Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland WIKI Project Minimum Requirements for Each Individual (i.e. to get the “Gentleman’s C”, so to speak, without taking into account the ‘quality’ of writing, research, and contributions): 1. Submit 6+ well-edited individual blog entries (2 per reading section/4chapters) of 2 or more paragraphs. Length: approx. 6-8 sentences each paragraph. 2. Respond via comment to 6+ different blog entries. Length: 6-8 sentences each. 3. Contribute to the development of the class WIKI with at least 2 significant additions to the Class WIKI Theme/Topic pages during each reading section (6 total). 4. Complete Frayer Model Vocabulary for each Vocabulary section. (Each group posts 3 words in Frayer Model) 5. Keep track of all contributions to the team via an individual spreadsheet. 6. Submit — at the end of the project — all of the following: a) individual contributions spreadsheet; b) print-out of all personal blog entries. 7. Contribute significantly to the creation of your team’s Chapter WIKI page. 8. Use the class laptops and our shared time together appropriately at all times. 9. Use the Internet appropriately at all times (including the links submitted). 10. Accurately cite (MLA)/ give accurate credit to all resources (print, on-line, movie, etc) that are used in blog entries or as sidebar links/resources. 11. Keep up with the reading. Quizzes may take place on any ‘due’ date on the reading schedule. 12. Participate appropriately within your team and the class at all times. All students will receive separate grades based on the 4 following categories: 1. Individual Participation: meeting minimum # of submissions 1+-page review upon conclusion of project, Poem spreadsheet detailing all contributions upon conclusion of project participation (you will be graded using the Discussion Rubric, modified for WIKI participation) 2. Team Development: fact-checking / editing all individual & team submissions; checking the validity / appropriateness of all links to be put on web site; reviewing all in-coming comments by other teams communicating regularly with Mr. Kirsten about team submissions and needs / questions maintaining records spreadsheet for all team submissions(assigned chapter/Vocabulary). appropriate participation/leadership 3. Group WIKI -Assigned Chapter/Vocabulary Words: overall design and content management organization, creativity Each chapter page should include chapter summary, chapter analysis, and character analysis appropriate content/links 4. Class WIKI Theme/Topic Pages (Mr. Kirsten will suggest these, or we can come up with them as a class) overall design and content management organization, creativity appropriate content/links class and public value/perception of final product Details and Technical Information about the WIKI: MOST IMPORTANT: Because this WIKI is web-based and can be viewed by the public, and because this is a class WIKI where we all need to know who is commenting, it is critical that your user name be your first name (and last initial if there are two people with the same first name). Example: Mike P. Nicknames, cute or funny names should not be used, and these accounts will be deleted from the WIKI. To set up your WIKI account: 1. Set up an account and log in to the class WIKI by going to the Washburn Kirsten Webpage, clicking on “Links” and then clicking on the “Alice’s WIKI” link, or go to 2. On the WIKI homepage click on “Request Access” on the right, enter your email address(hotmail, gmail, etc.), confirm the secret letter, and click on “Send to administrator” (that’s me). If you do not have an email address see me and I can set up a WIKI account for you. 3. Go to your email inbox and click on the message from PB Works (it may have ended up in your junk folder). Confirm your account by clicking on the link and then I will approve your account. 4. The next time you go into the WIKI it may ask you to reset your email or password. Do this by clicking on “forgot password” and then entering your email and a new password. You should be good to go now. 5. Once you have your account you can edit your profile and add a picture of yourself that will show up next to your comments. A picture of you or a character from the novel or something that defines your character would be fine. Keep these clean, and school appropriate (remember that I can delete your account at any time). If you have to ask, choose another picture. 6. You should now be ready to start editing the WIKI and adding your insightful comments. WIKI Tips and Reminders: 1. Start by creating an excel spreadsheet to keep track of all the personal changes you make to the WIKI. As you edit pages and add content, write down a short description of the changes you made to the page. Ex: “Wrote description and analysis of the character of…” You will turn this in at the end of the unit. 2. Do all of your writing in MS Word before you post to the WIKI. Save this to your network folder. This has two benefits: You can use spell/grammar check, and you have a copy of your BLOG that you will need to turn in at the end of the project. 3. Create a Group/Team folder in the Kirsten folder to save images and other files your group uses for your WIKI chapter page. 4. As the administrator, I have access to all accounts, comments, and content in the WIKI. Material or accounts that are not school appropriate will be deleted 5. The administrator can also track all of the changes to the WIKI, so be aware that I can go back and see who is responsible for all of the changes. This can be good because I can give you credit for work you have completed, and I can also make sure the content remains appropriate. 6. When you post information into the body of the WIKI cite all of your sources at the bottom of the page so we can give appropriate credit and have access to the sources for additional information. 7. When you post a BLOG-a 2+ paragraph thoughtful response to chapters, themes, characters, or other topics related to the novel- start your comment with the word BLOG: so we know it is an original idea. 8. When you make comments to someone else’s BLOG you may want to start with, “In response to Jimmy’s BLOG…” so we know what you are specifically referring to. Comments appear in the order they are written, and this will help clarify your responses. 9. The body of the WIKI page is a good place for factual information, images, and supported analysis. Think of this as a study guide we are creating for the class and others to learn about the novel. The comments section at the bottom of the page is a good place for personal/individual impressions, analysis, and comments related to the novel. This is where we discuss the novel in an online format. Think Quality! 10. Post often, be creative, do quality work, and have fun! English 10 Alice in Wonderland Reading Schedule and Vocabulary List Due Date Chapters Pages M 10/3 Other Work Due, In-Class Work Project Intro, Author Intro T 10/4 1,2 13 Discuss, Begin Wiki W 10/5 3,4 16 Sec. 1-Vocab. 1-4 Due, Discuss, Wiki Work Vocab. 1-4 Quiz, Wiki Work, Section 1 Blogs due, Chapters 1-4 Group Chapter WIKI Pages-RD Due end of class TH 10/6 F 10/7 5,6 18 Discuss, Wiki Work M 10/10 7,8 17 Sec. 2-Vocab. 5-8 Due, Discuss, Wiki Work T 10/11 Vocab. 5-8 Quiz, Wiki Work, Section 2 Blogs due Chapters 1-4 Group Chapter WIKI Pages-RD Due end of class W 10/12 9,10 16 Discuss, Wiki Work TH 10/13 11,12 16 Sec. 3-Vocab. 9-12 Due, Discuss, Wiki Work F 10/14 Vocab. 9-12 Quiz, Wiki Work, Chapters 1-4 Group Chapter WIKI Pages-RD Due end of class M 10/17 Wiki Work, Section 3 Blogs due T 10/18 All Project Assignments Due, WIKI Completed, Final Discussion Vocabulary List Section 1-Chapters 1-4: Section 2-Chapters 5-8: Section 3-Chapters 9-12: Notion Feeble Dismay Splendidly Contemptuously Diligently Antipathies Anxiously Mischief Inquisitively Indignantly Muttering Commotion Ornamented Chrysalis Melancholy Derision Clamor Solemnly Persisted Triumphantly Sorrowful Suppressed Sensation Groups: Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Ch. 4 Ch. 5 Ch. 6 Ch. 7 Ch. 8 Ch. 9 Ch. 10 Ch. 11 Ch. 12 Michelle Kierstyn Courtney Kevin L Ryan Carson Danielle Lukas S April Ian Simon CLASS Kevin G Ross Luke H Judge Allie Denzer Sarah B Kelsey Emilie Collin Brett Bryce Jordan Kyler Noah Guido Emy Michael