Chairman: Angela Armstrong Tel 02392 477815 Editor: Mike Rogers

Chairman: Angela Armstrong Tel 02392 477815
Editor: Mike Rogers Tel: 07508637441
Thursday 17th April 2014: “Fruit from the Garden – Some New Varieties” an illustrated talk by Prof. Peter Gregory.
Thursday 15th May 2014: “British Orchids” an illustrated talk by Rosemary Webb.
If any member would like to hear a talk on a specific subject I should be pleased to try to book an appropriate speaker
for 2015-16.
As our raffle organiser is unable to continue, I should be delighted if someone would like to take over. Please contact
me if you feel able to help. Angela Armstrong
Trips 2014
Visit to NGS gardens in Forest Row on Friday, 16th May 2014 £26 . In the morning we are going to Legsheath
Farm, an exciting large garden with panoramic views over Weirwood Reservoir. There are colourful displays of
rhododendrons, azaleas and acers with woodland walks and two ponds with wild orchids and candelabra primulas and
much more. Lunch will be at Wych Cross Garden Centre and we are then going to Caxton Manor. This is a 5 acre
Japanese inspired garden with massive rockery and waterfall, azaleas, rhododendrons surrounding a large pond with
a Japanese tea-house. To book phone Gill Sadler 02392 599153, address 30 Hazelgrove, Clanfield, PO8 0LE, e-mail
Visit to Spring Pond Gardens at Whitchurch, Dean House Gardens at Kilmeston (NGS) plus a lunch break in
the lovely country town of Alresford on Monday, 30th June.
A chance to see two outstanding beautiful private gardens on this day excursion into North Hampshire. Spring Pond
Gardens occupies a glorious setting amongst the Downs where roses and perennials should be at their very best, and
the pond plants in full flower. Coffee will be included at this venue. Dean House has an extensive 7 acre garden
comprising paddocks and verdant lawns providing a lush backdrop for the many mature shrubs, trees and long
borders, plus a walled vegetable garden and orangery surrounding a exquisite Queen Ann/Georgian House. An
introductory talk and slide show will be given by the Head Gardner followed by free time to explore. Tea & cake will
be served in the Orangery after which we will be joined by the gardeners, who will hold an informal 'Question Time'
for us. The cost is £34. 00 per person.
For more information and booking, please 'phone Sue Simms 01243 574458, or email
Visit to West Green House Garden and Dipley Mill, Hampshire on Thursday 31 July 2014
In the morning we visit West Green House Garden. This charming garden is leased from the National Trust by a very
keen, experienced gardener and has many original planting schemes and water features. Lunch will be taken in
Hartney Wintney after which we visit Dipley Mill. This is a NGS garden and was featured in Love Your Garden on
TV. One can meander by the streams surrounding this Domesday Book listed mill. The cost is £20.50 for NT
members and £28.50 for non NT members. This includes afternoon tea at Dipley Mill.
To book phone Christine Watts 01243 389957, address 26 Nore Farm Avenue, Emsworth PO10 7NA or email
Gardens of Norfolk Wed 11th June – Sat 14th June 2014.
First a reminder that the final payment is due on Wed April 16th.. Send your Cheque. direct to Brightwater Holidays
not to me. Let me know if you have any special seating requirements for the coach. I still have one twin/double room
left. Phone me if you can come.
Enchanted Gardens of Morocco March or April 2015 7 Days 6 nights. two centre holiday.
You will experience the delights of exotic North. Africa combined with visits to stunningly different gardens including
the world famous Majorelle Garden in Marrakesh restored by Yves St Laurent in the 1980’s. The price of approx
£1600 includes flights, most dinners and lunches, all the gardens and a tour to the Atlas mountains. Numbers
limited to 16. For full itinerary check out
Do come. It sounds great fun. To express an interest in this fabulous holiday phone Angela Baldry 01243 372253
Visit to the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew on Thursday 4th September 2014:
Kew is the world’s most famous botanic garden and plant research centre. So much to see and gardens that change
with the seasons mean that you have never “seen it all”. The cost is £26.35 for adults and £24.65 for concessions.
Further information and a booking form may be obtained from Wendy Bright and Clive Pugh by emailing or telephoning 01243-372400.
Open Gardens
Open Garden and Plant Sale at The Old House, Prinsted, will take place on Sunday 18th May, 2pm to 5pm, in
aid of St. Wilfrid’s Hospice. Cream teas will be available, together with a cake stall and raffle. Entrance fee £3,
children under 12 free. Enquiries to Hilary Gilson Tel: 01243 372187
23 New Brighton Road, Emsworth
Wednesday 11th June 11-12.30pm £2.50
Coffee and homemade biscuits in aid of Emsworth Memorial Garden.
Saturday 21st June 2-4pm £2.50
Blooming Great Tea Party in aid of Marie Curie.
