May-26 - X-Squared Radio

The solar wind is a blistering 637 km/sec and there are 6major sunspot clustes on the Sun
today with behemoth 1756 emitting beta-gamma magnetic field that harbors energy for Mclass flares. We need them, but then the geomagnetic stomr could trigger earthquakes and
volcanoes, which we are seeing scattered around the planet today.
We are still in the wake of a CME that struck on May 24th. This is causing geomagnetic
unrest around the poles. Aurora sightings have been few, however, because of the
competing glare of the full Moon. Aurora alerts: text, voice.
SUNSET PLANET SHOW: When the sun goes down tonight, step outside and look west.
Venus, Jupiter and Mercury have converged to form a bright triangle in the sunset sky.
Next week on X-Squared Radio we have the dynamic author Diana West is the
author of American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation's Character (St. Martin's Press
2013), and The Death of the Grown-Up: How America's Arrested Development Is Bringing
Down Western Civilization (St. Martin's Press 2007). Her weekly newspaper column is
syndicated by Universal Uclick, and West also serves as Washington Correspondent for the
European weekly newspaper Dispatch International. West is one of 19 co-authors (including
Frank Gaffney, Andrew C. McCarthy and James Woolsey) of Shariah:The Threat to America, a
2010 publication of the Center for Security Policy,
West's work has appeared in many publications including The Wall Street Journal, The
Washington Times, The Weekly Standard, and The Washington Post Magazine, and her fiction
has appeared in the Atlantic Monthly. She has made numerous television and radio appearances,
and was recently featured in the Glenn Beck TV documentaries "The Project" and "Rumors of
War III."
Corporate researchers may be living on the moon by the time NASA astronauts
head off to visit an asteroid in the 2020s, a study of future human missions
unveiled on Thursday shows.
The study by Bigelow Aerospace, commissioned by NASA, shows 'a lot of
excitement and interest from various companies' for such ventures, said Robert
Bigelow, founder and president of the Las Vegas-based firm.
The projects range from pharmaceutical research aboard Earth-orbiting habitats,
to missions to the moon's surface, he said on Thursday, citing a draft of the
report due to be released in a few weeks
NASA intends to follow the International Space Station program with astronaut
visits to an asteroid by 2025 and to Mars about a decade later.
President Barack Obama's proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1
requests $105 million for the U.S. space agency to begin work on a mission to
find a small asteroid and reposition it around the moon for a future visit by
But private companies, including Bigelow Aerospace, have more interest in the
moon itself, Bigelow told reporters on a conference call on Thursday.
William Gerstenmaier, NASA's head of space operations, said on the call 'it's
important for us to know that there's some interest in moon activity and lunar
surface activity.'
'We can take advantage of what the private sector is doing' in areas such as
space transportation, life support systems and other technologies needed for
travel beyond the space station's 250 mile (400 km) high orbit, he noted.
NASA typically completes its mission planning before looking at what
partnerships and collaborations may be possible, Gerstenmaier added.
'We thought that this time we would kind of turn that around a little bit, that we
would ask industry first what they're interested in ... where they see human
presence that makes sense, where they see potential commercial markets.'
Bigelow Aerospace surveyed about 20 companies as well as foreign space
agencies and research organizations for the NASA study, which the company
undertook at its own expense.
The Death Of The Paper Gold Scam?
The legal claims on physical gold far exceed the amount of physical gold that the banks actually
have by a very, very wide margin. And right now the bankers are scared out of their wits
because their warehouses are being drained of physical gold(...)
Read the rest of The Death Of The Paper Gold Scam?
So what happens when their physical gold is gone but they still have lots and lots of people with
legal claims to gold? When that moment arrives, it will represent the end of the paper gold
scam. Many believe that the recent takedown of the price of paper gold was a desperate
attempt by the bankers to put off that day of reckoning, but it appears to have greatly backfired
on them. Instead of cooling off demand for precious metals, it has unleashed a massive “gold
rush” all over the globe. Meanwhile, word has been spreading among wealthy families in both
North America and Europe that they had better grab their physical gold out of the banks while
they still can. This is creating havoc in the financial community, and at least one major
international bank has already declared that it will only be settling those accounts in cash from
now on. The paper gold scam is starting to unravel, and by the time this is all over it is going to
be a complete and total nightmare for global financial markets.
For years it has been widely known that the promises that banks have made regarding their
gold far exceed their actual ability to deliver, but we have never reached a moment of such
crisis before.
Posted below are quotes from people that know precious metals far better than I do. What these
experts are saying is more than a little bit disturbing significantly, we saw all the gold products
trade down significantly, but one thing that did not trade down, was gold coins , tangible real
gold. That’s going to show you, people don’t want certificates, they don’t want anything else.
They want the real product.
-Billionaire Eric Sprott: So we see all of these paper (trading) volumes going through that bear
absolutely no relationship to what’s going on in the physical markets. As you know I have
always been a proponent of the fact that supply in the gold market was way less than demand,
and by a very large factor. I think demand exceeds supply by at least 60%. The central banks
are surreptitiously supplying that gold, and ultimately they will be running on fumes.
When we hear about the LBMA not willing to deliver gold, and JP Morgan’s inventories at the
COMEX have gone from 2.4 million (ounces) down to 160,000 ounces, it just makes you realize
that all of this paper trading means nothing. It’s the real physical market that you have to rely on
-JS Kim: FACT #1: COMEX gold vaults were recently drained of 2 million ounces of physical
gold in one quarter, the largest withdrawal of physical gold bullion from COMEX vaults in one
quarter during this entire 12-year gold and silver bull. There has been speculation about the
reasons that spurred these massive withdrawals of gold from COMEX vaults, but the most
reasonable speculation is that no one trusts the bankers to hold on to their physical gold
anymore, especially in light of Fact #2. Note below, that both registered AND eligible stocks of
gold had heavily declined in recent months. Such an event signals a general distrust of the
banking system from everyone holding gold in registered COMEX vaults.
FACT #2: One of the largest European banks, ABN Amro, defaulted on their gold contracts and
informed their clients that they would only settle their gold bullion contracts in cash and not in
physical. So much for the supposed legality of financial contracts as a “binding” contract. So
whether Fact #1 caused Fact #2 or vice versa is irrelevant. What IS apparent is that the level of
trust in bankers to safekeep physical gold and physical silver is disappearing, as it should be,
and as it should have already been for years now. But truth always takes some time to catch up
to banker spread lies and that is what is happening now. I have been warning people never to
trust bankers in deals involving gold and silver for years now, as in this article I wrote nearly four
years ago informing the public that the SLV and GLD are likely a banker invented scam as well.
FACT #3: Silver fraud whistleblower and London trader Andrew Maguire stated that the LBMA
was having trouble settling gold contracts in bullion as well and stated that institutions that
asked for physical settlement “were told they would be cash settled instead by a bullion bank.”
In plain English, this is a default. So Andrew Maguire reported that the LBMA had already gone
into default. In light of Fact #1 and Fact #2, the dominoes were starting to tumble and the house
of cards that the bankers had built in gold and silver paper derivatives to deceive and hide the
true fundamentals of the physical gold and physical markets from the entire world was rapidly
starting to crumble. A financial earthquake of magnitude 2.5 was quickly threatening to evolve
into one of the biggest financial earthquakes of all time in which the world’s confidence in all
global fiat currencies would effectively have a well-deserved funeral.
-Jim Sinclair: I think the reality is the supply situation is extremely volatile at this point, and even
discussing it is like rubbing a raw nerve to the people who are in charge. The amount of
discussion on the subject of warehouse supply, supply that is represented by the gold leases,
indicated to the central planners that the demand for physical was going to continue to effect the
Although they did not expect any grandstand delivery, the mere continued draining of physical
inventories was threatening the very functioning of the paper exchange. That threatening of the
paper exchange and its ability to continue functioning is really taking off the blinders and
revealing the truth behind the critical question, ‘Where is the gold?’
The question now is, ‘Where has the gold gone?’ Who has all of this gold? Because of the
nature of gold leasing, all of this gold has been purchased and it has gone somewhere. The
reality of the empty vaults reveal that the gold has gone missing.
-Ronald Stoeferle: We’re seeing this rush to physical gold not only in the retail market, but also
for the institutional players…[it's] just overwhelming…I [estimate] a 130-to-1 [ratio of paper to
physical gold]…and I think in the last week we were really close to [triggering] a default of the
paper market.
-Gerhard Schubert, head of Precious Metals at Emirates NBD: I have not seen in my 35 years in
precious metals such a determined and strong global physical demand for gold. The UAE
physical markets have been cleared out by buyers from all walks of life. The premiums, which
have been asked for and which have been paid have been the cornerstone of the gold price
recovery. It is very rare that physical markets can have a serious impact on market prices, which
are normally driven solely by derivatives and futures contracts…
I did speak during the week with several refineries in the world, of course including the UAE
refineries, and the waiting period for 995 kilo bars is easily 2-3 weeks and goes into June in
some cases. A large portion of the 995 kilo bars in the UAE goes normally into the Indian
market, but a lot of the available 995 kilo bars are destined for Turkey, at this time. We heard
that premiums paid in Turkey have reached anything between US $ 20 and US $ 35 per ounce.
-James Turk: Another indication of the demand for large bars is the huge drawdown in the gold
stock in COMEX warehouses. It is noteworthy that COMEX reports show the drawdown is
largely the result of dealers removing their inventory, their working stock. When that happens,
you know the availability of supply is constrained.
What all of this means, Eric, is one thing. If the central planners want to keep the precious
metals at these low prices, to meet the demand for physical metal they will need to empty more
metal from central bank vaults, or borrow metal from the ETFs as some have suggested is
happening. Otherwise, the central planners will have to step back and stop their intervention,
thereby letting the price of gold and silver rise so that demand tapers off, bringing demand and
supply of physical metal back toward some kind of balance.
We’ve seen this same situation several times over the last twelve years. It is what I have been
calling a “managed retreat.” Despite the current weakness, I firmly believe we have again
entered a critical period where the central planners will need to retreat once again in order to let
the gold and silver prices climb higher.
-The Golden Truth: And then I get a call from a close friend in NYC last Friday. His career has
been in private wealth management in the private bank department of the Too Big To Fail
banks. He’s been looking for work and chats with old colleagues all the time. He called my
Friday and told me he just got off the phone with a very high level private banker from a big
Euro-based TBTF bullion bank, but who was at JP Morgan until about six months ago.
This guy told my friend that there is a scramble by many very wealthy European families/entities
to get their 400 oz bars out of the big bank vaults. He knows this personally, for a fact. He said
the private banker community is small over there and the big wealthy families all talk to each
other and act on the same rumors/sentiment. The Bundesbank/Fed and the ABN/Amro
situations triggered this move. He knows for a fact JPM tried to calm fears about 3 months ago
by sending a letter to it’s very wealthy clients assuring them their bars were safe, in allocated
accounts. He said right now those same families are walking into the big banks like JPM and
demanding delivery of their bars or threatening to take their $100′s of millions in investment
portfolios to competitors. His wording was “these people are putting a gun to the heads of
private banks and demanding their gold.”
I know this information is good because I know my friend’s background and when he tells me
his source is plugged in, the guy is plugged in. Not only that, my friend’s source said that there’s
no doubt that someone like a John Paulson, not necessarily specifically him, but entities like him
or it may include him, have held a gun to the SPDR Gold Trust ETF (NYSEARCA:GLD) and
demanded delivery of physical in exchange for their shares.
Regarding the Bundesbank/Fed situation, recall that the Bundesbank asked to have some
portion of its gold sitting – supposedly – in the NY Fed vault in NYC sent back Germany. The
total amount is 1800 tonnes. After behind the scenes negotiations, the Fed agreed to ship 300
tonnes back over seven years. To this day, the time required for that shipment has never been
explained. Venezuela demanded the return of its 200 tonnes held in London, NYC and
Switzerland and received it all within about four months.
