
LIB 630 Classification and Cataloging
Spring 2010
Overview of
First element:
Descriptive cataloging
(use of AACR2R)
Tell me why we’re doing this, again?
• “. . . to describe and identify all types of
material which are likely to appear in
library collections, . . .”
– ISBD(G): General International Standard
Bibliographic Description
What was Cataloging, again?
• cataloging
– The process of creating entries for a
– In libraries, this usually includes
bibliographic description, subject analysis,
assignment of classification notation, and
activities involved in physically preparing
the item for the shelf, tasks usually
performed under the supervision of a
librarian trained as a cataloger. British
spelling is cataloguing.
• Online Dictionary of Library and Information
Science, ODLIS
Elements of cataloging
• From ODLIS definition:
1. bibliographic description
2. subject analysis (deciding what the item is
basically about, and assigning subject
3. assignment of classification notation
(which is essentially what classification is)
4. activities involved in physically preparing
the item for the shelf
Our focus:
• Bibliographic description:
– A set of bibliographic data recording and
identifying a publication, excluding
access points, i.e., the description that
begins with the title proper and ends
with the last note in the note area.
• Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Books, 2nd
So, what is bibliographic description?
• Bibliographic description
– In library cataloging, the detailed description of
a copy of a specific edition of a work intended to
identify and distinguish it from other works by
the same author, of the same title, or on the
same subject. In AACR2, the bibliographic
record representing an item in the catalog
includes the following standard areas of
description: title and statement of responsibility
(author, editor, composer, etc.), edition,
material specific details, details of publication
and distribution, physical description, series,
notes, and standard number and terms of
availability (ISBN, ISSN, price). See also: chief
source of information and level of description.
Elements of bibliographic description
Title proper = Parallel title : Other
title information [GMD] / Statement
of responsibility ; Other statements
of responsibility. – Edition area. –
Special area for serials, maps,
music. – Publication area. –
Physical description. – (Series
information). – Notes area. –
Standard number.
• Note the special punctuation (in red).
• This is the traditional layout for a
printed catalog card
Sample catalog card
This oblique line indicates that
what follows is the statement of
responsibility (i.e. author
statement). Note space before
and after!
A computer catalog entry
Notice the same oblique line!
A Simpler way of organizing this information
Title proper = Parallel title :
Other title information
Area 1
[GMD] / Statement of
Area 2 Edition area
Area 3
Special area for serials, maps,
Area 4 Publication area
Area 5 Physical description
Area 6 (Series information)
Area 7 Notes area
Area 8 Standard number
AACR2 Cataloging Areas
1. Title and Statement of Responsibility Area
Title Proper [GMD] = Parallel title ; Other titles /
Statements of responsibility
2. Edition Area
3. Special Area for serials, maps, etc, and music
4. Publication, Distribution, etc. Area
5. Physical Distribution Area
6. Series Area
7. Notes Area
8. Standard Number Area
Area 1:
Title and Statement of
Responsibility Area
Rules 1A-1G1,
pp. 15-25.
What are all these words?
• Title proper (Concise AACR2 Rule 1B)
– The primary name of a bibliographic item,
usually found on the chief source of
information, including any alternative title
but not parallel titles and other title
information. In AACR2, the title proper is
entered in the title and statement of
responsibility area
of the bibliographic description
(field 245 of the MARC record).
See also: uniform title.
– i.e. the main part of a title, e.g. in
The Hunting of the Snark: An Agony in Eight Fits.
Title proper is Hunting of the Snark.
See a facsimile of the title page at
Next concept?
• parallel title (Concise AACR2 Rule 1D)
– The title proper of an edition in a language
or script other than that of the original
title. In AACR2, parallel titles are entered
in the title and statement of responsibility
area of the bibliographic record (MARC
field 245) in the order found in the chief
source of information, separated by an
equal sign preceded and followed by a
– The Library of Congress records all parallel titles
for items issued in the United States.
– e.g. Father Goriot = Le Père Goriot / Honoré
de Balzac
Title Proper
Parallel Title
Statement of responsibility
What else?
