Density Worksheet: Calculations & Concepts

Calculating Density Worksheet
Name ____________________ Class Period _____
Use the equations on the board to complete this worksheet.
1. What does density mean? (How would you explain it to someone who doesn’t know
what it means so that they would understand?)
2. Why is it said that density is a property of matter? What does that mean? (Think back to
yesterday and the chart with the specific density of various items like marble, gold and
3. How is density calculated? Write out the basic equation.
4. How is mass found if density and volume are given?
5. How is volume found if mass and density are given?
6. Why is understanding density important? How does it apply to everyday life? (Think
about how it might be important to know if something will sink or float.)
7. What is the unit for solid density? g/____
8. What is the unit for fluid density? g/____
9. A rock with a mass of 32 g and 43 cm3 has the density of ________________? (Don’t
forget to include units) Will this rock float or sink in water? ______________
10.A block measures 6cm by 3cm by 11cm. What is its volume? ________________
If it has a mass of 32 g what is its density? _________________
11.If you find a random pure metal item outside, what’s one property of matter that you
might use to identify it?
12.If a piece of wood has a mass of 32g and measures 28 cm3 what is its density? (Don’t
forget proper units)____________________________
13.If you know the mass and density what can you calculate about a substance?
14.If you find a gold colored ring and its density is 19.32g/cm3 and its mass is 46g what is its
volume? (Don’t forget units)___________________________________
15.If the mass of an unknown liquid is 95 g and its volume is 950 mL, what is the density?
(Don’t forget proper units) ______________________________
16.If an unknown irregular solid has a mass of 64 g and when placed in a graduated
cylinder with water, the water moves from 42 mL to 73 mL, what is the volume and
density of the irregular solid? (Remember volume for solids is measured in cm3 even if
the volume is found by water displacement). Volume _________ Density _________
17.If an unknown liquid has a mass of 54g and a volume of 32 mL, what is the density?
______________ (Use proper units)
18.If the density of a substance is 3.24 g/cm3 is that substance more likely to be a solid or a
fluid? (Hint: look at the unit for density. Is that unit for a fluid or a solid?)
19.If someone asked you how to calculate density what would you tell them they need to
know before they could do that? ____________________________________________
20.My friend has a block of an unknown solid on her desk. It’s a perfect cube, what tool
will she use to find its volume? _____________________ What will the unit for volume
be in this case? __________________________
21.What is the mass of ethanol (a liquid) that fills a 200 mL container exactly and has a
density of .789 g/mL? ___________________________
22.A rectangular block of copper metal weighs 1896 g. The dimensions of the block are 8.4
cm by 5.5 cm by 4.6 cm. From this data, what is the density of copper? (hint: find the
volume of the block first and don’t forget units)
23.What volume of silver metal will have the mass of exactly 2500.0 g? The density of silver
is 10.5 g/cm3 ________________________________________________________
24.Find the mass of 250.0 mL of benzene (said ben-zeen). The density of benzene is 0.8765
g/mL. (Don’t forget proper units) __________________________
25.A loaf of bread has a volume of 2270 cm3 and a mass of 454 g. What is the density of the
bread? (Don’t forget proper units, I won’t remind you again).
26.A block of wood has a density of 0.6 g/cm3 and a volume of 1.2 cm3, what is the mass of
the block of wood? _____________________________________
27.Use the data given below to calculate the density of each unknown substance. Then use
the density chart given to determine the identity of each substance.
Mass (g)
Volume (cm3)
Substance Name
Air (Dry)
Density (g/cm3)
#28. ____________
#29. ____________
#30. ____________
#31. ____________
#32. ____________
Substance name
Density in g/cm3
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