Chapter 8 Serology “Out damned spot! Out, I say Here’s the smell of the blood still, All the perfumed of Arabia will not Sweeten this little hand. Oh, Oh, Oh!” —William Shakespeare’s Lady Macbeth, in Macbeth Correlation coefficient Learning Objectives Students should be able to : List the A-B-O antigens and antibodies found in the blood for each of the four blood types: A, B, AB and O. Understand and describe how whole blood is typed. List and describe forensic tests used to characterize a stain as blood. Chapter 8 1 Learning Objectives Students should be able to : List and describe forensic tests used to characterize a stain as blood. Understand the concept of antigen-antibody interactions and how it is applied to species identification and drug identification. Chapter 8 2 Learning Objectives Students should be able to : Contrast chromosomes and genes. Use the Punnett square to determine the genotypes and phenotypes of offspring. Father’s genotype O O Mother’s genotype Chapter 8 A B 3 Learning Objectives Students should be able to : List the laboratory tests necessary to characterize seminal stains. Explain how suspect blood and semen stains are properly preserved for laboratory examination. UV light makes seminal fluids glow brightly Chapter 8 4 Learning Objectives Students should be able to : Describe the proper collection of physical evidence in a rape investigation. Chapter 8 5 Forensic Serology Forensic serology is the study of blood, saliva, semen or sweat in manners pertaining to the law. From 1950 to the early 1990s, forensic serology was a most important part of lab procedures. With the development of DNA techniques, more time, money, and significance was placed in developing DNA labs. However, with limited funds and the time required for DNA testing, many labs still use many of the basic serology testing procedures. Chapter 8 6 Historical Perspective of Blood Typing In 1901, Karl Landsteiner discovered that there are four different types of human blood based on the presence or absence of specific antigens found on the surface of the red blood cells. By 1937, Landsteiner and Weiner reported the discovery of the Rh factor by studying the blood of the Rhesus monkey. 85% of Caucasians, 94% of Black Americans and 99% of all Asians are Rh positive. More than 100 different blood factors have been identified. Chapter 8 7 I. The Nature of Blood Chapter 8 8 Blood Characteristics Chapter 8 Plasma is the fluid portion of the blood (55%) Cells (45%) Erythrocytes are red blood cells. They are responsible for oxygen distribution. Leukocytes are the white blood cells; they are responsible for “cleaning” the system of foreign invaders. Thrombocytes or platelets are responsible for blood clotting Serum is the liquid that separates from the blood when a clot is formed. Antigens, usually proteins, are located on the surface of RBCs and are responsible for blood-type characteristics. 9 Human Blood Red blood cells are most numerous; 5 to 6 million per mm3 White blood cells are larger and less numerous; 5000 to 10,000 per mm3 Platelets are tiny, cellular fragments; 350,000 to 500,00 per mm3 Chapter 8 10 Blood Terminology ABO blood groups—based on having an A, B, both or no antigens on red blood cells Rh factor—may be present on red blood cells; positive if present and negative if not *Antigen—a substance that can stimulate the body to make antibodies. Certain antigens (usually proteins) located on the red blood cell’s membrane account for blood type. *Antibody—a substance that reacts with an antigen Agglutination—clumping of red blood cells; will result if blood types with different antigens are mixed Chapter 8 11 Blood Typing More than 15 blood antigen systems have been identified, but the 2 most important are : the A-B-O system A, B, AB and O blood types the Rh system Rh positive and Rh negative Chapter 8 12 Blood Typing The identity of each of the four A-B-O blood groups can be established by testing the blood with anti-A and anti-B sera. For every antigen there is a specific antibody that will react with it to form clumps known as agglutination. If serum containing anti-B is added to RBCs carrying the B antigen, they will immediately react (clump together). Chapter 8 13 Blood Typing (A-B-O) Blood type A has antigen A on the surface of the cell and will agglutinate with blood type B. Blood type B has antigen B on the surface of the cell and will agglutinate with blood type A. Blood type AB has antigens A and B on the surface of the cells and will not agglutinate with either type A or B blood. Blood type O has neither antigen A nor B and will not agglutinate. Chapter 8 14 Antigen and Antibody Antigens are large molecules (usually proteins) on the surface of cells, viruses, fungi, bacteria, and