Christopher Chase

Christopher Chase-Dunn
Vita 5-9-14
Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Director, Institute for Research on WorldSystems
Department of Sociology, University of California-Riverside, Riverside, CA.92521-0419
(951) 827-2062 Fax (951) 827-3330, E-mail:
web page:
Date of Birth: January 10, 1944
Place of Birth: Corvallis, Oregon, USA
Marital Status: Married
1964 Shasta College, Redding, CA., Journalism
1966 University of California, Berkeley, Psychology, B.A.
1968 Stanford University, Sociology, MA
1975 Stanford University, Sociology, PhD. Dissertation:
“International Economic Dependence in the World-System”
1966-1967 National Institute of Health Traineeship, Stanford.
1973-1974 University Consortium for World Order Studies, James P. Warburg
Research Fellow.
1992 Distinguished Publication Award, Political Economy of the World-System
section of American Sociological
Association for Global Formation.
1993 Elected to Sociological Research Association.
2001 Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of
2002 Elected President of the Research Committee on Economy and Society
(RC02) of the International Sociology
2008-2009 Elected Distinguished Senior Scholar of the International Political Economy (IPE)
section of the International Studies Association
2012 Elected President of the California Sociological Association
 1975-1983 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Relations, Johns Hopkins
 1983-1988 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Johns Hopkins
 1988-2000 Professor, Department of Sociology, Johns Hopkins University.
2000- present, Distinguished Professor, Department of Sociology, University of
 2000-present, Director of the Institute for Research on World-Systems
 2003-2008, Chair of the Political Economy and Global Social Change graduate
specialization, UCR Department of Sociology
 2011- Chair of the Evolutionary Sociology graduate specialization, UCR
Department of Sociology
 2005-2008 UCR Senate Committee on Academic Personnel, Chair 2008 (all
tenure-track merits and promotions)
 2008-2010, Director of the University of California-Riverside University Honors
Program (900 undergraduates,
a staff of five and an annual budget of $900,000
2010- Graduate Advisor and Chair of the Graduate Affairs Committee, UCR
Sociology Department
2011- Program Faculty Member, Interdepartmental Graduate Program in
Management, UCR School of Business Administration
2011- Vice President of the Riverside Faculty Association
2012 President of the California Sociological Association
 1973-1974 Project Director of Cross-national Study of the Effects of International
Economic Dependence on Income Inequality,
 University Consortium for World Order Studies.
 1975-1978 Associate Research Scientist, Center for Metropolitan Planning and
Research, Johns Hopkins University.
 1979-1984 Principal Investigator of Cross-national Research Project on the World
Division of Labor and the Development of City Systems
 (National Science Foundation).
 1991-1993 Principal Investigator research project on "Intersocietal inequalities in
very small world-systems" National Science Foundation,
 Sociology Program.
 1998-1999 Principal Investigator, Guatemalan Development and Democracy,
National Science Foundation, Division of International Programs
 2000-2002 Principal Investigator, "Trajectories and causes of structural
globalization, 1800-2000," National Science Foundation, Sociology Program.
 2003 Co-Principal Investigator, "Labor solidarity and transportation in the
globalizing commodity chains and circuits of capital of the Pacific Rim.
 " UC Institute for Labor Education (with Edna Bonacich and Thomas E. Reifer).
 2004 Co-Principal Investigator, "Social Bases of Global Elite Integration"
National Science Foundation, Sociology Program (with Thomas E. Reifer)
 2005 Co-Principal Investigator, “Global state formation: modeling the rise, fall
and upward sweeps of large polities in world history and the global future”
National Science Foundation, Human Social Dynamics Program (with E.N.
Anderson and Peter Turchin)
2006 Co-Principal Investigator, “US Labor Revitalization and the Global Social
Forum Process” UC Labor and Employment Research Fund (LERF) with Ellen
 Transnational Social Movements and World Revolutions
 Comparative Civilizations and Global Culture
 Political Economy and Global Social Change
 Sociocultural Evolution
 World-Systems Ecology
 Urbanization and Settlement Systems
 Macrocomparative Research Methods
 The rise, fall and upward sweeps and collapses of settlements and polities since
the Paleolithic
 World cities and suburbanization
 Trajectory of U.S. hegemony
 World Revolutions
 Web Science
 Transnational Social Movements and Populist Regimes in the Global South
 Political Globalization: the evolution of global governance, global state formation
and global democracy
 1984-1986 Chair of the International Studies Association section on International
Political Economy.
 1983-1993 Chair of Graduate Curriculum Committee, Department of Sociology,
Johns Hopkins University.
 1994-present Coordinator of the Program on Crossnational Sociology
and International Development, Johns Hopkins University.
 1982 Chair of the American Sociological Association Section on the Political
Economy of the World-System.
 1994 Member of Johns Hopkins University Committee to Organize a Global
Studies Program.
 1973-present Associate Editor, Critical Sociology.
 1979-1982 Associate Editor, Social Problems.
 1978-1985 Advisory Editor, Sociological Quarterly.
 1980-1989 Editorial Advisory Board, International Studies Quarterly.
 1984-present Member of Board of Editors, International Political Economy
Yearbook. IPE Section of the International Studies Association.
 1988-1991 Member of Ruling Council of the International Society for the
Comparative Study of Civilizations.
1988-90 Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Political and Military Sociology.
1992-1997 International Board, Review of International Political Economy.
1992-2000 Founder and former List-owner, wsn, a world-systems electronic
conferencing network at
1994-2007, Founder and Former Editor, Journal of World-Systems Research
1995-2002 Treasurer RC02 Economy and Society Research Committee,
International Sociological Association
2000- Founder and Director of the Institute for Research on World-Systems,
University of California, Riverside.
2002- Series Editor, Themes in Global Social Change, Johns Hopkins University
2002-2006 President of RC02 Economy and Society Research Committee,
International Sociological Association
2003-present, Member of Executive Board, Global Studies Association-North
Special Advisor, Globalizations 2005-present
2005-2008 UCR Committee on Academic Personnel
2007- Member of the International Advisory Board of Hemispheres: A Journal of
the Global South
2008-2010, Director of the University of California-Riverside University Honors
2011- UCR Senate Graduate Council; 2012 Chair of the Programs and Courses
Subcommittee; 2013 Alternate GC Representative
to the Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs.
2011- Program Faculty Member, Interdepartmental Graduate Program in
Management, UCR School of Business Administration
President of the California Sociological Association
Journal Referee or Book Reviewer for American Sociological Review, American
Journal of Sociology, Contemporary Sociology,
Journal of Conflict Resolution, International Studies Quarterly, Social Science
Quarterly, Sociology of Education, Comparative
Political Studies, Social Forces, Journal of Political and Military Sociology,
Urban Affairs Quarterly, Comparative Studies in Society and History,
American Indian Culture and Research Journal, Sociological Inquiry, Current
Anthropology, Journal of Asian Studies,
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Social
Dynamics, Journal of Archaeological Research,
Globalizations, Cooperation and Conflict, International Journal of Comparative
Sociology and Historical Materialism.
