MYP 5 Curriculum Guide Grade 10 2013-2014 Advanced Learning Schools 2013-2014 CONTENTS PAGE # IB and ALS Mission Statement IB Learner Profile The MYP Aims and Concepts Personal Project IB MYP Programme at ALS MYP Curriculum Model Subjects Areas MYP 5 Language A: English 3 MYP 5 Language A: Arabic 8-9 MYP 5 Science: Chemistry 10-11 MYP 5 Science: Physics 12-13 MYP 5 Humanities: Islamic Studies 14-15 MYP 5 Humanities: Social Studies of the Arab World (SSAW) 16-17 MYP 5 Humanities 18-19 MYP 5 Language B: French 20-21 MYP 5 Physical Education 22-23 MYP 5 Arts 24-25 MYP 5 Mathematics 26-27 MYP 5 Technology: Design Technology 28-29 2 4 5-7 Advanced Learning Schools 2013-2014 IB MISSION STATEMENT The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right. ADVANCED LEARNING SCHOOLS MISSION STATEMENT Advanced Learning Schools provides students with an opportunity to acquire and demonstrate knowledge, appreciation and respect for their own cultural heritage, integrated with an understanding of, curiosity about, compassion and tolerance toward other cultures of the world. It provides an environment that encourages moral development, active and independent learning, analytical thinking, life-long learning, and respect for individual differences and sensitivity to the moral, social and environmental requirements of the global community. IB LEARNER PROFILE All three of the IB programmes utilize the same document to describe the qualities the school works to develop in each student. This document is called the Learner Profile, and includes ten elements which students should strive to become: Inquirers Knowledgeable Thinkers Communicators Principled Open-minded Caring Risk-takers Balanced Reflective Students will encounter these ideas in their classes and throughout the school. Students will also reflect upon personal growth and development within their digital portfolio. THE AIMS The chief aim of the IB Middle Years Programme is to provide a well-rounded education in which students learn to the best of their ability, enjoy this process, and are well-prepared for the next stage of their education. As represented in the MYP curriculum model (see next page): STUDENTS ARE PLACED AT THE CENTRE OF THEIR OWN LEARNING. THE CONCEPTS Three fundamental concepts underpin the Middle Years Programme: 3 Advanced Learning Schools 2013-2014 HOLISTIC / GLOBAL EDUCATION: The MYP seeks to increase the student’s awareness and understanding of both the separate identities of the various subject areas and their inter-relatedness. From this foundation it aims to increase a student’s perception of the problems of the real world and to find solutions to them. COMMUNICATION: Language learning is emphasized as a tool for the acquisition of all knowledge. Effective written and oral expression enables the student both to fit into society by communicating with others, and to develop his/her individuality. INTERCULTURAL AWARENESS: The MYP encourages an international perspective by awakening in young people an interest in the diverse cultures and attitudes of people, as well as celebrating their own unique heritage; by making them aware of the fundamental, positive values of the common heritage of human beings and by encouraging intercultural awareness. PERSONAL PROJECT In the latter months of grade 9 and until March of grade 10, all students will complete the MYP Personal Project, a year-long project on a topic of the student’s choice. Most students consider this an exciting aspect of the programme, as they have an opportunity to show their talents in unique and creative ways. Supervisors will be meeting with students on a regular basis to share information about requirements and deadlines, and to provide advice about how to proceed. Personal project is monitored by the supervisor and the MYP Coordinator until submission of the project. However, it is the students themselves who make decisions about what they will do and how they will achieve it. IB MIDDLE YEARS PROGRAMME AT ALS The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IBMYP) is an academically challenging four year course, designed to facilitate holistic learning and to promote international understanding. The IB MYP programme is followed from grades 7 to 10. THE SUBJECT AREAS The framework of the Middle Years Programme is shown in the curriculum model. This emphasizes the importance of the 8 subject areas for a well-rounded education. Establishing a strong foundation of key skills and concepts in each of these disciplines is our priority in this programme. 4 Advanced Learning Schools MYP Subject: Language A Teacher: Ms. Emilie Bateson 2013-2014 MYP Course: English A MYP Level/Grade: MYP 5/Grade 10 OUR STUDY OF LANGUAGE WILL BE Holistic—students will explore connections among literature, history, and social science; intercultural—students will read and discuss literature from a variety of cultural perspectives; focused on communication—students will learn to access the effects of the choices in their writing, to work together in groups, and explore effective public speaking skills; focused on active learning—students are participants in making meaning out of literature, class discussions and their own writing AREAS OF INTERACTION We use the areas of interaction to help students develop connections between their own experiences, their writing, literature and other subject areas and skills. For example, students will develop approaches to learning that help them better understand literature and the process of writing strong papers. Students will increase their understanding of community as they work together in small groups to create dramatic performances for their class. They may examine the power of human ingenuity, the human capacity to invent, create, transform, and improve the quality of life, through the exploration of non-fiction narrative. Students will increase their knowledge of environments or issues of health and social education through the study and creation of persuasive essays. MYP OBJECTIVES ADDRESSED BY THIS COURSE A Content (receptive and productive) At the end of the course, students should be able to: • understand and analyse the language, content, structure, meaning and significance of both familiar and previously unseen oral, written and visual texts • understand and apply language A terminology in context • analyse the effects of the author’s choices on an audience • compose pieces that apply appropriate literary and/or non-literary features to serve the context and intention • compare and contrast works, and connect themes across and within genres • express an informed and independent response to literary and non-literary texts. B Organization At the end of the course, students should be able to: • create work that employs organizational structures and language-specific conventions throughout a variety of text types • organize ideas and arguments in a sustained, coherent and logical manner • employ appropriate critical apparatus. C Style and language mechanics At the end of the course, students should be able to: • use language to narrate, describe, analyse, explain, argue, persuade, inform, entertain and express feelings • use language accurately • use appropriate and varied register, vocabulary and idiom 5 Advanced Learning Schools • • • 2013-2014 use correct grammar and syntax use appropriate and varied sentence structure use correct spelling (alphabetic languages) or writing (character languages). COURSE OUTLINE Unit Title 1. Decisions, Decisions, Decisions (Short Stories Unit) 2. Nature Versus Nurture (Lord of the Flies-Novel) MYP Area of Interaction Human Ingenuity Unit Question Environment To what extent does our nature determine who we are? How are we shaped by external influences? What behaviors are learned and what behaviors are we inherently born with? How influential are a person’s moral values when faced with difficult decisions. 