some nonliving substances such as toxins, chemicals, drugs, and foreign particles. The immune system recognizes antigens and produces antibodies that destroy substances containing antigens. Chapter 8 15 BLOOD TYPES Chapter 8 16 Blood Typing Animation Click here for animation and mini quiz Chapter 8 17 ABO Blood System (Antigen) Anti-B Chapter 8 Anti-A none Anti-A and Anti-B 18 Blood Typing and Cross-Reactions Recipient blood type B is ____ Chapter 8 Donor blood A type is ____ 19 Blood Typing Click for Blood typing simulation Chapter 8 20 Go to the following web site to play the blood typing game First Go to “How to play the game” ames/medicine/landsteiner/ Chapter 8 21 ABO Blood Types Based on the presence (or absence) of antigen(s) on the red blood cell membrane There are 2 types of antigens that can be present, or A B. A person can inherit one, both or none A (A antigen) B (B antigen) AB (both A + B antigen) O (no antigens) About 2 – 8 months after birth, you develop antibodies to the blood types you do not have. Chapter 8 22 Blood Transfusion A person who is blood type A will have the ____ A antigen on their RBC surface. B antibodies. In their plasma, they will have anti- _____ B antigen on their A person who is blood type B will have the ____ RBC surface. A antibodies. In their plasma, they will have anti- _____ What will happen if a person with blood type B donates blood to a person with blood type A? The B antibodies of the A plasma will attack and destroy the B red blood cells, causing dangerous and often fatal blood clotting. Chapter 8 23 Blood Groups Type Antigen (on RBC) Antibody (in serum) Can Give Blood To Can Get Blood From A A Anti-B A, AB O, A B B Anti-A B, AB O,B AB A and B Neither Anti-A nor Anti-B AB A, B, O, AB O Neither A nor B Anti-A and Anti-B A, B, O, AB O Chapter 8 24 Population Distribution of Blood Types in the U.S. Type Chapter 8 Percent O 43 A 42 B 12 AB 3 25 Blood Typing (Rh factor) Rh factor is determined by the presence of the D antigen. Rh positive people have the D antigen Rh negative people lack the D antigen Chapter 8 26 Secretors 80% of the population are secretors. Their blood-type antigens are found in high concentration in their body fluids such as: saliva semen vaginal secretions gastric juice Chapter 8 27 Please Do Now Please write at least 5 lines to explain this cartoon in your composition book. Chapter 8 28 What is one thing you can give and still keep? • • • • • • • Chapter 8 Your word Hope Fingeprints Blood Name Life (pregnancy) Knowledge 29 Learning Objectives Students should be able to : List and describe forensic tests used to characterize a stain as blood. Understand the concept of antigen-antibody interactions and how it is applied to species identification and drug identification. Chapter 8 30 II. Immunoassay Techniques Chapter 8 31 Serology Describes a broad scope of laboratory tests that use specific antigen and serum antibody reactions. The concept of specific antigen-antibody reactions has been applied to immunoassay techniques for the detection of drugs of abuse in blood and urine. Chapter 8 32 Immunoassay The concept of antigen-antibody reaction is used in blood typing the detecting of drugs in blood and urine Thousands of individuals are subjected to urinalysis tests for the presence of drug-abuse. Such as: Military personnel Transportation industry employees Police and correction personnel Pre-employment drug screenings Note: Antibodies that react with drugs do NOT exist naturally but can be produced in animals such as rabbits. Chapter 8 33 Testing Urine for Drugs One-step immunoassay for detection of drug abuse in urine Read Supreme Court Ruling Chapter 8 34 Immunoassay A number of immunological assay techniques are commercially available for detecting drugs through antigen-antibody reaction. Radioimmunoassay (RIA) uses drugs labeled with radioactive tags. Enzyme-multiplied immunoassay technique (EMIT) is uses an enzyme tag for detecting drugs in urine. Immunoassay is ONLY presumptive in nature and its result must be confirmed by additional testing. (not totally specific for any drug) Chapter 8 35 Radioimmunoassay (RIA) see p. 273 Fig. 8 - 3 uses drugs labeled with radioactive tags. Chapter 8 36 Enzyme-Multiplied Immunoassay Technique (EMIT) see p. 274 used for detecting drugs in urine and fingernails The method of screening for drug use in a fingernail test is the five panel, Enzyme Multiple Immunoassay Test (EMIT). Five drugs are tested for with the qualitative detection of cocaine, amphetamines / methamphetamines (ecstasy), opiates (heroin, morphine),PCP (angels dust,hog) and tetrahydrocannabinol (marijuana, hashish) drug testing in urine. Results of a fingernail sample will represent drug use that is approximately 4-6 months from the time of ingestion. Fingernails can be clipped, or, if length does not allow, can be shaved in a safe and pain-free sample collection. Chapter 8 37 Immunoassay Enzyme-multiplied immunoassay technique (EMIT) is used by toxicologists because of its 1. 