Christopher Chase-Dunn (ed.) Socialist States in the World-System. Beverly Hills: Sage.
Volker Bornschier and Christopher Chase-Dunn. Transnational Corporations and
Underdevelopment. New York: Praeger, 1985.
Christopher Chase-Dunn. Global Formation: Structures of The World-Economy. New
York: Basil Blackwell, 1989. American Sociology
Association PEWS Distinguished Publication Award, 1992. Revised Second
edition published in 1998 by Rowman and Littlefield.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Thomas D. Hall (eds.) Core/Periphery Relations in the
Precapitalist Worlds. Boulder: Westview Press, 1991.
Christopher Chase-Dunn (ed.) The Historical Evolution of the International Political
Economy In the Library of International Political Economy
series, Cheltanham, UK: Edward Elgar, 1995.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Thomas D. Hall. Rise and Demise: Comparing WorldSystems Boulder, CO.: Westview. 1997.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Kelly M. Mann. The Wintu and Their Neighbors: A Small
World-System in Northern California,
University of Arizona Press,1998.
Volker Bornschier and Christopher Chase-Dunn (eds.) The Future of Global
Conflict London: Sage. 1999. To be republished in the Sage
Online Books Platform, 2012.
Terry Boswell and Christopher Chase-Dunn. 2000 The Spiral of Capitalism and
Socialism: Toward Global Democracy. Boulder, CO.: Lynne Rienner.
Political Economy of the World-System Section of the American Sociological
Association Outstanding Book of the Year Award, August 18.
Christopher Chase-Dunn, Nelson Amaro and Susanne Jonas (eds.) 2001 Globalization on
the Ground: Postbellum Guatemalan Democracy and Development.
Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
Jonathan Friedman and Christopher Chase-Dunn (eds.) 2005. Hegemonic Declines:
Present and Past. Boulder, CO.: Paradigm Press.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and E.N. Anderson (eds.) 2005. The Historical Evolution of
World-Systems. London: Palgrave.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Salvatore Babones (eds.) 2006 Global Social Change:
Comparative and World Historical Perspectives. Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins University Press.
Jackie Smith, Marina Karides, Marc Becker, Dorval Brunelle, Christopher Chase-Dunn,
Donatella della Porta, Rosalba Icaza Garza, Jeffrey S. Juris,
Lorenzo Mosca, Ellen Reese, Peter Jay Smith and Rolando Vazquez 2007 Global
Democracy and the World Social Forums. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers; Revised
2nd edition 2014
Salvatore Babones and Christopher Chase-Dunn (eds.) 2012 Routledge Handbook of
World-Systems Analysis: Theory and Research London: Routledge
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Bruce Lerro 2014 Social Change: Globalization from the
Stone Age to the Present. Paradigm Publishers.
Immanuel Wallerstein, Chris Chase-Dunn and Christian Suter (eds.) 2014
Overcoming Global Inequalities Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers
Christopher Chase-Dunn 1975 "The effects of international economic dependence and
inequality: a cross-national study," American Sociological Review 40:720-738.
Reprinted in John W. Meyer and Michael T. Hannan (eds.) National Development and
the World System, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Richard Rubinson 1977 "Toward a structural perspective on
the world-system." Politics and Society 7, 4:453-76.
Volker Bornschier, Christopher Chase-Dunn and Richard Rubinson. 1978. "Crossnational evidence of the effects of foreign investment and aid on economic growth and
inequality: a survey of findings and a reanalysis," American Journal of Sociology 84,
3:651-83. Reprinted in Pp. 187-210 in A. Seligson. The Gap Between Rich and Poor.
Boulder: Westview Press, 1984. Revised version in Volker Bornschier, Multinationale
Konzerne, Wirtschaftspolitik und nationale Entwicklung im Weltsystem.
Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 1980.
Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1979. "Comparative research on world-system characteristics."
International Studies Quarterly 23, 4:601-623, December.
Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1980. "Socialist states in the capitalist world-economy," Social
Problems 27, 5:505-525, June.
Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1980. "Stages of dependency or cycles of world- system
development?" Humboldt Journal of Social Relations 8, 1:1-24, Fall/Winter.
Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1981. "Interstate system and capitalist world-economy: one
logic or two?" International Studies Quarterly 25, 1:19-42, March. Reprinted in
World System Structure: Continuity and Change, edited by W. Ladd Hollist and James
Rosenau. Beverly Hills: Sage, 1981 and in Joseph Grieco (ed.)
The International System and the International Political Economy, London: Edward
Elgar, 1993; and in George T. Crane and Abla Amawi (eds.)
The Theoretical Evolution of the International Political Economy, New York: Oxford
University Press.
T. R. Durham, Judy Morgan, Barbara Larcom and Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1981.
"Control of the work process: the workers' viewpoint," International
Journal of Health
Services 11, 1:207-220.
Christopher Chase-Dunn, Aaron Pallas and Jeffrey Kentor. 1982. "Old and new research
designs for studying the world-system," Comparative Political Studies
15, 3:341-356 (October).
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Joan Sokolovsky. 1983. "Interstate systems, world-empires
and the capitalist world-economy," International Studies Quarterly 27, 3.
Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1985. "The coming of urban primacy in Latin America,"
Comparative Urban Research XI, 1-2: 14-31.
Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1988. "Comparing world-systems: Toward a theory of
semiperipheral development," Comparative Civilizations Review, 19:29-66, Fall.
Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1990 "World state formation: historical processes and emergent
necessity" Political Geography Quarterly, 9,2: 108-30 (April).
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Thomas D. Hall 1993 "Comparing world-systems: concepts
and working hypotheses." Social Forces 71,4 (June).
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Thomas D. Hall, 1994 "The historical evolution of worldsystems" Sociological Inquiry 64,3:257-280 (August).
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Bruce Podobnik, "The next world war: world-system cycles
and trends," Journal of World-Systems Research 1:6, 1995.
Spanish translation in John Saxe-Fernandez (Coordinator) Globalizacion: Critica de un
paradigma. Mexico, D.F.: Instituto de Investigaciones Economicas,
UNAM, 1997.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Thomas D. Hall, 1998 "World-Systems in North America:
Networks, Rise and Fall and Pulsations of Trade in Stateless Systems,"
American Indian Culture and Research Journal 22,1:23-72.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Thomas D. Hall 1998 "Ecological degradation and the
evolution of world-systems" Journal of World-Systems Research 3: 403 - 431.