3. In The Name of Love Health and Social (Poetry and Drama) Education How do people create and express their bonds? How does poetry affect us? 4. Energy-Pay It Forward Unit Community and Service How do people influence each other? How do people affect us? What is my obligation to my fellow man? How does one enjoy good and forbid evil? 5. Power of Persuasion (Julius CaesarDrama) Human Ingenuity How can a speech change the course of history? How can a dead man change the course of history? What is loyalty? What is more important: a friend or one’s country? Julius Caesar: good, bad or both? 6. Sacrifice for Gain Health and Social (Various Text Types) Education 6 Why do people make sacrifices? Are sacrifices necessary? Advanced Learning Schools 2013-2014 TEXTS AND RESOURCES Textbook or anthology- The Language of Literature Textbook- The Write Source Workbook- The Vocabulary Workshop Novels include: Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare Lord of the Flies by Harper Lee We will also use on-line sources that are more current such as ‘The Arab News’, ‘Time Magazine, ‘ the CNN and BBC as well as and Additionally, each student will be asked to obtain books to read at home that are of their own choosing. Students will have to prepare and present four book reports over the academic year (the due dates will be announced during the course). METHODS OF ASSESSMENT This year we are going to follow the assessment criteria that have been established by the IB for language A in the MYP. Each assignment will be assessed against one, two, or all of the three main criteria: Content, Organization and Style and language mechanics. During the course, students will be provided with the rubrics identifying the criteria as well as band descriptors for each criterion. GRADING PROCEDURES AND HOMEWORK We have high expectations for our students, which include regular attendance and participation in class, as well as preparedness, organization and punctual completion of all work. It is also expected that students review daily what has been discussed and learned in class. If students use the services of private tutors outside of class time it is asked that they make proper use of them, so that they will function as advisors, proofreaders, motivators and guides that assist only when and where the students have tried and failed. CONTACT INFORMATION I truly look forward to working with you towards a successful academic year. Please take a look through the textbook and do not hesitate to contact the school to make an appointment with me should you have any questions or concerns. You are also welcome to contact me by email anytime at: Email: or 7 2013-2014 MYP Course: Arabic A MYP Level/Grade: MYP 5/Grade 10 Advanced Learning Schools MYP Subject: Language A Teacher: Ms. Fatima Ammouri Mr. Hassan Al Khatib مادة اللغة العربية تع ُّج بالموضوعات المشوقة الزاخرة والمتجددة ،حيث تتبنى هذه المادة – كبقية المواد -المفاهيم األساسية لمنظمة البكالوريا :التعلم الشامل ،الوعي بالثقافات المختلفة ،وأخيرا ً التواصل ،واألخذ بعين االعتبار مجاالت التفاعل الخمسة: التربية الصحية واالجتماعية ،والمجتمع والخدمة ،والبيئات المختلفة ،والبراعة البشرية باإلضافة إلى أساليب التعلم .ومالمح متعلم البكالوريا العشرة وهي :متأملون،متسائلون،مهتمون،ذوو معرفة،متزنون،مفكرون،متواصلون،مجازفون،متفتّحون عقلياً،ذوو مبدأ ،والتي تعد رافدا ً من روافد صقل شخصية أبنائنا الطالب ،والتي تتمشى مع برنامج البكالوريا العالمية وتحضيراً للدبلوما الدولية. أهداف تدريس اللغة العربية أو اللغة ( أ ) في برنامج السنوات المتوسطة : -1استخدام اللغة كأداة للتفكير واإلبداع والتأمل والتعلم والتعبير عن الذات والتفاعل االجتماعي. -2تطوير المهارات التي تتعلق بفعاليات االستماع والتحدث والقراءة والكتابة والمشاهدة والتقديم في العديد من السياقات. -3تطوير طرق نقدية مبتكرة وشخصية لتحليل ودراسة األعمال األدبية. -4االنخراط في أدب العديد من الثقافات ،والذي يمثل حقبًا تاريخية مختلفة. -5استكشاف وتحليل الجوانب الشخصية ومظاهر البلد المضيف والثقافات األخرى من خالل األعمال األدبية وغير األدبية. -6االنخراط في المعلومات وتكنولوجيا االتصاالت الستكشاف اللغة. -7تطوير االهتمام بالقراءة في مجاالت عدة يدوم مدى الحياة. -8تطوير المهارات والمعرفة الخاصة بمادة اللغة العربية في العديد من السياقات الحياتية الواقعية. وتتعلق هذه األهداف بشكل مباشر بمعايير التقييم الموجودة في قسم "معايير تقييم مادة اللغة (أ): أـ المحتوى (التلقي واإلنتاج): في نهاية المساق الدراسي ،يجب أن يكون بوسع الطالب: • فهم وتحليل لغة ،ومحتوى ،وبنية ،ومعنى ،وأهمية النصوص الشفهية والمكتوبة والمرئية المألوفة وغير المألوفة • فهم واستعمال مصطلحات مادة اللغة "أ" في سياقها • تحليل آثار اختيارات الكاتب على القراء • تأليف مقاطع تستخدم ميزات مالئمة سواء كانت أدبية و/أو غير أدبية لخدمة السياق والقصد • مقارنة ومقابلة األعمال وربط المواضيع عبر األساليب واألنواع األدبية وداخلها • التعبير باستجابة ُم ّ طلعة ومستقلة على النصوص األدبية وغير األدبية. ب ـ التنظيم: في نهاية المساق الدراسي ،يجب أن يكون بوسع الطالب: • إنجاز عمل يوظف التركيبات التنظيمية واألعراف الخاصة باللغة من خالل مجموعة متنوعة من النصوص • تنظيم األفكار والنقاشات بشكل مستديم ومتسق ومنطقي • استعمال األداة النصية المناسبة. ج ـ آليات األسلوب واللغة: في نهاية المساق الدراسي ،يجب أن يكون بوسع الطالب: • استخدام اللغة للسرد ،والوصف ،والتحليل ،والشرح ،والنقاش ،واإلقناع ،واإلطالع ،والتسلية ،والتعبير عن المشاعر • استخدام اللغة استخداما ً دقيقا ً • استخدام كلمات متخصصة ومفردات ومصطلحات مناسبة ومتنوعة • استخدام القواعد والتراكيب اللغوية الصحيحة • استخدام تراكيب جمل مناسبة ومتنوعة • استخدام التهجئة الصحيحة (اللغات ذات األحرف) أو الكتابة الصحيحة (اللغات ذات الرموز). 8 Advanced Learning Schools 2013-2014 المصادر: -1كتاب اللغة العربية للصف األول الثانوي للدكتور محمود الديك. -2كتاب الوافي في القراءة المنهجية للصف العاشر . -3كتاب الوافي في النحو واإلمالء للصف العاشر . -4كتب األدب العامة ( :روايات ,مسرحيات ,مقاالت ( )......تحدد في وقتها ) مالحظة :هذه هي طريقة التقويم المعتمدة من البكالوريا تطبّق في االختبارات والمهمات الكتابية والمهمات اإلبداعية واالستجابات األدبية. تخطيط المنهاج عنوان الوحدة مجال التفاعل سؤال الوحدة الوحدة األولى :المقال كيف تكتب مقاالً؟ رسائل أدبية ،تقرير صحفي . النحو :الجملة االسمية "المبتدأ والخبر والنواسخ كان وأخواتها /إن وأخواتها الجملة الفعلية " األفعال من حيث التقسيم الزمني البالغة*:علم المعاني الوحدة الثانية : الشعر معلقة عنترة ،بانت سعاد( كعب بن زهير ) ،أراك عصي الدمع ( أبو فراس الحمداني ) ،واحر قلباه ( المتنبي) النحو: تابع الوحدة األولى المكمالت :المفاعيل ،المفعول به ،المفعول ألجله ،المفعول المطلق المفعول معه ،المفعول فيه ،الحال ،التمييز ،النعت ،التوكيد العطف ، البدل " البالغة : *متابعة مفهوم الفصاحة * مفهوم علم البالغة الوحدة الثالثة القصة القصيرة موت موظف ( أنطون تشيكوف ) عنبر لولو (نجيب محفوظ) النحو: المجرد والمزيد المصدر " الصريح والمؤول " المشتقات" اسم الفاعل ،اسم المفعول ،صيغ المبالغة البالغة*:علم المعاني الوحدة الرابعة رواية قنديل أم هاشم النحو: العدد ،الممنوع من الصرف ،األساليب " النفي ،االستفهام االستثاء ،التعجب ،الشرط" البالغة* :علم البيان التربية الصحية واالجتماعية أساليب التعلم ما أهم أنواع المقال ، ومالفرق بينه وبين باقي األجناس األدبية ؟ البراعة البشرية أساليب التعلم ما دور الشعر في بث القيم االجتماعية النبيلة؟ البيئات المختلفة أساليب التعلم كيف تعبر القصة عنروح عصرها ؟ المجتمع والخدمة أساليب التعلم ما دور الرواية في التعبير عن القيم والمبادئ الدينية واإلنسانية ؟ أخيرا ً وليس آخرا ً ،نرجو عدم التردد في حال وجود أي استفسار أو أية مالحظة تهدف إلى الرقي بمستوى أبنائنا الطالب باالتصال على رقم المدارس ،أو التواصل عبر البريد االلكتروني : 9 Advanced Learning Schools MYP Subject: Science Teacher: Mr. Farouq R Hamdan 2013-2014 MYP Course: Chemistry MYP Level/Grade: MYP 5/Grade 10 COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to be an introductory course in chemistry. It is a yearlong course and the curriculum is designed to meet the needs of students with varying abilities and proficiency in chemistry. The aim of the course is to provide MYP-5 students with an introduction to the major topics of modern chemistry. It is laboratory based and the students write laboratory reports that follow the IB MYP science style. The students are expected to stay current with the curriculum by reading nightly and completing regular written homework. Emphasis is placed on the students developing a greater respect for all living organisms and an appreciation and respect for the environment. At least one laboratory investigation is performed with each topic that is studied. This class will introduce methods, measurements, and nomenclature used in science. The following themes will be explored: scientific investigations, know the physical properties of a compound, understanding the chemical reactions, knowing the structure of atoms, describe the arrangement of elements in the periodic table, and define a lot of chemical terms. In general, the objectives of this course include understanding scientific facts and concepts, methods and techniques, terminology, and methods of presenting scientific information. Students will be able to construct, analyze, and evaluate scientific explanations and carry out guided and independent investigations with precision and safety. COURSE OUTLINE At the core of the MYP program is the unit question and the areas of interaction (AOI): There are five AOI: approaches to learning, community and service, health and social education, human ingenuity, and environments. For every unit, there will be a unit question and an area of interaction that will provide a framework and give our classroom a context. The areas of interaction are the fuel that fires our intellectual pursuit. The following are our units: Unit Title AOI Unit Question Introduction to chemistry Community and service How can understanding resources we use, help us make good decisions? Matter and Change Environment How does organization help you learn? Atomic structure Human ingenuity Why is unlocking the secret of the structure of the atom the key to understanding the chemistry of the elements? The periodic table Environment How does organization fit in our everyday life? Chemical Bonding Health & Social Education Why you can get an electric shock if you drop your hair dryer in the bath? Chemical Names and Environment What’s in a name? Formula Chemical Reactions Human ingenuity Why are some things explosive and other not? 10 Advanced Learning Schools Acids and Bases 2013-2014 Health & Social Education How can you decide if your soda drink is safe for your teeth? THE METHODOLOGY OR “HOW” WE LEARN A. Inquiry Strategies All of the strategies listed below are implemented in the units taught in science. Experimenting, collecting and analyzing data, drawing conclusion, open ended questions, using different modes of communication, reflection, using technology, problem solving activities, class discussion, small group brainstorming, direct instruction, inquiry. B. Units of Study Initially, units are in the form of a scope and sequence of work specific to the different science disciplines. Over time, these will be fashioned into MYP units, with specific guiding questions and links to the Areas of Interaction. METHODS OF ASSESSMENT The MYP assessment model insists on students being monitored and assessed throughout the program using criteria that are related to the objectives. This includes ongoing formative assessment that is a feature of all teaching and learning in the MYP and is viewed as an integral part of the learning process. This assessment gives feedback to the teacher and student during the learning process and therefore enhances both teaching and learning. In physical education, it includes selfassessments, peer assessments, skill analysis, teacher questioning and reflections. Assessment The criteria are weighted equally and are as follows: Criterion A: One World Criterion B: Communication in Science Criterion C: Knowledge and understanding of science Criterion D: Scientific inquiry Criterion E: Processing Data Criterion F: Attitudes in Science Maximum 6 Maximum 6 Maximum 6 Maximum 6 Maximum 6 Maximum 6 RESOURCES AND MATERIALS I will be using The Prentice-Hall texts as a reference, as well as the IB Diploma Programs CONTACT INFORMATION Let’s work together to make this the best year ever! 11 Advanced Learning Schools 2013-2014 MYP Subject: Science Teacher: Ms. Tania Y. Maana MYP Course: Physics MYP Level/Grade: MYP 5/Grade 10 THE AIMS OF TEACHING AND LEARNING THIS COURSE Develop curiosity, interest and enjoyment towards science and its methods of inquiry. Acquire scientific knowledge and understanding. Communicate scientific ideas, arguments and practical experiences effectively in a variety of ways. Develop experimental and investigative skills to design and carry out scientific investigations and to evaluate evidence to draw a conclusion. Develop critical, creative and inquiring minds that pose questions, solve problems, construct explanations, judge arguments and make informed decisions in scientific and other contexts. Develop awareness of the possibilities and limitations of science and appreciate that scientific knowledge is evolving through collaborative activity locally and