And regarding the ABN/Amro situation. ABN/Amro offered a gold investment account product
that offered physical delivery of the gold in the investment account when the investor cashes
out. About a week before the gold price smash, ABN sent a letter to its clients informing that the
physical delivery of the bullion was no longer available and that all accounts would be settled
with cash at redemption.
I believe it was these two events that triggered the big scramble for physical gold by wealthy
families/entities who were suspicious of the integrity of their bank vault custodial arrangement
So what does all of this mean?
It means that we are entering a period when there will be unprecedented volatility for precious
metals. There will be tremendous ups and downs as this crisis plays out and the bankers try to
keep the paper gold scam from completely unraveling.
Meanwhile, nations such as China continue to stockpile gold as if the end of the world was
According to Zero Hedge, Chinese gold imports set a brand new all-time record high in March…
Quite the contrary: as export data released by the Hong Kong Census and Statistics
Department overnight showed, Chinese gold imports in March exploded to an all time
record high of 223.5 tons.
And the number for April is expected to be even higher.
Does China know something that the rest of us do not?
We are also seeing a rapid decoupling between spot prices and physical prices. In fact, it is
quickly getting to the point where the spot price of gold and the spot price of silver are becoming
For example, demand for silver coins has become so intense that some dealers are charging
premiums of up to 30 percent over spot price for silver eagles.
That would have been regarded as insane a few years ago, but people are now willing to pay
these kinds of premiums. People are recognizing the importance of actually having physical
gold and silver in their possession and they are willing to pay a significant premium in order to
get it.
We are moving into uncharted territory. The paper gold scam is rapidly coming to an end. In the
long-term, this will greatly benefit those that are holding significant amounts of physical gold and
But “We Can’t Afford to Irritate the Saudis” By Actually Looking Into
Who Backed 9/11 … “Especially with Oil Prices Going Up Now”
Contrary to the official narrative, 9/11 was state-sponsored terror. The only question is which
state sponsored it.
A 9/11 Commissioner and Co-Chair of the Congressional Inquiry into 9/11 say in sworn
declarations that the Saudi government is linked to the 9/11 attacks.
This week, the Miami Herald provided more evidence of a Saudi link:
A Saudi family who “fled” their Sarasota area home weeks before 9/11 had “many connections”
to “individuals associated with the terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001,” according to newly released
FBI records.
One partially declassified document, marked “secret,” lists three of those individuals and ties
them to the Venice, Fla., flight school where suicide hijackers Mohamed Atta and Marwan alShehhi trained. Accomplice Ziad Jarrah took flying lessons at another school a block away.
Atta and al-Shehhi were at the controls of the jetliners that slammed into the twin towers of New
York’s World Trade Center, killing nearly 3,000 people. Jarrah was the hijacker-pilot of United
Airlines Flight 93, which crashed in a field in rural Pennsylvania.
The names, addresses and dates of birth of the three individuals tied to the flight school were
blanked out before the records were released to amid ongoing Freedom of
Information Act litigation.
The information in the documents runs counter to previous FBI statements. It also adds
to concerns raised by official investigations but never fully explored, that the full truth
about Saudi Arabia and the 9/11 attacks has not yet been told.
The documents are the first released by the FBI about its once-secret probe in Sarasota.
Information contained in the documents flatly contradicts prior statements by FBI agents
in Miami and Tampa who have said the investigation found no evidence connecting the
al-Hijjis to the hijackers or the 9/11 plot.
Concerned residents in the gated community of Prestancia tipped the FBI, shortly after the 9/11
attacks, to the al-Hijjis’ sudden departure in late August 2001. The family left behind three cars,
clothes, furniture, diapers, toys, food and other items.
[A] counterterrorism officer and Prestancia’s former administrator, Larry Berberich, both said an
analysis of gatehouse security records — log books and snapshots of license tags — had
determined that vehicles either driven by or carrying several of the future hijackers had visited
the al-Hijji home.
Phone records revealed similar, though indirect, ties to the hijackers, said the counterterrorism
officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
The Daily Beast reported last year:
The FBI-led investigation in Sarasota reportedly focused on Saudi millionaire Abdulaziz al-Hijji
and his wife, Anoud. Their upscale home was owned by Anoud al-Hijji’s father, Esam Ghazzawi,
an adviser to Prince Fahd bin Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, the nephew of King Fahd.
An FBI informant hosted and rented a room to two hijackers in 2000. Specifically, investigators
for the Congressional Joint Inquiry discovered that an FBI informant had hosted and even
rented a room to two hijackers in 2000 and that, when the Inquiry sought to interview the
informant, the FBI refused outright, and then hid him in an unknown location, and that a highlevel FBI official stated these blocking maneuvers were undertaken under orders from the White
House. As the New York Times notes:
Senator Bob Graham, the Florida Democrat who is a former chairman of the Senate Intelligence
Committee, accused the White House on Tuesday of covering up evidence ….The accusation
stems from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s refusal to allow investigators for a
Congressional inquiry and the independent Sept. 11 commission to interview an informant,
Abdussattar Shaikh, who had been the landlord in San Diego of two Sept. 11 hijackers.
The 2 hijackers were Saudis. Indeed, 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were Saudis.
The Daily Beast also reported last year:
In San Diego, allegations of links between the Saudi government and the 9/11 hijackers revolve
around two enigmatic Saudi men: Omar al-Bayoumi and Osama Basnan, both of whom have
long since left the United States.
Al-Bayoumi had previously worked for the Saudi government in civil aviation (a part of the Saudi
defense department), and was alleged by many San Diego Muslims to be an agent for the
Saudi government who reported on the activities of Saudi-born students living in Southern
In early 2000, al-Bayoumi invited two of the hijackers, Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi, to
San Diego from Los Angeles. He told authorities he met the two men by chance when he sat
next to them at a restaurant.
As Newsweek reported in 2002, al-Bayoumi’s invitation was extended on the same day that he
visited the Saudi Consulate in Los Angeles for a private meeting.
Al-Bayoumi arranged for the two future hijackers to live in an apartment near the San Diego
Islamic Center mosque and paid $1,500 to cover their first two months of rent.
When asked not long after the 9/11 attacks about al-Bayoumi’s possible involvement, San
Diego County Sheriff Bill Gore, then the San Diego head of the FBI, told this reporter that there
was no evidence al-Bayoumi played a role.
But a former top FBI official later told Newsweek, “We firmly believed that [al-Bayoumi] had
knowledge [of the 9/11 plot].”
After 9/11, al-Bayoumi was detained by New Scotland Yard while living in the U.K. Gore said
the FBI sent agents to London to interview him, but he was released a week later and allowed to
return to Saudi Arabia.
Newsweek reported that classified sections of the congressional 9/11 inquiry indicated that the
Saudi Embassy in London pushed for al-Bayoumi’s release.
Where is al-Bayoumi now? “I can’t say too much, but what I can tell you is that he is still alive
and living in Saudi Arabia,” says Graham.
As for Basnan, whom Graham calls “Bayoumi’s successor,” Newsweek reported that he
received monthly checks for several years totaling as much as $73,000 from the Saudi
ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar, and his wife, Princess Haifa Faisal.
The checks were sent because Basnan’s wife, Majeda Dweikat, needed thyroid surgery,
Newsweek and other media outlets reported. But Dweikat inexplicably signed many of the
checks over to al-Bayoumi’s wife, Manal Bajadr. This money allegedly made its way into the
hands of hijackers Almihdhar and Alhazmi, according to the congressional report.
At a post-9/11 gathering in San Diego, Basnan allegedly called the attack “a wonderful, glorious
day” and celebrated the hijackers’ “heroism,” a law-enforcement official told Newsweek.
Despite all this, he was ultimately allowed to return to Saudi Arabia ….
Another man who might have helped investigators get to the bottom of this mystery is
Abdussattar Shaikh, a longtime FBI asset in San Diego who was friends with al-Bayoumi and
invited two of the San Diego-based hijackers to live in his home.
However, Shaikh was not allowed by the FBI or the Bush administration to testify before the
9/11 Commission or the JICI.
“For me, that was the low point of the [JICI] investigation,” says Graham. “Bayoumi introduced
the hijackers to Shaikh, who clearly knew a lot, but the FBI, who had Shaikh in protective
custody, seemed to care more about protecting their asset than allowing us to find out what he
knew about 9/11.”
During roughly the same period after the 9/11 attacks, San Diego FBI agent Steven Butler
alerted his superiors about a flow of money from Saudi government officials that had made its
way into the hands of two of the San Diego-based hijackers, according to U.S. News & World
Report. But the warning was ignored.
“Butler is claiming that people [in the FBI] didn’t follow up,” a congressional source told U.S.
News & World Report. Another congressional source told U.S. News: “Butler saw a pattern, a
trail, and he told his supervisors, but it ended there.”
The investigation into the Saudi government’s alleged connections to the hijackers seemed to
end there. Arguably the greatest crime mystery of our time has become a cold case.
[The Co-Chair of the Congressional Inquiry into 9/11 and former Head of the Senate Intelligence
Committee, Bob Graham] believes the Bush administration protected the Saudis during the 9/11
inquiry [and] wonders why the Obama administration hasn’t reopened the investigation and
sought answers.
“Perhaps they feel that we can’t afford to irritate the Saudis, especially with oil prices going up
now,” he says. “I don’t know. Someday, I do believe we will get to the bottom of 9/11 and the
Saudi government connections.”
Indeed, a U.S. congressman for 6 years, who is now a talking head on MSNBC (Joe
Scarborough) says that – even if the Saudi government backed the 9/11 attacks – Saudi oil is
too important to do anything about it
The Administration announced after the Benghazi attack that a protest by Muslims had turned
The Administration also stated that there was nothing which could have been done to save the
people killed within the consulate.
But the number 2 American official in Libya – Deputy Chief of Mission in Libya Gregory Hicks,
who became the Chief of Mission after Ambassador Christopher Stevens was killed – says
everyone who worked at the Benghazi consulate thought it was a terrorist attack from the getgo:
Similarly, Democratic Congressman Stephen Lynch agrees that the U.S. talking points after the
Benghazi attack were false:
Congressman Daryl Issa notes that the U.S. ignored requests for more security, and theorized
that the motive was to underplay the danger from terrorism:
More disturbing are tales of the lack of assistance from the U.S. As CBS News reports:
Throughout the night, sources say Americans on the ground in Libya at times felt
helpless and abandoned.
“We relied on Washington for dispassionate assessment,” one eyewitness told CBS News.
“Instead, they [Washington officials] were asking us what help we needed. We answered: ‘Send
reinforcements!’ ”
But they were told immediate help wasn’t available.
Embassy personnel say they repeatedly asked the Defense Attache on site in Tripoli for military
“Isn’t there anything available?” one Embassy official says he asked. “But the answer was
“What about Aviano?” the official pressed, referencing the NATO air base with US assets in
northeastern Italy. “No,” was the answer.
Two of the four Americans killed that night died hours after the first attack began…
Counterterrorism sources and internal emails reviewed by CBS News express frustration
that key responders were ready to deploy, but were not called upon to help in the attack.
National Security Council Spokesman Tommy Vietor told CBS News the CSG was not needed.
But most devastating of all is Hicks’ testimony that the U.S. prevented rescuers from reaching
Benghazi. As CBS News reports:
The deputy of slain U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens has told congressional investigators
that a team of Special Forces prepared to fly from Tripoli to Benghazi during the Sept. 11,
2012 attacks was forbidden from doing so by U.S. Special Operations Command Africa.
Hicks told investigators that SOCAFRICA commander Lt. Col. Gibson and his team were on
their way to board a C-130 from Tripoli for Benghazi prior to an attack on a second U.S.
compound “when [Col. Gibson] got a phone call from SOCAFRICA which said, ‘you can’t go
now, you don’t have the authority to go now.’ And so they missed the flight … They were
told not to board the flight, so they missed it.”
Hicks told congressional investigators that if the U.S. had quickly sent a military aircraft over
Benghazi, it might have saved American lives. The U.S. Souda Bay Naval Base is an hour’s
flight from Libya.