Christopher Chase-Dunn 1999 "Guatemala in the Global System" Journal of
Interamerican Studies and World Affairs
Christopher Chase-Dunn, "Globalization: a world-systems perspective," Journal of
World-Systems Research 5,2, 1999. Reprinted in Gerhard Preyer and
Mathias Bos (eds.) Borderlines in a Globalized World: New Perspective in a Sociology of
the World-System. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer.
Christopher Chase-Dunn, Yukio Kawano and Benjamin Brewer 2000 "Trade
Globalization since 1795: waves of integration in the world-system,"
American Sociological Review 65:77-95 (February). Scientific American article:
IROWS Director Christopher Chase-Dunn’s research on long
waves of trade globalization (with Yukio Kawano and Benjamin Brewer), originally
published in the American Sociological Review (February, 2000) was summarized in Scientific
American June 2003. See
Christopher Chase-Dunn, Susan Manning and Thomas D. Hall, 2000 "Rise and Fall:
East-West Synchronicity and Indic Exceptionalism Reexamined"
Social Science History 24,4: 721-48(Winter) .
Christopher Chase-Dunn 2002 "Globalization from below: toward a collectively rational
and democratic global commonwealth"
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science Volume 581: 48-61
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Susan Manning, 2002 "City systems and world-systems:
four millennia of city growth and decline,"
Cross-Cultural Research 36, 4: 379-398 (November). Reprinted in Ronan Paddison 2009
Urban Studies Economy ISBN: 978-1-84787-258-6
(September) SAGE Publications
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Andrew K. Jorgenson, “Regions and Interaction Networks:
an institutional materialist perspective,”
2003 International Journal of Comparative Sociology 44,1:433-450.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Andrew K. Jorgenson, “Interaction Networks and Structural
Globalization: A Comparative World-Systems Perspective “
2003 Society in Transition 34,2:206-220.
Christopher Chase-Dunn, Thomas Reifer, Andrew Jorgenson and Shoon Lio 2005 "The
U.S. Trajectory: A Quantitative Reflection,
Sociological Perspectives 48,2: 233-254
Christopher Chase-Dunn 2005 “Social evolution and the future of world society” Journal
of World-Systems Research 11,2: 171-192
Special Issue: Globalizations from ‘Above’ and ‘Below’: The Future of World Society
Edited by: Mark Herkenrath, Claudia König,
Hanno Scholtz, & Thomas Volken (e-journal, author holds copyright)
Christopher Chase-Dunn 2007 “Sociocultural evolution and the future of world society”
World Futures 63,5-6:408-424.
Christopher Chase-Dunn, Christine Petit, Richard Niemeyer, Robert A. Hanneman and
Ellen Reese 2007 “The contours of solidarity and division
among global movements” International Journal of Peace Studies 12,2: 1-15
Ellen Reese, Christopher Chase-Dunn, Kadambari Anantram, Gary Coyne, Matheu
Kaneshiro, Ashley N. Koda, Roy Kwon and Preeta Saxena 2008
“Research Note: Surveys of World Social Forum participants show influence of place and
base in the global public sphere” Mobilization: An International Journal.
13,4:431-445. Revised version in A Handbook of the World Social Forums Editors:
Jackie Smith, Scott Byrd, Ellen Reeseand Elizabeth Smythe. Paradigm Publishers
Christopher Chase-Dunn 2010 “Evolution of Nested Networks in the Prehistoric U.S.
Southwest: A Comparative World-Systems Approach”.
Evolution: An Interdisciplinary
Chase-Dunn, Christopher, Thomas D. Hall, Richard Niemeyer, Alexis Alvarez, Hiroko
Inoue, Kirk Lawrence, and Anders Carlson. 2010.
“Middlemen and Marcher States in Central Asia and East/West Empire Synchrony.”
Social Evolution and History 9:1(March):1-29.
Christopher Chase-Dunn “Globalization from Below: toward a collectively rational and
democratic global commonwealth”
Journal of Globalization Studies 1,1: 46-57 (May)(revised version of an article published
in Annals of the American Academy of Science, 2002)
Chase-Dunn, Christopher and Kirk S. Lawrence 2011 “The next three futures, Part One:
Looming crises of global inequality, ecological degradation
and a failed system of global governance” Global Society, 25:2:137-153 (April).
Chase-Dunn, Christopher and Kirk S. Lawrence 2011 “The next three futures, Part Two:
Possbilities of Another Round of U.S. Hegemony,
Global Collapse or Global Democracy” Global Society, 25:3:269-285 (July).
Chase-Dunn, Chris, Roy Kwon, Kirk Lawrence and Hiroko Inoue 2011 “Last of the
hegemons: U.S. decline and global governance”
International Review of Modern Sociology 37,1: 1-29 (Spring).
Thomas D. Hall, P. Nick Kardulias and Christopher Chase-Dunn 2011 “World-Systems
Analysis and Archaeology: Continuing the Dialogue”
Journal of Archaeological Research19, 3: 233-279
Fletcher, Jesse B; Apkarian, Jacob; Hanneman, Robert A; Inoue, Hiroko; Lawrence,
Kirk; Chase-Dunn, Christopher. 2011
”Demographic Regulators in Small-Scale World-Systems” Structure and Dynamics 5, 1
Fletcher, Jesse B, Apkarian, Jacob, Roberts, Anthony, Lawrence, Kirk, Chase-Dunn,
Christopher, Hanneman, Robert A,
‘War Games: Simulating Collins’ Theory of Battle Victory’ 2012 Cliodynamics: The
Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical History
2,2: 252-275.
Chase-Dunn, Christopher and Hiroko Inoue 2012 “Accelerating democratic global state
formation” Cooperation and Conflict
47(2) 157–175.
Inoue, Hiroko, Alexis Álvarez, Kirk Lawrence, Anthony Roberts, Eugene N
Anderson and Christopher Chase-Dunn 2012
“Polity scale shifts in world-systems since the Bronze Age: A comparative
inventory of upsweeps and collapses” International Journal of Comparative Sociology
Chase-Dunn, C. and Anthony Roberts 2012 “The structural crisis of global capitalism and
the prospects for world revolution in the 21st century”
International Review of Modern Sociology 38,2: 259-286 (Autumn) (Special Issue on The
Global Capitalist Crisis and its Aftermath edited by Berch Berberoglu)
Chase-Dunn, C. and Bruce Lerro 2013 “Democratizing Global Governance: World
historical Perspectives” Sociologias (in Portuguese)
Chase-Dunn, C., Bruce Lerro, Hiroko Inoue and Alexis Alvarez 2013 “Democratic
Global Governance: Moving from Ideal to Reality”
International Journal of Sociology 43,2: 41-54.