internationally. Appreciate the relationship between science and technology and their role in society. Develop awareness of the moral, ethical, social, economic, political, cultural and environmental implications of the practice and use of science and technology. Observe safety rules and practices to ensure a safe working environment during scientific activities. Engender an awareness of the need for and the value of effective collaboration during scientific activities. COURSE OUTLINE Unit Title Mechanics a Physics toolkit MYP Area of Interaction Approaches to Learning Mechanics Environments Forces Human Ingenuity Energy Community &Services States of matter Electricity 12 Health and social education Unit Question What is the difference between accuracy and precision? How can we represent the motion of two runners? What causes a soccer ball, or any other object, to stop, start or change direction? How does a multispeed mountain bicycle enable a cyclist to ride over any kind of terrain with the least effort? Is temperature and heat the same? What causes charge to build up in a thundercloud, and how does it discharge in the form of a spectacular lightning bolt? Advanced Learning Schools 2013-2014 MYP SCIENCE CRITERIA & ASSESSMENT There are 6 criteria in science. Regarding Physics students will be assessed at least twice on each criterion per semester and this will be done through homework, quizzes, projects, tests, activities and debates. Below is a brief description of the science criteria Criterion A One World Maximum 6 Criterion B Communication in Science Maximum 6 Criterion C Knowledge & Understanding Maximum 6 Criterion D Scientific Inquiry Maximum 6 Criterion E Processing Data Maximum 6 Criterion F Attitudes in Science Maximum 6 RESOURCES AND MATERIALS Students will be given notes most of the time, they can use their textbook as reference and to solve questions. All students can contact me at any time at Edmodo, more information will be given to students at the beginning of the year. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Organization and tidiness of homework will be taken into account so will classroom participation, behavior and punctuality. CONTACT INFORMATION For parents who use e-mail, I normally check my e-mail daily, and this is often the quickest, and most efficient way to get in touch with me, or to discuss any of your concerns. I will respond promptly. Please feel free to e-mail me at any time, at: Also note that if you ever have any comments, questions or concerns, I am available for phone calls and meetings (by appointment please). I am excited about working with your son/daughter. I welcome questions or comments, and am looking forward to a great year! Good communication between parent, teacher, and student is very important for your son/daughter’s academic growth. 13 2013-2014 MYP Course: Islamic Studies MYP Level: MYP 5/Grade 10 Advanced Learning Schools MYP Subject: Humanities Teacher: Ms. Amal Al Barrag /Mr. Ahmed Razouk أهداف تدريس مادة التربية اإلسالمية في برنامج السنوات المتوسطة : تمكين الطالب من تطوير ما يلي : • العقل المتسائل. • الشعور بالزمان والمكان. • االحترام والفهم لقيم اآلخرين ووجهات نظرهم ومواقفهم. • الوعي والفهم بين الثقافات واألشخاص واألحداث في مجموعة متنوعة من األماكن في أوقات مختلفة. • فهم التفاعالت واالعتماد المتبادل بين األفراد والمجتمعات والبيئات. • فهم أسباب وعواقب التغيير من خالل اإلجراءات المادية والبشرية. • معرفة واستخدام المصطلحات في سياق العلوم اإلنسانية المختلفة . • مهارة شرح موضوع ومعرفة المحتوى والتفاهم من خالل استخدام األوصاف . • مهارة التفاعل مع البيئة لتطويرها . • الوعي بالحقوق والمسؤوليات في إطار النظم . • تطوير مفهوم الوعي الدولي و التفاهم بين الثقافات . • مهارات صنع القرار. تتعلّق هذه األهداف مباشرة بمعايير التقييم الموجودة في أقسام (معايير التقييم): أ ـ المعرفة والفهم :يجب أن يكون بوسع الطالب : • استخدام مصطلحات الدّراسات اإلنسانيّة في سياق تطورة • عرض المعرفة والفهم لمحتوى ومفاهيم المواد الدراسية من خالل تقديم الوصف والتفسيرات واألمثلة ال ُم ّ ب ـ االستقصاء :يجب أن يكون بوسع الطالب : • صياغة سؤال بحث واضح و ُمر َّكز صي في سؤال البحث والتق للبحث • وضع خطة عمل والسير عليها ّ • استخدام الطرق استخداما ً دقيقا ً لجمع وتسجيل المعلومات المتناغمة مع سؤال البحث • تناول سؤال البحث بفعالية ج ـ التفكير تفكيراً ناقداً :يجب أن يكون بوسع الطالب : • تحليل المفاهيم واألحداث والقضايا والنماذج وال ُحجج. • تحليل وتقييم مجموعة من المصادر من حيث أصلها والغرض منها ،مع إدراك ال ِقيَم والحدود والقيود. • تفسير وجهات النظر ال ُمختلفة وانعكاساتها. • تركيب المعلومات للتوصل إلى ُحجج سليمة مدعومة جيداً. د ـ التواصل :يجب أن يكون بوسع الطالب : • إيصال المعلومات واألفكار باستخدام األسلوب الذي يُناسب الجمهور والغرض. • ترتيب المعلومات واألفكار بطريقة تناسب الشكل ال ُمحدَّد. • توثيق مصادر المعلومات باستخدام نظام توثيق معروف. المصادر: القرآن الكريم كتب الحديث الستة كتاب التربية اإلسالمية السيرة النبوية البن هشام فقه السيرة النبوية للدكتور البوطي -حياة الصحابة للكاندهلوي 14 Advanced Learning Schools 2013-2014 أسد الغابة في معرفة الصحابة تفسير ابن كثيرـ موسوعة الفقه اإلسالمي ـ مجموعة نضرة النعيم في اآلداب واألخالق اإلسالمية ـ شرح األربعين النووية البن عثيمين التقييم :سيتم تقييم الطالب باالعتماد على معايير التقييم وهي كالتالي: أ ـ المعرفة و الفهم ب ـ االستقصاء ج -التفكير تفكيرا ً ناقدا ً د -التواصل تخطيط المنهاج عنوان الوحدة الوحدة األولى :المسلم الحقيقي البراعة البشرية التفكر ص +18التقوى ص +22التوكل ص +35االعتدال أساليب التعليم ص +87أخالق المسلم ص +22العاقبة للمتقين ص +27العمل . ص 147 مجال التفاعل الوحدة الثانية :األسلوب النبوي في التربية و التعليم العلم واإليمان ص+43أقسام الحديث ص+102التعامل المالي ص+142األساليب النبوية في التربية ص171 الوحدة الثالثة: المعجزة الخالدة( القرآن الكريم ) اإلعجازالعلمي في القرآن()1ص + 48االعجازالعلمي في القران()2ص+52التثقيف الصحي ص161 الوحدة الرابعة :الشعور باآلخرين مطلب أساسي في اإلسالم مكانة المرأة ص+70حق المسلم على أخيه ص+113التنافس في فعل الخيرات ص+117اإلصالح ص+121الوصية ص+125التكافل مع ذوي الحاجات ص+136التنمية االقتصادية ص155 الوحدة الخامسة :اإليمان الحقيقي معرفة هللا الخالق ص+2هللا الخالق ص+13العقيدة اإلسالمية وأثرهاص+23التفاؤل والتشاؤم ص+32الحالل من المطعومات ص+56المحرمات من المطعومات ص+60المحرمات من المشروبات ص+64أحكام اللباس والزينة ص+78وحدة عقيدة الرسل ص+103سمات المجتمع ص+130موقف اإلسالم من التعصب ص+166الرياضة ص177 أساليب التعلم سؤال الوحدة كيف تنمي مواهبك الفكرية ؟ كيف تتحصل على الفضائل الخلقية ؟ ما السبل المثلى للحصول على المال ؟ ما العالقة بين العلم و اإليمان ؟ ينقسم الحديث النبوي إلى أٌقسام عديدبين ذلك -ما صفات األسلوب النبوي في التربية ؟ البيئات المختلفة أساليب التعليم كيف يكون إيمانك باهلل تعالى إيمانا ًراسخا ً ؟ المجتمع والخدمة أساليب التعليم قارن بين المرأة قبل و بعد اإلسالم .عرف الوصية و اذكر أهم أحكامها . -ما حق المسلم على أخيه ؟ التربية الصحية واالجتماعية أساليب التعليم كيف تحقق التوازن بين مطالب الجسدو الروح والدنيا واآلخرة ؟ ما القواعد العامة في األطعمة وألشربة ؟ -ما موقف اإلسالم من التعصب ؟ أخيرا ً وليس آخرا ً ،نرجو عدم التردد في حال وجود أي استفسار أو أية مالحظة تهدف إلى الرقي بمستوى أبنائنا الطالب باالتصال على رقم المدارس ،أو التواصل عبر البريد االلكتروني : االستاذة :أمل البراق األستاذ :أحمد الرزوق 15 2013-2014 MYP Course: Social Studies of the Arab World MYP Level: MYP 5/Grade 10 Advanced Learning Schools MYP Subject: Humanities Teacher: Mr. Osama Khalil أهداف تدريس مادة االجتماعيات في برنامج السنوات المتوسطة : تمكين الطالب من تطوير ما يلي : • العقل المتسائل. • المهارات الالزمة لدراسة مقالة من االجتماعيات . • تقدير وتفهم الثقافات واألشخاص واألحداث في األماكن المختلفة والعصور المختلفة . • الفهم والتفاعل المتبادل بين األفراد والمجتمعات والبيئات المختلفة . • فهم أسباب وعواقب التغيير من خالل العمليات واإلجراءات المادية والبشرية . • فهم القضايا اإلنسانية المعاصرة . • الوعي من جدوى التواصل مع العلوم األخرى . تتعلّق هذه األهداف مباشرة بمعايير التقييم الموجودة في أقسام (معايير التقييم). أ ـ المعرفة والفهم :يجب أن يكون بوسع الطالب : • استخدام مصطلحات الدّراسات اإلنسانيّة في سياق . تطورة. • عرض المعرفة والفهم لمحتوى ومفاهيم المواد الدراسية من خالل تقديم الوصف والتفسيرات واألمثلة ال ُم ّ ب ـ االستقصاء :يجب أن يكون بوسع الطالب : • صياغة سؤال بحث واضح و ُمر َّكز. صي في سؤال البحث. • وضع خطة عمل والسير عليها للبحث والتق ّ • استخدام الطرق استخداما ً دقيقا ً لجمع وتسجيل المعلومات المتناغمة مع سؤال البحث. • تناول سؤال البحث بفعالية. ج ـ التفكير تفكيراً ناقداً :يجب أن يكون بوسع الطالب : • تحليل المفاهيم واألحداث والقضايا والنماذج وال ُحجج . • تحليل وتقييم مجموعة من المصادر من حيث أصلها والغرض منها ،مع إدراك ال ِقيَم والحدود والقيود. • تفسير وجهات النظر ال ُمختلفة وانعكاساتها . • تركيب المعلومات للتوصل إلى ُحجج سليمة مدعومة جيداً. د ـ التواصل :يجب أن يكون بوسع الطالب : • إيصال المعلومات واألفكار باستخدام األسلوب الذي يُناسب الجمهور والغرض . • ترتيب المعلومات واألفكار بطريقة تناسب الشكل ال ُمحدَّد . • توثيق مصادر المعلومات باستخدام نظام توثيق معروف . المصادر: -1كتاب دراسات اجتماعية ووطنية /للصف العاشر . -2كتب الجغرافيا والتاريخ العامة ( الموسوعة ). -3اإلنترنت . التقييم :سيتم تقييم الطالب باالعتماد على معايير تقييم مادة االجتماعيات ،وهي كالتالي: أ ـ المعرفة و الفهم ب ـ االستقصاء ج -التفكير تفكيرا ً ناقدا ً د -التواصل 16 Advanced Learning Schools 2013-2014 تخطيط المنهاج عنوان الوحدة الوحدة األولى موارد المياه في المملكة مجاالت التفاعل المجتمع والخدمة أساليب التعلم سؤال الوحدة ما هي قيمة نعمة المياه على اإلنسان والحيوان والنبات في المملكة بشكل خاص؟ الوحدة الثانية نشاط السكان :الرعي وتربية الحيوان الزراعة ،الثروة المعدنية البيئات المختلفة أساليب التعلم ما هي مكانة الزراعة وقيمة المعادن الموجودة في المملكة؟ الوحدة الثالثة النمو السكاني الزيادة السكانية الهجرات السكانية االستيطان الوحدة الرابعة دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي المجتمع والخدمة أساليب التعلم عرف الكثافة السكانية ّ واالكتظاظ السكاني .وما عالقتها بالزيادة السكانية؟ ما عالقة الهجرات السكانية بالتوزيع السكاني؟ ما مدى التعاون الملموس بين دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي؟ التربية الصحية واالجتماعية أساليب التعلم نرجو عدم التردد في حال وجود أي استفسار أو أية مالحظة تهدف إلى الرقي بمستوى أبنائنا الطالب باالتصال على رقم المدارس ،أو التواصل عبر البريد االلكتروني : 17 Advanced Learning Schools MYP Subject: Humanities Teacher: Mr. Michael Barnes / Mrs. Shel Mullennax 2013-2014 MYP Course: Humanities MYP Level/Grade: MYP 5/Grade 10 MYP HUMANITIES The aim of MYP Humanities is to encourage students to gain and develop knowledge, conceptual, research, analytical, interpretive, and communication skills. The goal of the MYP Humanities department is to ensure student understanding of global, national, and local issues and to provide a skills base to facilitate further study. This is achieved through the study of individuals, societies and environments. MYP Humanities is taught through core subjects, such as History, Geography, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Economics, Religious Studies, Islamic Studies, and Social Studies of the Arab World. FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS Holistic Learning: Students will be encouraged to establish links between subjects, cultures and other areas of experience. Students will develop transferable skills that can be applied towards a variety of subject groups. Intercultural Awareness: Students will be exposed to a broader, global context in their studies. They will learn to respect their own country and culture, but also those of others. Communication: Students will be given opportunities to develop their abilities in different forms of communication. These might include oral presentations and essay writing. International Baccalaureate Learner Profile: Students will be exposed to different attributes of the IB learner profile by applying each characteristic to an important historical figure. Also, they will be encouraged to personify each IB learner profile characteristic in the class and in the community. MYP AIMS ADDRESSED BY THIS COURSE The aims of the teaching and learning of MYP humanities are to encourage and enable students to: • appreciate the range of human and environmental commonalities and diversities • understand the interactions and interdependence of individuals, societies and environments in different contexts • understand how both environmental and human systems operate and evolve over time • identify and develop a concern for human and environmental well-being • act upon opportunities to be a responsible global citizen develop effective inquiry skills to achieve conceptual understanding in humanities. COURSE OUTLINE Unit Title Warfare Dictatorships Ideological Warfare Human Rights 18 MYP Area of Interaction Approaches To Learning Human Ingenuity Approaches To Learning Health and Social Education Approaches To Learning Environments Approaches To Learning Community and Service Unit Question What is it good for? How does a totalitarian government differ from a democratic system Does the Cold War compare to tension between modern day countries? Can Human Rights exist in an unequal world? Advanced Learning Schools Globalization The Future of the World 2013-2014 Approaches To Learning Is Globalization beneficial to all people? Health and Social Education Approaches To Learning Are predictions reliable? Human Ingenuity RESOURCES The resources for the 10th Grade Humanities class include the Glencoe World History textbook and teacher-made handouts and presentations. Students will also need the following: a notebook assigned for Humanities, a folder assigned to Humanities that will contain all handouts and corrected work, pens, highlighters, and index cards. The notebook will contain the daily bell tasks, class work, and notes. ROLES OF THE AREAS OF INTERACTION Approaches to Learning: Students will focus on their organizational skills by keeping an organized notebook and portfolio. Group class work activities will improve collaborative skills. By performing oral presentations, students will improve their communication skills. The students will also improve their thinking skills throughout the course and all forms of assessment. Community and Service: Students will explore concepts of identity, culture