“I believe if we had been able to scramble a fighter or aircraft or two over Benghazi as quickly as
possible after the attack commenced, I believe there would not have been a mortar attack on
the annex in the morning because I believe the Libyans would have split. They would have been
scared to death that we would have gotten a laser on them and killed them,” Hicks testified. Two
Americans died in the morning mortar attack.
The Real Story at Benghazi
The U.S. supported opposition which overthrew Libya’s Gadaffi was largely comprised of Al
Qaeda terrorists.
According to a 2007 report by West Point’s Combating Terrorism Center’s center, the Libyan
city of Benghazi was one of Al Qaeda’s main headquarters – and bases for sending Al Qaeda
fighters into Iraq – prior to the overthrow of Gaddafi:
The Hindustan Times reported in 2011:
“There is no question that al Qaeda’s Libyan franchise, Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, is a part
of the opposition,” Bruce Riedel, former CIA officer and a leading expert on terrorism, told
Hindustan Times.
It has always been Qaddafi’s biggest enemy and its stronghold is Benghazi.
Al Qaeda is now largely in control of Libya. Indeed, Al Qaeda flags were flown over the
Benghazi courthouse once Gaddafi was toppled.
(Incidentally, Gaddafi was on the verge of invading Benghazi in 2011, 4 years after the West
Point report cited Benghazi as a hotbed of Al Qaeda terrorists. Gaddafi claimed – rightly it turns
out – that Benghazi was an Al Qaeda stronghold and a main source of the Libyan rebellion. But
NATO planes stopped him, and protected Benghazi.)
CNN, the Telegraph, the Washington Times, and many other mainstream sources confirm that
Al Qaeda terrorists from Libya have since flooded into Syria to fight the Assad regime.
Mainstream sources also confirm that the Syrian opposition is largely comprised of Al Qaeda
terrorists. (Indeed, the New York Times reported last week that virtually all of the rebel fighters
are Al Qaeda terrorists.)
The U.S. has been arming the Syrian opposition since 2006. The post-Gaddafi Libyan
government is also itself a top funder and arms supplier of the Syrian opposition.
This brings us to the murder of ambassador Stevens …
The Wall Street Journal, Telegraph and other sources confirm that the US consulate in
Benghazi was mainly being used for a secret CIA operation.
They say that the State Department presence in Benghazi “provided diplomatic cover” for the
previously hidden CIA mission. (WND alleges that it was not a real consulate.)
Reuters notes that the CIA mission involved finding and repurchasing heavy weaponry looted
from Libyan government arsenals.
Business Insider reports that Stevens may have been linked with Syrian terrorists:
There’s growing evidence that U.S. agents—particularly murdered ambassador Chris Stevens—
were at least aware of heavy weapons moving from Libya to jihadist Syrian rebels.
In March 2011 Stevens became the official U.S. liaison to the al-Qaeda-linked Libyan
opposition, working directly with Abdelhakim Belhadj of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group—a
group that has now disbanded, with some fighters reportedly participating in the attack that took
Stevens’ life.
In November 2011 The Telegraph reported that Belhadj, acting as head of the Tripoli Military
Council, “met with Free Syrian Army [FSA] leaders in Istanbul and on the border with Turkey” in
an effort by the new Libyan government to provide money and weapons to the growing
insurgency in Syria.
Last month The Times of London reported that a Libyan ship “carrying the largest consignment
of weapons for Syria … has docked in Turkey.” The shipment reportedly weighed 400 tons and
included SA-7 surface-to-air anti-craft missiles and rocket-propelled grenades.
Reuters reports that Syrian rebels have been using those heavy weapons to shoot down Syrian
helicopters and fighter jets.
The ship’s captain was “a Libyan from Benghazi and the head of an organization called
the Libyan National Council for Relief and Support,” which was presumably established
by the new government.
That means that Ambassador Stevens had only one person—Belhadj—between himself
and the Benghazi man who brought heavy weapons to Syria.
Furthermore, we know that jihadists are the best fighters in the Syrian opposition, but where did
they come from?
Last week The Telegraph reported that a FSA commander called them “Libyans” when he
explained that the FSA doesn’t “want these extremist people here.”
And if the new Libyan government was sending seasoned Islamic fighters and 400 tons of
heavy weapons to Syria through a port in southern Turkey—a deal brokered by Stevens’
primary Libyan contact during the Libyan revolution—then the governments of Turkey and the
U.S. surely knew about it.
Furthermore there was a CIA post in Benghazi, located 1.2 miles from the U.S. consulate, used
as “a base for, among other things, collecting information on the proliferation of weaponry
looted from Libyan government arsenals, including surface-to-air missiles” … and that its
security features “were more advanced than those at rented villa where Stevens died.”
And we know that the CIA has been funneling weapons to the rebels in southern Turkey. The
question is whether the CIA has been involved in handing out the heavy weapons from Libya.
In other words, ambassador Stevens may have been a key player in deploying Libyan terrorists
and arms to fight the Syrian government.
Other sources also claim that the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was mainly being used as a CIA
operation to ship fighters and arms to Syria.
Many have speculated that – if normal security measures weren’t taken to protect the Benghazi
consulate or to rescue ambassador Stevens – it was because the CIA was trying to keep an
extremely low profile to protect its cover of being a normal State Department operation.
That is what I think really happened at Benghazi.
Was CIA Chief David Petraeus’ Firing Due to Benghazi?
CIA boss David Petraeus suddenly resigned, admitting to an affair. But Petraeus was scheduled
to testify under oath the next week before power House and Senate committees regarding the
Benghazi consulate. Many speculate that it wasn’t an affair – but the desire to avoid testifying
on Benghazi – which was the real reason for Petraeus’ sudden resignation.
The Big Picture
Whatever the scope of the CIA’s operation in Benghazi – and whatever the real reason for the
resignation of the CIA chief – the key is our historical and ongoing foreign policy.
For decades, the U.S. has backed terrorists for geopolitical ends. For decades, the U.S. has
backed the most radical, fundamentalist, violent Muslims.
The U.S. government has been consistently planning regime change in Syria, Libya and Iran for
20 years, and dreamed of regime change – using false flag terror – for 50 years.
Obama has simply re-packaged Bush and the Neocons’ “war on terror” as a series of
humanitarian wars.
Liberals rightfully lambast Bush for getting us into the disastrous Iraq war.
But Obama has in fact launched wars in Libya, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan … and up to 35 African
nations (and see this).
Obama – citing a Nixon administration official’s justification for invading Cambodia – has
claimed his power extends into every country in the world … well beyond those where we are
engaged in hostilities.
Obama has dramatically escalated the use of drone assassinations, which are creating many
more terrorists than they are killing. The former chief military prosecutor at Guantanamo says
that Obama’s drone surge is as damaging to our country as Bush’s torture program. I think he’s
actually underestimating damage from the program, as drones have become the number 1
recruiting tool for Al Qaeda (especially since children are now being targeted for drone
assassination … Oh, and torture is still happening on Obama’s watch; background).
And the Obama administration has probably supported even more terrorists – in Libya, Syria
and elsewhere – than Bush. See this, this, this, this and this.
In other words, both GOP and Dem politicians are supporting destability, terrorism and war.
Those are the deeper truths regarding Benghazi.
Billion Dollar Butchery
For more than three decades, Kermit Barron Gosnell made his name providing
abortions in the most difficult cases - the poor, the uninsured and women pushing the
24-week threshold when abortion becomes illegal in Pennsylvania.
Now the 72-year-old West Philadelphia physician has to save a life - his own - after a
Common Pleas Court jury found him guilty Monday of killing three babies born alive
during illegal late-term abortions.
Gosnell appeared as placidly enigmatic as ever as the jury of seven women and five
men came into court at 2:50 p.m., their ninth full day of deliberations, and said he was
guilty of three counts of first-degree murder.
The jury's verdict was announced by Juror No. 5, as he was called in court, a thin,
young man who began jury service shortly after selection began March 4 wearing a
fashionable stubble and announced the verdict with a thick black beard.
More coverage
The large third-floor courtroom was packed with reporters from local and national media
who were locked in and threatened with contempt of court and seizure of cellphones if
they tried to communicate the verdict before it was finished.
The only obvious show of emotion as the verdict was read was by Christine Wechsler,
36, a former city prosecutor who with Assistant District Attorney Joanne Pescatore
handled the Gosnell case from 2010 through trial.
Wechsler, who began crying at the verdict, is the mother of four young children. She left
the District Attorney's office several weeks before the trial began for a job in the cabinet
of Gov. Corbett.
Wechsler declined comment after the verdict.
In Pennsylvania, first-degree murder - the premeditated, malicious killing of a person - is
punishable by death by lethal injection or life in prison without chance of parole.
Judge Jeffrey P. Minehart set May 21 for the start of the death-penalty hearing for
The same jury that found Gosnell guilty will then hear mitigating evidence from defense
attorney Jack McMahon to convince the jury to sentence septuagenarian to live what is
left of his life in prison.
Although limited by a gag order from commenting on the case, McMahon told reporters
outside the city's Criminal Justice Center that Gosnell was "disappointed" and "upset"
by the verdict.
"Obviously, the jury has spoken. The prosecution should be commended," McMahon
McMahon said he did not know if he would have Gosnell testify during the penalty
phase hearing. Gosnell did not testify at trial and presented no other witnesses.
As throughout the trial, no one from Gosnell's family was in court when the verdict was
Although the evidence prosecutors arrayed against Gosnell was grim, often gruesome
and compelling, McMahon may well seek out others who were helped by Gosnell during
the 31 years he operated the Women's Medical Society at 3801 Lancaster Ave.
Through the first half of the trial, media coverage outside of Philadelphia was almost
non-existent. Then, after several articles critical of a lack of national news coverage,
national broadcast media began attending the trial.
The trial was closely monitored by anti-abortion groups, some of which made it part of
their campaign to challenge the legality of abortion.
Gosnell began his career during the 1960's "war on poverty," helping found an urban
medical clinic and a drug halfway house in Mantua.
Even in the years before the 2010 drug raid that closed his clinic and led to his arrest,
Gosnell's family practice was known for never turning away patients regardless of their
ability to pay.
Assistant District Attorneys Edward Cameron and Pescatore will present what are
known as aggravating factors that they will argue warrant a death sentence.
Those factors will likely include evidence that Gosnell flouted abortion laws to maximize
profits - almost $240,000 in cash was found secreted in his house - regardless of the
age of the fetus or the health of the mother.
The jury's verdict appeared to show the same methodical seriousness that took it
through a total of about 57 hours of deliberations since getting the case the afternoon of
April 30.
The jury, for example, acquitted Gosnell in the death of Baby E, the fourth first-degree
murder verdict he faced.
The jury also returned the lesser verdict of involuntary manslaughter - instead of the
third-degree murder prosecutors urged - in the 2009 death of a abortion patient,
Karnamaya Mongar, 41, of Virginia, who the jury determined was overdosed on
Demerol by Gosnell's untrained staff.
And the jury acquitted Gosnell of 17 of 227 counts of violating the 24-hour waiting
period before performing an abortion and three of 24 counts of performing abortions on
women more than 24 weeks pregnant.
The jury found Gosnell's codefendant Eileen O'Neill, 56, of Phoenixville, guilty of two
counts of theft by deception and two counts of conspiracy involving her work as an
unlicensed doctor seeing patients in the family practice of Gosnell's clinic.
Minehart let O'Neill remain free on $30,000 bail pending sentencing July 15.
O'Neill left the courthouse with a jacket covering her face as she ran a gauntlet of
reporters and photographers.
"You know I have a gag order," O'Neill said.
Day Gardner, president of the National Black Pro-Life Union in Washington, D.C. said
she was thrilled to learn Gosnell has been held accountable "for the children he
maliciously and brutally killed."
Gardner, who attended trial often during the six weeks of testimony, said, "He has
caused so much mayhem in Philadelphia for so long. We have no idea how many
children he's killed and how many women he has harmed over the last 30 years."
For Gosnell, the journey leading to the verdict began about 8:30 p.m. on Feb. 18, 2010.
After working the day at an abortion clinic in Wilmington, Del., Gosnell returned to West
Philadelphia to begin a series of abortions that typically took him and his staff into the
early morning hours of the following day.