Chase-Dunn, C. 2013 “Continuities and transformations in the evolution of worldsystems” Journal of Globalization Studies.
Apkarian, Jacob, Jesse B. Fletcher, Christopher Chase-Dunn and Robert A.
Hanneman 2013 Hierarchy in Mixed Relation Networks: Warfare
Advantage and Resource Distribution in Simulated World-Systems Journal of
Social Structure, Vol. 14
Chase-Dunn, C., Bruce Lerro, Hiroko Inoue and Alexis Alvarez 2013
“Democratic Global Governance: Moving from Ideal to Reality”
International Journal of Sociology 43,2: 41-54.
Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1981. "Response to critiques of 'Socialist states in the capitalist
world-economy,'" Social Problems 28, 5:527-532, June.
Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1982. "World division of labor and the development of city
systems: a longitudinal cross-national study,"
Comparative Research 9, 3:3-9, Winter.
Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1983. "Urbanization in the World-system: New Directions for
Research," in Comparative Urban Research, 9, 2:41-46.
Reprinted in Michael Peter Smith (ed.) Cities in Transformation: Class, Capital and the
State. Beverly Hills: Sage. 1984.
Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1990 "Resistance to imperialism: semiperipheral actors,"
Review, 13,1:1-31 (Winter).
Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1992. "The national state as an agent of modernity." Problems
of Communism XLI, January-April, :29-37.
Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1992 "The Wintu and their neighbors: a very small worldsystem." In Proceedings of Society for California Archaeology.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Thomas D. Hall 1992 "World-systems and modes of
production: toward the comparative study of transformations."
Humboldt Journal of Social Relations 18,1:81-117.
Thomas D. Hall and Christopher Chase-Dunn 1993 "The world-systems perspective and
archaeology: forward in to the past."
Journal of Archaeological Research 1,2:121-143.
Christopher Chase-Dunn, 1993 Comment on Gunder Frank's "Bronze Age world system
cycles." Current Anthropology 34,4:407-8
Thomas D. Hall and Christopher Chase-Dunn, 1994 "Forward into the past: worldsystems before 1500." Sociological Forum 9,2:295-306.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Alice Willard, "Cities in the Central Political-Military
Network Since CE 1200" Comparative Civilizations Review,
30:104-32 (Spring) 1994.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Thomas D. Hall 1994 "The historical evolution of worldsystems" Sociological Inquiry 64,3:257-280 (August).
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Thomas D. Hall 1995 "The historical evolution of worldsystems: iterations and transformations" Protosoziologie Heft 7:23-34.
Reprinted in Gerhard Preyer (ed.) Strukturelle Evolution und das Weltsystem:Theorien,
Sozialstruktur und evolutionaere Entwicklungen
March Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1998.
Boswell, Terry and Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1996. "The Future of the World-System"
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy.
16, 7/8:148-179.
Chase-Dunn, Christopher 1996 "Agency, structure and the world-system," Humboldt
Journal of Social Relations 22,2:85-96.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Terry Boswell 1999 "Postcommunism and the Global
Commonwealth" Humboldt Journal of Social Relations
24,1-2: 195-219.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Terry Boswell 2004 “Global democracy: a world-systems
perspective” Protosociology 20: 15-29.
Christopher Chase-Dunn 2005 “Global public social science” The American Sociologist
36,3-4:121-132 (Fall/Winter). Reprinted Pp. 179-194
in Lawrence T. Nichols (ed.) Public Sociology: The Contemporary Debate. New
Brunswick, NJ: Transnaction Press.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Kirk Lawrence 2010 “Alive and well: a response to
Sanderson” International Journal of Comparative Sociology 51,6:470-480
C. Chase-Dunn 2013 “Response to Barry Buzan and George Lawson, “The global
transformation: the 19th century and the making of modern international relations”
International Studies Quarterly
C. Chase-Dunn 2013 “Brics And A Potentially Progressive Semiperiphery”
ZNET, Friday, March 29, also published Pp 56-58 in Patrick Bond (Ed.)
Brics in Africa: anti-imperialist, sub-imperialist of in between? Centre for Civil
Society, University of Kwa-Zulu-Natal.
C. Chase-Dunn “ Five Linked Crises in the Contemporary World-System”
Journal of World-Systems Research Volume 19, Number 2, Summer 2013 Pages
175-180. Translated into Persian and published in Mehregan, No. 21. March
2014. Pp. 47-49. (translated by Kia Masoudi)
Christopher Chase-Dunn (ed.) Special Issue of Review on "Quantitative Studies of the
World-System." Volume 8, Number 4, Spring, 1985.
Christopher Chase-Dunn (ed.) Special Issue of Review on "Comparing World-Systems,"
Volume 15, Number 3, Summer, 1992. Introduction:
"The Comparative Study of World-Systems." Pp. 313-334.
John W. Meyer, Chris Chase-Dunn and James Inverarity 1971 “The expansion of the
autonomy of youth: responses of the secondary school to problems
of order in the 1960s” Laboratory For Social Research Technical Report #41. Department
of Sociology, Stanford University.
John W. Meyer, John Boli-Bennett and Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1975. "Convergence
and divergence in development," Annual Review of Sociology, V. 1.
Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1978. "Core-periphery relations: the effects of core
competition," in Barbara H. Kaplan (ed.) Social Change in the Capitalist World
Beverly Hills: Sage.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Richard Rubinson. 1979. "Cycles, trends, and new
departures in world-system development," in John W. Meyer and Michael T. Hannan
National Development and the World System: Educational, Economic, and Political
Change, 1950-1970. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1980. "The development of core capitalism in the antebellum
United States: tariff politics and class struggle in an upwardly mobile semiperiphery"
in Albert J. Bergesen (ed.) Studies of the Modern World-System. New York: Academic
Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1982. "Models and interpretation in world-system research:
comments on Bach," in Terence K. Hopkins and Immanuel Wallerstein (eds.)
Processes of the World-System, Vol. 3, Political Economy of the World-System Annuals
(Beverly Hills: Sage, 1980). Reprinted in T. K. Hopkins and I. Wallerstein (eds.)
World-Systems Analysis, Beverly Hills: Sage, 1982.
Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1982. "The uses of formal comparative research on dependency
and the world-system perspective," Pp. 117-40 in Harry Makler,
Alberto Martinelli and Neil Smelser (eds.) The New International Economy. London:
Sage Publications.
Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1982. "International economic policy in a declining core state."
Pp. 77-96 in William R. Avery and David Rapkin (eds.)
America in a Changing World Political Economy. New York: Longmans.
Chase-Dunn, Christopher. 1982. "The uses of formal comparative research on
dependency theory and the world-system perspective" pp. 117-140 in
Harry Makler, Alberto Martinelli and Neil Smelser (eds.) The New International
Economy Beverly Hills: Sage.
Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1983. "Socialist state policy in the capitalist world-economy."
In Patrick McGowan and Charles H. Kegley (eds.)
Foreign Policy and the Modern World System, Vol. 7, Sage International Yearbook of
Foreign Policy Studies.
Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1983. "Three approaches to the kernel of the capitalist worldeconomy." In William R. Thompson (ed.)
Contending Approaches to World System Analysis. Beverly Hills: Sage.
Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1983. "Inequality, structural mobility and dependency reversal
in the capitalist world-economy."
In Charles F. Doran et al. (eds.) North-South Relations: Studies of Dependency Reversal.
New York: Praeger.
Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1984. "The world-system since 1950: what has really
changed?" In Charles Bergquist (ed.)
Labor in the World Economy. Beverly Hills: Sage.
Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1985. "The system of world cities: A. D. 800-1975." In
Michael Timberlake (ed.) Urbanization in the World Economy.
New York: Academic Press.
Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1985. "Historical development of the global political
economy." In W. Ladd Hollist and F. Lamond Tullis (eds.)
A Global Political Economy, Vol. 1 of the International Political Economy Yearbook.
Boulder: Westview.
Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1985. "El fenomeno de primacia de una ciudad an los sistemas
urbanos latinoamericanos: su surgimiento,"
Pp. 27-46 in J. E. Hardoy and A. Portes (eds.) Ciudades y Sistemas Urbanos: Economia
Informal y Desorden Espacial. Buenos Aires: CLACSO.
Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1987. "Cycles, trends or transformation?: The world-system
since 1945," Pp. 57-84 in Terry Boswell and
Albert Bergesen (eds.) America's Changing Role in the World-System. New York:
Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1987. "The Korean Trajectory in the world-system," Pp. 270304 in Kyong-dong Kim (ed.)
Dependency Issues in Korean Development: Comparative Perspectives. Seoul: Seoul
National University Press.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Kenneth O'Reilly. 1989. "Core wars of the future" Pp. 4764 in Robert K. Schaeffer (ed.) War in the World-System.
Westport, CT.: Greenwood Press.
Christopher Chase-Dunn, 1990 "The limits of hegemony," in David P. Rapkin (ed.)
World Leadership and Hegemony, Boulder, CO.:
Lynne Rienner.
Christopher Chase-Dunn, 1992 "The role of cities in the transformation of worldsystems" Volker Bornschier and Peter Lengyel (eds.)
World Society Studies, Volume 2. Frankfurt and New York: Campus Verlag.
Christopher Chase-Dunn, 1990 "Socialism and capitalism on a world scale" Pp. 67-86 in
William K. Tabb (ed.) The Future of Socialism,
New York: Monthly Review Press.
Christopher Chase-Dunn, 1992 "The spiral of capitalism and socialism," in Louis F.
Kriesberg (ed.) Research in Social Movements,
Conflict and Change, Volume 14. Greenwich, CT. : JAI Press.
Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1992. "Theoretical Approaches to world-systems analysis." Pp.
3-20 in Chronis Polychroniou (ed.)
Perspectives and Issues in International Political Economy, Westport, CT.: Praeger.
Christopher Chase-Dunn, 1994 "The Gulf War and the World-System." Pp. 198-217 in
John O'Loughlin, Thomas Mayer and
Edward S. Greenberg (eds.) War and Its Consequences: Lessons from the Persian Gulf
Conflict. Harper Collins.
Christopher Chase-Dunn 1993 "Technology and the logic of world-systems" Pp. 85-106
in Ronen P. Palan and Barry Gills (eds.)
Transcending the State-Global Divide: The Neo-Structuralist Agenda in International
Relations. Boulder: Lynne Rienner.
Christopher Chase-Dunn, "United States culture and world culture." pp. 37-62 in
Manwoo Lee, Su-Hoon Lee, Francine Fournier and Tae-Ho Yoo (eds.)
Culture and Development in a new Era and in a Transforming World. Seoul: Institute for
Far Eastern Studies, Kyungnam University and UNESCO.
Christopher Chase-Dunn, "Comment on Edward Schortman and Patricia Urban's 'Living
on the edge: core/periphery relations in ancient
southeastern Mesoamerica." Current Anthropology 35,4, 1994.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Thomas D. Hall, "Cross-world-system comparisons:
similarities and differences," Pp. 109-135 in Stephen Sanderson (ed.)
Civilizations and World Systems Studying World-Historical Change. Walnut Creek, CA.:
Altamira Press (1995).
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Peter Grimes, "World-Systems Analysis." Annual Review
of Sociology 1995. 21:387-417.
Christopher Chase-Dunn "World-systems: similarities and differences" Pp. 246-258 in
The Underdevelopment of Development: Essays in honor of Andre Gunder Frank.
Thousand Oaks, CA. Sage 1996.
Thomas D. Hall and Christopher Chase-Dunn "Comparing world-systems: concepts and
hypotheses" Pp. 13-28 in Peter N. Peregrine and Gary M. Feinman (eds.)
Pre-Columbian World-Systems Madison, WI.: Prehistory Press 1996.
Volker Bornschier and Christopher Chase-Dunn 1999 "Technological change,
globalization and hegemonic rivalry" in V. Bornschier and C. Chase-Dunn (eds.)
The Future of Global Conflict. London: Sage.
Christopher Chase-Dunn "Globalization: a world-systems perspective" In Jose Ciprut
(ed.) Of Fears and Foes: International Relations in an
Evolving Global Political Economy. (forthcoming).
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Thomas D. Hall 1998 "The historical evolution of worldsystems: interations and transformations," in Gerhard Preyer (ed.)
Strukturelle Evolution un das Weltsystem. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.
Christopher Chase-Dunn "Forward" Pp. xi-xiii in P. Nick Kardulias (ed.) World-Systems
Theory in Practice. Lanham, MD.: Rowman and Littlefield 1999.
Terry Boswell and Christopher Chase-Dunn 2000 "From state socialism to global
democracy: the transnational politics of the modern world-system."
Pp. 289-306 in Thomas D. Hall (ed.) A World-Systems Reader: New Perspectives on
Gender, Urbanism, Cultures, Indigenous Peoples, and Ecology. Lanham, MD.: Rowman
and Littlefield
Chase-Dunn, Christopher and Thomas D. Hall. 2000. "Comparing World-systems to
Explain Social Evolution." Pp. 85-111 in World System History:
The Social Science of Long-Term Change, edited by Robert Denemark, Jonathan
Friedman, Barry K. Gills, and George Modelski. London: Routledge.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Thomas D. Hall. "Paradigms Bridged: Institutional
Materialism and World-Systemic Evolution," for Structure, Culture,
and History, 2000 edited by Sing Chew and David Knottnerus. Lanham, MD: Rowman
and Littlefield, in press.
