Drinking Water Facts

Drinking Water Facts ‐ Water makes up between 55‐78% of a human’s body weight. [1] ‐ 75% of the human brain is water. [1] ‐ A person can live about a month without food, but only about a week without water. [1] ‐ The European Food Safety Authority recommends that: ‐ Women should drink about 1.6 litres of fluid. (About 8 x 200ml glasses) [2] ‐ Men should drink about 2.0 litres of fluid per day. (About 10 x 200ml glasses) [2] ‐ You need water to regulate body temperature and to provide the means for nutrients to travel to your organs and tissues. [3] ‐ Water also helps transport oxygen to your cells, removes waste, and protects your joints and organs. [3] ‐ Taking in too litter water or losing too much water leads to dehydration. [3] ‐ On the other hand drinking too much water can lead to Water intoxication, being potentially fatal. [4] ‐ It can be very easy for children under one year old to absorb too much water, especially if the child is under nine months old because of their small body mass. [4] [5] ( 1 cup being 236.5ml) Drinking Water Facts ‐ 12 Health benefits of drinking water: [6] ‐ Reducing Headache ‐ Concentration ‐ Digestion ‐ Clear and Healthy Skin ‐ Joint and Muscle Health ‐ Temperature Regulation ‐ Physical Performance ‐ Cleansing ‐ Emotional Outlook ‐ Weight Loss ‐ Metabolism ‐ Protection from Dehydration [1] http://water.epa.gov/learn [2] http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/Goodfood/Pages/water‐drinks.aspx [3] http://nutrition.about.com/od/hydrationwater/a/waterarticle.htm [4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_intoxication [5] http://www.clocc.net/partners/54321Go/WaterIntake05‐07.pdf [6] http://www.ivy‐rose.co.uk/HumanBiology/Nutrition/health‐benefits‐of‐drinking‐