Both arms full with bags containing his dinner and fresh clams for his pet turtles,
Gosnell was cradling a cellphone on his shoulder, talking to his third wife Pearl, when
he was accosted by agents from a federal-state task force with a search warrant for the
The agents were investigating the sale of prescriptions for oxycodone and other
addictive narcotic medicines and they suspected the scripts were coming from Women's
Medical Society.
Agents testified at trial that they picked the evening for their raid because they wanted
to avoid patients during their search. Instead, as Gosnell calmly led them into the
rambling three-story brick building, the agents encountered Gosnell's staff and a halfdozen women sedated and in advanced labor waiting for Gosnell to perform abortions.
But as they searched for evidence in the drug investigation, agents found other moreshocking evidence: unsanitary conditions including blood and body fluids on the floor
and furniture, the odor of a pet store permeating the building from Gosnell's cat, fish and
turtles, and the remains of aborted fetuses and fetal body parts stored around the clinic.
Within a week, state health officials had suspended Gosnell's medical license and three
months later moved to permanently close the 30-year-old clinic. The Philadelphia
District Attorney's office launched its own grand jury investigation of whether babies
born alive were killed in the clinic and whether Gosnell violated the state's Abortion
Control Act.
In January 2011, the District Attorney's office announced charges against Gosnell
alleging that he regularly performed illegal late-term abortions and used scissors to snip
the spines of babies born alive. Nine untrained clinic employees - many who
administered medicine, did ultrasound exams and assisted in abortions - were also
charged including Gosnell's wife Pearl, 52.
In addition to recommending criminal charges, the voluminous grand jury report
excoriated state health inspectors for not visiting Gosnell's clinic for more than a decade
and not responding to complaints that Gosnell was performing illegal abortions on
women over the 24-week limit in state law.
No state employees were criminally charged but a month later the Corbett
Administration fired four state lawyers and two supervisors at the state Departments of
Health and State for failing to ensure the inspection state abortion providers. Gov.
Corbett called the state workers' failure to conduct the required annual inspections
Pandemic News
Two respiratory viruses in different parts of the world have captured the attention of global
health officials , a novel coronavirus in the Middle East and a new bird flu spreading in China.
Last week, the coronavirus related to SARS spread to France, where one patient who probably
caught the disease in Dubai infected his hospital roommate. Officials are now trying to track
down everyone who went on a tour group holiday to Dubai with the first patient as well as all
contacts of the second patient. Since it was first spotted last year, the new coronavirus has
infected 34 people, killing 18 of them. Nearly all had some connection to the Middle East.
The World Health Organization, however, says there is no reason to think the virus is restricted
to the Middle East and has advised health officials worldwide to closely monitor any unusual
respiratory cases.
At the same time, a new bird flu strain, H7N9, has been infecting people in China since at least
March, causing 32 deaths out of 131 known cases.
WHO, which is closely monitoring the viruses, says both have the potential to cause a pandemic
, a global epidemic , if they evolve into a form easily spread between people. Here's a crash
course in what we know so far about them:
Q: How are humans getting infected by the new coronavirus?
A: Scientists don't exactly know. There is some suggestion the disease is jumping directly from
animals like camels or goats to humans, but officials are also considering other sources, like a
common environmental exposure. The new coronavirus is most closely related to a bat virus,
but it's possible that bats are transmitting the disease via another source before humans catch
Q: Can the new coronavirus be spread from human to human?
A: In some circumstances, yes. There have been clusters of the disease in Saudi Arabia,
Jordan, Britain and now France, where the virus has spread from person-to-person. Most of
those infected were in very close contact, such as people taking care of a sick family member or
health workers treating patients. There is no evidence the virus is spreading easily between
people and all cases of human-to-human transmission have been limited so far.
Q: How are people catching the bird flu H7N9?
A: Some studies suggest the new bird flu is jumping directly to people from poultry at live bird
markets. Cases have slowed down since Chinese authorities began shutting down such
markets. But it's unclear exactly what kind of exposure is needed for humans to catch the virus
and very few animals have tested positive for it. Unlike the last bird flu strain to cause global
concern, H5N1, the new strain doesn't appear to make birds sick and may be spreading silently
in poultry populations.
Q: What precautions can people take against these new viruses?
A: WHO is not advising people to avoid traveling to the Middle East or China but is urging
people to practice good personal hygiene like regular hand-washing. "Until we know how and
where humans are contracting these two diseases, we cannot control them," said Gregory Hartl,
WHO spokesman.
Q: Which virus should we be more worried about?
A: It's impossible to know. "We really don't want to play the game of predicting which virus will
be more deadly than the other," Hartl said. At the moment, both are worrisome since so little is
known about how they are infecting humans and both appear to cause severe disease. "Any
virus that has the ability to develop the capacity to spread from human to human is of great
concern to WHO," he said.
Drone Wars Update
NORFOLK, Va. (AP) -- The Navy is preparing to launch an unmanned aircraft from the deck of
an aircraft carrier for the first time.
The X-47B is about the size of a traditional fighter plane. It can reach an altitude of more than
40,000 feet and has a range of more than 2,100 nautical miles.
It is scheduled to catapult off the flight deck of the USS George H.W. Bush in the Atlantic Ocean
on Tuesday.
The plane isn't intended for operational use, but it will be used to help develop other unmanned,
carrier-based aircraft.
Navy officials say the planes will provide around-the-clock carrier-based intelligence,
surveillance and targeting capabilities.
Following the test launch, the plane will make a series of approaches toward the aircraft carrier
before landing at Naval Air Station Patuxent River in Maryland.
IRS Must Go: Why the The 30th Amendment: The Congress shall
have power to lay and collect taxes on any transaction of commerce wherein
currency is the form of trade. The rate shall be uniform for all commerce
conducted in the several States without exemption. The tax shall be collected at
the point of sale and rendered unto the United States Treasury no more than 30
days from the day of the transaction. Congress shall not have the power to lay
and collect taxes from income or profits.
The IRS scandal is growing by leaps and bounds in a way that must be terrifying to
an Administration already dealing with fallout from the uncovering of their Libya
lies and the knowledge that the Department of Justice seized the phone records of
20 Associated Press reporters. Tuesday morning, ABC News revealed what might
have been the political motivation behind the IRS's decision to target Tea party groups
-- to ensure they weren't as effective in 2012 as they were in 2010.
In the 2010 midterms, even the media that despises the Tea Party will admit that the
nationwide grassroots movement was a major factor behind record GOP electoral gains.
By the time the smoke cleared, Obama had lost the House and his filibuster-proof
majority in the United States Senate.
Is it just a coincidence that it was only after these 2010 victories that the IRS decided to
single out Tea Party groups for special scrutiny? And not just scrutiny, but the kind of
scrutiny that bogged these groups down with paperwork and restricted their political
The Narrative some in the media, like JournOlist founder Ezra Klein of The Washington
Post, are desperate to spin is that this was a single Midwest IRS office concerned with
political groups abusing a new tax exempt status. The isolation of Tea Parties was
merely "discriminatory."
Already this morning, though, Klein's spin is falling apart. Chris Good of ABC News
reports that Jennifer Stefano of Philadelphia was so intimidate by the IRS that she
closed her Tea Party down:
"In the documents that were sent to me, if you did not tell the whole truth by not
putting all your personal information out there by Facebook, by Twitter, of your
personal relationship with candidates and parties ... it could be considered
perjury and perjury carried jail time," Stefano, 39, told ABC News.
"That was frightening and that's why I shut it down. I shut my group down."
Tom Zawistowski, former president of the Ohio Liberty Coalition, told ABC News that,
"The reason for this attack by the IRS on the tea party was to make sure we were not as
effective in 2012 as we were in 2010, and that's what they did[.]"
Zawistowski also believes that the ridiculous amount of information and documents
requested by the IRS was "opposition research," having nothing to do with whether or
not a group would qualify as tax exempt.
The IRS asked another Ohio tea party organization, the Liberty Township Tea
Party, about its political views and relationships with an individual and another
"Provide a list of all issues that are important to your organization. Indicate your
position regarding each issue," the IRS commanded in a letter with 35 questions,
many including between three and six bullet-pointed subquestions.
ABC News adds:
In letters obtained by ABC News, the Internal Revenue Service asked detailed
questions of local tea party groups from 2010 to 2012.
Other Tea Party groups interviewed complained of getting bogged down by the
paperwork. One group claims that "500 pages of stuff" went "back and forth" between
them and the IRS:
There was kind of a cloud over us. ... It did curtail the things we could do. We
could not go outside the IRS rules. Tax-exempt status allows you to do certain
things, and we did not go outside them.
These groups say they didn’t hear from the IRS until after their 2010 victories. Then,
before they could recreate that success against Obama in 2012, all of a sudden they are
intimidated, restricted from certain political activities, and bogged down in a
bureaucratic nightmare -- all at the hands of the IRS.
Sorry, Ezra Klein, that doesn't sound "discriminatory" to me -- that sounds like a
political tactic. Moreover, if it was a political tactic, we already know that it was not one
confined to a single office in the Midwest. Klein's own Post reports Tuesday that…
Internal Revenue Service officials in Washington and at least two other offices
were involved with investigating conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status,
making clear that the effort reached well beyond the branch in Cincinnati that
was initially blamed, according to documents obtained by The Washington Post.
We now know that the IRS targeted Obama's political enemies, and either by accident or
design, made them less effective during his reelection campaign in 2012. W also now
know that Administration officials are lying about what they knew about this scandal
and when they knew it.
The only question that matters now is whether or not anyone in the Obama re-election
campaign is in any way tied to this. And at this point, that is a perfectly reasonable
question to ask.
Lawyers for the Obama Administration announced that Barack Obama’s long form
birth certificate was a forgery. Under penalty of perjury, the lawyers said they were
forced to say that the birth certificate was valid.
A lawyer representing the Obama administration say the birth certificate was
knowingly purveyed to fool the American public into believing he was legitimately
able to be President.
However, they purport that Obama knows he is not a natural born citizen.
Obama stated at a White House briefing that the birth certificate subject is
“irrelevant”. He must think that by dismissing it that he can make it go away.
This invalidates the Obama Presidency and makes him ineligible to be President in
Pen Johannson, Editor of the Daily Pen, stated in his editorial that this controversy
should set off a firestorm of constitutional questions and a legislative controversy
of epic proportions.
In New Jersey, a case about Obama’s eligibility has influenced activist to question
the President’s legal right to be Commander and Chief.
Alexandra M. Hill, representative defense attorney for Obama made comments that
brought the Tea Party members to question the legitimacy of Obama’s birth
Nick Purpura of Wall Township, NJ, and Ted Moran of Toms River, NJ, filed their
objection with the New Jersey Board of Elections. Purpura and Moran objected to
Obama appearing on the June 5 Democratic Primary ballot on two grounds:
• No one knows exactly who Barack H. Obama is, because he has had three
different names in life. Furthermore, he has never furnished a true copy of his birth
certificate to the Secretary of State. So no one can be sure that Obama was born in
the United States.
• Obama’s father was a British colonial subject. He not only was not a naturalized
citizen on the alleged date of Obama’s birth, but indeed never sought
naturalization. Therefore Obama could never be a natural-born citizen no matter
where he was born.
Attorney for the plaintiff, Mario Apuzzo asserts that the birth certificate is the
proof of Obama’s citizenship that allows him to be on the ballot in New Jersey.
On April 10, 2012, these lawyers admitted the forgery.
Obama is asserting that the document is a fake and should not be allowed into
evidence. And the judge in this case agrees.
By this admission, Barack Obama can be charged with High Crimes and
Misdemeanors by lying to the American public about his legitimacy as President.
Obama is guilty to criminal activity and blatantly ineligible for Presidency and the
electoral process this year.
Without the birth certificate, Obama cannot prove he is a natural born citizen.
Where before this development, the Obama administration adamantly asserted that
the birth certificate was legitimate; they knowing lied and therefore should be
arrested and charged with their illegal actions against the American people.