Christopher Chase-Dunn 2001 "Globalization from below in Guatemala" in C. ChaseDunn, Nelson Amaro and Susanne Jonas (eds.) Globalization on
the Ground: Postbellum Guatemalan Democracy and Development. 2001 Rowman and
Christopher Chase-Dunn, 2001"Globalization From Below: Toward a Collectively
Rational and Democratic Global Commonwealth" in G. Kohler and E.J.Chaves (eds.),
Globalization: Critical Perspectives. New York: Nova Science.
Christopher Chase-Dunn, 2001 "World-Systems Theorizing" in Jonathan Turner (ed.)
Handbook of Sociological Theory. New York: Plenum.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Andrew Jorgenson 2003, "Systems of Cities," in Paul Demeny
and Geoffrey McNicoll. Encyclopedia of Population. Vol. 1.
Pp. 379-398.New York: Macmillan Reference USA.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Barry Gills 2005 “Waves of globalization and resistance in
the capitalist world system: social movements and critical
globalization studies.” Pp. 45-54 in Richard Appelbaum and William Robinson (eds.)
Critical Globalization Studies.
Christopher Chase-Dunn, Alexis Alvarez and Daniel Pasciuti, 2005 “World-systems in
the biogeosphere: three thousand years of urbanization, empire
formation and climate change.” Pp. 311-332 in Paul Ciccantell, Gay Seidman and David
A. Smith (eds.) Nature, Raw Materials, and Political Economy.
Christopher Chase-Dunn, Alexis Alvarez, and Daniel Pasciuti "Power and Size;
urbanization and empire formation in world-systems" Pp. 92-112 in
C. Chase-Dunn and E.N. Anderson (eds.) The Historical Evolution of World-Systems.
New York: Palgrave.
Christopher Chase-Dunn, Daniel Pasciuti, Alexis Alvarez and Thomas D. Hall. 2006 “
Waves of Globalization and Semiperipheral Development
in the Ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian World-Systems” Pp. 114-138 in Barry Gills
and William R. Thompson (eds.),
Globalization and Global History London: Routledge.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Thomas D. Hall 2006 “Ecological degradation and the
evolution of world-systems”
Pp. 231-252 in Andrew Jorgenson and Edward Kick (eds.) Globalization and the
Environment. Leiden: Brill.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Ellen Reese 2007 “The World Social Forum: a global party
in the making?” Pp. 53-92 in Katrina Sehm-Patomaki
and Marko Ulvila (eds.) Global Political Parties, London: Zed Press.
Christopher Chase-Dunn, Ellen Reese, Mark Herkenrath, Rebecca Giem, Erika
Guttierrez, Linda Kim, and Christine Petit, “North-South Contradictions
and Bridges at the World Social Forum” 2008 Pp341-366 in Rafael Reuveny and
William R. Thompson (eds.) NORTH AND SOUTH IN THE WORLD
POLITICAL ECONOMY. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Andrew Jorgenson 2007 “Trajectories of trade and
investment globalization” Pp. 165-185 in Ino Rossi (ed.) Frontiers of
Globalization Research: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches. New York:
Christopher Chase-Dunn, Thomas D. Hall and Peter Turchin 2007 “World-systems in the
biogeosphere: urbanization, state formation and climate change since the Iron Age”
Pp. 132-148 in Alf Hornborg and Carole Crumley (eds.) The World System and the
Earth System: Global Socioenvironmental Cahnge and Sustainability Since the Neolithic.
Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.
Ellen Reese, Christopher Chase-Dunn, Erika Gutierrez, Rebecca Álvarez, Linda Kim, and
Christine Petit (forthcoming) “ Unions and the World Social Forum Process:
Report from the WSF05 Survey” Forthcoming in Jerry Harris (ed.) GSA Papers 2007: Contested
Terrains of Globalization. Chicago: ChangeMaker.
Christopher Chase-Dunn, Hiroko Inoue, Alexis Alvarez and Richard Niemeyer 2009
“Global State Formation and Global Democracy: a World Historical Perspective”
Pp. 65-84 in Yildiz Atasoy (ed) Hegemonic Transitions,,the State and Crisis in
Neoliberal Capitalism. London & New York: Routledge
Hall, Thomas D., Christopher Chase-Dunn and Richard Niemeyer. 2009 “The Roles of
Central Asian Middlemen and Marcher States in Afro-Eurasian World-System
Pp. 69-82 in The Rise of Asia and the Transformation of the World-System, Political
Economy of the World-System Annuals. Vol XXX, edited by Ganesh K. Trinchur.
Boulder, CO: Paradigm Press.
C.K. Chase-Dunn 2008 “The world-system as a social problem” in Vincent Parrillo (ed.)
The Encyclopedia of Social Problems. Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA
[Eds. George Modelski,Robert A.Denemark], in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems
(EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford ,UK,
C. Chase-Dunn and R.E. Niemeyer 2009 “The world revolution of 20xx” Pp. 35-57 in
Mathias Albert, Gesa Bluhm, Han Helmig, Andreas Leutzsch, Jochen Walter (eds.)
Transnational Political Spaces. Campus Verlag: Frankfurt/New York
C. Chase-Dunn and Terry Boswell 2009 “Semiperipheral devolopment and global
democracy” PP 213-232 in Owen Worth and Phoebe Moore,
Globalization and the “New” Semiperipheries, Palgrave.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Matheu Kaneshiro 2009 “Stability and Change in the
contours of Alliances Among movements in the social forum process”
Pp. 119-133 in David Fasenfest (ed.) Engaging Social Justice. Leiden: Brill.
Christopher Chase-Dunn, Richard Niemeyer, Alexis Alvarez and Hiroko Inoue 2009
“Scale transitions and the evolution of global governance since the Bronze Age”
Pp. 261-284 in William R. Thompson (ed.) Systemic Transitions. New York: Palgrave
Chase-Dunn, Christopher and Thomas D. Hall. 2011“East and West in world-systems
evolution” Pp. 97-119 in Patrick Manning and Barry K. Gills (eds.)
Andre Gunder Frank and Global Development, London: Routledge.
Chase-Dunn, C. and Hiroko Inoue 2011 “Immanuel Wallerstein” Pp. 395-411 in George
Ritzer and Jeffrey Stepnisky (eds.)
The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Major Social Theorists, Volume 2,
Contemporary Social Theorists. Chichester: John Wiley
Thomas Hall and Christopher Chase-Dunn 2009 “Changement social er integration des
reseaux d’change dans la longue duree” Pp 159-190 in
Philippe BEAUJARD, Laurent BERGER & Philippe NOREL (eds.) Histoire globale,
mondialisations et capitalisme Paris: éditions La découverte,
collection Recherches.