Friday 27th June 4.30-8.30pm £5
Wine and nibbles with classical guitar by Peter Rogers in aid of the National Garden Scheme.
Sunday 17th August 12-4pm £3.50 Tea and cakes in aid of RNLI.
All openings will have old garden tool display and plants for sale.
Lucy Watson Mob: 07867 797622
Spring into action at the hut 2014
Shallots and onion sets should go in the ground now. We sell them loose, smallest amount 50g costing 25p. Seed
potatoes can be planted from now on. Ours are a bargain at 10p per tuber – we have Casablanca (second early/main),
Romano, Desiree (maincrops) and Charlotte (salad) – only a few left of these.
Hanging baskets (green wire type) are £1 each to clear. Why not buy one and enter the hanging basket competition
in July?
Trays and inserts. We have a new stock of tray inserts at 65p each, with a variety of cell numbers. We also have
seed trays (with drainage holes) and gravel trays (without holes).
Square black pots. We have a range of sizes if these which are ideal for sowing seeds, potting on and growing
cuttings. They are easier to fit in trays and plants apparently are less likely to get pot-bound than in a round
pot. Terracotta plastic pots are also available.
Lawn care. If you want to green up your lawn and remove moss, we recommend our own mix lawn sand which
consists of 10kg of silver sand, 3ikg of sulphate of ammonia and 1 kg of iron sulphate. Mix them together and spread
on your lawn at a rate of 70g per square metre, preferably when it has rained or is about too. Note that the ingredients
can be bought
Iron sulphate is a
cheap mosskiller. Dissolve two tablespoons in a large plastic watering can full of water and water onto the moss. If
you want to get rid of weeds as well as moss, try Sinclair’s Feed, Weed and Mosskiller, which does not require mixing
before spreading.
**Information leaflets on
most loose products can be picked up at the hut.
Sensible precautions to take
when handling compost.
There is a very slight risk of
catching Legionnaire’s Disease (a type of pneumonia) from compost and soil. Those most at risk are likely to have
suppressed immune systems, be elderly or have respiratory problems. To reduce the risk, the RHS suggests you:
* Avoid opening bags of compost or growing media close to your face so that you don’t inhale bacteria
* Handle compost/growing media in a well ventilated area
* Avoid storing bags of compost in hot sunny places such as greenhouses
* Wear gloves when handling compost, soil, fertiliser or pesticides
* Wash your hands after
These precautions will also
reduce the risk of picking up other air-borne micro-organisms such as those carried in cat and fox faeces. Please go to for more advice on keeping safe in the garden. Contact Lyn Davies with any queries about the hut or
other EHS matters at
Topical Tips
Plant Early Potatoes, plant Lilies, prune Sedum, plant Shallots in open ground, sow Leek and lettuce seed and put in
airing cupboard. Brian Linkhorn (Bosham Horticultural Society)
Natter Mornings
Welcome to the 2014 natter mornings. For those of you new to the Society, natter mornings are a great opportunity to
meet other members. They are held in member’s gardens, between 11am and 12.30pm, and you can enjoy a free cup
of tea/coffee and biscuits while you look around and chat. There is also a plant swap table where you can ‘swap’ a
plant that you bring with one left by another member – you never know what you may pick up! So I do hope that you
will be able to come to at least a couple of them this year. Any queries, or if you would like to host a natter morning in
2015, please contact me on 07867 797622. Lucy Watson.
17th April – Zena Chaddock, 41 Warblington Road.
29th April – Angela Baldry, 42 Horndean Road.
21st May – Maureen Morelle, 4 Elderfield Close.
26th June – Juliet Walker, 56 New Brighton Road.
30th July – Lesley Harris, 5 Bellvue Lane.
13th August – Ann Woolgar, 24 Highland road.
Plant Sale at the Hut Sunday 25th May 2014 - 9.30 to 12 Noon Held at the EHS Distibution Hut in Washington
Road Allotments. Please bring your plants to the Hut by 9.30am and make sure you come back at 12 Noon to collect
any unsold plants and your money(less 20% towards EHS costs)!please ensure that EACH plant has 2 labels – one
with your name/initials and the plant price, the other with the plant name. Variety is the key, so please bring some
plants however small or large. Also ceramic containers (no plastic pots please) and any garden sundries (no rusty
Emsworth Show
Preparations for this years Show are well underway with both seasoned and new managers firmly moving
forward. We shall be repeating the Park and Ride facility based at New Life Church in Thorney Road. Its entirely
free (both parking and trips on the regular buses) and using it helps enormously to ease congestion around the
The show is a great success only through the team of volunteers who donate a few hours of their time to help out. The
Show team would very much welcome your assistance this year, and enclosed with this newsletter is a helpers form
for you to choose from the many "slots" which we need help with. You can now volunteer on-line through our
website !!! which contains a wealth of information about the show. If you have
the time to help the organising team I'm always looking for fresh people to lend us a hand. 2014 is Jan Butler's last
year as Show Secretary, so we are particularly keen to hear from anyone who may wish to head up this vital role in the
very near future. If you would like a less high profile role we will undoubtedly have areas for you to help in. Please
contact me in the first instance for a chat.
