Presentation to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Health & Human Services Medicaid and CHIP Caseloads April 17, 2006 Medicaid and CHIP Caseloads • Medicaid Caseload Historical caseload from September 1977 to present Caseload history by risk group and fiscal year Recent caseload by risk group • Children’s Health Insurance Program Caseload Historical caseload from September 2003 Page 2 Medicaid Acute Care Historical Caseload: September 1977 – March 2006 CHIP Phase I 3,000,000 2,500,000 1,500,000 Pregnant Women TANF Adults TANF Children Disabled & Blind Aged & Medicare 1,000,000 500,000 0 Se p7 Se 7 p7 Se 8 p7 Se 9 p8 Se 0 p8 Se 1 p8 Se 2 p8 Se 3 p8 Se 4 p8 Se 5 p8 Se 6 p8 Se 7 p8 Se 8 p8 Se 9 p9 Se 0 p9 Se 1 p9 Se 2 p9 Se 3 p9 Se 4 p9 Se 5 p9 Se 6 p9 Se 7 p9 Se 8 p9 Se 9 p0 Se 0 p0 Se 1 p0 Se 2 p0 Se 3 p0 Se 4 p05 Recipient Months 2,000,000 Federal Mandate Children Medically Needy Expansion Children Newborns Page 3 Medicaid Historical Caseload • Medicaid caseloads have grown historically as a result of the expansion of eligibility groups, most notably Children’s groups • Historical declines were seen in the Medicaid caseload overall after sustained growth from 1977 forward, beginning fiscal year 1997, following federal welfare reform By the end of fiscal year 2000, caseloads had stabilized and were beginning to increase Currently, caseloads have declined since November 2005, however not all risk groups are declining Page 4 Medicaid Historical Caseload ADULT, AGED, AND DISABILITY-RELATED Aged & Medicare Related Disabled & Blind WITHOUT StarPlus TANF Adults Pregnant Women CHILDREN's RISK GROUPS Medically Needy (including TANF Delinked) TANF Children Newborns Ages 1-5 Expansion Children CHIP Ages 6-18 Federal Mandate (includes CHIP I) TOTAL Medicaid FY95 290,140 181,754 229,642 84,407 19,346 643,059 100,686 345,034 175,059 2,069,129 FY96 299,607 190,783 207,646 84,826 18,295 597,009 103,669 345,185 215,782 2,062,802 FY97 304,386 193,305 189,336 84,223 17,887 530,734 104,612 323,424 239,639 FY98 304,555 197,721 154,916 82,613 18,067 443,627 105,077 298,048 FY99 308,351 202,093 119,016 81,666 17,974 363,128 106,511 FY00 307,825 181,812 106,724 84,393 21,152 341,031 FY01 309,596 185,615 106,227 89,489 25,740 FY02 312,066 194,641 113,448 96,132 FY03 316,143 208,957 116,710 FY04 320,548 223,123 FY05 323,374 % Change (Trend) Medicaid Children's Risk Groups CHIP Enrollment COMBINED Total CHILDREN (CHIP & Medicaid) Adults and Children, Medicaid and CHIP TOTAL 1,263,839 1,263,839 2,069,129 -0.3% 1,261,645 1,261,645 2,062,802 1,987,547 -3.6% 1,198,409 1,198,409 1,987,547 258,481 1,863,106 -6.3% 1,105,233 1,105,233 1,863,106 286,946 326,710 1,812,393 -2.7% 1,083,295 1,083,295 1,812,393 109,025 293,417 340,315 1,785,693 -1.5% 1,083,788 28,300 1,112,088 1,813,993 343,772 115,073 316,490 357,572 1,849,573 3.6% 1,132,907 251,575 1,384,482 2,101,148 33,364 361,834 119,030 408,808 443,373 2,082,697 12.6% 1,333,045 497,705 1,830,750 2,580,402 102,736 45,657 374,821 125,624 565,532 609,938 2,466,119 18.4% 1,675,915 506,968 2,182,883 2,973,087 90,000 112,256 43,763 341,624 136,024 664,828 727,727 2,659,892 7.9% 1,870,203 409,865 2,280,068 3,069,757 241,904 70,061 118,353 49,883 294,024 145,160 717,656 794,648 2,755,063 3.6% 