Research Project
Sources Used:
Swbat understand the
properties of an annotated
bibliography in order to create
their own for their research
O DO NOW: Take out your research binder.
O You should have multiple articles printed out.
What is an annotated
O An annotated bibliography is a list of
citations to books, articles, and documents.
O Each citation is followed by a brief (usually
about 150 words) descriptive and evaluative
paragraph, the annotation.
O The purpose of the annotation is to inform
the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and
quality of the sources cited.
Why do I need to do this?
O An annotated bibliography may serve a number of purposes,
including but not limited to:
A review of the literature on a particular subject
Illustrate the quality of research that you have done
Provide examples of the types of sources available
Describe other items on a topic that may be of interest to
the reader
Explore the subject for further research
The annotated bibliography may be selective or
comprehensive in its coverage. A selective annotated
bibliography includes just those items that are best for the
topic while an exhaustive annotated bibliography attempts
to identify all that is available on a subject.
O Length: Generally, annotations constitute one paragraph and are
approximately 100 -150 words long, with a goal of concise and
explicative annotations
Person: The third person is the standard, though first person may
be appropriate for certain types of annotated bibliographies.
Language and Vocabulary: If you use a quotation excerpted from
the work set it within quotation marks. Vary your sentence structure
and try to avoid phrases in your annotations, such as, "The author
states," "This article concerns," or "The purpose of this report is," as
well as sentences starting with "It was suggested that," "It was
found that," and "It was reported that."
Format - Sentences: Whole sentences are preferable, but single
descriptive words, and simple phrases or lists may be acceptable.
Format - Paragraphs: Annotations should be one paragraph long.
The paragraph should contain a statement of the work's major
thesis, from which the rest of the sentences can develop.
How to write the annotation
O Cite the book, article, or document using MLA style.
Depending on your assignment guidelines, you may have
O Describe the content of the source
O Mention why the source is useful
O Indicate any strengths or weaknesses of the source
O Evaluate the overall reliability of the source; you can do
this by looking at:
O The author's conclusions and how he/she arrived at them
O The references consulted
O Describe your reaction to the source
Writing Styles: Telegraphic
Telegraphic: (phrases, non-sentences)
O Get the information out, quickly and
concisely. Be clear, but complete and
grammatically correct sentences are
O Bullet Points are fine
Writing Styles: Complete
Complete sentences
O In this style you must always use complete
O The length of the sentences varies. Subjects
and conjunctions are not eliminated even
though the tone may be terse. Avoid long
and complex sentences.
Complete Sentences Example
Kinter, W. R., and R L. Pfaltzgraff. (1972).
Assessing the Moscow SALT agreements. Orbis,
16, 34l-360.
O The authors hold the conservative view that
SALT can not halt the slipping nuclear
advantage of the United States. They conclude
that the United States needs a national
reassessment of defense policy. They further
conclude that the only utility of SALT is in
developing a dialogue with the Soviets. This is a
good conservative critique of SALT I.
Writing Style: Paragraph
O When using this form of annotation, you
must write a full, coherent paragraph.
O Sometimes this can be similar to the form of
a bibliographic essay. It goes without saying
that you need to use complete sentences.
Paragraph Example
O Voeltz, L.M. (1980). Children's attitudes toward handicapped
peers. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 84, 455-464.
O As services for severely handicapped children become
increasingly available within neighborhood public schools,
children's attitudes toward handicapped peers in integrated
settings warrant attention. Factor analysis of attitude survey
responses of 2,392 children revealed four factors underlying
attitudes toward handicapped peers: social- contact willingness,
deviance consequation, and two actual contact dimensions.
Upper elementary-age children, girls, and children in schools
with most contact with severely handicapped peers expressed
the most accepting attitudes. Results of this study suggest the
modifiability of children's attitudes and the need to develop
interventions to facilitate social acceptance of individual
differences in integrated school settings.
How do I create the citation
O Go to
Next Step
O Easybib will have you select the citation type
O Article
O Book
O Journal
O Website
Easybib is not always reliable. So there are
some other resources up on my webpage.
O You should have at least 5 annotated
citations for this project.
O This is due this week. It will go into your
research binder after I grade it.
O It will be part of your final research binder,
but not included in your paper.
O You will have to maintain and write a
separate bibliography that includes all of the
citations that you wind up using in your
O Does anyone have any questions?
O Does anyone want to share a good source
they found for their project?