Book 3 Unit 10

Integrated English -3
Unit Ten
The Wonderful Lousy Poems
Questions for general understanding
What type of writing is this text?
What’s the text about?
What do we know about the author?
How do you understand the title?
How many parts can we divide the text
into? What are they?
It’s a story about the author’s past experience:
he wrote his first poem when he was 8 or 9
years old. His mother gave an affirmative
response to the poem while his father totally
rejected the same poem.
The story is narrated in a chronological order,
from the author’s point of view, in the tone of
recollections of the past.
The narration is interspersed (dotted) with
comments. For example, he makes a comment of
two kinds of forces in love: the father’s force
(the force to caution) and the mother’s force
(the force to encourage), both of which he later
realizes are important to his growth.
Title: The Wonderful Lousy Poems
Text Comprehension I (p. 145)
The poem the author tried was praised by
his mother as “wonderful”, and was
reprimanded by his father as “lousy”,
which was quite beyond his expectation.
Text structure
3 parts
Part I (Para. 1-6)
Beginning of the story: Budd wrote his first poem which is
highly praised by his mother and was now expecting his
father’s arrival in excitement, for he was sure his father
would appreciate his wonderful poem more than his
Part II (Para. 7-20)
Development of the story: Budd’s father came home, and
beyond his expectations, the poem was denounced as
Part III (Para. 21-24)
A comment of two kinds of forces in love: the father’s
love and the mother’s love, both of which are
indispensable to his growth.
Part I –Introduction
1. What do we know about the author’s
father and mother?
2. What was his mother’s attitude to
Budd’s poem?
3. Why did his mother take such an
attitude to Budd’s poem ?
4. What’s Budd’s reaction to mother’s
Part I
1. What do we know about the author’s
father and mother?
Language work
1. exuberant:
(1) (of people and their behavior)
overflowing with life and cheerful
excitement 兴高采烈的,活跃的
His paintings were full of exuberant color.
(2) (of plants) growing strongly and
plentifully 繁茂的
the exuberant growth of a tropical rain forest
(fig 比喻) an exuberant imagination 丰富的想
Sentences -1
“Buddy, you didn’t really write this
beautiful, beautiful poem!” (Para.3)
Hasn’t she grown! (=She has grown a lot!)
Pour out
1 If you pour out a drink, you put some
of it in a cup or glass.
Larry was pouring out four glasses of
2 If you pour out your thoughts, feelings,
or experiences, you tell someone all about
I poured my thoughts out on paper in an
attempt to rationalize my feelings.
2. nothing short of :
-- (used to add force to a statement)
nothing less than; as good as
简直可以说是, 几乎是
The closure of the factory will be nothing
short of disaster / disastrous for the people in
the area.
3. glow:
(1) to give out heat and / or soft light
without flames or smoke 发出光和热
The iron bar was heated until it glowed.
The cat’s eyes glowed in the darkness.
(2) ( + with) to show redness and heat,
especially in the face, e.g., after hard
work or because of strong feelings发红,
She was glowing with health and happiness.
She glowed with pride at her son’s
4. flourish
1. a showy movement or manner that
draws people’s attention to someone
He opened the door for her with a flourish.
2 flowing curve, esp in handwriting or
decoration 流畅的曲线(尤指书法或装饰
5. elaborate:
-- full of detail; carefully worked out and
with a large number of parts详尽而复杂的;
She made elaborate preparations for the
party, and then no one came.
The curtains had an elaborate pattern of
6. do justice to:
-- to treat in a fair or proper way; to get
the best results from对(人)作公道的评论;
She cooked a delicious dinner, but we
couldn’t really do it justice (=eat enough of it)
because we’d eaten too much already.
What painter could do justice to those
beautiful eyes?
Part I –Introduction
1. What do we know about the author’s
father and mother?
2. What was his mother’s attitude to
Budd’s poem?
3. Why did his mother take such an
attitude to Budd’s poem ?
4. What’s Budd’s reaction to mother’s
2. What was his mother’s attitude to Budd’s
Positive and affirmative.
“Buddy, you didn’t really write this
beautiful, beautiful poem!”
…began to cry
…poured out her welcome praise
Why, this poem was nothing short of genius
2. Why did his mother take such an attitude
to Budd’s poem?
It is the first time for Budd to try on a
poem. His mother showed incredible
excitement to his poem because she
wanted to encourage the son to go on with
writing. She did not want to nip his talent
in the bud.
nip sth in the bud stop or destroy sth at an
early stage in its development 将某事物阻止或消
She wanted to be an actress, but her father soon
nipped that idea in the bud.
