KINAN-OAN HIGH SCHOOL “SHAPING SERVANT LEADERS” BARANGAY PROFILE Province : Bohol Congressional District : 2nd Municipality : Trinidad Land Area : 442 hec. Total Population : 1,441 No. of Purok :7 Distance from Tagbilaran City: 98 km. via interior route Main Sources of Income: Farming Trade & Industry Professionals SCHOOL PROFILE No. of Teachers: Permanent :3 Locally-funded : 6 No. of Personnel: Principal :1 Security Guard : 2 Teacher-Student Ratio : 1:100 No. of Instructional Rooms : 6 No. of Non-Instructional Rooms : 2 Website: E-mail add: Principal: MA. LEDEVI R. SANTERVA Cellphone No. : 09199233053 SY 2009-2010 Indicators Target Actual Inc/ Dec SY 2010-2011 Target Actual Inc/ Dec SY 2011-2012 Target Actual Inc/ Dec Access a. Enrolment Secondary 264 b. ADM Enrolment Secondary None c. Transition RATE Secondary 131 272 8 277 277 0 None 176.6 45.6 180 283 300 17 None 168.29 -11.73 171 264.7 96.41 ENROLMENT PROFILE 300 200 100 0 Target Actual Inc/Dec TRANSITION RATE 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 Target Actual Inc/Dec LEARNER’S WITH SPECIAL NEEDS School SY 2010-2011 Total Total no. % enrolment of Learners with Special Needs Kinanoan High School 277 9 SY 2011-2012 Total enrolment 3.25% 281 Total no. % of Learners with Special Needs 11 SY 2012-2013 Total enrolment 3.9 296 % Total no. % of Learners with Special Needs 12 4.25 % 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Total Enrolment Total # of Learners with Special Needs % OVER-AGED LEARNERS Grade/Ye ar Level SY 2010-2011 SY 2011-2012 SY 2012-2013 Total enrolment Total no. of Over aged Learners % Total enrolment Total no. of Over aged Learners % Total enrolment Total no. of Over aged Learners % Year 1/7 69 15 21.74 % 90 21 23.3 3% 85 20 23.5% Year 2 78 15 19.23 % 69 18 26.0 8% 90 19 21.1% Year 3 62 14 22.58 % 66 12 18.1 8% 55 14 25.45 % Year 4 68 14 20.59 % 56 11 19.6 4% 67 5 7.46% TOTAL 277 58 20.9 4% 281 62 22. 06 % 297 58 19.5 3% 300 250 200 Total Enrolment 150 100 50 0 Total # of OverAged Learners % Indicators SY 2009-2010 SY 2010-2011 SY 2011-2012 Target Actual Inc/Dec Target Actual Inc/Dec Target Actual Inc/Dec 87.02 129.17 42.15 132 109.68 -22.32 112 81.94 -29.9 96.69 96 -0.69 97.92 96.74 -1.18 98.7 116.14 17.47 2.21 3.54 1.33 3.46 2.73 -0.73 2.67 3.73 1.06 7.05 8.66 1.61 6.66 6.85 0.19 4.85 8.14 3.29 82.57 118.75 36.18 121.1 2 106.45 -14.67 108.58 76.39 -32.19 96.33 91.93 -4.4 93.77 97.06 3.29 99 93.22 -5.78 Efficiency a. Cohort Survival Rate Secondary b. Retention Rate Secondary c. Repetition Rate Secondary d. Drop Out Rate Secondary e. Completion Rate Secondary f. Graduation Rate Secondary COHORTAL SURVIVAL RATE 140 120 100 80 Target 60 Actual 40 Inc/Dec 20 0 -20 -40 SY 20092010 SY 20102011 SY 20112012 RETENTION RATE 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 -20 Target Actual Inc/Dec REPETITION RATE 2.21 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 Target Actual Inc/Dec DROP-OUT RATE 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Target Actual Inc/Dec SY 20092010 SY 20102011 SY 20112012 COMPLETION RATE 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 Target Actual Inc/Dec GRADUATION RATE 100 80 60 40 Target 20 Actual 0 -20 Inc/Dec Quality Indicators SY 2009-2010 Target Actual Inc/Dec SY 2010-2011 Target Actual Inc/Dec SY 2011-2012 Target Actual Inc/Dec 54.72 51.19 -3.53 a. NAT MPS Yr 2/Yr 4 47.88 49.81 1.93 51.3 52.79 1.49 94.04 94.04 0 95.92 96.08 0.16 b. Nutritional Status Secondary 98 95.53 -2.47 NAT MPS 2ND AND 4TH Year 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 Target Actual Inc/Dec NUTRITIONAL STATUS 100 80 60 40 20 0 -20 Target Actual Inc/Dec BRIGADA ESKWELA Calendar Number of Year/ Volunteers School Year Estimated Estimated total Cost Cost of Labor Total Cost of Materials/ services Generated Resources Generated rendered 2010 259 44,830.62 2011 297 37, 650.00 2012 54,834.38 336 60,386.45 105,217.07 52, 808.00 90,458.00 56,441.25 111,275.63 SCHOOL EDUCATION FUND (SEF) Calendar Personnel Capital Year/ School MOOE Services Outlay Year Programs/ Projects/ Activities TOTAL 2010 66,000.00 25,000.00 91,000.00 2011 33,000.00 25,000.00 58,000.00 2012 63,000.00 25,000.00 88,000.00 FINDINGS: The enrolment increases from 2009 to 2012. Male enrolment outnumbered the female enrolment. The Transition Rate increases in 2012 by 96.41. The Cohort Survival Rate decreases by -29.9 in SY 2011-2012. The Retention Rate increases from 2009 to 2012. It is 96.69% then 96.74% and finally 116.14% respectfully. The Repetition Rate increases by 1.06 in SY 2011-2012. The Drop out Rate increases to 8.14 by SY 2011-2012. The Completion