The Justice Department’s secret seizure of phone records from The Associated
Press and its monitoring of Fox News reporter James Rosen are nothing less than
thuggish attempts to criminalize the practice of journalism — the only profession
specifically protected by the US Constitution.
Free and open inquiry is also the cornerstone of our democracy, a legacy of the
Enlightenment that found its clearest expression in the First Amendment:
“Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.”
By which the Founders specifically meant political speech.
They understood that, even with the checks and balances built into the
Constitution, there was still a need for an unfettered press to keep an eye on
“public servants” with access to both state treasure and power. And that an
absolute guarantee of freedom of inquiry was vital.
“Without freedom of thought, there can be no such thing as wisdom; and no such
thing as public liberty, without freedom of speech,” wrote “Cato” (British essayists
Thomas Gordon and John Trenchard) in a 1720 essay that greatly influenced the
Framers. “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of the nation, must begin by
subduing the freedom of speech.”
In investigating the AP, Rosen and other Fox News personnel, Attorney General
Eric Holder’s agency has invoked “national security” and the Espionage Act of
1917. Indeed, Justice has filed six cases under the World War I-era act — more
than all other administrations combined.
First, note that the leaks they’ve opted to plumb are ones detrimental to the
president’s media image as the scourge of al Qaeda and defender of the realm.
Second, there’s a big difference between actual spies and reporters doing their
jobs. In the 1971 Pentagon Papers case (also an Espionage Act case, by the way),
the Supreme Court took no position on the act itself, but ruled against the Nixon
administration’s attempt to restrain The New York Times and
The Washington Post from publishing the purloined Vietnam War documents.
Said Justice Hugo Black: “Only a free and unrestrained press can effectively
expose deception in government.”
Not that any of this seems to matter to this administration, which openly refers to
its ideological opponents as “enemies.”
Following the tactics outlined by socialist radical Saul Alinsky, the father of
“community organizing,” the Obama governing ethos is one of slander,
intimidation and — as the burgeoning IRS scandal so vividly illustrates —
occasional blunt force to keep its “enemies” demoralized and incapacitated in its
pursuit of “fundamental transformation.”
Whether there are still enough self-respecting mainstream reporters and editors
willing to fight back, though, is another question. Since Campaign ’08, most of the
media has been in the tank for Obama, seeing in him the culmination of half a
century of liberal social progress.
Like them, Obama is a product of elite schools and shares their values. In a world
in which reporters and political operatives live and work in the same
neighborhoods, vacation together and routinely intermarry, the president is viewed
as “one of us.” Where once they reveled in their status as outsiders, today’s media
elite are now drawn from the same social class as the people they cover.
With David Axelrod, a former Chicago Tribune journalist turned campaign guru,
pulling their strings, the media has been loath to do or say anything against their
hero, preferring to applaud the Hope, rather than investigate the Change.
It never seems to have occurred to them that they might become targets
There are signs that the worms are finally turning — “the Obama administration
has moved beyond protecting government secrets to threatening fundamental
freedoms of the press,” the Times editorialized yesterday. And of course the
president has issued some pro forma boilerplate in defense of press freedom via his
beleaguered press secretary, Jay Carney (himself a former Time magazine
Relying on the government’s good will, however, isn’t enough. In the Nixon years,
journalists wore a place on the “enemies list” as a badge of honor. It’s time for
reporters to reclaim that badge and start acting like the guardians of liberty they’re
meant to be — if not for themselves, then for their country
The Swiss Federal Institute (SFI) in Zurich released a study entitled “The Network
of Global Corporate Control” that proves a small consortiums of corporations –
mainly banks – run the world. A mere 147 corporations which form a “super
entity” have control 40% of the world’s wealth; which is the real economy. These
mega-corporations are at the center of the global economy. The banks found to be
most influential include:
• Barclays
• Goldman Sachs
• JPMorgan Chase & Co
• Vanguard Group
• Deutsche Bank
• Bank of New York Melon Corp
• Morgan Stanley
• Bank of America Corp
• Société Générale
However as the connections to the controlling groups are networked throughout the
world, they become the catalyst for global financial collapse.
James Glattfelder, complex systems theorist at the SFI explains: “In effect, less
than one per cent of the companies were able to control 40 per cent of the entire
Using mathematic models normally applied to natural systems, the researchers
analyzed the world’s economy. Their data was taken from Orbis 2007, a database
which lists 37 million corporations and investors. The evidence showed that the
world’s largest corporations are interconnected to all other companies and their
professional decisions affect all markets across the globe.
George Sudihara, complex systems expert for SFI claims that this phenomenon is a
common structure that could be found in nature. Comparing the manufactured
reality of the financial markets to the ecosystems of the planet, Sudihara says that
although the 147 corporations that rule the world through influence and
interconnectedness are no more harmful than the natural cycles of our weather or
animal kingdoms.
Yet because of the facts presented in the study, the financial crash of 2008 can be
traced back to these tightly-knit networks. Future disasters can also be projected
based on this analysis because of the “connectedness” of these influential entities
which are only 147 corporations.
It is suggested the global capitalism could be a useful tool to make the markets
more stable by simply acquiescing to control by the technocrats. The world’s
transitional corporations (TNCs) guide the flow of all economies through influence
and manipulation which created a structure of economic power. Most corporations
are guided by the shareholders who use the companies to wield incredible power
over the shift of economic consciousness. And the behavior of the system reflects
the direction taken by those who fund the super entities.
Assumed by many that there was a complex architecture to the global economic
power that caused financial systems to ebb and flow or crash and burn is not a
scientific fact as evidenced in this study.
As the banking cartels force countries in the EuroZone into sovereign debt, there is
a weakening of the many multi-national corporations around the world. Wells
Fargo and JPMorgan Chase have financially gained while stocks are being
unloaded in other markets.
This sovereign land-grab by the central banking cartels across Europe is mirrored
in a recent Goldman Sachs report: “The more the Spanish administration indulges
domestic political interests … the more explicit conditionality is likely to be
demanded.” In other words the technocrats working for the Zionists are acquiring
each country in the EuroZone.
The European Central Bankers agreed to give any nation in the Euro-Zone a
bailout if they agreed to hand over the country to them under the guise of “new
rules and conditions when applying for assistance.”
As America drifts downstream toward economic implosion, the Federal Reserve
headed by Ben Bernanke has chosen a different approach. They unveiled QE3 last
week as a pump and dump scheme to prop up the US dollar by printing cash that is
backed by nothing, while purchasing the mortgage-backed securities from the same
banks that created the scandal and acquiring land in a massive land-grab; the likes
of which have never been seen in the US.
Simultaneously, the BRICs nations (Brazil, Russia, India and China) are buying
gold to back their fiat currencies to avoid being caught up in the destruction of the
technocrats as they march toward one world currency.
BRICs have become the anti-thesis to the banking cartels of the Zionist regime.
As these nations pair with Middle Eastern countries like Iran to trade gold for
petrol instead of the US dollar as the global reserve currency, the Obama
administration has begun a propaganda campaign against China involving a
manufactured cyber-threat.
In Iran, the terrorist factions that do the bidding of the Zionists to topple
governments by inciting fake revolutions have been deployed to Iran to stir-up
trouble and blame the failing Ra-il which is being strategically destroyed by
sanctions placed on the nation by the US. The American Israeli Public Affairs
Committee (AIPAC) coerced the US Congress to pass HR 1905 which further
tighten the economic noose around Iran for the benefit of the Zionist-controlled
Israeli government.
In April of this year, the BRICs nations met to agree upon a strategy that would
liberate the countries of the world from the grip of the technocrats. The BRICs
countries are pushing for peace, but not through force and occupation of other
countries to obtain this goal.
Vladimir Putin, President of Russia had this to say about the United Nations and
their obvious attempts at global governance through usurpation of powers over
countries. “One of the priorities of BRICs for the years to come should be the
strengthening and key role of the UN’s Security Council in maintaining
international peace and security. And also ensuring that the UN is not used as a
cover for regime change and unilateral actions to resolve conflict situations.”
A joint BRICs bank was discussed with vigor. It would serve as an alternative to
central banks that abuse their power at the expense of nations worldwide. They
hope to replace the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. The
IMF and World Bank are alarmed by this move and highly disapprove of it.
This is not shocking, considering that the central banks play a game of printing fiat
that has no precious metals backing the paper.
Over 180 countries have signed onto the BRICs agreement as evidenced in their
declaration. While the global Elite still hold power over the G5 countries, the rest
of the world is standing up, severing their ties and making plans for a new world
without them.
GENEVA (Reuters) - A United Nations human rights investigator called on
Thursday for all states to declare a moratorium to prevent so-called "killer robots"
being deployed on the battlefield.
Christof Heyns, U.N. special rapporteur on executions, said that unmanned robotic
weapons systems with varying degrees of autonomy and deadliness were being
tested or used by the United States, Britain and Israel without debate on moraI and
legal issues.
"Moratoria are needed to prevent steps from being taken that may be difficult to
reverse later," Heyns said in a 22-page report on "lethal autonomous robotics", due
to be discussed at the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva on May 29.
"Their deployment may be unacceptable because no adequate system of legal
accountability can be devised and because robots should not have the power of life
and death over human beings."
Remotely-piloted drone aircraft, increasingly used to carry out targeted killings in
U.S. counterterrorism operations, are problematic in their own right, said Heyns, a
South African law professor serving in the independent expert post.
But adding robots to arsenals would bring a new dimension as they would take
targeting decisions themselves, which could "open an even larger Pandora's box",
he warned.
Technology is developing at an "exponential rate", but programs are shrouded in
secrecy, making it impossible to know how soon fully autonomous weapons might
be ready, he said.
Northrop Grumman and Samsung Techwin are among companies with robotic
systems being used or tested, Heyns said. Samsung security robots deployed in the
demilitarized zone between North and South Korea are operated by humans but
have an automatic mode, he said.
Based on current experience with drones - used by the U.S. military in hotspots
including Pakistan and Yemen - "there is reason to believe that states will, inter
alia, seek to use lethal autonomous robotics for targeted killing", Heyns said.
He welcomed a Pentagon directive last November recognizing the need for
domestic control of production and deployment of lethal autonomous robotics,
"imposing a form of moratorium".
Killer robots might be "pitted against people on foot", he said, while dismissing
backers who say that they offer the prospect of "riskless war" and "wars without
Referring to international humanitarian law that lays down the rules of war, he
questioned whether robots would be capable of complying with its requirements,
including the need to distinguish between civilians and combatants.
"It would be difficult for robots to establish, for example, whether someone is
wounded and hors de combat, and also whether soldiers are in the process of
surrendering," Heyns said.
"A further concern relates to the ability of robots to distinguish legal from illegal
orders", he added.
Campaigners including Nobel Laureate Jody Williams called in April for a ban on
machines with the ability to attack targets without any human intervention.
The U.S. Navy made aviation history on May 14 by launching an unmanned jet the X-47B stealth drone by Northrop Grumman - from an aircraft carrier for the
first time, taking an important step toward expanded use of drones.
Human Rights Watch, in its campaign against killer robots, cited the X-47B as one
of several weapons that represent a transition toward development of fully
autonomous arms.
(Reporting by Stephanie Nebehay; editing by Andrew Roche
Catalytic Hydrogen Production
While hydrogen is ubiquitous in the environment, producing and collecting
molecular hydrogen for transportation and industrial uses is expensive and
complicated. Just as importantly, a byproduct of most current methods of
producing hydrogen is carbon monoxide, which is toxic to humans and animals.
The Duke engineers, using a new catalytic approach, have shown in the laboratory
that they can reduce carbon monoxide levels to nearly zero in the presence of
hydrogen and the harmless byproducts of carbon dioxide and water. They also
demonstrated that they could produce hydrogen by reforming fuel at much lower
temperatures than conventional methods, which makes it a more practical option.
Catalysts are agents added to promote chemical reactions. In this case, the catalysts
were nanoparticle combinations of gold and iron oxide (rust), but not in the
traditional sense. Current methods depend on gold nanoparticles' ability to drive
the process as the sole catalyst, while the Duke researchers made both the iron
oxide and the gold the focus of the catalytic process.
