Assembly script - Moortown Primary School

Year 3 Class Assembly (Chocolate)
Grace: Good afternoon and welcome to our class assembly. It’s all about our Class
Novel topic – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We hope you enjoy it!
Harry: We wanted to do an A to Z list of everything we’ve learned about chocolate.
Grace: But we couldn’t think of anything beginning with the letter Z.
Harry: So instead we’ll do A to Y! Listen carefully – we’ll quiz you later!
Nico: A is for appealing adjectives. We used lots of these when we did some
promotional writing about chocolate.
Aleena: (holds up a chocolate bar and rubs tummy) Mmm, this chocolate bar is
mouth-watering, luxurious and irresistible!
Nishaan: B is for balanced diet. It’s important to only eat chocolate in moderation.
Fruit is a much healthier snack.
Pippa: Hang on, Nishaan! Does that mean that we shouldn’t bring chocolate bars to
school in our packed lunch boxes every day?
Nishaan: Certainly not – it’s not very healthy!
Pippa: But…
Harry: Come on, Pippa. Stop interrupting and let’s get back to the assembly.
Daanyaal: C is for cocoa beans.
Zack: These beans grow inside cocoa pods, on cocoa trees. They can only grow in
very hot countries, near the Equator (points to globe).
Umaimah: Did you know that cocoa beans are the main ingredient in chocolate?
Neive: STOP! That’s not exactly true, Umaimah.
Grace: Oh for goodness sake, we’ve already had one interruption! Let’s just get on
with the assembly, shall we, Neive?
Sam: Actually, Neive’s right. There’s no cocoa in white chocolate, only cocoa butter.
Grace: Oh yes, you’re right. Erm…carry on then.
Owen: D is for Dahl. Roald Dahl. That’s me! I wrote Charlie and the Chocolate
Factory, and lots of other books too.
Matteo: I wonder if anyone in the audience can name any Roald Dahl books…
(Take three answers)
Brandon: Well done, everyone! I bet you didn’t know that Roald Dahl did all of his
writing in a writing hut at the bottom of his garden.
Owen: That’s right, Brandon. I spent lots of time in my hut when I was alive – I wrote
all of my books on yellow paper, using a sharp pencil.
Edward: Didn’t you have a computer to make it easier?
Stan: Of course not, Edward. Roald Dahl wrote most of his books before computers
were around.
Harry: Right, what’s next?
Archie: E is for exaggeration. This is another feature of promotional writing.
Megan: With its sumptuous, melt-in-your-mouth caramel centre, this chocolate bar is
the BEST in the world!
Everyone: Stop exaggerating, Megan!
Saleem: F is for Fair Trade.
Oliver: Lots of chocolate bars have Fair Trade labels – this means that, when we buy
chocolate, hard-working cocoa farmers get more money.
Isobel: And when we buy chocolate that isn’t Fair Trade, the cocoa farmers don’t
earn as much.
Oliver: We’ll show you what we mean.
Aleena: I’m a cocoa farmer and I live in Ghana, in Africa. I’ve been working in the sun
all day, picking cocoa pods from the trees. I’m exhausted!
Hibba: (to Matthew) Hello, Sir. Would you like to buy some chocolate today?
Matthew: Yes, please! Not Fair Trade though, it’s too expensive. I’ll take this.
Hibba: That’s 80p, please.
Matthew gives Hibba some money
Hibba: Thank you.
Noah: Here are your wages for your hard work.
Aleena: Thank you!
Enya: I need some of that though. I’m the manager of the Cadbury’s factory and I
need to earn a living, too.
Abdullah: I need some, too. I work for the government!
Hibba: I’ll take some, too. I work hard in my shop.
Oliver: There are lots of people to share this money between – there’s not much left
for our poor cocoa farmer.
Elias: If only Matthew had bought Fair Trade.
Zeewa: G is for grinding. Factories have to grind cocoa beans to squeeze out cocoa
butter for white chocolate.