她想当演员, 但她父亲一知道这个想法就阻止住了.
3. What’s Budd’s reaction to mother’s praise?
He was proud-bursting and was eager to be
praised by his father too.
Shyly, proud-bursting, I stammered that I had.
I could hardly wait to show him what I had
I spent the best part of that afternoon
preparing for his arrival.
…finest flourish
…draw an elaborate border around the poem with
colored crayons
How did Budd feel while waiting for his
father’s arrival?
Anxious, confident, excited, fidgety, expectant…
Part II – development
1. In which moods was Father when he
showed up?
2. What was his father’s response to
Budd’s poem? How was that different
from his mother’s?
3. What kind of man was his father?
7. burst in:
-- to enter (a room, etc.) suddenly 闯入,
The police burst in (through the door) and
arrested the gang.
I just had a chance to speak, when my son
burst in.
8. circle:
(1) to move in a circle, especially in the
air (about / around / round) (over
somebody / something)
vultures circling (around) over a dead animal
(2) to move in or form a circle round
(somebody / something)
The plane circled the airport before landing.
The moon circles the earth every 28 days.
call down
formal to ask for someone, especially a
god, to make something unpleasant
happen to someone or something
call down something on/upon
He called down vengeance on them.
It's no use calling down the wrath of God on
the heads of your enemies; something more
will be necessary to defeat them.
9. oath:
(1) (words used in making) a solemn promise to
do something or solemn declaration that
something is true (usually appealing to God, etc.
as a witness) 誓言,宣誓
Servicemen have to swear an oath of loyalty to
their country.
(2) casual and improper use of the name of God,
etc. to express anger, surprise, etc.; swear-word
He was shouting out oaths as they led him away.
be on/under oath 宣誓说实话、不做伪证
10. glamorous
-- attractive, charming, exciting富有魅力/迷人的
Young people tend to make a fetish of glamorous
stars in sports and entertainment circles
glamour n.
-- attractive or exciting quality which sb / sth has, and
which seems out of reach to others 魅力,迷人的力量
 hopeful young actors and actresses dazzled by the
glamor of Hollywood
 Now that she’s an air hostess, foreign travel has lost
its glamor for her.
cry out
If you cry out, you call out loudly because you
are frightened, unhappy, or in pain.痛哭; 大声
He was crying out in pain on the ground when the
ambulance arrived.
Hart cried out as his head struck rock.
cry out for
If you say that something cries out for a
particular thing or action, you mean that it needs
that thing or action very much.迫切需要
This is a disgraceful state of affairs and cries out for a
thorough investigation.
11. sentence somebody (to something):
-- to state that somebody is to have a certain
punishment 宣判; 判刑
He has been sentenced to three years in prison.
(figurative) a crippling disease which sentenced him
to a lifetime in a wheelchair
sentence n.
The sentence of six months imprisonment was most
unjust. 六个月监禁的判决极其不公。
life/death/suspended sentence
V. 充满,大量出现
1. ~ with sth have sth in great numbers
有很多﹑ 大量的某事物:
The river was teeming with fish. 河里的鱼很
(fig 比喻) His mind is teeming with bright
ideas. 他心里有很多好主意.
2. be present in great numbers 大量出现;
Fish teem in these waters. 这些湖里有很多
12. moron:
-- (informal and derogative) very stupid
person 傻瓜,笨蛋
He's an absolute moron! 他纯粹是个傻子!
They're a load of morons. 他们是一群笨蛋.
moronic a.
13. blank:
(1) without writing or print; unmarked 空白/无痕迹的
 a blank sheet of paper; a blank page
(2) without expression, understanding or interest;
empty 无表情的,茫然的
 a blank expression / face / gaze
 He looked blank. (= He is puzzled.)
 Her questions drew blank looks all around.
(= No one seemed to know how to answer them.)
(3) (attributive) total; absolute 绝对的
 a blank denial / refusal
14. rant:
-- to speak loudly, violently or theatrically
1. 怒气冲冲地叫嚷;夸夸其谈[(+about)]
The old man ranted that nobody paid any
attention to his opinion.
2. 大声责骂[(+at)]
She ranted at her maid. 她大声责骂女仆。
He ranted out his denunciation.
他大声发出责难。(denounce v. 谴责,斥责)
15. wheel:
(1) to push or pull (a vehicle with wheels)
wheel a barrow (手推车) (along the street)
(2) to move in a curve or circle 旋转
birds wheeling about in the sky above us
Left / Right wheel! 向左/右转!