The study appears online in the Journal of Catalysis.
The Duke researchers achieved these levels by switching the recipe for the
nanoparticles used as catalysts for the reactions to oxidize carbon monoxide in
hydrogen-rich gases. Traditional methods of cleaning hydrogen, which are not
nearly as efficient as this new approach, also involve gold-iron oxide nanoparticles
as the catalyst, the researchers said.
"It had been assumed that the iron oxide nanoparticles were only 'scaffolds' holding
the gold nanoparticles together, and that the gold was responsible for the chemical
reactions," Sodiya said. "However, we found that increasing the surface area of the
iron oxide dramatically increased the catalytic activity of the gold."
One of the newest approaches to producing renewable energy is the use of
biomass-derived alcohol-based sources, such as methanol. When methanol is
treated with steam, or reformed, it creates a hydrogen-rich mixture that can be used
in fuel cells.
"The main problem with this approach is that it also produces carbon monoxide,
which is not only toxic to life, but also quickly damages the catalyst on fuel cell
membranes that are crucial to the functioning of a fuel cell," Hotz said. "It doesn't
take much carbon monoxide to ruin these membranes."
The researchers ran the reaction for more than 200 hours and found no reduction in
the ability of the catalyst to reduce the amount of carbon monoxide in the hydrogen
"The mechanism for this is not exactly understood yet. However, while current
thinking is that the size of the gold particles is key, we believe the emphasis of
further research should focus on iron oxide's role in the process," Shodiya said.
Many were roundly criticized for daring to say that the Cyprus thefts could visit our
shores. If Treasury Secretary Jack Lew gets his way, Cyprus will look like a walk in the
park compared to what’s coming because Cyprus was a beta test for the massive theft
of private wealth which is on the horizon.
In fact, I would say to my fellow countrymen who don’t think the government would ever
perpetrate a fraud against the American people in which the government would oversee
the outright theft of personal assets of American citizens, you might want to jog your
memory and look about to a period of time going back four to five years in this country.
Short Term Memory Loss
I, too, was roundly criticized three months ago when I said the Cyprus scenario is
coming here. I was told there would be a revolution if this happened and the
government would be to afraid to try such a thing. I marvel at people who hold to such
naive beliefs. Listening to these people is like listening to a country song played
backwards. You know the wife does not leave, the truck still runs and the guy stops
drinking. Maybe it is all the fluoride in the water that is causing such widespread
ignorance and apathy.
First of all, our government is not the enemy. This is not the government we are dealing
with. We are battling organized crime in the form of corporations like Goldman Sachs
who have hijacked our government. They are lining up for the last great garage sale
before they collapse the economy and roll out martial law. There are forces lining up to
steal everything that you and I own. It has already begun but this country is so dumbed
down, we do not see that it has already started.
The Greatest Wealth Transfer In History
Hank Paulson Architect of the Bailouts
I am still haunted by the image of former head of the Goldman Sachs crime syndicate
and former Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson, telling a closed session of Congress that
if they did not grant Wall Street “bailouts” there will be martial law in the streets as a
result of the economy collapsing. Ask yourself, if almost five years later and three
bailouts later, are Americans better off having sacrificed the bailout money in lieu of
maintaining roads, improving schools as well as running the national debt through the
ceiling and destroying the financial heritage of our children?
History has spoken and our economy is spark away from a total melt down. Well at
least, our dumbed down neighbors are right about one thing, there will be a revolution,
but it will not be on our terms. It will take the form of a purge and a boot stomping on the
collective necks of America. What the hell do all of you think the Boston martial law
event was about? They wanted to see how all of you would respond to total tyranny.
Who are the bullets for?
Besides having a few cameras pointed at them by a few Bostonians, DHS completed
shut down and intimidated a major American city. Remember, that is why our Stasi
friends over at DHS have bought 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition and 2700 armored
personnel carriers.
And while America is recovering from its collective short term memory issues, let me
ask the readers if anyone else remembers MERS and the millions of homes they have
stolen through mortgage fraud and nobody, despite being caught in city after city, has
gone to jail? Do you remember hearing the stories where Mr. and Mrs. America would
pay cash for their home and own clearly own the title only to have the bank show up
with a fraudulent title and seize the home?Has ANYONE gone to jail for these crimes?
Who could ever forget, John “the Don” Corzine and his former company,
MF Global? MF Global, a shell corporation beholding to Goldman Sachs,
was led to the slaughter by the former Goldman Sachs executive and
former New Jersey Governor and senator, John Corzine. Corzine’s criminal
actions have directly victimized 150,000 Americans by stealing an
estimated $900 million dollars of his clients’ money from their supposedly
secure private account. There is also another $600 million missing dollars
from MF Global. Meanwhile, Corzine avoids sharing a prison cell with
Bernie Madoff by purchasing a “get-out-of-jail card” through the
sponsorship of a $35,000 per plate fundraiser for that great Wall Street
puppet and Criminal-In-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama.
What are the government watch dogs doing to protect our money from this
new generation of robber barons? The short answer is that the feds are
partners with Goldman Sachs in this monumental violation of the public
trust. In fact, Goldman Sachs and friends have taken over the government.
Take Gary Gensler, a former Goldman Sachs executive partner, who like
so many other Goldman Sachs gangsters, have been placed into key
governmental oversight positions in order to protect the Goldman Sachs
co-conspirators, from prosecution, as they continue their reign of terror
upon the global economy. Gary “the gangster” Gensler is the former
Undersecretary of the Treasury (1999-2001) and Assistant Secretary of the
Treasury (1997-1999) and the current director of the Commodity Futures
Trading Commission. In his present position, Gensler had the authority to
go after Corzine for his role in the MF Global debacle and order restitution.
However, Gensler has decided to protect a fellow member of the Goldman
Sachs Mafia by not looking into the massive fraud and theft by Corzine and
his cronies. Your tax dollars, paying the salary of federal officials who are
overseeing the most massive illegal private transfer of wealth, in the history
of the planet, payable to Goldman Sachs and their criminal enterprise
partners on Wall Street.
You may not be one of the 150,000 Goldman Sachs/MF Global victims.
However, this Robin Hood-in-reverse-scenario, in which the criminal super
rich are plundering what’s left of the middle class, will soon be visited upon
your bank account , your home mortgages and your pensions. These
criminal banksters are in the process of stealing it all and what are you
going to do about it? Our nation of entrenched sheeple will do nothing as
most have not even heard about it. And the fun is just beginning.
The Latest In Stealing From the American People
The Treasury Department once again is taking federal retirement programs to buy the
government more time to increase the nation’s debt ceiling. And why does the
government need to raise the debt ceiling? The debt ceiling must be raised for two
reasons, (1) in order to fund the banker-inspired wars of occupation and, (2) to continue
to fund the largest wealth transfer in history, the bailouts. And just who is behind this
nonsense? The very close friends of Goldman Sachs over at Citigroup and they have
their henchman in charge of the continuing rape of America by Wall Street, Treasury
Secretary Jack Lew. Let me be clear, and Lew you can sue me if this not true, that it is a
fact that Obama appointed one of the criminals who had a major hand in bringing down
the economy to run the country’s finances.
While at Citigroup, Lew oversaw 113 tax evading accounts in Cayman Island banks.
Based upon Lew’s resume, hedge funds for Citigroup where he lost almost 600 million
dollars, one can only assume that is why Obama has appointed Lew to finish the job
which will leave you and I with nothing.
Oh, I know there would be a revolution if the government ever dared take our
retirements. At least the citizens of Greece rioted because they understand what
happened. Our sheeple still hide behind the security blanket belief that “they would
never do that,” just like they did in Boston and just investors tolerated theft by MF Global
on behalf of JP Morgan.
Jack’s Very Lewd Background
Lew, from Citigroup, as I stated, was an overseer of hedge funds. You know, the hedge
funds originating from the actual criminals that collapsed the economy in 2008. This is
who Obama selected to run the economy. So, why does this bear repeating?
Last Friday, Lew announced that the government was taking the unprecedented action
of avoiding governmental default through this summer by including tapping into and
suspending investments into the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund and
halting the daily reinvestment of the government securities (G) fund, the most stable
offering in the Thrift Savings Plan‘s portfolio.
We have long heard that bankers that have hijacked the government would commence
stealing our private wealth through the pension funds and this is exactly what the chief
bankster, Jack Lew, is implementing. The next step will be to seize bank accounts, like
they did in Cyprus and then step up the MERS mortgage fraud as as the Federal
Reserve continues to purchase $40 billion dollars in Mortgage Backed Securities every
The G Fund is invested in interest-bearing Treasury securities (i.e. bonds) that make up
the public debt. The Civil Service Retirement Fund finances benefit payments under the
Civil Service Retirement System and the basic retirement annuity of the Federal
Employees’ Retirement System, and those investments are made up of securities also
considered part of the public debt. In other words, for you people who have cushy
federal government jobs, Lew is telling you that the government controls your
retirement. They own it and they own you. And you people who thought serving the New
World Order was a such a good idea, are you reconsidering your loyalties now?
Military and law enforcement personnel take note on how you will be treated for your
subjugation of the American people, followed by the total obliteration of the Constitution.
The government says they are just borrowing the money. How much of the bailout
money has been paid back by the banks? Is MERS still in existence? Does Corzine
occupy a cell next to Bernie “Madoff with all of your money”?
Iceland Had a Better Idea
Iceland had the right idea when they threw bankers like Gensler, Corzine and Lew in
prison for their crimes against their fellow citizens. Iceland struggled for five years and is
back stronger than ever. We should have told Wall Street to go to hell in 2008. We
should have already arrested the CEO’s of the six megabanks which created MERS.
The aforementioned bankers should already be in prison. However, people in Iceland
have a better awareness of how the world works.
America knows how American Idol works.
Martial Law Will Commence When the Banksters Are Done Stealing
There are two parallel paths which are predictive as to when martial law will commence
in the United States. First, the right political climate must exist and this administration
obviously feels that the use of false flags is the most efficient method of achieving the
proper pretext for martial law. Also, martial law will commence when the banksters are
done looting America. When they have seized your bank accounts, your social security
funds, your home mortgages, your pensions and your 401K’s, then, and only then will
they roll out martial law.
I know there are some readers who are two steps ahead of me on where this is going
and what we should do. The resistance needs to start right now. America needs to
totally withdraw from their financial and corporate entities in strategies which I will
discuss in future articles.
18 thoughts on “The Government Theft of Retirement Accounts Has Begun”
1. Ranger May 22, 2013 at 9:19 am
Although this information is as important as your heartbeating, it will not
make a difference in their agenda.
The American Public are completely melted down. There is no thought
process whatsoever, and they only parrot the rhetoric talking points that they
are fed from the celebrity teleprompter story readers the public call news
Sadly, the USA has been infiltrated, coup de tat’d, and fully taken over. The
agenda of the banksters and oligarchs has come to fruition and is nearly
The only hope, and it is the only hope, where America even has a chance to
recover to a Contitutional Republic, and not continue on to the Fascist Police
State it is, is if the Military Men and Women take a stand and honor the
Constitution, and arrest the culprits. But, I truly belive I’ll see unicorns and
pigs fly before that happens.
2. David May 22, 2013 at 10:37 am
I really, really like the way you are able to lay out your topics of discussion.
They are informative and easy to read and understand. You are right! The
only way to kill this beast is to starve it to death. Middle class America has
to realize that for us to effect any real change that we will have to be
inconvenienced. Iceland had to do it and their time of inconvenience is
dwindling down. Five short years of “stepping out of their comfort zone”and
they have forced enough change to see light at the end of the tunnel.
3. Ty Davis May 22, 2013 at 2:14 pm
Even when the Goldman Sachs branch of the government starts taking our
money, the American people still wont believe it and just allow it to happen.
People who do speak out will be vilified and marched off to interment
I have long given up on the American People.
4. Kenzob Breaze May 22, 2013 at 2:25 pm
Just research Treasury Secretary Jack Lew’s training educational
background and you’ll find the true source of his loyalty.