Reprint of Chapter 1 of Jackie Smith et al Global Democracy and the WSFs,
“Globalization and the Emergence of the World Social Forums”
Pp. 277-293, Manfred B. Steger (ed.) 2010 Globalization: the Greatest Hits Boulder:
CO: Paradigm publishers).
Christopher Chase-Dunn 2011 “Evolution of Nested Networks in the Prehistoric U.S.
Southwest: A Comparative World-Systems Approach”
Pp. 251-273 in Leonid E. Grinen, Andrey V. Lorotayev, Robert L. Carneiro and Fred
Spier (eds.) Evolution: Cosmic, Biological, Social .
Volgograd, Russia: Uchitel Publishing House.
Chase-Dunn, C and Thomas D. Hall 2012 “Global Scale Analysis in Human History” Pp.
185-200 in Douglas Northrop, (ed.) A
Companion to World History. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Roy Kwon 2012 “Crises and Counter-Movements in World
Evolutionary Perspective” Pp. 43-70 in Christian Suter
and Mark Herkenrath (eds.) World Society in the Global Economic Crisis. Berlin: LIT
C. Chase-Dunn and Bruce Lerro 2012”Democratizing global governance: strategy and
tactics” Pp. 39-64 in Thomas E. Reifer (ed.)
Global Crises and the Challenges of the 21st Century. Boulder, CO: Paradigm
C. Chase-Dunn 2013 “Brics And A Potentially Progressive Semiperiphery” ZNET,
Friday, March 29, also published Pp 56-58 in Patrick Bond (Ed.)
Brics in Africa: anti-imperialist, sub-imperialist of in between? Centre for Civil Society,
University of Kwa-Zulu-Natal.
C. Chase-Dunn and Roy Kwon 2012 “Continuidades e transformacoes na evolucao do
sistemas-mundo” Pp. 97-136 in Vieira, Pedro Antonio,
Rosangela de Lima Vieira and Felipe Amin Filomeno (eds.) 2012 Brasil e Capitalismo
Historico: Passado e Presente na Analise dos Sistemas-Mundo.
Sao Paolo, Brazil: Cultura Academica Editora
Christopher Chase-Dunn, Alessandro Morosin and Alexis Álvarez 2014 “Social
Movements and Progressive Regimes in Latin America:
World Revolutions and Semiperipheral Development” in Paul Almeida and
Allen Cordero Ulate (eds.) Handbook of Social Movements across Latin America,
"Who gets what and why: a review of Samir Amin's Unequal Development, Michael
Lipton's Why Poor People Stay Poor, and Robert W. Tucker's
The Inequality of Nations, "Working Papers for a New Society, VI, 2,80-86. March/April,
"Family life and economic institutions: a review essay on Eli Zaretzky's Capitalism, The
Family and Personal Life," with Andrew Cherlin.
Contemporary Sociology 8, 1:62-4 (1979).
"A world-system perspective on Cardoso and Faletto's Dependency and Development in
Latin America." Latin American Research Review 17,
1:166-171 (1982).
"Unequal development: a review of Samir Amin's Unequal Development." Insurgent
Sociologist, 8,1:78-81 (Winter, 1978).
"Review of Working for Capitalism by Richard Pfeffer." Insurgent Sociologist, IX, 4:9395. (Spring, 1980).
"Review of Is The Red Flag Flying: The Political Economy of the Soviet Union Today"
by Albert Szymmanski. Insurgent Sociologist 10, 2
(Spring, 1981).
"Review of Crisis: In the World Economy" by Andre Gunder Frank. In Economic
Development and Cultural Change 31, 2:410-416, January 1983.
"Review of The World-System of Capitalism: Past and Present." Edited by Walter
Goldfrank. Social Forces, 59, 4:1323-1324 (1981).
"Review of Raymond C. Kelly, The Nuer Conquest: The Structure and Development of
An Expansionist System." PEWS News, Summer, 1988.
"Review of Matthew Melko and Leighton R. Scott (eds.) The Boundaries of Civilizations
in Space and Time." Comparative Civilizations Review,
20, Spring, 1989.
"Review of Thomas D. Hall, Social Change in the Southwest, 1350-1880." Contemporary
Sociology 19,3:370-1, May, 1990.
"Review of Ross Hassig's Aztec Warfare: Imperial Expansion and Political Control."
Comparative Civilizations Review 24:101-105 (Spring, 1991).
"Review of Dale Tomich's Slavery in the Circuit of Sugar: Martinique and the World
Economy, 1830-1848." American Journal of Sociology, 97,3:859-861,
November, 1991.
"Review of Norman Yoffee and George Cowgill (eds.) The Collapse of Ancient States
and Civilizations." Contemporary Sociology, 21,5:689-90
(September) 1992.
"Review of Giovanni Arrighi's Long Twentieth Century and Eric Hobsbawm's The Age of
Extremes" Contemporary Sociology, 25,2:161-65.
"Review of William P. Robinson's Promoting Polyarchy. Contemporary Sociology.
26,6:726-7 (November).
"Review of Ankie M. M Hoogvelt's Globalization and the Postcolonial World. The
Journal of Asian Studies 1999:805-6.
"Review of Andre Gunder Frank's Reorient: Global Economy in the Asian Age.
American Journal of Sociology, January, 2000.
“Review of George Modelski, World Cities: -3000 to 2000 Washington DC: FAROS
2000, 2003” in Globalizations 3,3:419-421 (September) 2003
(with Dan Pasciuti).
Review of Saskia Sassen’s Territory*Authority*Rights (Princeton University Press 2006)
in Contemporary Sociology 37,1:77. 2008 (with Kirk Lawrence).
Review essay on Giovanni Arrighi’s Adam Smith in Beijing, London: Verso in Historical
Materialism. Volume 18 #1, 2010
Review of Heikki Patomaki’s The Political Economy of Global Security: War, Future Crises and
Changes in Global Governance (London: Routledge 2010)
for review symposium in Cooperation and Conflict “The Evolution of Capitalist Globalization
and Possible Human Futures: Hamlet without the Prince”
Review of Sylvia Walby’s Globalization and Inequalities (London: Sage 2009) for
Contemporary Sociology
Chase-Dunn review of Sylvia Walby, Globalization and Inequalities: Complexity and Contested
Modernities Sage, 2011 Contemporary Sociology 40, 1: 98-99 (January)
Review of new edition of Immanuel Wallerstein’s Modern World-System, Volume 1.
Berkeley, University of California Press 2011.