1,951,488 333,707 2,285,195 3,088,770 327,474 259,462 58,476 120,746 46,630 264,022 154,087 722,721 802,274 2,755,892 0.0% 1,943,104 317,824 2,260,808 3,073,716 FY06 330,045 258,933 84,208 121,742 68,193 328,207 157,648 763,819 873,866 2,986,661 5.5% 2,123,540 362,175 2,485,715 3,348,836 FY07 346,384 276,522 84,966 122,959 68,993 333,129 166,854 781,099 933,312 3,114,218 4.3% 2,214,394 398,630 2,613,024 3,512,848 FY06 YTD S.B. 1 * SB 1 includes adjustments for new programs and policies, including Medicaid Buy-In (+2,273 each year D&B); New Acute Care clients from Waiting List (+1,078 in 2006, 469 in Aged, 609 in D&B; +3,196 in 2007, 1401 in Aged, 1,795 in D&B; Fewer Expansion Children due to CHIP Perinatal Program (-14,386 in 2006; -39,214 in 2007); and additional Medically Needy (+10,118 in 2006; +10,918 in 2007). CHIP includes the addition of 20,000 clients each year, as adjusted in Conference Committee, and 17,425 and 47,498 additions in 2006 and 2007 due to the Perinatal Program. Page 5 Medicaid Historical Caseload • Total Medicaid caseload grew 54 percent from fiscal year 2000 to 2005, by close to 1 million clients • In that same time, the non-disabled Children served by Medicaid grew by 80 percent, from slightly over 1 million Children to slightly less than 2 million. Non-disabled Children currently comprise 70 percent of the Medicaid caseload Adding CHIP Children to that picture brings the growth since fiscal year 2000 to 105 percent, with over 1.1 additional Children served by Medicaid or CHIP from 2000 to 2005. Page 6 Medicaid Historical Caseload ADULT, AGED, AND DISABILITY-RELATED Aged & Medicare Related First Quarter FY 2005 September 322,655 October 322,583 November 322,689 Second Quarter FY 2005 December 319,181 January 323,809 February 323,525 Third Quarter FY 2005 March 323,689 April 323,828 May 323,710 Fourth Quarter FY 2005 June 324,547 July 324,926 August 325,340 First Quarter FY 2006 September 326,032 October 327,754 November 328,013 Second Quarter FY 2006 December 326,885 January 327,941 February 327,508 Third Quarter FY 2006 March 328,183 Disabled & Blind WITHOUT StarPlus TANF Adults Pregnant Women Medically Needy (including TANF Delinked) CHILDREN's RISK GROUPS TANF Children Newborns Ages 1-5 Expansion Children CHIP Ages 6-18 Federal Mandate (includes CHIP I) Medicaid Children's Risk Groups TOTAL Medicaid CHIP Enrollment COMBINED Total CHILDREN Adults and (CHIP & Children, Medicaid Medicaid) and CHIP TOTAL % Change 232,865 79,453 118,499 49,150 315,970 141,839 701,711 777,185 2,739,327 5.5% 1,936,705 355,528 2,292,233 3,094,855 234,952 78,127 117,654 50,449 313,564 143,382 705,406 782,861 2,748,978 4.5% 1,945,213 348,145 2,293,358 3,097,123 237,513 76,804 115,933 50,436 311,729 143,848 708,897 787,736 2,755,585 4.7% 1,952,210 340,101 2,292,311 3,095,686 237,572 74,967 114,532 49,916 308,971 145,061 709,943 787,947 2,748,090 3.8% 1,951,922 335,751 2,287,673 3,083,841 240,639 73,508 116,423 50,905 305,858 145,435 714,537 792,546 2,763,660 3.9% 1,958,376 332,055 2,290,431 3,095,715 241,749 69,842 115,898 50,095 299,002 143,966 712,778 789,542 2,746,397 3.8% 1,945,288 330,393 2,275,681 3,076,790 242,801 67,846 117,252 50,602 292,081 144,809 717,297 792,772 2,749,149 3.4% 1,946,959 328,350 2,275,309 3,077,499 