Virtual labs are equivalent to authentic labs. (pro)

Virtual labs are equivalent to
authentic labs. (pro)
John Olson
Afrodita Fuentes
Position Statement: (Intro)
By its very design, a virtual lab cannot be
identical to an authentic wet lab. However, by
weighing the many benefits of a virtual lab
against the traditional wet lab, an argument can
be made that virtual labs are equivalent in value
to the learner because they address different
learning styles and offer a more flexible and open
ended environment for inquiry.
Virtual labs – flexibility (Intro)
can be conducted anytime and anywhere
No time is needed for equipment set-up & wait
time for results
lessen safety issues without the use of dangerous
Lower cost – no lab equipment, materials, and lab
space necessary
Virtual Labs – personalization (Intro)
every student actively participates
multiple scenarios can be presented for students
students can repeat the experiment multiple times
students receive prompt & personalized feedback
Virtual Labs – personalization (Intro)
provide boundaries and goals towards
instructional goals
limit the range of exploration to something
manageable and challenging, but still allow
for inquiry, exploration, and discovery
End Introduction
“A significant fraction of students go
through these (wet) laboratories with little
thought about what they should learn, but
narrowly follow the written directions for
and experiment to get the expected results
(affectionately called cookbooking).”
Factors driving cookbooking
The study further suggested that “a prime
factor behind this tendency to “cookbook” is
the rigidity imposed upon instructional
laboratories by severe time constraints, large
numbers of students, costs, environmental
considerations, and safety considerations.”
(Woodfield, et al, 2004 The Virtual ChemLab Project: )
Scope of Virtual Laboratories
ChemLab Project is “not to teach laboratory
technique…” but “…instead focus on the
“what”, “when”, and “why” of experiments.”
Woodfield, et all
“…designed to connect theory with practice and
to teach cognitive thinking skills.”
Scope of Virtual Laboratories
With the virtual lab, students don’t
have to worry about messing up or
about wasting time and materials, and
have the ability to create multiple
Research Supporting VL
Northwestern University
The study compared electronic engineering
students using computer aided simulation software
with traditional hands on laboratory equipment.
(Hall, T. M., 2000)
Mean scoring results showed no difference in the
scores between the two groups.
Research Supporting VL
Northwestern University
Overall students did not believe that either of the
two environments was significantly better for
learning the objective of the lab or the relevant
Research Supporting VL
Northwestern University
Perhaps the most compelling pro VL argument in
Hall’s research were his comments on recent
experiences with “the local and regional job market
for Northwestern State’s EET graduates.
Employers are expecting more computer based
design and problem-solving skills than ever
before.” Virtual labs may in this circumstance be
preferable to hardware labs.
Research Supporting VL
The Virtual ChemLab Project
Analysis of the data determined that
“students who used the inorganic simulation
believe that the program increases their
ability to apply the principles and
understanding they acquired in the
classroom to a problem solving setting.”
(Woodfield, et all 2004).
Research Supporting VL
University of Texas
Vickie Freeman, chairwoman of clinical
laboratory sciences and the Medical Branch’s
School of Allied Health Sciences commented
about the effectiveness of virtual laboratories.
Research Supporting VL
University of Texas
“..students don’t have to worry about ruining
expensive bacterial cultures—they are part of a
computer simulation “We’re actually able to
give them more variables than we would in a
clinical laboratory. Virtually we can re-create
any circumstances we want.”
Research Supporting VL
University of North Carolina
Online students do chemistry projects at home in
their kitchen and report back results to their
instructors via the internet.
Professor Reeves commented that “…they are also
learning at least as much as they would learn in an
on-campus chemistry lab.”
(Carnevale, D. 2003 p. 9)
Research Supporting VL
University of North Carolina
“online students outperformed on-campus
students on the final exams and on the in-lab
practical exams” that Reeves gave to some of
the distance learners.”
What students have to say
“75% of the students like the simulation
program for many reasons: …it allowed
them the freedom to explore, …to focus on
underlying chemistry principles, …to repeat
procedures, …and it was easy to use.”
What students have to say
Another stated that “…It also is
interesting to try a bunch of experiments
while they are all fresh in your mind and
have them work out quick so you can
fully analyze everything all at once and
recognize the main point.”
What students have to say
One student surveyed stated that “I found that
trial and error is a viable option, and I was much
more apt to run several trial runs since they were
easier to do than in a wet lab.”
“For the first time, these students learned the
value of trial and error and of gathering and
analyzing multiple pieces of data… …to decide
which experimental procedures will achieve the
desired result.”
What students have to say
Students liked the fact that virtual
reactions were quick, and could be
repeated multiple times, so they were
more confident in their results.
What students have to say
Many students also reported that
the simulation “increased their
understanding of the subject matter
and improved their ability to think
like chemists.”
Learning modalities addressed
“The use of a VCL program is beneficial to
students. Students showed a better comprehension
of the techniques and basic concepts used in their
laboratory work. Use of VCL especially contributed
to improving the work of those students who have
the greatest learning deficiencies.”
(Martinez-Jimenez, Pontes-Pedrajas, Polo, & Climent-Bellido, 2003)
Learning modalities addressed
Allows for a wider variety of learning styles
Allows students to explore and experiment
End Position Section
Benefits of Virtual Labs
Complements the traditional methods.
It permits the reflective self training of
students throughout their individual work
Benefits of Virtual Labs
Creates a viable option for distance learners.
Provides practical experience by connecting
the theory taught in the classroom with the
“real world” of the laboratory.
Benefits of Virtual Labs
Addresses the problem of overcrowded classes.
Allows instructors to focus on the explanation
of basic theories and reduces the time devoted
to instrument operation and technique.
Benefits of Virtual Labs
Provides a realistic learning environment for
different learning styles
Teaches the cognitive processes (or analytical
skills) that form the foundation of chemistry and
other laboratory sciences.
Benefits of Virtual Labs
A simulated environment helps overcome the
tendency of students to “cookbook” by reducing
many of the constraints of wet labs including
costs, environmental and safety considerations.
Summary: Research Supporting VL
Keller & Keller
Virtual labs offer more “student guidance,
immediate support, tracking, & accountability.”
No student is left waiting for the teacher’s
instructions and no student waits for the others to
do everything in the group.
Summary: Research Supporting VL
Keller & Keller
Virtual labs can “provide boundaries to
exploration that gently channel students toward
instructional goals while allowing real science to
take place
Summary: Research Supporting VL
Keller & Keller
Teachers can provide a variety of scenarios for
students to choose. “Exploration may be limited
but manageable and open for inquiry, exploration,
and discovery.”
Summary: Closing thought
It would appear that we have reached the
limits of what it is possible to achieve with
computer technology, although one should
be careful with such statements, as they
tend to sound pretty silly in 5 years.
John Von Neumann (ca. 1949)