and community. Students will also investigate social and economic problems and their effects on communities. Health and Social Education: Students will investigate the benefits and stresses caused by social and technological change. Students will also discuss moral issues regarding health and social education, and looking at ways in which different cultures deal with them. Human Ingenuity: Students will investigate the evolution of social, economic and political systems and models. Students will also explore human bias in documenting humanities topics and issues. Environments: Students will investigate how humans affect our environments and how we create conditions that positively and negatively affect our surroundings. METHODOLOGY This course will include student involvement in historical inquiry and the careful integration of primary sources and narratives in the teaching of Humanities. The course will teach towards chronological thinking and vital themes and narratives with the historians’ habits of mind. The course will also utilize deliberative discussions, in a controlled setting, to develop a durable framework of Humanities knowledge. Lastly, the use of practical means of evaluation to measure the level of students’ learning will be employed. MARKING SCHEME Criterion A: Knowing and understanding (8) Criterion B: Investigating (8) Criterion C: Thinking critically (8) Criterion D: Communicating (8) CONTACT INFORMATION 19 Advanced Learning Schools MYP Subject: Language B Teacher: Mr. Claude Sgro Ms. Agathe El. Deek 2013-2014 MYP Course: French MYP Level: MYP 5/Grade 10 COURSE DESCRIPTION This course will make our student able to use the language in everyday situation. They will be able to communicate in familiar context. Grammar will be introduced to help them developing their autonomy and creativity. MYP Language B gives schools the possibility to adapt the level of the teaching and grading according to the level of the students rather than the year group they are in. That is why we decided to group students from 2 different grades together in 2 different phase groups. All students will be taught to a challenging but achievable level. THE AIMS OF THE TEACHING AND STUDY OF MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES ARE TO: enable the student to use language(s) effectively as a means of practical communication, providing a sound base of communication skills necessary for future study, work and leisure enable the student to understand the nature of language and the process of total language learning, which comprises the integration of linguistic, cultural and social components enable the student to develop an appreciation of a variety of literary and non-literary texts offer insight into the cultural characteristics of the communities where the language(s) is (are) spoken encourage an awareness and understanding of the perspectives of people from other cultures promote involvement with different communities, where relevant provide access to varied sources of information foster curiosity, a lifelong interest and enjoyment in language learning. COURSE OUTLINE: Phase 1 Unit Title Voici ma famille Ma maison La Francophonie En pleine forme MYP Area of Interaction Human ingenuity Environments Community and service Health and Social Education Unit Question How do we live together? Where are we living? How French is the world? How fit I am? Phase 2 Unit Title Mon meilleur ami MYP Area of Interaction Environments Unit Question How can I safely use online social network? Les vêtements Human ingenuity How do I look? Les habitudes des français Community and service Do you behave like a French? Un repas équilibré Health and social education Could I cook healthy meals? 20 Advanced Learning Schools 2013-2014 RESOURCES Livre de l’élève : Déclic 3 and Junior Plus 4, Clé International Cahier d’exercices: Déclic 3 and Junior Plus 4, Clé International Grammaire progressive du français, Niveau débutant, Clé International Exercices de vocabulaire en contexte, Niveau débutant, Hachette La grammaire des premiers temps, FLEM Civilisation progressive du Français, Clé International METHODS OF ASSESSMENT The Language B French course will be assessed using the 4 following criteria: Maximum 8 points Criterion A Oral communication—message and interaction Visual interpretation Maximum 8 points Criterion B Maximum 8 points Criterion C Reading comprehension Writing Maximum 8 points Criterion D Rubrics for each of the criteria are provided by IB. More specific rubrics may also be provided to give students further guidance. They will be discussed in class and a copy will be given to the students. Class work, homework and projects are very important as they prepare students for the formal assessment. CONTACT INFORMATION By email : Agathe El Deek : Claude Sgro : 21 Advanced Learning Schools 2013-2014 MYP Subject: Physical Education Teacher: Mr. Isgak Jacobs Ms. Misti Mokros MYP Course: P.E. MYP Level/Grade: MYP 5/Grade 10 MYP AIMS ADDRESSED BY THIS COURSE The aims of the teaching and study of MYP physical education are to encourage and enable students to develop: • an interest in the promotion of health and wellness • the motivation to participate fully in all aspects of physical education • their optimal level of physical fitness • effective communication strategies, verbal, non-verbal and written • the skills and understanding necessary to participate successfully in a variety of physical activities, for example, learning, practicing, refining, adapting, thinking, interacting • an understanding of international perspectives on physical activity, sport and health education • a lifelong interest in and enjoyment of physical activities as a participant. COURSE OUTLINE: Unit Title MYP Area of Interaction Volleyball Approaches to Learning Community and Service Soccer Basketball Track and Field Approaches to Learning Health and Social Education Approaches to Learning Health and Social Education Approaches to Learning Health and Social Education Health & Fitness Approaches to Learning Human Ingenuity Dance Approaches to Learning Environment Unit Question How can volleyball bridge the gap between social sports people and serious sports people? How can we apply the international characteristics of soccer to develop the global mindset of the local people? How does the game of basketball affect others? How do individual games equip us to work more effectively with others? How do I maintain a balanced lifestyle without making healthy choices? How can I develop an appreciation for aesthetic movement? METHODOLOGY All Physical Education classes have set structure. Being an active subject it renders itself automatically for group work. We want all our students to feel welcome and comfortable in all our classes. METHODS OF ASSESSMENT (including the use of MYP criteria) Students will be assessed against the following MYP criteria: A. Use of knowledge 22 