243,978 65,584 118,183 50,202 283,927 144,553 722,293 798,034 2,750,582 3.9% 1,948,807 326,836 2,275,643 3,077,418 245,513 64,328 119,820 49,149 278,321 145,028 725,867 800,188 2,751,924 3.2% 1,949,404 326,809 2,276,213 3,078,733 246,656 63,755 120,987 49,366 274,025 146,490 728,238 804,480 2,758,544 1.9% 1,953,233 326,473 2,279,706 3,085,017 248,286 63,310 121,617 49,151 272,370 147,881 728,585 805,105 2,761,231 2.4% 1,953,941 327,267 2,281,208 3,088,498 250,320 63,211 123,436 49,177 272,472 149,632 736,322 817,384 2,787,294 2.2% 1,975,810 326,770 2,302,580 3,114,064 252,667 63,488 122,388 48,812 273,436 150,662 735,767 820,524 2,793,776 2.0% 1,980,389 326,557 2,306,946 3,120,333 257,796 62,134 122,003 48,860 271,039 151,847 737,263 821,181 2,799,877 1.9% 1,981,330 323,343 2,304,673 3,123,220 259,496 60,578 120,265 47,444 269,284 152,416 735,169 817,764 2,790,429 1.3% 1,974,633 321,562 2,296,195 3,111,991 258,967 59,036 118,436 46,090 266,128 154,176 727,928 806,545 2,764,193 0.6% 1,954,777 322,898 2,277,675 3,087,091 261,246 57,318 120,993 46,082 262,148 155,251 720,932 799,145 2,751,057 -0.4% 1,937,476 317,408 2,254,155 3,067,736 262,522 54,283 120,817 44,666 255,890 155,740 703,999 779,243 2,704,667 -1.4% 1,894,872 310,981 2,205,853 3,015,648 263,542 52,498 120,319 44,458 250,231 158,519 771,515 2,687,251 -1.4% 1,878,251 302,020 2,180,162 2,989,162 1,803,617 66.5% Medicaid Managed Care Percentage for March 2006 697,986 March Total w/STAR+Plus2,713,820 Page 7 Medicaid Acute Care Caseload • Medicaid caseload trends, which averaged approximately 8 percent in fiscal year 2004 after double-digit growth in both fiscal years 2002 and 2003, began to stabilize at approximately 4 percent overall beginning December 2004. At that time, trends for the two largest Children’s Medicaid groups (non-TANF, non-disabled ages 1 to 18) dropped below 10 percent for the first time in many years. From March 2005 through October 2005, the growth trend for this group of Children stabilized at 6 percent. For comparison, from March 2004 through October 2004, the growth trend for this group of Children averaged 15 percent. • The slowed growth beginning December 2004 may be a result of changes in the economy and outside forces impacting client behavior. However, the more recent declines may be driven by a number of interacting factors in the short-term. Page 8 Medicaid Acute Care Caseload • Medicaid caseload (overall) continued to increase until November 2005, at which point began the first sustained caseload decline since FY1999. • Caseload growth or decline differs by risk group Newborns and Disabled and Blind are increasing steadily Aged and Medicare related are increasing at a rate of 1.5% (slightly lower than population) Pregnant Women remain mostly stable, with some very recent growth All other groups are declining Page 9 Medicaid Caseload: October 2005 & March 2006 Other Adult Aged & Disability-Related Children 3,000,000 2,799,877 2,687,251 232,997 217,275 2,500,000 585,550 591,725 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 1,981,330 1,878,251 October 2005 March 2006 500,000 0 Page 10 CHIP Caseload Month Sep-03 Oct-03 Nov-03 Dec-03 Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 Sep-04 Oct-04 Nov-04 Dec-04 Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 Total Enrollment 507,259 488,690 458,166 438,164 416,302 399,306 388,281 377,051 365,731 358,230 361,464 359,734 355,528 348,145 340,101 335,751 332,055 330,393 328,350 326,836 326,809 326,473 327,267 326,770 326,557 323,343 321,562 322,898 317,408 310,981 302,020 294,189 New Enrollment Renewals Completed Renewal Deemed Ineligible Total Disenrollment NonRenewals Actual Renewal Rate Attempted Renewal Rate Total Disenrollment Rate 18,606 14,782 13,723 9,843 14,843 20,730 22,428 23,798 23,651 23,284 23,323 19,678 18,252 17,983 18,926 21,538 20,385 20,876 19,163 20,379 21,278 19,623 20,404 18,998 18,624 17,176 19,129 20,385 11,591 23,937 23,728 20,632 22,509 29,357 24,545 45,367 38,442 37,386 44,822 46,383 41,005 37,349 37,573 36,754 41,921 41,722 36,919 35,108 33,994 33,223 37,171 39,088 37,899 35,735 35,195 34,128 37,059 39,485 37,964 18,460 25,285 19,482 3,690 4,297 4,477 4,452 7,542 7,441 6,855 6,831 8,448 6,522 3,464 3,076 3,065 4,943 6,195 7,726 7,547 6,664 6,982 8,031 7,248 6,156 6,625 6,029 5,693 7,070 6,527 6,297 1,227 4,387 10,370 17,374 33,269 47,560 29,724 36,539 34,401 33,339 34,947 34,864 30,677 21,721 21,349 22,372 25,257 26,969 25,887 24,078 22,536 21,206 21,875 21,288 19,955 19,609 19,493 18,832 20,360 20,902 19,048 20,303 26,553 31,220 1,893 16,231 12,983 11,183 17,323 16,806 15,401 17,093 16,947 13,574 7,800 8,545 9,713 10,974 11,782 10,398 9,986 9,107 8,230 8,398 8,087 8,062 7,517 7,142 6,892 7,914 8,024 7,428 17,290 20,097 19,298 91.6% 58.1% 69.3% 68.7% 72.4% 69.6% 70.8% 72.4% 73.2% 75.1% 82.7% 81.5% 79.1% 79.3% 78.0% 78.0% 77.9% 78.9% 80.1% 81.6% 82.9% 82.5% 82.6% 83.1% 83.2% 82.4% 83.1% 83.6% 51.6% 55.7% 50.2% 92.8% 62.3% 72.3% 72.2% 75.3% 73.2% 74.2% 75.1% 76.4% 77.8% 84.0% 82.6% 80.4% 81.0% 80.3% 81.1% 81.0% 81.7% 83.0% 84.3% 85.1% 84.5% 84.9% 85.2% 85.2% 84.8% 85.2% 85.6% 53.2% 59.6% 60.7% 3.4% 6.8% 10.4% 6.8% 8.8% 8.6% 8.6% 9.3% 9.5% 8.6% 6.0% 5.9% 6.3% 7.3% 7.9% 7.7% 7.3% 6.8% 6.5% 6.7% 6.5% 6.1% 6.0% 6.0% 5.8% 6.3% 6.5% 5.9% 6.4% 8.5% 10.3% 29,479 19,081 10,065 37,167 19,740 49.2% 59.6% 12.7% Page 11 CHIP Caseload • Total CHIP caseload began declining in October 2003 as a result of policy changes, after having stabilized for most of fiscal year 2003 at approximately 507,000. • CHIP caseload stabilized to approximately 326,500 from April – September 2005 (within 500 of the average each month), with a decline of 3,000 holding steady through December 2005 Beginning January 2006, CHIP caseload declined by almost 6,000 to 317,408, with similar declines in the following months. Currently, CHIP caseload is 294,189 for April 2006. Page 12 CHIP Caseload • Beginning November 28, 2005, the eligibility for the CHIP program changed from Affiliated Computer Services (ACS) to Texas Access Alliance (TAA). The first clients processed by TAA were seen in the January 2006 caseload. March 2006 is the first month that new enrollment fees were to be paid by clients. In addition to changing vendors, new business rules were implemented, including requiring verification of income status upon renewal for CHIP, rather than only a statement that income had not changed. • The decline in the CHIP caseload, like the decline in the Medicaid caseload, may be driven by a number of factors. Page 13