Colin Falla, 2014 Emsworth Horticultural Show Chairman,
Emsworth Horticultural Society Garden and Hanging Basket/Container Competitions 2014
This year we have decided to hold a Summer Garden Competition which will include small (under 400 sq metres) and
large gardens (over 400 sq metres) at the same time as hanging baskets and containers.
This competition will enable us to present existing cups and display the photographs at Emsworth Show on 25th August.
The instructions for these competitions is on the respective forms and NOT in the Show Schedule.
The competitions are open to all gardeners who reside in the Borough of Havant or within 1 mile of the PO10 District
boundary. Forms will be available at the hut from April 6th and on the website.
Entries accompanied by an appropriate entry fee of £1.00 per by 30th June to:
 Distribution Hut on any Sunday morning
 Or to Jan Butler at 33, Highland Road, Emsworth, Hampshire, PO10 7JL
Tel: 01243 430926 email:
 Full details will also be on the Show Website. (
There are full details on the forms concerning the judging and the sizes of the gardens, the baskets and types of
containers. The Novice Class is for your first ever entry with a garden, basket/container!! Challenge Cups will be
awarded to the winner in each Class together with Prize Money for 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
Results for ALL competitions will be advised as soon as possible after Judging but the Awards will be presented at the
Emsworth Show on Monday 26th August. In addition each entrant receives a colour photograph/s of their entries.
The competition will be judged by Mr Peter Collett on Tuesday 15th July and Thursday 17th July
Emsworth Show: Sections 13 and 14: Photography Classes
Judge: Mr P Rocchiccioli
As well as the adult photography sections, this year there is a new Section for Young Exhibitors, age 4 - 16. We realised
last year that young people are very talented photographers and wanted to give them a chance to show their skills.
We always aim to have classes to reflect the landscape with links to our local environment as well as links to horticulture
and with Close Up we expect garden plants to be represented. Full instructions about the competition will be in the
schedule out in June/July and on the Show Website:
Classes 242 - 249 have a maximum size of A4 except for Class 244 which is A5
Classes 250 - 255 have a minimum size of A4 with a maximum print size of A3
In 2013, the Photography Section had over 100 entries and the resulting ‘gallery’ was very impressive. With a digital
camera and computer programs like Photoshop, production of quality photographs has reached many people and the age
range of entrants is quite surprising. So have a go and see what you can produce. Alison Patrick, the section organiser
will advise and is very encouraging (01243 377493) and I am always available. (Jan Butler - 01243 430926
Section Thirteen
Open to Young Entrants
Young Adult Section (Aged 14 – 16 incl. on 01-09-14)
242. Any subject of your choice
243. A Close up: - animal, vegetable, mineral
244. A Portrait: Facial Expression (Max print size A5)
Senior Section (Aged 11 – 13 incl. on 01 - 09 - 14)
245. Any subject of your choice
246. On the Beach
Junior Section (Aged 7 – 10 incl. on 01 - 09 - 14)
247. Any subject of your choice
248. Seen in a Hedgerow
Children’s Section (Aged 4 – 6 incl. on 01 - 09 - 14)
249. Any subject of your choice
Section Fourteen
Photography Open to All
Judge: Mr P Rocchiccioli
Any subject of your choice
Close up: Orchid
On the Turf
Emsworth – Around the Millponds
255. Wheels – a study in monochrome
256. Any subject of your choice (max print size A5)
ALL prints to be mounted. Mounting method optional.
(No glass mounted pictures).
Classes 250 - 255 print size A4 (min) print size A3 (max)
Class 256 print size A5 (max)
Write on (or label) the back of your card mount: Class, Title and Name.
In order to allow time for staging, all photographs must be taken to Martin Steels,4 The Old Flour Mill,
Queen Street, Emsworth between Monday, August 12 – Saturday August 17, with entry form and fee. Or
you may phone Mrs A Patrick on 377493 to make alternative arrangements
The photograph must be the work of the exhibitor. The photograph may be professionally developed
and printed.
One photograph, per exhibitor, per class.
Photographs previously entered for this competition may not be re-entered
After the Show - Photographs may be collected from Mrs A Patrick.
Please use the special entry form for photographs. Copies from the EHS distribution hut Sunday 10am
till noon, the website or phone 01243 376596
Jan Butler, Show Secretary, April 2014
Lost Property from 2013 Show (Last call before disposal)
Child’s Toy - Pink Cow
Hammer with initials Vh on bottom of handle
Premier Man’s Cardigan Navy Blue L 44-46
Peacocks size 16 Denim Jacket