Advanced Learning Schools 2013-2014 Students are expected to have a knowledge and understanding of the physical activities or topics that they study. They should also be able to use this knowledge and understanding and apply it critically to solve problems. B. Movement composition Students are expected to compose a sequence of aesthetic movements C. Performance Students are expected to be able to perform a range of activities and show a range of skills and techniques ranging from basic to complex. They should be able to apply tactics, strategies, and rules in both team and individual group situations. D. Social skills and personal engagements Students are expected to communicate effectively with others in a manner that enhances the working environment. This includes showing respect, support and encouragement, as well as showing positive attitudes. CONTACT INFORMATION Isgak Jacobs Misti Mokros 23 Advanced Learning Schools MYP Subject: Arts Teacher: Mr. Todd Applegate Mrs. Kristen Applegate 2013-2014 MYP Course: Arts MYP Level/Grade: MYP 4/Grade 9 COURSE DESCRIPTION Learning through the arts provides regular opportunities to investigate and interact with the earth, people, science, history, and their own identity before expressing an understanding through an art medium. Through the processes of researching and creating, the artists’ understanding expands and hopefully becomes sharpened and clear. A well-rounded artist values investigating non-art subjects because they are essential. In order to express an idea in a meaningful or timeless manner, one must be able to speak with a certain level of authority. Without sincerity, accuracy, and clarity, art is ineffective and unsuccessful. THE AIMS OF TEACHING AND LEARNING THIS COURSE Appreciate the importance of research before speaking about something. Become a more thoughtful problem-solver and communicator Develop an appreciation for the experiences of others in their communities and those from around the world. Experience various art techniques and mediums. Understand modernist and postmodernist art characteristics. Value art as something infused into countless things that we encounter every day. Answer these questions throughout each class: 1) Why are we doing this activity right now? 2) How might this be important to my life now and for the future? IB MYP ARTS SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES The objectives of MYP Art inter-relate with one another. Application, Knowledge and Understanding, Reflection, and Evaluation all revolve around the Student’s (Personal) Engagement. This will form the basis of the student’s experience in the arts. DEVELOPMENT WORKBOOK This is a valuable tool used by students in the MYP program. It will help them manage their ideas, research, and decisions as they relate to their artistic development. In their DW, they will record class notes, brainstorming sketches, personal thoughts, outside research, and supporting visuals. This workbook should be used at home and in class regularly. It is an invaluable piece for their growth in visual art. AREAS OF INTERACTION are embedded in the subjects and developed naturally through them provide both an organization and an extension of learning within and across the subjects, through the exploration of real-life issues inspire special activities and interdisciplinary projects form part of the framework for student inquiry and take investigative learning further than subject boundaries are a vehicle for refining conceptual understanding through different perspectives Guide reflection and lead from knowledge to thoughtful action. 24 Advanced Learning Schools 2013-2014 COURSE OUTLINE Unit Title Analyzing Art Symmetrical/asymmetrical Winged Designs Klee Trees MYP Area of Interaction Approaches to Learning Human Ingenuity Environments Interior Perspective Drawing Community & Service Picasso and Modigliani Portraits Health & Social Ed Pop Art Package Design Human Ingenuity Unit Question What makes Art good or bad? How can patterns and variety add interest? How can I problem-solve to push creativity? What makes a pleasing home interior? Why do we seek change and variety? How can food hurt? RESOURCES A sturdy, hardbound wire (DW) sketchbook 9 x 12 inches and a computer with a printer are required from home. ALS provides all of the consumable art materials. DISCIPLINE POLICY Please refer to the ALS discipline policy. I utilize a detailed “Participation Chart” that serves as a record of incidents of student misbehaviors,- including minimal or no effort. METHODS OF ASSESSMENT The MYP Arts Assessment Criteria: Criterion A: Knowledge & Understanding Criterion B: Application Criterion C: Reflection & Evaluation Criterion D: Personal Engagement Homework will be graded as found in the Developmental Workbook every two weeks. CONTACT INFORMATION Mr. Todd Applegate MYP Subject: Mathematics 25 Mrs. Kristen Applegate MYP Course: Mathematics Advanced Learning Schools Teacher: Mr. Wassim Fakih Ms. Sofia Oprinoiu 2013-2014 MYP Level/Grade: MYP 5/Grade 10 COURSE DESCRIPTION The MYP Mathematics in Grade 10 aims to equip all students with the knowledge, understanding, and intellectual capabilities to address further courses in mathematics, as well as to prepare those students who will use mathematics in their workplace or life in general. The four main objectives support the IB Learner Profile, promoting the development of students who are knowledgeable, inquirers, communicators, and reflective learners. As students begin to use mathematics with confidence, they will develop their logical, abstract and critical thinking skills. Students learn to use the “language” of mathematics to express their thinking in different ways and appreciate that it is a mode of communication that can cross cultural and language barriers. This course applies a problem-solving and inquiry-based approach to the learning of skills and concepts. Through the Areas of Interaction, student work becomes relevant as it is connected to the real world in a variety of contexts. The development of critical-thinking and problem-solving skills are essential, since the students will be expected to apply and extend these further in DP Mathematics courses. THE AIMS OF TEACHING AND LEARNING MATHEMATICS recognize that mathematics permeates the world around us appreciate the usefulness, power and beauty of mathematics enjoy mathematics and develop patience and persistence when solving problems understand and be able to use the language, symbols and notation of mathematics develop mathematical curiosity and use inductive and deductive reasoning when solving problems become confident in using mathematics to analyse and solve problems both in school and in real-life situations develop abstract, logical and critical thinking and the ability to reflect critically upon their work and the work of others Appreciate the international dimension of mathematics and