• Other title information
(Concise AACR2 Rule 1E)
–Essentially, the subtitle
–Includes also alternative title:
• The second part of a title proper
consisting of two parts, each a title in
itself, connected by the word "or" or its
equivalent in another language
(example: The Female Quixote, or, The
Adventures of Arabella), not to be
confused with alternate title.*
Compare with subtitle.
*This information goes in the Notes area (see later).
When to use General Material Designation [GMD]?
• When item is something other than a book or serial
[text]—see Concise AACR2 Rule 1C (optional!)
– Commonest:
• electronic resource (used to be computer
• graphic (previously film strip or slide
or transparency)
• microform
• motion picture
• sound recording
• videorecording
• cartographic material (i.e. map of some kind)
If the item to be cataloged is text, then the GMD is rarely used
What about the author area?
• Statement of responsibility (Concise AACR2 Rule 1F)
– In AACR2, the portion of the bibliographic description
indicating by name the person(s) responsible for
creating the intellectual or artistic content of the item
(author, editor, compiler, composer, arranger, etc.), the
corporate body from which the content emanates, or the
person(s) or corporate body responsible for performing
the content. In most cases, the statement of
responsibility is transcribed from the chief source of
information for the item. When more than one kind of
responsibility is indicated (multiple statements of
responsibility), the names are transcribed in the order in
which they appear on the chief source of information.
Chief source of information?
– The source of bibliographic data
prescribed by AACR2 as having
precedence over all others in the
preparation of the bibliographic
description of an item, usually the title
page or a substitute, for example, the title
frame at the beginning of a filmstrip or
motion picture, or the title screen of a
Web page.
– [According to Concise AACR2’s Rule 0A,
the chief source of information for books
is the Title Page]
Multiple statements of responsibility?
• Example:
– The hunting of the
Snark : an agony, in
eight fits / by Lewis
Carroll ; with nine
illustrations by
Henry Holiday.
– Notice the capitalization
may not be exactly as in
the original (or what you
might use for a
bibliography, either,
unless it’s APA!)
• AACR2 Rule 1F1 and 2 say to record them in the order and form in which they appear
How would we do that in our simpler organization?
Area 1
Title proper = Parallel
title : Other title
information [GMD] /
Statement of
Area 2
Edition area
Area 3
Special area for serials,
maps, music
Area 4
Publication area
Area 5
Physical description
Area 6
(Series information)
Area 7
Notes area
Area 8
Standard number
The hunting of the Snark : an
agony, in eight fits / by Lewis
Carroll ; with nine illustrations
by Henry Holiday.
Write the statement of responsibility exactly as
written on chief source of information, though
without qualifications, etc.!
• The man of the forest / A novel by Zane
Grey ; illustrations by
Frank Tenney Johnson.
– Notice that
“A novel by . . .”
is part of the statement of
– Note also: you leave out
the “Author of . . .” part!
Put it another way?
Area 1
Title proper = Parallel title
: Other title
information [GMD] /
Statement of
Area 2
Edition area
Area 3
Special area for serials,
maps, music
Area 4
Publication area
Area 5
Physical description
Area 6
(Series information)
Area 7
Notes area
Area 8
Standard number
The man of the forest / A novel by
Zane Grey ; illustrations by
Frank Tenney Johnson.
AACR2 Rule 1F3
Give the statements of responsibility after the title
information even if they appear before the title in
the chief source of information
• Chief source of
Cover page -
• See AACR2
Rule 0A
• Area 1 entry:
– Midnight pleasures / Eloisa James
What do we do about pseudonyms and other
problems with authors’ names?
• authority work
– The process of deciding which form of a
name, title, series title, or subject will be
used as the authorized heading in a
library catalog or file of bibliographic
records, including the establishment of
appropriate references to the heading, and
its relationship to other headings in the
authority file.
• Example:
– Shaw, Bernard, with references from Shaw, G.B.
and Shaw, George Bernard.
But we still use the exact form of the name as it
appears on the title page—the authority control
comes in the notes and the subject headings*
*Older catalogs did use (pseud.)