16. glare:
n. (1) strong unpleasant dazzling light 耀眼的光
avoid the glare of the sun, of car headlights, etc.
(2) angry or fierce look; fixed look怒视,凝视
give somebody a hostile glare
v. (1) to shine with a dazzling, unpleasant light
The searchlight glared, illuminating the prison yard.
(2) to stare angrily or fiercely (at somebody /
He didn’t shout or swear, but just glared silently at me.
Cf. stare, gaze, look
drive away
Bill waved his hand to us and then drove
How can I drive away these feelings of
17. hold one’s ground:
-- to maintain one’s claim, intention,
argument, etc.; not to yield or give way
The speaker calmly held his ground in the
face of angry opposition.
She held her ground in spite of all the
18. tear apart
1 If something tears people apart, it
causes them to quarrel or to leave each
other. 拆开,拆散
War and revolution have torn families apart.
2 If something tears you apart, it makes
you feel very upset, worried, and unhappy
Don't think it hasn't torn me apart to be away
from you.
1. In which moods was his father when he
showed up?
When his father arrived at home one
hour late, he circled the long dining-room
table and cursed his employees furiously.
…his mood seemed thunderous
… a big Havana cigar in one hand, the
rapidly disappearing highball in the other,
crying out…
…my father was shouting…
…the angry clouds that …darkened…face
How did Budd wait for his father’s
…in fear and trembling (提心吊胆地;
There was a suspenseful silence… I lowered
my head and stared down into my plate. I
was full of anxious daydreams.
I kept my face lowered to my plate. … But it
seemed to take hours… I could not bear to
look up for the verdict…
2. What was his father’s response to Budd’s
poem? How was that different from his
Unlike his mother, his father denounced the
poem as “lousy” and very rudely declared that
he had the right to tear apart this stuff
because he thought it was “lousy.” This was
quite beyond Budd’s expectations.
While his mother showed her understanding
and support to the son, his father compared
the son’s first try in poetry to the work of his
colleagues in the studio, which were, to him,
both “lousy” and thus wasted his time and
money in reading such “stuff.”
How did Budd feel at his father’s
Budd felt ashamed, disappointed and hurt.
He couldn’t bear the “hard fist” that hit
him over the heart.
I couldn’t look up. I was ashamed of my eyes
getting wet.
I wasn’t hearing so well because it is hard to
hear clearly when your head is making its
own sounds of crying.
…hit me over the heart like a hard fist. I
couldn’t stand it another second. …
3. What kind of man was his father?
He was strict in his work, but seemed too rough and
tough on his colleagues. Running a Hollywood studio, he
demanded his work and his men to be the perfect. Once
there was something unsatisfactory in the work, he
would fly into a rage and bitterly complain about his job
and his men.
This personality was also reflected in his attitude to
Budd’s poem, which was ruthlessly reprimanded by him
as “lousy.” Therefore, rigorous and merciless, his father
showed a love to the son which was quite different from
his mother. While his mother’s love was a kind of
encouragement, his father’s love was a kind of strength
or force, which called Budd’s attention to his work
constantly and urged him to review and to improve.
Part III –comment
 The author makes a comparison between
the father’s love and the mother’s love.
He learns that although conflicting, they
are complementary and in fact, both of
them are indispensable to his growth.
1. Can you describe the mother’s love?
2. How is the father’s love?
3. Which kind of love is important to the
children’s growth, the mother’s or the
4. How does your mother show her love to
5. How about your father? Is he as strict as
the father we learnt in the text? How do
you feel about this kind of love?
19. reluctant:
-- unwilling and therefore slow to cooperate, agree, etc.
She was very reluctant to admit the truth.
20. work up:
work up enthusiasm/interest/courage etc
to make yourself feel interested, brave etc 激发
I'm trying to work up enough courage to go to the
work up an appetite/a thirst/a sweat
to make yourself hungry or thirsty, or make
yourself sweat, especially by doing physical
exercise 开胃,出汗
You can work up a really big thirst playing tennis.
They will work up the data into an article.
21. crush:
(1) to press or squeeze (somebody / something) so
hard that it breaks or is damaged 压
 Several people were crushed to death by the
falling rocks.
(2) to break something hard into small pieces or into
powder by pressing 捣/砸碎
 Huge hammers crush (up) the rocks.
(3) to defeat (sb/sth) completely; to subdue
 The rebellion was crushed by government forces.