5. arizona May 22, 2013 at 2:47 pm
AMERICANS will have their head sticking through the HOLE in the
GULLOTINE,at the fema death camps before they realize theres a
problem,and you can take that to the
6. arizona May 22, 2013 at 2:50 pm
THE LORD said HE’S going to send a final warning to everyone,and all
will see it,IF they don’t repent,destruction will
Empty your bank accounts now- at least 80%.
Pay off mortgages.
Pay off debts.
Don’t give up ANY guns to any government if you have them. Ignore their
unlawful gun laws.
Other than that- I’m out of ideas?
If you have at least a pea-sized brain, then you understand that the
government and especially, ALL financial institutions are under NO
obligation to do the “right” thing at any time. They can steal money, and
laws will be passed that protect them. As long as bankers let people “elect”
the politicians the bankers “pre-select” for them to vote on ….. expect more
theft to occur in the future.
Trillions and trillions are flowing through the fingers of the wealthy and
powerful every day. Their goal is to steal all the wealth from all the accounts
of the common person. Congress will give them the power and rights to
simply rename the personal accounts of citizens all to the bank’s owners. So
what is anybody going to do about that? Nothing. Because it will all be done
legally. So, if you have your money in a bank….consider it stolen as of now.
If you don’t have it in your hand then, someone else owns it. Do you give
your wallet to strangers to hold? Then why do you give it to unknown
7. Brandon May 23, 2013 at 3:44 am
We are entering dark times. I know many of us have been warning about this
type of thing for years. Only back then we were completely laughed at. Now
I do not seem to hear the laughter so much. Yet, most people still sleep. To
be honest, most people know about some of these things but they shed them
quickly from their mind. They would rather focus on their family and what
is for dinner than the impending doom. If we all could work together and
turn back to God as a country this could all be avoided but that will not
8. Dirk
Maj. Gen. Amir Eshel said Wednesday that if Israel were to be caught up in a
sudden war with Syria, it would have only days to resolve it. At a lecture in
Herzliya, the air force chief said: “This is a war we can win, but only with massive
firepower.” However carefully we protect the civilian population, our home front
cannot escape harm, he said. The general reported that Russian S-300 anti-air
missiles were on their way to Syria.
Israel Tells Russia They Will Wipe Out Syria If Assad Attacks
A ruinous heap
“The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and
it shall be a ruinous heap.” Isaiah 17:1
Israel has warned Damascus that if President Assad chooses to hit back at Israel for
any further Israeli military strikes, Israel will bring down his regime.
What’s Going on with Israel and other world leaders?
An Israeli official confirmed Wednesday night that a dramatic and unprecedented
message to this effect had been conveyed to Damascus, Channel 2 news reported.
The report said that Israel’s position to this effect also came up during Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s emergency meeting in Russia on Tuesday with
President Vladimir Putin, during which Netanyahu also told Putin of Israel’s
profound opposition to Russia’s sale of sophisticated S-300 missile defense
batteries to Assad.
The warning came hours after mortar shells hit the Mount Hermon areafor the first
time in the two-year Syrian civil war, and as Arabic newspapers reported talk of
Hezbollah opening “a new front” against Israel on the Golan Heights.
Syria vowed last week to respond “immediately and harshly” to any further Israeli
airstrikes, after Israel carried out two early morning attacks earlier this month on
weapons consignments being stored in and around Damascus en route from Iran to
Hezbollah in Lebanon. The shipments contained highly sophisticated Fateh-110
Confirmation of Israel’s warning to Assad came soon after the New York Times
quoted an Israeli official issuing the same threat. The New York Times said Israel
was “considering further military strikes on Syria to stop the transfer of advanced
weapons to Islamic militants,” and that an unnamed Israeli official had contacted
the paper to warn: “Israel is determined to continue to prevent the transfer of
advanced weapons to Hezbollah. The transfer of such weapons to Hezbollah will
destabilize and endanger the entire region. If Syrian President Assad reacts by
attacking Israel, or tries to strike Israel through his terrorist proxies, he will risk
forfeiting his regime, for Israel will retaliate.”
“Israel will continue its policy of interdicting attempts to strengthen Hezbollah, but
will not intercede in the Syrian civil war as long as Assad desists from direct or
indirect attacks against Israel.”
The New York Times report speculated that Israel “could be trying to restrain
Syria’s behavior without undertaking further military action, or alerting the
international community to another strike. That would ratchet up the tension in an
already fraught situation in Syria, where a civil war has been raging for more than
two years.”
Channel 2 on Wednesday night showed satellite images of what it said was a
surgical strike, reportedly carried out by Israel at Damascus airport to target the
Iranian missile consignments. It showed before and after pictures of specific
buildings that had been blown up, while neighboring buildings remained intact.
Israel has not formally confirmed either of this month’s attacks.
Channel 2 said Netanyahu had made clear to Putin — as he also had in recent
conversations with US President Barack Obama and the Chinese leadership — that
Israel would hold to its “red lines” as related to Syria, which included preventing
the transfer of sophisticated weaponry to Hezbollah and other rogue organizations.
source – Times Of Israel
Surprise War Coming? No Surprise.
JERUSALEM, Israel -- Israel could be in for a surprise war, Israel's air force chief
Maj.-Gen. Amir Eshel warned.
Eshel's comments come as tensions are increasing along the Israeli-Syrian border.
Eeshel says the threat of a sudden war erupting on multiple fronts is much more
relevant today.
Syria has invested in the "best air defenses it could buy," Israel's air force chief
said on Wednesday. That could embolden Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to do
things he might not have done in the past.
And if the regime collapses tomorrow, those weapons could be dispersed and
pointed at Israel, he said, which means a surprise war could take many forms.
Eshel is just one of the latest Israeli military leaders warning of the possibility of a
sudden or multi-front war.
Rove: Obama 'Directly' Involved in Benghazi Lie; Scandals 'Corrosive'
Wednesday, 22 May 2013 07:34 PM
By Todd Beamon and Kathleen Walter
“This stuff is only starting to seep in,” Rove adds. “It will take a while for these
things to sort of sink in. I am not surprised that it hasn’t begun to impact his job
approval just yet.”
Rove, who also served as deputy chief of staff in the Bush White House, is a Fox
News analyst. His latest book is ‘Courage and Consequence: My Life as a
Conservative in the Fight.”
Most troubling for Rove is how the Obama administration has grossly mismanaged
the information — before and after — surrounding the attacks on the U.S.
consulate in Libya, which killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other
“The West Wing was complicit in the Benghazi lie,” Rove declares to Newsmax.
“And, look, I believe that, ultimately, the president is responsible for setting the
He noted how U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice went on five Sunday morning talks
shows five days after the attacks — working from talking points that were heavily
edited largely at the request of the State Department — and said that the assaults
began as a peaceful protest against an anti-Muslim film that was later “hijacked”
by militants.
“You don’t send out Susan Rice to go on five Sunday morning talk programs
unless somebody in the West Wing has said, ‘Let's send her out’ — and somebody
in the West Wing has said this is what she needs to say or said, ‘O.K., that's an
interesting idea. You ought to go ahead and say that.’”
He says that the controversies — which also include the targeting of tea party and
conservative groups by the Internal Revenue Service and the recent secret seizure
of telephone records of editors and reporters at The Associated Press — point to a
haughty commander in chief.
“I do see an arrogance, a belief that the rules somehow don't apply to him — that
the norms that other presidents have abided by should not be respected and that he
is free to do something that he would criticize in others,” Rove said.
“Do you believe that if the Bush administration had gone after The New York
Times in the same fashion that President Obama went after the AP and Fox News
that then-Senator Obama would not have been on the floor of the Senate raising
hell? Of course he would have.
“There's lots of things that he has done that are inappropriate.”
But the most egregious will always be Benghazi, Rove says.
“This involves the president himself,” he declares to Newsmax. “He is the
commander in chief, and at 4:08 p.m. on the afternoon on Sept. 11 in Washington,
our government received word that attack was underway on our diplomatic facility
in Benghazi.
“At 5 p.m., the president was told about this by the Secretary of Defense [Leon
Panetta] and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff [Gen. Martin Dempsey], who
were in the office for a half-hour meeting on another subject.
“The president ordered them to deploy whatever forces were necessary,” Rove
adds. “They later testified that was the last contact they had with the president that
night — and we now know that no forces were deployed.
“The president didn't say: ‘I'm going to pick up the phone and call the president of
Libya and say: Our facility's under attack. You have an international responsibility
to protect our people. What are you doing?’ He talks to him for the first time ever
the next morning to say thank you for returning the body of our dead ambassador.
“This is unacceptable,” Rove continues. “Where was the president? What was he
doing? Who concocted this lie that was told to the American people? We know
that it's a total, complete fabrication, a lie — and we still don’t know who was the
person who authored that and told her to go say that?
“It's somebody sitting in the West Wing of the White House — and their
motivation was to protect the president against criticism that the war on terror was
not over and that this was a terrorist attack.”
In his wide-ranging exclusive Newsmax interview, Rove also says:
His American Crossroads super PAC has applied to the Internal Revenue
Service for nonprofit status “and three years later, that process has not ended
for us.”
The Justice Department “picked James Rosen out and tried to make an
example of him” when it obtained a warrant to gain access to the Fox News
reporter’s telephone records and emails in a 2009 probe of a former State
Department contractor who later was charged with disclosing national
defense information.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will be “a serious contender”
should she run for president in 2016. But “my head says she runs; my gut
says she doesn’t.”
"Congress . . . can actually hold you in contempt and put you in the Congressional
Lerner, grilled Wednesday on the IRS' targeting of conservative organizations,
invoked her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination — but not before
insisting "I have done nothing wrong."
Her brief statement of innocence has opened a legal Pandora's Box, according to
"You can't simply make statements about a subject and then plead the Fifth in
response to questions about the very same subject," the renowned Harvard Law
professor said.
"Once you open the door to an area of inquiry, you have waived your Fifth
Amendment right . . . you've waived your self-incrimination right on that subject
He said the fact that Lerner went ahead with her proclamation of could be
considered malpractice on the part of her attorney — although it's possible she
overruled the advice she received.
"It should never have been allowed. She should have been told by her attorney that
the law is clear, that once you open up an area of inquiry for interrogation, you
have to respond," he said.
"Now she may have made a political decision that it's worth it to take the risk . . .
That's just not the way the law works. It may be the way politics works . . . but she
can't invoke the Fifth."
He said the issue goes back to the "bad old days" of McCarthyism, during hearings
in which suspected Communists were grilled by the House on American Activities
Committee and Senate committees.
"[They] tried to trap people by saying, look, you're a Fifth Amendment communist,
you won't answer any questions," he said.
"And the people would say we'd love to answer your questions but we can't
because if we do, we waive [our rights] and then you'll ask us who our friends are
and who else was a member of the Communist Party . . .
"The law is as clear as could be, that once you open up an area of inquiry, you can't
shut off the spigot – that's the metaphor that the Supreme Court has used."
Wars R Us Update
The US government has been scheming on how to provide for continuity of
government for many decades now. According to an US veteran informant who
claims to be an ex-marine and worked on portions the contingency plans known as
Rex 84, civil unrest will come after a financial collapse.
The Readiness Exercise 1984, a.k.a. Rex 84, outlines continuity of government
wherein the US Constitution is suspended, martial law is declared and the US
military command take over state and local governments in order to ensure
stabilization of our nation at any cost. Any American who is deemed a “national
security threat” would be detained in an interment or FEMA camp.
The author of Rex 84 was Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North, National Security
Council (NSC) White House aids and NSC liaison to FEMA.
Rex 84 is the plan; the triggers are a series of executive orders . It is the continuity
of government under specific contingency strategies that are laid out in various
operations guide manuals. Operation Garden Plot is a subprogram of Rex 84.
Twice before, Rex 84 was implemented – during the LA riots and on 9/11. In these
scenarios, only small portions of the entire set of documents were used. Within the
series of contingency plans, implementation of them depends on the severity of the
Some of the plans include internment camps where all or portions of the active or
inactive military bases would be transformed into work camps where all
considered to be dissonant would be held. The NORTHCOM army manuals clearly
state that NATO forces will be used in every phase of the operation.