2. speed for detecting drugs in urine and high sensitivity for detecting drugs in urine. In a typical EMIT analysis, antibodies that will bind to a specific drug are added to the subject’s urine. Chapter 8 38 Antigen-Antibody Reaction (polyclonal antibodies) When an animal, such as a rabbit or mouse, is injected with an antigen its body will produce a series of different antibodies, all of which are designed to attack some particular site on the antigen of interest. This collection of antibodies is known as polyclonal antibodies. Chapter 8 39 Antigen-Antibody Reaction (monoclonal antibodies) see p. 275 A more uniform and specific collection of antibodies designed to combine with a single antigen site can be manufactured. Such antibodies are known as monoclonals. Chapter 8 40 III. Forensic Characterization of Bloodstains IS IT BLOOD? Chapter 8 41 Unknown Stain at a Scene 3 Questions to be answered: Is it blood? Is it human blood? Whose is it? Determine blood type, alcohol content, drugs present Determine the method(s) in which blood may have been deposited The determination of blood is best made by means of a preliminary color test. Chapter 8 42 Presumptive (Color) Tests for Blood Determination Kastle-Meyer color test—a mixture of phenolphthalein and hydrogen peroxide; the hemoglobin will cause the formation of a deep pink color if blood is present Hematest® tablet—reacts with the heme group in blood causing a green color Luminol test—reaction with blood to produce light Chapter 8 43 Color Tests for Blood (Kastle - Meyer Tests) Replaced benzidine color test (after being identified as a carcinogen) a mixture of phenolphthalein and hydrogen peroxide; the hemoglobin will cause the formation of a deep pink color if “blood” is present Not specific for blood - *false positive given by: Potatoes horseradish * Neither probably not encountered in criminal situations Chapter 8 44 Color Tests for Blood (Hemastix strips or Hematest® tablets) reacts with the heme group in blood causing a green color Chapter 8 45 Presumptive (Color) Tests for Blood Determination (Luminol) Reaction with blood to produce light Spray luminol on object Darken room Bloodstains react to produce a blue glow (luminescence) Used to check large areas Extremely sensitive 300,000 times Can detect bloodstains diluted up to ____________ Does NOT interfere with subsequent DNA testing Chapter 8 46 Microcrystalline Tests Depend on the addition of specific chemicals to the blood so that characteristic crystals will be formed ID of blood is made more specific if microcrystalline tests are done Less sensitive than color tests More susceptible to interference from contaminants present in the stain Two most popular tests are: Takayama test and Teichmann test Click to view Takayama crystals Chapter 8 47 Precipitin Test (human vs. animal blood) see p. 279 Fig. 8 - 5 Determines whether the stain is of human or animal origin Uses antisera normally derived from rabbits that have been injected with the blood of a known animal to determine the species origin of a questioned bloodstain. If human blood, then determine whose blood is it. 48 Chapter 8 Precipitin Test see p. 279 Fig. 8 - 5 blood is injected into a rabbit; antibodies are formed; the rabbit’s blood is extracted as an antiserum; the antiserum is placed on sample blood. The sample will react with human proteins, if human blood is present. Chapter 8 49 Precipitin Test Why is this a good test for determining if it human blood? very sensitive requires only a small amount of blood Blood can be old and still give a positive result Bloodstains from 4000-5000 year old mummies have given positive results Chapter 8 50 Gel Diffusion antibodies and antigens diffuse or move towards one another on an agar plate. Chapter 8 51 Human vs Animal Blood Microscopic observation Frog Blood Human Blood Larger nucleic red blood cells nonnucleated red blood cells Chapter 8 52 IV. Bloodstain Patterns Science of Murder: Blood Spatter Video Chapter 8 53 More about Serology For additional information about blood evidence, and famous crimes that involves serology, check out Court TV’s Crime Library at: Chapter 8 54 People of Historical Significance Paul Kirk (1902-1970) Professor of criminalistics and biochemistry at Berkeley in California He actively assisted law enforcement organizations from 1935 to 1967. His book, Crime Investigations, contained a chapter in which he discussed the application of blood stain pattern analysis