Modified Plans

Modified: a course is modified when grade level
curriculum outcomes of a subject have been altered,
deleted or added in order to address the specific needs
of the student. The integrity \ general intent of the
course is maintained while the depth of treatment of
the outcomes has been altered or deleted.
What does research say?
(addressing the 50-80% definition)
0 Research supports that modifying work of a
struggling student is likely to have a negative effect
that works against the goals of RTI. Reducing
academic expectations will result in these students
falling further behind rather than closing the
performance gap with peers (Skinner, Pappas, &
Davis, 2005)
What does research say?
(addressing the 50-80% definition)
0 Accommodation – an accommodation is intended to
help the student to fully access and participate in the
general-education curriculum without changing the
instructional content … (Skinner, Pappas, & Davis,
2005) An accommodation is intended to remove
barriers to learning while still expecting that students
will master the same instructional content as their
typical peers.
Questions to ask when
considering a modified plan
1. Is there a clear justification for the plan?
2. Is there a body of evidence to support the plan?
(including formal & formative assessments,
observation, FBA, etc. )
3. What are the evidence-informed interventions tried
to date at all three tiers? Could justified
accommodations provide the needed support?
Questions to ask when
considering a modified plan
4. Have there been meetings with the student to discuss
their feelings, concerns, strengths and challenges?
5. Have the ESS team recommended a modified
course/program? Are other stakeholders involved
and if so, have they been part of the decision?
6. Have post-secondary options been clearly explained
to the student and parent/guardian.
Key Components to successful
evidence-informed intervention
0 Allocating sufficient time, frequency and duration
0 Appropriate student-teacher ratio
0 Matching the appropriate intervention to the
student's need
0 Incorporating effective instructional elements
0 Verifying teacher understanding & providing support
0 Documenting the intervention and collecting data
When not to create a modified
0 In order to change a failing grade to a pass. For example in the
Spring at reporting time.
At the end of the school year before transitioning to a new school,
grade or level (example elementary to middle, )
To accommodate a provincial assessment exemption
Before adequate assessment, intervention, collaboration and
consultation has occurred.
In the K-2 years (these are the optimal years for intervention to
promote academic growth).
In order to elevate a mark to make it more appealing ( for
example an 80% modified is seen as preferable to a 60% nonmodified
To make a case for an EA
Grey Areas
0 Significant gaps without a justification
0 Pressure from parents
0 Pressure from classroom teacher
0 Plans that exist which are not justified
0 Plans that are not followed.
0 Post-secondary considerations (students who should
be modified but are not)
For plans that are questionable
For plans that are not justified or are questionable:
0 The plan should be reviewed first with EST-Resource,
ESS team, classroom teacher, other stakeholders,
parent/ guardian and student.
0 Conduct appropriate assessments to determine a
present level of performance (PLOP)
0 Discuss results to make a decision as to whether the
plan is viable, can be changed to accommodated, or be
deactivated. Note: Plans must not be changed or
deactivated without a parent/ guardian’s knowledge.
Recommendations (cont.)
0 If the plan is deemed necessary (supported by data),
discuss options to close the gaps so that the plan may
be deactivated at some point due to successful
0 The Student (and parent/guardian) need to be
included in this process.
Changes to SEP – September
0 The modified tab will no longer
have the strategy section or the
strategy type section to check off
0 The comment section and the
goal/outcome section will remain
the same
Changes to SEP – September