 He felt completely crushed by her last remark.
 他听到她最后的一番话感到深受凌辱.
at work 在工作
She's quite shameless about wearing pajamas at
at work on 从事于,忙于
The mechanic was at work on your bicycle then.
I'm at work on a new project now.
22. dawn on :
-- to gradually become clear to one’s
mind; to become evident to somebody
It finally dawned on me that he had been
The truth began to dawn on him.
23. counsel:建议;劝告
(1) to give professional advice to
(somebody with a problem)
a psychiatrist who counsels alcoholics
(2) to give (the stated advice) 提出劝告
I would counsel caution in such a case.
(3) to advise
He counseled them to give up the plan.
Cf. council 议会,委员会
24. take/bring somebody down a
-- to make (a proud or conceited person)
more humble 压制…傲气;贬抑
The arrogant film star needs/wants taking
down a peg or two.
25. on the crest of:
crest: top or highest point
on the crest of a wave: at the point of
greatest success, happiness, etc
在最成功﹑ 最得意的时候
After its election victory, the party was on the
crest of a wave. 如日中天
26. echo
(1) (of places) to send (sth) back 回声
The valley echoed back his song.
(2) (figurative) (of people, places, etc.) to
repeat something; to imitate; to recall
They echoed their leader’s every word.
(3) (of places) to repeat a sound (to /
with something) 产生回声
The hills echoed to the sound of laughter.
27. buffet:
-- to knock or push somebody /
something roughly from side to side
flowers buffeted by the rain and wind
a boat buffeted (about) by the waves
28. navigate
(1) to steer (a ship); to pilot (an aircraft)
Which officer in the ship navigates?
He has to learn to navigate by electronic
(3) to sail along, over or through (a sea,
river, etc. )横渡,跨越
He was the first man to navigate the Atlantic
29. capsize:
-- to (cause a boat to) overturn or be
overturned (使船)翻, 倾覆
The boat capsized in heavy seas.
Huge waves can capsize the ship.
1. Can you describe the mother’s love?
It is gentle and temperate (温和的). It is a
force, a loving force from which all
creation grows. That is to say, mothers
tend to encourage us with loving words,
helping to establish our confidence to go
2. How is the father’s love?
It is rigid (刚性的,严格的) and rigorous
(严格的,严厉的). It is another kind of
force, a loving force which constantly calls
our attention and caution to our conceit
and arrogance. Although it constantly
hurts us, it is this kind of loving force that
enables us to make a better estimation of
our own ability.
3. Which kind of love is important to the
children’s growth, the mother’s or the
Both are important and necessary to children’s
growth. The mother’s love is gentle and mild,
but it tends to spoil and even destroy a child
without the father’s love to curb it. On the
contrary, the father’s love tends to hurt a child
or even dispel his or her confidence forever
without the mother’s love to encourage and
recognize. Therefore, any single love is
incomplete and even misleading. Only with
these two complementary loves combining
together will a child be able to develop healthily
and wisely.
4. How does your mother show her love to
5. How about your father? Is he as strict as
the father we learnt in the text? How do
you feel about this kind of love?
Open for discussion.
Text comprehension -I
C. His mother spoke highly of Budd’s poem
because she knew how to encourage the son
and to establish his confidence in an inspiring
way. Budd believed that his father would be
better able to appreciate his first poem because
his father began his career as a writer and now
was a Hollywood tycoon. But unexpectedly, his
father criticized the poem severely and
reprimanded it as “lousy,” which hurt Buddy
deeply. So “C” is the correct answer.
Text comprehension -II
1. F. Budd’s mother spoke highly of the
poem to encourage Budd. His father,
although formerly a writer and now a
Hollywood tycoon, was as strict with the
son as he was with his own work. He
pointed out directly that the poem was
nothing but “lousy.”
2. F. Budd’s father criticized the poem as
“lousy” not because he did not love his
son. In fact, he loved his son as much as
Budd’s mother did. He knew very well
how to educate the son and how to curb
his conceit and arrogance in a timely way.
The problem with his father was, perhaps,
he was too rigid and rigorous in his
manner and attitude.
3. T. Both parents loved Budd. His
mother’s love was gentle and temperate.