• Title and statement of
– The prince and the pauper : a
tale for young people of all ages
/ by Mark Twain.
• A note (down in the Notes
area) might say: Mark Twain
is the pseudonym of Samuel
Longhorne Clemens.
(Although this is so well
known, it may not mention
his real name at all!)
Less well-known pseudonyms might include the real
• All grass isn’t green / [by] A.A.
Fair (Erle Stanley Gardner)
– Adapted from Chicago Public
Library’s online catalog.
• If the title page (remember, the
chief source of information for a
book, Rule 0A, is the title page
NOT the cover) said the same
as the cover shown, it would
have been written as follows:
– All grass isn’t green / Erle
Stanley Gardner writing as
A. A. Fair.
Or they may not mention it at all!
All Things Considered, February 13,
2005 · By day, Mary Bly is a
respectable English professor at
New York's Fordham University.
But she has a secret -- one might
even say romantic -- double life. As
Eloisa James, she's the author of
best-selling romance novels like
Duchess in Love, and Much Ado
About You.
The two faces of Mary
Bly: her workaday style,
left; and as she appears
on book jackets.
Extract from Library of Congress catalog
•Type of Material: Text (Book, Microform, Electronic,
•Personal Name: James, Eloisa.
•Main Title: Midnight pleasures / Eloisa James.
•Published/Created: New York : Delacorte
Press, c2000.
•Description: 360 p. ; 25 cm.
•ISBN: 0385333617
Historical fiction.
Love stories.
•LC Classification: PS3560.A3796 M53 2000
•Dewey Class No.: 813/.54 21
Another rule
• If the author’s name is given in
the title, the name is not repeated
in the statement of responsibility:
– The Iliad of Homer / Done into
English prose by Andrew Lang,
Walter Leaf and Ernest Myers.
– Rules 1B2 and 1F1
The Iliad of Homer
Done into English Prose
Andrew Lang, M.A.
Late Fellow of Merton
College, Oxford
Walter Leaf, M.A.
Late Fellow of Trinity
College, Cambridge
Ernest Myers, M.A.
Fellow of Wadham
College, Oxford
Area 2:
Edition Area
Rules 2A-2C3,
pp. 15-27.
Area 2: Edition area
• Give the edition statement as found,
but with standard abbreviations (Rule 2B):
– New ed. for “new edition”
– Rev. ed. for “revised edition”
– Rev. and enl. 9th ed. for “revised and
enlarged 9th edition”
• Any statements of responsibility
specific to this particular edition are
placed here (you probably wouldn’t use
this that much) (Rule 2C1):
– A dictionary of modern English usage / by H. W.
Fowler. – 2nd ed. / revised by Ernest Gowers.
The Edition area in the simpler format
Area 1
Title proper = Parallel
title : Other title
information [GMD] /
Statement of
Area 2
Edition area
Area 3
Special area for serials,
maps, music
Area 4
Publication area
Area 5
Physical description
Area 6
(Series information)
Area 7
Notes area
Area 8
Standard number
A dictionary of modern English
usage / by H. W. Fowler.
2nd ed. / revised by Ernest
Area 3:
Special area for serials, maps,
music (AKA Material Specific
Rules 3A-3C2,
pp. 27-30.
Area 3: Special area for serials, maps, music
• Used for serials (i.e. magazines,
journals, etc.):
– Indicates numbering and year, and if the
serial has ceased publication.
• For maps
(ONLY if maps are the main content!):
– To indicate scale and projection
(Mercator, etc.).
• For music (but NOT songbooks!):
– To indicate the physical presentation (e.g.
full score, miniature score, playing score).
An example for a map (actually, in this case 2 maps)
Title proper = Parallel title :
Other title information
Area 1
[GMD] / Statement of
Central City and Muhlenberg County,
maps for 1980 [cartographic
Area 2 Edition area
Area 3
Special area for serials, maps,
Scale [ca. 1:12,000] ; Scale
Area 4 Publication area
[S.l.] : Kentucky Associated
Publishers, [1980]
Area 5 Physical description
2 maps on 1 sheet : both sides ; 46 x 47
cm. and 47 x 49 cm., folded to 10 x
22 cm.