its multicultural and historical perspectives. IB MYP MATHEMATICS SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES know and demonstrate understanding of the concepts from the five branches of mathematics (number, algebra, geometry and trigonometry, statistics and probability, and discrete mathematics) use appropriate mathematical concepts and skills to solve problems in both familiar and unfamiliar situations including those in real-life contexts select and apply general rules correctly to solve problems including those in real-life contexts select and apply appropriate inquiry and mathematical problem-solving techniques recognise patterns describe patterns as relationships or general rules draw conclusions consistent with findings 26 Advanced Learning Schools 2013-2014 justify or prove mathematical relationships and general rules use appropriate mathematical language (notation, symbols, terminology) in both oral and written explanations use different forms of representation (formulae, diagrams, tables, charts, graphs and models) move between different forms of mathematical representation explain whether results make sense in the context of the problem explain the importance of one’s findings justify the degree of accuracy of one’s results where appropriate suggest improvements to one’s method when necessary COURSE OUTLINE Unit Title 1. Equations and Inequities MYP Area of Interaction Health and social education. Unit Question How do we make decisions? Approaches to Learning Environments Approaches to Learning Human Ingenuity Environments How quadratic functions changed our life? Why should we learn about Matrices? How Geometry have affected our lives? 4. Trigonometry Human Ingenuity 5. Probability Health and social education. 6. Statistics Community and Service To what extent can we calculate what we can’t measure? To win in a game with different outcomes you depend on luck or on probability calculation? What are the benefits of making a survey? 2. Quadratic Functions 3. Matrices Geometry ASSESSMENTS The criteria are as follows: Criterion A: Knowledge and Understanding (Maximum 8) Criterion B: Investigating Patterns (Maximum 8) Criterion C: Communication in Mathematics (Maximum 6) Criterion D: Reflection in Mathematics (Maximum 6) RESOURCES “Algebra 2” published by Prentice Hall 2011 T.I. 84 – Graphing Calculator Mathematics Software - GeoGebra “Algebra 2” published by Glencoe Mathematics CONTACT INFORMATION Mr. Wassim Fakih 27 Ms. Sofia Oprinoiu Advanced Learning Schools MYP Subject: Technology Teacher: Mr. Mahmoud Salem 2013-2014 MYP Course: Computer Technology MYP Level/Grade: MYP 5/Grade 10 MYP FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS Students will expand their knowledge of Technology and Computer Skills through further use of the Computer device. Students will gain a basic understanding of the Computer; as well as reinforce the skills of Keyboarding, Word Processing, Database, Spread Sheets, Publishing, PowerPoint, and additional forms of Media Communication. Students will reinforce these skills from their past learning and continue them further in later subjects. Students will reinforce basic communication skills through the use of the Computer to format, compose, and proofread documents. Technology contains skills that will be used not only in this class but across the spectrum of learning. Students also will be learning international concepts in technology. While it may appear different Technology, as Math, is becoming a universal language. AIMS The aims of the teaching and study of technology are to encourage and enable students to: • develop an appreciation of the significance of technology for life, society and the environment • use knowledge, skills and techniques to create products/solutions of appropriate quality • develop problem solving, critical- and creative thinking skills through the application of the design cycle • develop respect for others’ viewpoints and appreciate alternative solutions to problems • use and apply information and communication technology (ICT) effectively as a means to access, process and communicate information, and to solve problems. OBJECTIVES The objectives of any MYP subject and of the personal project state the specific targets set for learning in the subject. They define what the learner will be able to do, or do better, as a result of studying the subject. The design cycle is a model and it is intended to be the central tool to help students create and evaluate products/solutions in response to challenges. The MYP technology design cycle consists of four major stages and these relate to the objectives of the course. Investigate Plan Create Evaluate Attitudes in technology During the course, students should: • carry out units of work in technology using materials and techniques safely and responsibly • Work effectively as members of a team, collaborating, acknowledging and supporting the views of others • provide evidence of personal engagement with the subject (motivation, independence, general positive attitude) when working in technology. 28 Advanced Learning Schools 2013-2014 COURSE OUTLINE: Unit Title Databases MYP Area of Interaction Community and Service Web browsing and e-mail Community and service Web logs and social networking Data logging and control software Legal issues Health and social education Human ingenuity Human ingenuity (formerly homo faber) Health and social education Social and economic issues Community and service Political, ethical and environmental issues Principles and processes of collaborative working Environments Unit Question What are the needed steps to effectively capture real life data into computer systems? How can we use technology to communicate with each other and the world? How can we use technology to communicate with people all over the world? On what basis do I choose the technology I use in different contexts? How can we keep safe and healthy while using technology? To what extent do people and/or communities change through technology experiences? How can technology influence environments? Human ingenuity How can we use technology to communicate and work together? RESOURCES Students Teachers Support staff Books Computers Software Internet Handouts Projectors ASSESSMENT Student will have to work with a high degree of independence and be rigorous in completing each of the design cycle stages. The following assessment criteria have been established by the IBO for computer & technology in the MYP. Criterion A Investigate Maximum 6 Criterion B Design Maximum 6 Criterion C Plan Maximum 6 Criterion D Create Maximum 6 Criterion E Evaluate Maximum 6 Criterion F Attitudes in technology Maximum 6 CONTACT INFORMATION I will be available after class most days of the week to discuss any problems or help you improve your skills or understanding. You may contact me by email at 29 Advanced Learning Schools 30 2013-2014