Pohnum: H is for Henry Rowntree, the founder of the Rowntree’s brand.
Elias: They mainly make sweets these days – Fruit Pastilles, Jelly Tots, Randoms and
lots more.
Zeewa: Hey! Is Henry Rowntree related to Mr Roundtree?
Everyone: No, Zeewa!
Sam: I is for ingredients. The main ingredients in milk chocolate are cocoa, cocoa
butter, milk and sugar.
Matthew: J is for…..hang on, I can’t think of anything that begins with J.
Daanyaal: How about K?
Matthew: Ah yes, K. K is for Kit Kats.
Matteo: Kit Kats are the most popular brand of confectionery. In Japan, they sell
hundreds of different flavours, including strawberry, green tea and chilli!
Pohnum: Eurgh – no thanks!
Elias: L is for liquid. The first chocolate ever eaten was in liquid form and was made
by the…
Pavan: …Mayans. M is for Mayans.
Isobel: These are the people who first used chocolate. As Elias said, they only drank
it though. This was over 1500 years ago!
Zack: N is for nibs. When cocoa beans are roasted, they are cracked to make bitter
cocoa nibs.
Nico: O is for Oompa Loompas – some of Roald Dahl’s most interesting characters in
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Enya: P is for pressing. Chocolatiers use this method to separate the cocoa butter
from the cocoa beans.
Umaimah: Wait, what’s a chocolatier?
Harry: Maybe the audience can guess?
(Ask audience members)
Enya: Yes, that’s right. A chocolatier is someone who makes chocolate.
Pavan and Edward (together): Q is for QUIZ!
Edward: Let’s find out what you’ve learned so far…
Neive: (asks the audience) Question 1 – which of these ingredients is NOT in white
chocolate? A – cocoa, B – milk or C – sugar.
Waits for member of the audience to answer.
Neive: Yes, that’s right. The answer is A – cocoa.
Stan: Question 2 – what type of countries do cocoa trees grow in? A – cold, B – hot or
C – rainy?
Waits for member of the audience to answer.
Stan: Yes, well done. It’s B – hot countries.
Zack: Especially those that are near the Equator, remember?
Archie: (asks the audience) Question 3 – why are Fair Trade products so important?
A – because they’re tastier, B – because they’re cheaper or C – because cocoa
farmers earn more money when we buy them?
Waits for member of the audience to answer.
Archie: Yes, that’s right. The answer was C.
Pavan and Edward: And that’s the end of our quiz.
Megan: Well done, audience members – you were chocarific!
Matteo: Hey, that’s a good snappy slogan!
Noah: R is for rest. Can we have a rest, please?
Saleem: We’re almost there, Noah! S is for statistics.
Pippa: In Maths this week, we found out favourite chocolates and recorded our
results in a bar chart.
Abdullah: (asks the audience) Which chocolate bar is the most popular in our class?
Pippa: Yes, that’s right.
Enya: (asks the audience) And how many people like……?
Umaimah: Right again, well done audience!
Saleem: T is for taste. Did you know that our sense of taste is affected by our sense
of smell? We learned this when we went to York.
Brandon: Ah, I see! That explains why, when I had a cold last week, I couldn’t taste
Owen: We couldn’t think of anything that begins with a U or a V. Let’s move onto W.
Nico: W is for winnowing. We have to get rid of the shells from the cocoa beans
before we can make chocolate, so factories use a large fan to blow the shells away.
It’s a bit like an enormous hairdryer! (holds up hairdryer)
Isobel: There aren’t many words that begin with X, either. Let’s move onto Y.
Brandon: Y is for York’s Chocolate Story – a great day out! Here are some pictures
from our trip.
Noah: And now we’re back to A.
Grace: Phew, we made it! Isn’t it amazing how much we’ve learned over the past few
Harry: We hope you enjoyed our assembly.