Area 6 (Series information)
Area 7 Notes area
Area 8 Standard number
Area 4:
Publication, Distribution, etc. Area
Rules 4A-4E3,
pp. 30-33.
Area 4: Publication area
• Place of publication (Rule 4C)
– As found in original (including multiple
places; give these in the order provided)
• Name of publisher or distributor (4D)
– In shortest form that can be understood
• Date of publication or distribution (4E)
– Give the actual date provided, whether it
is correct or not (if wrong, provide
correct date in parentheses)
– Add copyright date if different, putting c
before the year—use it, if that’s all that’s
– e. g. c1976
• The man between : an
international romance /
by Amelia E. Barr. -- Du
Pre Book Store spec. ed. –
New York ; London : The
Authors and Newspapers
Association, 1906.
– Note: Leave out the
qualifications (“Author of , etc.”)
(Rule 1F7) and the bit about
“For sale exclusively, etc.” (this
information might go in Notes if
it’s considered important for
your patrons (see Rule 7A1).
In our simplified format
Title proper = Parallel title :
Other title information
Area 1
[GMD] / Statement of
Area 2 Edition area
Area 3
The man between : an
international romance / by
Amelia E. Barr.
Du Pre Book Store spec. ed.
Special area for serials, maps,
Area 4 Publication area
Area 5 Physical description
Area 6 (Series information)
Area 7 Notes area
Area 8 Standard number
New York ; London : The Authors
and Newspapers Association,
Note: space ; space between
different cities—then space : space
for publisher—then no space, date
Area 5:
Physical Description Area
Rules 5A-5E2,
pp. 34-43.
Area 5: Physical description (Rule 5)
• Includes, where applicable:
– The extent of the item (no. of volumes,
no. of pages, etc)
– Other physical data (color, type of
illustrations, etc.)
– Physical dimensions (size-generally in
– Any accompanying materials (e.g. if
there’s a cd that comes with a book, or a
booklet with a cd, etc.)
• Edvard Grieg : the man and the artist =
Edvard Grieg : mennesket og
kunstneren / Finn Benestad ; Dag
Schjelderup-Ebbe ; Translated by
William H. Halverson and Leland B.
Sateren . – Lincoln : University of
Nebraska Press, 1988. -- 366 p., [1] leaf :
ill., music ; 30 cm. + 1 sound disc
(analog, 33 1/3 rpm, stereo. ; 7 in.).
• A leaf is a page with print on one side
only (in this case, there is one, and it is
not numbered, thus [1]).
• [This is partially a fictitious example: the
English translation of the Norwegian
original did not include the recording]
Edvard Grieg : the man and the artist =
Edvard Grieg : mennesket og kunstneren /
Finn Benestad ; Dag Schjelderup-Ebbe ;
Translated by William H. Halverson and
Leland B. Sateren.
Area 1
Title proper = Parallel title :
Other title information
[GMD] / Statement of
Area 2
Edition area
Area 3
Special area for serials, maps,
Area 4
Publication area
Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press,
Area 5
Physical description
366 p., [1] leaf : ill., music ; 30 cm. + 1
sound disc (analog, 33 1/3 rpm, stereo.
; 7 in.).
Area 6
(Series information)
Area 7
Notes area
Area 8
Standard number
Again, note that there are spaces before
and after the punctuation marks that
denote the different sections
Area 6:
Series Area
Rules 6A-6F, pp.
Area 6: (Series information)
• What is a Series?
– According to the glossary of AACR2 a series is: “A
group of separate items related to one another by the
fact that each item bears, in addition to its own title
proper, a collective title applying to the
group as a whole.”
– Series are titles used to group together
items with similar characteristics. They
might have in common a subject (history
of monasteries in France), a format
(reprints), a genre (poetry), or merely
common publishing characteristics
(24 inch guidebooks with yellow covers).
• David Crockett : his life and
adventures / by John S. C.