According to the informant, procedures to move conventional, chemical and
nuclear bombs across the nation without detection have been facilitated without
notice by the US military.
Back in 1986, during his military service where he was involved with weapons
transportation, the informant describes how an unmarked refrigerated trailer driven
by a civilian driver was used to transport chemical or conventional weapons to
various strategic bases both above and underground.
The informant said he was a specialist in aviation deployed weapons, which made
him the perfect candidate to the assignment of weapons transportation.
The refrigerated truck, allocated by the administration department on base, was
directed to the commissary, where the unsuspecting driver believed that he was
transporting food. The weapon was placed at the head of the trailer, and covered up
with either food stores (like cans of soup) or body bags. In the event that the truck
is stopped en route, the weapon would be well hidden and go undetected by
inspectors on the public highways.
A US Marine Corp bill of lading was the paperwork necessary to move the
commercial refrigerated truck through weigh stations on public highways without
any question. the informant remembers that there was not one incident where he
had to enact any security measures to ensure the delivery was made.
The informant, who was assigned to ride in the cab of the truck with the driver,
says that his orders were to make sure the truck arrived at its destination. He was
informed by his superiors that if there were problems concerning potential civil
unrest, he was to radio into his superiors for aid by either air or ground support.
Should the situation warrant serious attention; crowd control methods would be
One possible scenario was the use of cluster bomb units (CBUs) that will emit
upon detonation, a “sleep and kill” chemical weapon that will not disturb
infrastructure, but is lethal to all living things within the effected zone. Santilli
describes these particular 3 unit CBUs as shaped like water-heaters with a coned
top and plunger-like device. Once deployed in the air, a parachute assists these
CBUs to the targeted area. And when detonated, a deadly chemical gas will kill
every human and animal in the specified cordoned area.
This is just one example, says Santilli, as to the lengths the US armed forces are
trained to make sure continuity of government is preserved.
The informant explained that the use of foreign troops on US soil, as described in
Rex 84 and other subsequent manuals, would have a two-fold purpose. Firstly, to
provide extra security in designated areas, cities or highways; and secondly, as
scapegoats were violent action used against American citizens should the US
military be directed to attack civilians.
The refrigerated truck, carrying the chemical or conventional weapon with Santilli
riding shotgun travelled to underground bases like the one at Yuma Proving
Ground which is a ammunitions testing range for pilots. Nestled underneath the
ground is a secret military base.
The informant explains that his knowledge of Rex 84 provides that within the
document, one of the scenarios that would cause a complete suspension of the US
Constitution, Bill of Rights and implement martial law would be a financial
collapse. He says once the collapse occurs, the US government and defense
agencies estimate they have a 72 hour window to activate all procedures to ensure
continuity of government as well as a lockdown of the general population as
civilian unrest, riots and outbreaks of violence are anticipated.
A source in the Deutsche Bank claims that in 2008 our financial and monetary
system completely collapsed and since that time the banking cartels have been
“propping up the system” to make it appear as if everything was fine. In reality our
stock market and monetary systems are fake; meaning that there is nothing holding
them in place except the illusion that they have stabilized since the Stock Market
Crash nearly 5 years ago.
Since this time, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in conjunction with
FEMA and other federal agencies have been quickly working to set in place their
directives of control under a silent martial law.
The Deutsche Bank informant says that the cause for the bailout of the banks was a
large sum of cash needed quickly to repay China who had purchased large
quantities of mortgage-backed securities that went belly-up when the global scam
was realized. When China realized that they had been duped into buying worthless
securitized loans which would never be repaid, they demanded the actual property
instead. The Chinese were prepared to send their “people” to American shores to
seize property as allocated to them through the securitized loan contracts.
To stave this off, the American taxpayers were coerced by former President Bush
and former US Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson. During that incident, the US
Senate was told emphatically that they had to approve a $700 million bailout or
else martial law would be implemented immediately. That money was funneled
through the Federal Reserve Bank and wired to China, as well as other countries
that were demanding repayment for the fraudulent securitizations.
To further avert financial catastrophe, as well as more debt or property seizure
threats by the Chinese, the Euro was imploded there by plunging most of the
European countries into an insurmountable free-fall for which they were never
intended to recover.
All the money that those banks claimed they needed to avert collapse was also sent
to the Chinese to add to the trillions of dollars lost during the burst of the housing
bubble on the global market.
The only saving grace has been the US dollar being the global reserve currency.
However, now this prop is showing signs of wear as foreign nations like China,
Russia, India and Iran are dealing in gold as currency and purchasing gold on the
market at an exponential rate.
In 1970, Henry Kissinger made a deal with the Saudi Arabian government that
American debt would be purchased in exchange for cheap oil. Since then Iran has
taken control over the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
by their use of gold as currency which has threatened the direct value of the US
dollar as the global reserve currency.
This scenario with Iran coupled with the massive leaps forward in US military
presence on American streets and the emergence of FEMA camps across the nation
pose an obvious turn of events and explains exactly why we are witnessing the
silent implementation of martial law.
The war with Iran has to do with gold, its use as currency and its exposure of the
central banking cartel’s lack of gold which defines a fiat currency’s worth. And
right now, the US dollar is absolutely worthless.
The Deutsche Bank informant says that the financial collapse that happened in
2008 will be realized here in America very soon. Once that happens, there must be
full implementation of marital law to control the potential riots and control over
citizens that will be desperate to feed their families.
The attacks of recent on the 2nd Amendment play a significant role in attempting
“amicably” to remove the possibility of civilian retaliation against the US
military’s presence throughout the nation. However, if they cannot remove the
guns from our hands in time, they will continue on with the guidelines set out in
Rex 84 with directives to kill any dissenters that refuse to obey.
Guess What? IRS Admits Taxes are Voluntary
Steve Miller, former Director of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), admitted at a
Congressional hearing that the taxes collected by the IRS are not mandatory – but
When questioned at the House Ways and Means Committee (WMC) hearing last
week, Miller told House Representative Devin Nunes that “America’s tax system
is ‘voluntary’”. When Nunes remarked for clarification that the US tax code is a
“voluntary system”, Miller said, “Agreed.”
House Representative Xavier Becerra commented that the ruse of the IRS is kept
as a public confidence in the system scheme to keep Americans paying money to
the IRS.
Miller confirmed this is so.
The shuffle at the IRS has landed Danny Werfel as the new acting director.
As his first message to those employed at the IRS, Werfel said that amid the
mistrust of the public brewing against the organization, it is the mission of all
employees to “help America’s taxpayers understand and meet their tax
Werfel invoked the tragedy at Oklahoma to coerce his underlings into believing
that they are doing a great work. He said: “. . . as the nation comes together to
support the victims of the devastating tornados in Oklahoma, we should all feel a
sense of pride that IRS is actively supporting the recovery effort and doing our part
to help.”
President Obama anointed Werfel as a replacement for Miller who was asked to
resign just a month before his term as acting director of the IRS was complete.
Werfel has a history working for the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
and an analyst for the Department of Justice (DoJ). Obama describes Werfel as
having “proven an effective leader who serves with professionalism, integrity and
Senator Orin Hatch commented on Obama’s choice of putting a businessman in
place at the IRS: “If I was the president I would find the very best businessman I
possibly could who’d be willing to take it over and have the authority to be able to
straighten the mess out. I don’t know whether Werfel has that kind of dimension or
not, but I hope he does.”
Lois Lerner, director of the Tax-Exempt division at the IRS during the targeting of
Patriot groups refused to speak to the House Oversight and Government Reform
Committee, claiming her right of the 5th Amendment.
William Taylor III, attorney for Lerner, requested in a letter that preceded her
arrival, asking the OGRC that she be allowed to refrain from appearing before the
committee. Taylor claimed that be forcing Lerner, it “would have no purpose other
than to embarrass or burden her.”
The OGRC wanted Lerner to comment as to why she provided incomplete data to
the DoJ during their investigation of the discriminatory targeting of Patriot groups;
asserting that she was either fully or partially to blame for the unlawful activity.
This week, when Lerner did show up at the hearing before the OGRC, she
emphatically claimed: “I have not done anything wrong. I have not broken any
laws. I have not violated any IRS rules or regulations. And I have not provided
false information to this or any other congressional committee.”
House Representative Trey Gowdy told the committee that since Lerner made a
statement at the hearing, “she just waived her Fifth Amendment right to privilege.
You don’t get to tell your side of the story and then not be subjected to cross
examination. That’s not the way it works. She waived her Fifth Amendment
privilege by issuing an open statement. She ought to stand here and answer our
According to sources , the employees that were directed to target Patriot groups
had different upper management to answer to; therefore muddying up the chain of
command and further convoluting how to calculate who is actually responsible for
disseminating the directive.
With these new assertions, the original story of rouge employees targeting Patriot
groups without being told to do so is making less and less sense.
Since it is policy that if a tax-exempt application is not processed within 270 days
it causes an internal “red flag” that draws attention and explanation, these
applications should have been dealt with within that time frame automatically.
In Cincinnati, Ohio, the directive to target Patriot groups has been linked back to
Cindy Thomas, program manager of the Tax Exempt division of the Cincinnati
Further refusals of cooperation have manifest with the IRS refusing to produce
documents requested by MWC chairman Dave Camp and Sander Levin. Earlier
this month Camp and Levin wrote to the IRS requesting records of all
communications between the IRS and the US Treasury so assist in understanding
the discrimination of Patriot groups.
The scandal is unraveling onto itself which is why there is talk that a special
prosecutor will be employed to independently review the evidence and piece
together the actual timeline of what happened and identify who was involved and
at what level.
InvestmentNews, the newspaper of record for America’s 90,000 professional
investment advisers, “3% annual GDP growth is history.”
Here’s why you better be preparing today for a crash dead ahead. As Pimco’s Bill
Gross warned in his recent newsletter: “You’re going to lose money investing ...
because the central banks say so.” That’s right, this is a Fed-driven rally. Soon the
Fed will be forced to stop printing cheap money.
No spending spree; Obama’s new Fed Chair has to raise rates
Here’s the alternative “Dr. Doom’s August scenario:” Aging bull market. Fifth
year. Markets at risk. Down soon. August. Will Obama reappoint Bernanke again?
No way. But who? New blood? Shake things up with Wall Street mastermind
Mayor Michael Bloomberg? After more than two decades of
Greenspan/Bernanke’s misguided, destructive monetary policies, America could
use a guy like him at this crucial turning point.
But expect a safe bet. Obama favors a woman. The high rollers are already betting
on Janet Yellen, vice chairman of the Fed, long-time monetary insider. Former San
Francisco Federal Reserve Bank CEO. Also chairman of Clinton’s Council of
Economic Advisers.
But watch out, even a sure bet can misjudge hidden dangers lurking ahead of a
Titanic like the $15 trillion U.S. economy. As the Wall Street Journal’s Matt Wirz
wrote in March:
The Fed “won’t be able to keep a lid on interest rates forever.” So “large money
managers such as BlackRock, TCW Group and Pimco are getting ready for the day
when rates take their first turn higher. It isn’t coming anytime soon, these investors
say. But when it does, they worry, the ascent will be swift and steep.”
Get defensive now, start preparing for a crash ... later is too late
Get it? Rates will go up. Way up. Very fast. And America’s 95 million Main Street
investors will be unprepared. Markets will crash. Like 1994’s 24% bond crash after
Fed rate increases, notes Wirz.
The big players say the crash “won’t happen soon.” Don’t believe them. They’re
betting with trillions. And they are hedging their bets, already preparing for “when
rates take their first turn higher,” because rates will soar “swift and steep,” and
when that happens it will be too late to prepare.
“Dr. Doom,” the economist Nouriel Roubini is also hedging his bet, misleading
investors, telling us to expect a “huge rally in risky assets” the next couple years
“setting markets up for a major sell-off.”
Warning, a crash is more likely to happen in August 2013 than in 2015 when the
next presidential election campaign is kicking into high gear. So start preparing for
a crash when the new Fed chairman ends cheap money.