Powerful Images. Drinking in Iceland and Ideas of the North Hildigunnur Ólafsdóttir dr. philos. Reykjavik Academy Nordic Alcohol and Drug Researchers’ Assembly August 23-25 2010 Grand Hotel Reykjavik Governing images of Icelandic drinking patterns • Abstinence • Moderate drinking • Excessive drinking The North • …a wild even uncivilized force, yet one that is free, untamed, strong and formative for all human life, is still in force • Jochens: Geography and climate restricted availability of beer but drinking ranked high among the pleasures of Nordic living • Guðmundsson: Nordic mythology, saga and poetry • Árnason: Fighting drunkenness • Modern literature: drinking and partying • Films: drinking scenes Björk on binge drinking „I don’t like drinking with food, I think Iceland people are a bit old-school like that – we think if you drink with food then you’re an alcoholic…but if you drink lots, on a Friday night… Then you’re fine? Yes. I think it’s called “binge drinking”. I don’t see the point of drinking unless you end up dancing and letting go. I actually read somewhere that, if you look over a 40-year period, it’s better for your body because then you get rid of so much stress. I’m a bit like, black and white, not in color. But lots of drink, bit of dancing, bit of slapstick…is good! Thing is, you can’t do that, that often. Twice a month would be good…but I can’t wait, I think, fuck it!“ Professionals views • Guðmundsson: • “The feeling is prevalent in the Icelandic national character that alcohol and drunkenness must always go hand-inhand.” • Gunnlaugsson: • “The drinking habits of Icelanders, which international comparisons have shown to be exceedingly primitive,…” Consul Gröndal writes: • “The change over the last quarter-century in how the nation handles alcohol is remarkable. In the past it was ‘King Bacchus’ who ruled; now he is, at best, like an acquaintance or friend whom one might, or might not, include. • --• Icelanders on package tours abroad have started to behave just like regular tourists. The new generation that now holds positions of power and influence in Iceland is the first in many centuries that is free from the bonds of Bacchus. They are the people who can talk about alcohol culture without blushing, go on wine tasting tours of France, drink only specific types of single malt Scotch, and have more than one type of vodka in the cabinet.” Alcotourism • The practice of travelling to drink • Drinking while on holiday and while travelling A female journalist’s view • “Astró is crawling with drunken Viking girls who all look like Barbie dolls.” The nightlife image • “It would be very dangerous if this nightlife image of Iceland were to become permanent. In any case, visitors looking for nightlife don’t stay long. It is those who tour the country for longer periods that create the most revenues, and we should try to hold on to them and to facilitate an increase in their numbers.” Excessive drinking as an image • • • • • • Deep roots Alcohol only? Allusion to illegal drugs Arts, daily life and business Images are tenacious Increased attention to the North Images and nation branding