Abbott. – New York : Dodd,
Mead, 1874. – viii, [7]-350 p.
front., plates. 19 cm. –
(American Pioneers and
• front.=frontispiece
Series title
Putting it our way
Title proper = Parallel title :
Other title information
Area 1
[GMD] / Statement of
David Crockett : his life and
adventures / by John S. C.
Area 2 Edition area
Area 3
Special area for serials,
maps, music
Area 4 Publication area
New York : Dodd, Mead, 1874.
Area 5 Physical description
viii, [7]-350 p. front., plates. 19 cm.
Area 6 (Series information)
(American Pioneers and Patriots).
Area 7 Notes area
Area 8 Standard number
Series titles usually are put in
Putting it in the Library of Congress’s way
Notice that LC does not put parentheses around the series
Statement—this is common in computer catalogs
Another series example
Area 7:
Note Area
Rules 7A-7B17,
pp. 46-55.
Area 7: Note area
• Why notes?
– Several notes [may be] included in [a] cataloging record,
not necessarily to further describe the item physically, but
to indicate further details that might be helpful in
identifying the item, or information of interest
to someone looking for this book.
– There are two categories of notes, formal
and informal. Formal notes are those
always done in a particular style, often with
punctuation that divides titles or
performers or other pieces of information.
Informal notes are any notes that the
cataloger felt might be useful to include,
either for the library staff looking at the
record, or for the patron accessing the item.
• Adapted from Brief Review of Cataloging
Commonest uses for notes
• To indicate that the item includes
bibliography, index etc. (Rule 7B14)
• To provide a summary of the content of
a book (especially for children’s books)
(Rule 7B13)
• To provide information about the grade
level, reading level, etc. (Rule 7b11)
Title proper = Parallel title :
Other title information
Area 1
[GMD] / Statement of
Building effective learning communities
: strategies for leadership, learning &
collaboration / Susan Sullivan,
Jeffrey Glanz.
Area 2 Edition area
Area 3
Special area for serials,
maps, music
Area 4 Publication area
Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Corwin Press,
Area 5 Physical description
Area 6 (Series information)
Area 7 Notes area
Area 8 Standard number
Includes bibliographical references (p.
171-175) and index.
Another example for Notes
Area 1
Title proper = Parallel title :
Other title information
[GMD] / Statement of
The lion, the witch, and the wardrobe
/ C.S. Lewis ; illustrated by
Christian Birmingham.
Area 2
Edition area
1st American ed.
Area 3
Special area for serials,
maps, music
Area 4
Publication area
Area 5
Physical description
Area 6
(Series information)
Area 7
Notes area
Area 8
Standard number
[New York] : HarperCollinsPublishers, 2000.
Four English schoolchildren find their way
through the back of a wardrobe into the magic
land of Narnia and assist its ruler, the golden
lion Aslan, to triumph over the White Witch,
who has cursed the land with eternal winter.
Alternate title in notes
• alternate title (Rule 7B5)
– A title found in or on a bibliographic item, that varies
from the one given in or on the chief source of
information, for example, a title appearing on the label
or container of a videocassette that differs from the one
given in the videorecording itself.
In library cataloging, any alternate titles are
entered in the note area of the
bibliographic record.
– Compare with alternative title..
– e.g. 4:50 from Paddington / Agatha Christie
Notes area: “Previously titled What Mrs. McGillicuddy
Alternate title in our easier display
Title proper = Parallel title :
4:50 from Paddington / Agatha
Other title information
Area 1
[GMD] / Statement of
Area 2 Edition area
Area 3
Special area for serials,
maps, music
Area 4 Publication area
Area 5 Physical description
Area 6 (Series information)
Area 7 Notes area
Area 8 Standard number
Previously titled What Mrs.
McGillicuddy saw!
Area 8:
Standard Number Area
Rules 8A-8B2,
pp. 55-56.
Area 8: Standard number
• Rule:
– “Give the International Standard
Book Number (ISBN) or International
Standard Serial Number (ISSN) or any
other internationally agreed standard
number of the bibliographic resource
being described. Precede that number
with the standards abbreviation ISBN,
ISSN, etc.) and use standard
• Concise AACR2, 4th ed., Rule 8B1.
