The concept of Data Processing Input Data INPUT DESIGN Persistent Data Process Output Why be concerned about INPUT DESIGN? Garbage In - Garbage Out (GIGO) Data Verification & Validation (V&V): • Self-checking digits or check-digit • Combination check • Limit and Range checks • Completeness checks “Input” involves 3 steps: 1. Collecting 2. Entering 3. Processing “Input” Methods: • Batch • On-Line (real-time) • Hybrid BATCH INPUT - ADVANTAGES • Collecting and Entering can be done off-line. • Entering data can be done by trained personnel. • Processing can be done very quickly. • Processing can be done during non-peak times. BATCH INPUT - DISADVANTAGES • Data collection usually has to be a centralized activity. • Data entry usually needs to be done by specially trained personnel. • The processing activity is delayed, hence the possibility exists for data to be considered old or untimely when it finally gets processed. • Since processing is usually done during off-hours, input errors detected during processing would not get corrected until the next regularly scheduled processing of input data. • The off-hours computer operator may have to call the systems analyst or programmer if the program malfunctions. ON-LINE INPUT - ADVANTAGES • The data can be entered by its owners. • The data can be entered as close to their origination as possible. • Immediate feedback can usually be given regarding the correctness and acceptability of the data. • The input data can immediately update a database thus making it as current as possible. ON-LINE INPUT - DISADVANTAGES • Equipment may be more costly to perform the input. • Users are not always well trained to input data. • User data entry procedural controls may be lacking. • Software must have additional controls to handle it. • Data is often only entered during business hours thus impacting the normal computer load. • The data entry activity could actually be slower than the equivalent batch processing for the same data. Batch vs. On-Line Transaction Processing • Two types of TPS: – – Batch processing » A system whereby business transactions are accumulated over a period of time and prepared for processing as a single unit or batch On-line transaction processing (OLTP) » A system whereby each transaction is processed immediately, without the delay of accumulating transactions into a batch Batch Schematic Data entry of accumulated transactions Input (batched) Output On-line Schematic Terminal Terminal Terminal Output Immediate processin g of each transactio n Terminal Terminal Terminal Accessing Data To access data means to retrieve it from storage and place it in RAM, so that it is ready to be processed. There are three main ways to access data, depending on the storage device that has been used and the way that the data has been saved… 1. Direct Access 2. Serial Access 3. Sequential Access Direct Access Hard drives, optical drives, flash drives and almost all other storage devices are direct access devices (also know as random access). This means that data stored anywhere on the device can be accessed in an equally short period of time. The location of each file is stored in a ‘table’ on the drive (called a FAT – File Allocation Table), which enables the operating system to find the file quickly. Direct access devices are much quicker and more efficient than serial access devices, such as magnetic tapes which are only used for backup and archive purposes. Serial or Sequential Access Magnetic tape is a serial access or sequential access device. This means that you have to wind through it to reach the data that you require. Access time varies depending on where the data is located on the tape. Serial access is where the data is stored in the order that the data files were created, one after the other. Sequential access is where the data is stored in a logical order, e.g. the records of a bank may be stored in numerical order by account number, or in alphabetical order by surname of the account holder. Data Processing When data is stored in a computer system, there are two main things you can do with it – you can process it in the CPU, then you can output the results. There are many different ways of processing data… 1. Real-Time Processing 2. Interactive Processing 3. Batch Processing 4. Transaction Processing Real-Time Processing Real-time processing involves processing the data immediately, e.g. Computer control, e.g. aircraft, robot, flight simulator Processing the data immediately makes sure: That the flight data displayed on the instruments is current, so that the pilot can operate the aircraft controls with confidence. Real-time processing gives instant feedback. Interactive Processing Interactive processing (also known as online processing) accepts and processes data items piece by piece and may produce prompts in response to each stage, e.g. booking a holiday… Departure Airport… Destination Airport… Departure Date… Arrival Date… At this point the system may prompt the user, “There are no available flights for those dates…” As soon as all the data is entered, the holiday will be booked so that no double-booking occurs. The processing for booking systems is not as urgent as for real-time processing – if the system is busy, the user can wait a little. Batch Processing Batch processing waits until a group of data files is ready to be processed, then processes them all at once. Batch processing is usually done at night or at weekends to avoid busy system times, as batch processing uses the CPU intensively and will slow down the system for other users. Batch processing suits large volume tasks that have to be done at regular intervals, e.g. A business sending overdue letters to its creditors. A council sending out council tax bills. A business sending out direct mail using a mail merge with its customer database. Transaction Processing Transaction processing is where an individual file is processed as a oneoff, e.g. A library customer may return a book late. The librarian will process the request to return the book. This process cannot be done through batch processing because… The customer may owe money, and must pay before they leave. The request is processed as a one-off transaction, and the amount owing is calculated. Credit and debit card expenditure uses transaction processing as the bank needs to know straightaway when a customer has reached their credit limit. Chapter Summary Processing Methods • Online vs. Batch Processing On-line processing • System in which transactions are processed when and where they occur, allows output directly to end users –also called online transaction processing or interactive processing On-line processing • workstation -- either a PC or terminal connected to online processing system –online processing system verifies the transaction values and allows end user to interactively enter data and correct errors On-line processing • Online file -- data file with direct or indexed organization that allows random access –sequential files not used for online processing • IS must be continuously available whenever end users require processing of transactions Batch Processing • IS in which data is collected and, at some later time, all the data that has been gathered is processed as a group, or batch • Used extensively in 1950’s60’s • Still used today for many applications Batch Processing • Any application that requires periodic processing of a large number of records is good candidate for batch processing –payroll –billing/invoicing –hard copy reports Today’s processing trends • Online and batch processing combined in single IS –random access files are available for transactions that require interaction –actual files available off-line for large batch processing –copies of online files available for batch reports that don’t require update Online vs. Batch • Online Advantages –data is entered and validated as it occurs –data is available sooner in more accurate form –data is up-to-date That’s all folks!