − Onboard new partners to assist with implementing the FGP (e.g., CBSA, ESDC, NavCan, PWGSC) Solicit new data opportunities for inclusion in the FGP Showcase the power of the FGP to the senior management and policy communities 8 Questions? General Inquiries: 9 Contact Information Judith Bossé, Assistant Deputy Minister, Earth Sciences Sector Co-chair, FCGEO and FGP Management Board judith.bossé Prashant Shukle, Director General, Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation Co-Chair, FCGEO Shadow Committee 613-759-1196 David Harper, Director of the Federal Geospatial Platform Initiative 613-694-2542 General Inquiries: 10