Putting it all together
Chapter 4
Example of a complete
bibliographic description
• The Annotated Hobbit /
Annotated by Douglas A.
Anderson. The Hobbit : or,
there and back again / J.R.R.
Tolkien ; illustrated by the
author. – Rev. and exp. ed. –
Boston ; New York :
Houghton Mifflin, 2002. – xii,
398 p. : ill. (some col.), maps :
25 cm. – Full text of novel
with added annotations and
illustrations. – ISBN 0-61813470-0
BCCLS entry for The annotated Hobbit
Simpler setup
Area 1
Title proper = Parallel
title : Other title
information [GMD] /
Statement of
Area 2
Edition area
Area 3
Special area for serials,
maps, music
Area 4
Publication area
Boston ; New York : Houghton Mifflin,
Area 5
Physical description
xii, 398 p. : ill. (some col.), maps : 25 cm.
Area 6
(Series information)
Area 7
Notes area
Full text of novel with added annotations
and illustrations.
Area 8
Standard number
ISBN 0-618-13470-0
The Annotated Hobbit / Annotated by
Douglas A. Anderson. The Hobbit : or,
there and back again / J.R.R. Tolkien ;
illustrated by the author.
Rev. and exp. ed.
Another example
• The dark-thirty : southern tales
of the supernatural / Patricia C.
McKissack ; illustrated by
Brian Pinkney. – New York :
Dell Yearling, 2001, c1992. -166 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. – “A
Yearling Book.” – Newbery
Honor Book, 1993. – Coretta
Scott King Award, 1993. –
ISBN 0-679-89006-8
• Compare entry from Chicago
Public Library’s catalog at
In our simplified display
Area 1
Title proper = Parallel
title : Other title
information [GMD] /
Statement of
Area 2
Edition area
Area 3
Special area for serials,
maps, music
Area 4
Publication area
New York : Dell Yearling, 2001, c1992.
Area 5
Physical description
166 p. : ill. ; 20 cm.
Area 6
(Series information)
Area 7
Notes area
“A Yearling Book.” – Newbery Honor Book,
1993. – Coretta Scott King Award, 1993.
Area 8
Standard number
ISBN 0-679-89006-8
The dark-thirty : southern tales of the
supernatural / Patricia C. McKissack ;
illustrated by Brian Pinkney.
Example in a different medium
• The lion, the witch and the wardrobe
[sound recording] / C. S. Lewis ; Paul
Scofield; Elizabeth Counsell; David
Suchet; Paul McCusker. – [S.l.] :
Tyndale Entertainment, cp1998 -- 2
sound discs ; digital ; 4 3/4 in. – (Focus
on the family radio theatre. The
Chronicles of Narnia 2). –
“Dramatization based on The Lion, the
Witch and the Wardrobe c1950, C.S.
Lewis Pte. Ltd.” – “Not recommended
for children under the age of 8.” –
“Douglas Gresham as your host.” –
Title from CD cover. – Approx.
running time 149 mins.
• C=copyright p=copyright for
phonographic recording
[S.l.]=sine locus i.e. without a place [of
Display from a public library catalog
Matrix format
Area 1
Title proper = Parallel
title : Other title
information [GMD] /
Statement of
Area 2
Edition area
Area 3
Special area for serials,
maps, music
Area 4
Publication area
[S.I.] : Tyndale Entertainment, cp1998.
Area 5
Physical description
2 sound discs ; digital ; 4 3/4 in.
Area 6
(Series information)
(Focus on the family radio theatre. The Chronicles
of Narnia 2).
Area 7
Notes area
“Dramatization based on The Lion, the Witch and
the Wardrobe c1950, C.S. Lewis Pte. Ltd.” –
“Not recommended for children under the age
of 8.” – “Douglas Gresham as your host.” –
Title from CD cover. – Approx. running time
149 mins.
Area 8
Standard number
The lion, the witch and the wardrobe [sound
recording] / C. S. Lewis ; Paul
Scofield; Elizabeth Counsell; David
Suchet; Paul McCusker.