She encouraged the son and helped to
establish his confidence. His father’s love
was harsh and rigid. He constantly
reminded Budd not to be conceited and
arrogant. Though in a different way, both
parents loved Budd and showed their
concern to Budd’s growth and
4. F. It is quite impossible to say whose love
is more powerful or more effective. Both
were important and necessary to Budd’s
development. Both were equally powerful
though different. Any single love was
incomplete and even misleading. With the
mother’s love, we are encouraged and
become confident; with the father’s love, we
will pay constant attention to our faults and
defects and will correct them in time, and
also we will make an objective evaluation of
our own ability.
Text comprehension -III
1. His mother’s response was positive and
affirmative. She poured out her welcome
praise and cried that she had not
expected that her son had such a talent
for poetry writing. She encouraged the
son to keep on writing.
2. Why did Budd look forward to his
father’s arrival?
2. His father was a Hollywood tycoon and
began his career as a writer. Budd
believed that his father would be able to
discover his talent and appreciate his
poem more than his mother did.
3. How did his father respond to the poem?
3. Quite beyond his expectations, his
father at first ignored his poem and then,
when he did notice it and read it, he
dropped the poem back and declared that
it is “lousy,” which hurt Budd severely.
4. Both were important to Budd’s growth. The
mother’s love was encouraging and inspiring.
She encouraged Budd to keep on writing. The
father’s love was strict and stern. His
principle in the education of the son was to
“Watch. Listen. Review, Improve.” These two
kinds of love were indispensable to Budd’s
development. “I try to navigate my little craft
so as not to capsize before either.” That is to
say, both his mother’s affirmation and his
father’s doubt were in the name of love, and
Budd followed the course between them.
Text comprehension -IV
1. First, I wrote the poem out of my
sincere passion and with my great
2. My father thought that the poem I
wrote was too affected and artificial, but
anyway, it did reveal some sign that I had
potent ability in poetry writing.
3. I shall not be spoiled by my mother’s
tender love, neither be discouraged by my
father’s stern love. I shall follow my own
way, with the combination of the two
Structural analysis of the text
In order to highlight the image of the
father, the author purposely “deviates”
from the theme in the middle and
describes the father’s indignation toward
the haughty actress. This event reflects
the father’s personality; He is a person
strict in his work and with his company
men, and he is rigid and rigorous in his
Rhetorical features of the text
His father says, “I think it’s lousy”
(Paragraph 14). “Isn’t there enough lousy
poetry in the world already? I don’t know
any law that says Buddy has to become a
poet” (Paragraph 17). “Look, I pay my
best writers 2,000 dollars a week. All
afternoon I’ve been tearing apart their
stuff. I only pay Buddy 50 cents a week.
And you’re trying to tell me I don’t have a
right to tear apart his stuff if I think it’s
lousy!” (Paragraph 18)
Vocabulary exercises –I.
1. decorate the poem so that it would
become eye-catching
2. shouted at those important people in
the studio; reprimanded them, using
extravagant, boasting and often
meaningless language
3. dispelled; dispensed with
4. insisted; maintained his argument; did
not give up or yield
5. having headache because of crying and
sobbing for quite some time
6. gradually became clear to my mind;
gradually became evident to me
7. weaken my pride and make me have a
clear-minded recognition of my own
Vocabulary exercises -II
I. staggered
3. soothed
5. glows
7. exquisite
Vocabulary exercises –III
1. navigation
3. advantageous
5. soothing
2. elaboration
4. thunderous
6. triumphant
Vocabulary exercises –IV
pour out
burst in
sentenced... to
dawned on
took ... down a peg
on the crest of
Vocabulary exercises –V
live a fairly satisfactory life
go and attend
be responsible for
talk about
Grammar exercises –I.
Pay attention to the functions of “to” in
these sentences.
In sentence 1, “to” is a preposition
followed by -ing participle form “hearing.”
In sentences 2, 3 and 4, “to,” being an
infinitive marker, is followed by the
infinitive form.
Grammar exercises –II
1. getting up, walking
2. making
3. carry
4. getting
5. leading
6. live
7. writing
8. stealing
Grammar exercises –III
1. to his working, living
2. being
3. to teaching
4. from doing
5. for playing
6. for doing
7. being talked
8. on becoming, from putting, for making
Grammar exercises –IV
1. up for
3. to
5. up against
7. in with
out of
round to
Grammar exercises –V
1. It was after years of practice that he
finally mastered the skill.
It was here that he chiefly differed from
an Englishman.
2. Only in this way can the honor of our
team be saved.
Only then could the work of
reconstruction be seriously begun.
Translation exercises –I.