Rate decreases from 2010 to 2012 by -32.19. The Graduation Rate decreases from 96.33 to 93.22 from 20092012. The Academic Rate (NAT) did not reach the target which is 54.72. The school got 51.19 MPS in 2012. The Nutritional Status increases in 2011 to 96.08 and it decreases in 2012 to 95.53. CAUSES: The enrolment increases due to transferees from NCR and increase in enrolment in Elementary. The Transition Rate increases due to the increase in enrolment from neighboring barangays. The Cohort Survival Rate decreases due to the increase of Drop-out and Repetition Rate. The Retention Rate increases due to The repetition Rate increases due to the students' lack of interest in their studies, influence of barkada, cutting classes, and poor study habits. The Drop out Rate is high because of Lack of interest, Financial problem, and economic problem. The Completion Rate decreases due to dropping out, transferred to other school. The Graduation Rate decreases because of dropped out. The NAT MPS decreases due to lack of teachers and low mastery level of students. The Nutritional Status decreases by 2.27. VISION STATEMENT “Kinan-oan High School is a center for learning with competent, dedicated and committed teachers and stakeholders that produced wellrounded and value-oriented citizens who are responsible leaders of our country.” MISSION STATEMENT “To nurture the Filipino youth with the basic quality education, desirable values, environmental awareness and technological and vocational skills through the moral and financial support of the service-oriented stakeholders and competent teachers in preparation of their roles in the community and the country as well.” Major Components/ Thematic Areas Strategy Programs Conduct Phi IRI Reading Readiness Test Conduct NAT Review Saturday NAT Review Purchased laboratory equipments/apparatus Construct Science laboratory room Conduct remedial classes in Math Remedial Math classes Improved Food and Security Program Gulayan sa Paaralan Purchased garden tools Gulayan sa Paaralan Projects Activities Timeline Source of Budget Access Reproduced Phil IRI Pre-Test and Post-TestBaseline- July 2013 reading materials Endline- February 2014 Prepared NAT review Pre-Test and Post-Test Dec. 2013-March materials 2014 Purchased laboratory *Submit needs for SY 2013-2014 apparatus Science apparatus *Purchased apparatus/equiptment PTA, MOOE MOOE, PTA MOOE Quality & Efficiency Produced 30 Workbooks in Math Conduct diagnostic July- diagnostic MOOE Test test Sept.Identify students with February low mastery level Remedial classes Procured vegetables Prepared vegetable June-March 2014 SEF, PTA, School seeds garden and nursery Fund planted vegetables Purchased garden School FUND tools School Management Conduct Observation of Observation of classes Classes Conduct Teacher Teacher Supervision conference Organize students' Students' clubs and clubs/organizations organization Increase attendance in Brigada Eskwela Brigada Eskwela Conduct Home Visitation DORP-Home Visitation Increase Parents' PTCA Meeting attendance in PTCA Meeting Conduct Guidance and Guidance and Counseling Counseling Construct perimeter fence School Fence MOOE MOOE Organized BSP/GSP/YECS/SP/SSG PTA PTA PTA PTA MOOE PTA AND OTHERS FY 2013 BUDGET PROPOSAL BY SCHOOL FOR MAJOR PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS FY 2013 BUDGET FINANCIAL UTILIZATION REPORT OF THE CURRENT SCHOOL YEAR: MOOE SEF MOOE AMOUNT ALLOCATED AMOUNT UTILIZED % OF UTILIZATION Month 2011 January 2012 8,000.00 2011 2012 8,049.85 February 2011 2012 99.52 9,500.00 March 8,000.00 April 8,000.00 9,500.00 19,000.00 7,317.41 9,196.25 91.47 96.80 8,573.06 18,221.08 107.16 95.90 76.50 May 9,500.00 June 9,500.00 9,500.00 7,267.45 9,269.87 12,716.49 July 9,500.00 9,500.00 9,760.80 8,723.55 August 9,500.00 9,500.00 9,466.89 7,822.61 19,000.00 9,500.00 12,762.94 10,062.20 September 97.58 133.86 102.75 91.83 99.65 82.34 67.17 105.92 24.60 October 9,500.00 2,337.45 November 14,500.00 9,500.00 15,617.83 13,500.00 December 9,500.00 9,500.00 14,733.91 14,705.40 TOTAL 95,500.00 114,000.00 95,552.56 114,006.63 (Reason for nonallocation or under/over spent) delayed liquidation report 100.62 9,454.15 REMARKS 107.71 142.11 155.09 154.79 100.06 100.01 delayed liquidation report delayed liquidation report No release from division office SCHOOL EDUCATION FUND (SEF) Calendar Personnel Capital Year/ School MOOE Services Outlay Year Programs/ Projects/ Activities TOTAL 2010 66,000.00 25,000.00 91,000.00 2011 33,000.00 25,000.00 58,000.00 2012 63,000.00 25,000.00 88,000.00 ACTUAL NEEDS ON CRUCIAL RESOURCES FOR 2014 TABLE (LINK)