Contemporary Sociology 41,4:9-11
Review of Julian Go’s Patterns of Empire. American Journal of Sociology vol. 118, no. 5 (March
Review of Jackie Smith and Dawn Wiest, Social Movements in the World-System
Opinion Pieces:
Christopher Chase-Dunn "History Recycled." Baltimore Sun, January 19, 2000
Christopher Chase-Dunn "Agricultural Genomics: the focus on solutions." Fiat Lux
February 2001.
Public Presentations:
Christopher Chase-Dunn, “Globalization and global democracy” Riverside Learning is
Forever (LIFE) Society. January 19, 2006
Christopher Chase-Dunn, “Economic and political globalization”
Barbara Moore, KVCR Interview, January 20, 2006.
“Let’s talk” with
Christopher Chase-Dunn, “The Rise and Collapse of Civilizations” Presentation at the
UCR Heckman Center, Palm Desert, January 25, 2006
Christopher Chase-Dunn, ”Transnational social movements and global party formation”
UCR Affiliates, March 6, 2006.
Christopher Chase-Dunn, Richard Niemeyer and Juliann Allison, “Futures of
biotechnology and geopolitics” A paper presented at the
Genencor celebration seminar, June 9, 2006 in Palo Alto, California.
“Evolution of global governance and networks of transnational social movements.” A talk
presented at the Orfalea Center, UC Santa Barbara, March 6, 2009.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Roy Kwon, A keynote address presented at the
international conference on “The Global Economic
Crisis: Perceptions and Impacts” September 10-11, 2010 The World Society
Foundation, University of Zurich.
“Crises and Counter-Movements in World Evolutionary Perspective”
Christopher Chase-Dunn, “World-systems in California and California in the
A keynote address given at the annual meeting of the California Sociological
Association, Berkeley, CA November 4-5, 2011
University Service:
Director: Institute for Research on World-Systems 2000-present
Co-Director (with Juliann Allison), Program on Global Studies, UCR campus arm of the
Institute on Global Cooperation and Conflict
(MRU based at UCSD) 2002-present
Member, Faculty Panel on Chancellor’s Distinguished Lecture Series, Mary Robinson,
University of California-Riverside, Fall 2005.
Member, Senate Committee on Academic Personnel, 2005-2008
Member, Senate International Education Committee, 2005
Member, Search committee for the Director of the Edward J. Blakely Center for
Sustainable Suburban Development, 2005.
Faculty Advisor: UCR Model UN project. 2004-present.
Faculty Advisor: CALPIRG, 2002-present
Member and co-chair : UCR Faculty Association
Member, UCR Academic Senate Graduate Council 2011Chair, UCR Academic Senate Graduate Council Subcommittee on Courses and Programs
2012Appendices for Books and Articles:
Unpublished Papers:
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Alice Willard, "Systems of cities and world-systems:
settlement size hierarchies and cycles of political centralization, 2000 BC-1988AD"
A paper presented at the International Studies Association meeting, March 24-27, 1993,
Christopher Chase-Dunn, Edward Clewett and Elaine Sundahl, " A very small worldsystem in Northern California: the Wintu and their neighbors."
A paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology,
Pittsburgh, April 8, 1992.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Mahua Sarkar, "Place names and intersocietal interaction:
Wintu expansion into Hokan territory in late prehistoric Northern California,"
A paper presented a the annual meeting of the Society for Economic Anthropology,.
1993, University of New Hampshire.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Elena Ermolaeva, "The ancient Hawaiian world-system:
research in progress," A paper presented at the annual meeting of the International
Studies Association, March 29, 1994, Washington, DC.
Christopher Chase-Dunn, "Simultaneities of world-systems development: cities, empires
and climate change."
An unfunded proposal submitted to the National Science Foundation.
Christopher Chase-Dunn, "Conflict Among Core States: World-System Cycles and
An unfunded proposal submitted to the National Science Foundation (Sociology
Program), January 23, 1996.
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Thomas D. Hall
The Chesapeake World-System: complexity, hierarchy and pulsations of long range
interaction in prehistory
A paper presented at the International Studies Association, Washington, DC February 19,
Christopher Chase-Dunn, Upward Sweeps in the Historical Evolution of World-Systems
IROWS Working Paper #20
#49 Christopher Chase-Dunn and James Love, Social Movement Networks as
Reflected in Web Publications
#50 Christopher Chase-Dunn, Richard Niemeyer, Preeta Saxena, Matheu Kaneshiro,
James Love and Amanda Spears,
The New Global Left: Movements and Regimes
Christopher Chase-Dunn and Hiroko Inoue, Can You Really Study the World-System in
Second Life? IROWS Working Paper #51
#53 Christopher Chase-Dunn, Hiroko Inoue, Alexis Alvarez, Kirk Lawrence and James
“Synchronous East-West Urban and Empire Upsweeps?”
#56 James Love, Alexis Alvarez, Hiroko Inoue, Kirk Lawrence, Evelyn
Courtney, Edwin Elias, Tony Roberts,
Joseph Genova, Victoria Autelli, Sean Liyanage, Joshua Hopps and
Chris Chase-Dunn
“Semiperipheral Development and Empire Upsweeps Since the
Bronze Age”
#57 Christopher Chase-Dunn and Shoon Lio “Global Class Formation and
the New Global Left in World Historical Perspective”
#58 Christopher Chase-Dunn, Matheu Kaneshiro, James Love, Kirk
Lawrence and Edwin Elias,
Neoliberalism, populist movements and the Pink Tide in Latin America
#59 Anthony Roberts, Joseph Genova, James Love, Kirk Lawrence, Hiroko
Inoue, Evelyn Courtney, Edwin Elias
and Christopher Chase-Dunn, Semiperipheral Development in the
Mediterranean World
#69 “Governance of the Global City: The Rise of Global Democracy in
the 21st Century”, Christopher Chase-Dunn
#76 Latin America in the World-System: world revolutions,
semiperipheral development and the evolution of global
governance Christopher Chase-Dunn and Alessandro
#78 Contemporary Semiperipheral Development: The Regimes
and Movements. C. Chase-Dunn
# 79 Semiperipheral Capitalist City-States and the
Commodification of Wealth, Land, Labor and Goods
Christopher Chase-Dunn, Hiroko Inoue, Alexis
Álvarez, Andrew Owen and Eugene N. Anderson
#80 The Prehistory of Money in Southern California
Christopher Chase-Dunn, Eugene N. Anderson, Hiroko
Inoue, and Alexis Álvarez
#81 Crisis of What?: End of capitalism or new
systemic cycle of capitalist accumulation
Christopher Chase-Dunn
Christopher Chase-Dunn
# 82 The World Revolution of 2011: Assembling a United Front of the New
Global Left
C. Chase-Dunn
#83 Five Linked Crises in the Contemporary World-System
C. Chase-
#84 The Web of Transnational Social Movements: Processes of Articulation
C. Chase-Dunn