1. She was used to nothing short of the best.
2. I have no idea (as to) what you mean.
3. The referee/judge held his ground
although his decision was hotly contested by
the crowd.
a hotly contested game, ie one in which the
participants play very hard and the result is
close 激烈角逐的一局
4. His speech worked up the feelings of an
[CGp] group of people who have gathered
together to hear or watch sb/sth 听众; 观众:
(1) The audience was/were enthusiastic on
the opening night of the play. 那出戏首次公
(2) An audience of millions watched the
royal wedding on TV. 数以百万计的人们在电
5. The truth at last dawned on him.
6. Susan had so many things to do that she
could not do justice to her lessons.
Translation exercises -II
Exercises for integrated skills
I. Dictation.
(Source: Certificate of Proficiency in
English – Practice Tests, Cambridge
University Press, 1982.)
No notions of family democracy / or children’s
liberation / troubled Edwardian parents. / An unwritten
contract operated, / much like that between master
and servant. / Parents provided food, / clothing and
shelter as best they could; / in return, children owed
respect / and unquestioning obedience / until they set
up homes of their own. / Parents of all classes equally
demanded respect. / A London packing-case maker
recalled / that he wanted his children to behave / “in a
deferential sort of way, / you know. / We’ve got to be
respected,” / and a Nottingham man put a typical view,
/ “They were your father and mother / – you respected
them as mother and father, aye.” / Decency,
respectability and cleanliness / – these, with honesty,
were the virtues / most parents tried to inculcate / as
their part of the contract.
1. heterogeneous
3. heritage
5. mobility
7. institution
9. decline
2. assimilate
4. preservation
6. trends
8. adaptation
10. structure
Translation of Cloze
Text II: Questions for discussion
1. These gestures seem not to be as important
today as it was in wartime. But anyway, we
need a firm handshake and a steady gaze under
certain occasions, for example, when we are in
trouble or when we lack some kind of
confidence. At this moment, a handshake, a
gaze or a few words of encouragement will
inspire us and urge us to overcome difficulties
and go forward. In the same way, when other
people are in trouble or meet some obstacles, a
firm handshake and a steady gaze from us will
also establish their courage and help them pull
through difficulties.
2. A strong man as he was, Malcolm’s father
cried when the boy’s dog was killed. For one
thing, Malcolm’s sorrow was too immense to
stand. In order to comfort him and help him
get over the sorrow, his father was there,
with the son, and with tears in his eyes. His
father was not as cool-blooded as what had
been thought of. He was a person full of
feelings and sympathies. For the other, his
father thought of the natural order of life
and death. The dog’s unexpected death
indicates the unpredictability of life and
3. Children under ten years old will naturally please a
parent with their ignorance and naivety. They are
simple and artless, and often amuse their parents
with funny words or behaviors. By the teens, they
seldom want to please a parent with childish
behaviors, but want to tell the parents that they are
mature, not only physically but also mentally. They
feel that they have grown up, and that they can do
what parents can do. They want to impress their
parents with what they have done. They hope that
their parents will be proud of them. This question is
open for discussion. Different students may have
different responses to this question according to
their own experiences. Teachers can ask the
students to give specific examples to show that they
are trying to impress their parents.
4. A person younger than forty may not
have such a deep but sober-minded
understanding as Malcolm has. Young
people take it for granted that their
parents will look after them all their lives,
and will provide them with food, clothing
and shelter. They hardly think of the fact
that their parents will become old and one
day one of them will die.
This question is open for discussion.
Dictation –TEM4 2001
Characteristics of a good reader
1. To improve your reading habits you must
understand the characteristics of a good reader.
2. First, the good reader usually reads rapidly.
3. Of course he does not read every piece of
material at the same rate.
4. But whether he is reading a newspaper or a
chapter in a physics text, his reading rate is
relatively fast.
5. He has learned to read for ideas rather than
words one at a time.
6. Next, the good reader can recognize and
understand general ideas and specific details.
7. Thus he is able to comprehend the material
with a minimum of effort and the maximum of
8. Finally, the good reader has at his command
several special skills, which he can apply to
reading problems as they occur.
9. For the college student, the most helpful of
these skills include making use of the various
aids to understanding that most textbooks
provide and skim reading for a general survey.
Writing assignment (6)
Topic: Knowing something of everything
Or Knowing everything of something,
which do you prefer? State your viewpoint
and write an argumentation in about 200
After the peer review, please submit the
best essay of your group on Nov. 26
Suggested topics for speech
An unforgettable experience
Ways of educating their children:
Evidence from Father and Mother
My father/mother and I
Imagination/creativity/… in writing