to criminal investigations. Dr. Kirk analyzed the blood stain pattern photos from the Sam Sheppard case and was instrumental in Sheppard’s release at his second trial. Find out more about the case at CourtTv’s crime library. Chapter 8 55 People in the News Herbert L. MacDonell Considered by many as the father of modern bloodstain pattern analysis. He is the director of the Lab of Forensic Science and founder of the Bloodstain Evidence Institute (1973) in Corning, NY. His work, Bloodstain Pattern Interpretation, helped to jump start this discipline. He has consulted on criminal cases in all 50 states, in addition to testifying in the O.J. Simpson trial and in the assassination cases of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Chapter 8 56 Blood Spatter Evidence A field of forensic investigation which deals with the physical properties of blood and and the patterns produced under different conditions as a result of various forces being applied to the blood. Blood, as a fluid, follows the laws of physics. Chapter 8 57 Blood Evidence Class evidence for blood would include blood type. If you can determine the DNA you would have individual evidence. Blood stain patterns are considered circumstantial evidence in a court room. Experts could argue many points including direction of travel, height of the perpetrator position of the victim left/right hand whether the body was moved, etc. Chapter 8 58 Blood Pattern Reconstruction Scene Pattern Reconstruction Lab Results Reconstruction 1. Stain condition 1. Genetic marker typing 2. Pattern 2. Age Determination 3. Distribution 3. Source Determination 4. Location 4. Race Determination 5. Directionality 5. Sex Determination —From “Cracking Cases” by Dr. Henry C. Lee Chapter 8 59 Questions Answered by Blood Spatter Interpretation The distance between the target surface and the origin of blood The point(s) of origin of the blood Movement and direction of a person or an object The number of blows, shots, etc. causing the bloodshed and/or the dispersal of blood. Type and direction of impact that produced the bloodshed The position of the victim and/or object during bloodshed Movement of the victim and/or object after bloodshed Chapter 8 60 Bloodstain Patterns The crime scene investigator must remember that the location, distribution, and appearance of bloodstains and spatters may be useful for interpreting and reconstructing the events that produced the bleeding. Surface texture and the stain’s shape, size and location must be considered when determining the direction, dropping distance, and angle of impact of a bloodstain. Chapter 8 61 Blood Droplet Characteristics A blood droplet will remain spherical in space until it collides with a surface Once a blood droplet impacts a surface, a bloodstain is formed. A droplet falling from the same height, hitting the same surface at the same angle, will produce a stain with the same basic shape. How will the shape change as the height is increased or decreased? click to view Chapter 8 62 Blood Droplet Volume A droplet contains approximately 0.05 cc of fluid Is not the same for all blood droplets, but is generally from 0.03 cc to 0.15 cc Is directly dependent upon the surface or orifice from which it originates The impact area is called the target. Chapter 8 63 Conditions Affecting Shape of Blood Droplet Size of the droplet Angle of impact Velocity at which the blood droplet left its origin Height Texture of the target surface On clean glass or plastic—droplet will have smooth outside edges On a rough surface—will produce scalloping on the edges Click to see Chapter 8 64 TARGET SURFACE TEXTURE Target surface texture Bloodstains can occur on a variety of surfaces, such as carpet, wood, tile, wallpaper, clothing….. The type of surface the blood strikes affects the amount of resulting spatter, including the size and appearance of the blood drops. Chapter 8 66 Target surface texture Blood droplets that strike a hard smooth surface, like a piece of glass, will have little or no distortion around the edge. Chapter 8 67 Target surface texture Blood droplets that strike linoleum flooring take on a slightly different appearance. Notice scalloping around the edge of the blood droplets. Chapter 8 68 Target surface texture Surfaces such as wood or concrete are distorted to a larger extent. Notice the spines and secondary spatter present. Chapter 8 69 Surface Texture In general, the harder and less porous the surface, the less spatter. The softer and more porous the surface, the more a blood drop will break apart. Chapter 8 70 Bloodstain Patterns (direction of travel) The pointed end of the blood stain faces the direction of travel. Which way did the blood travel? Chapter 8 71 Determining angles of impact Blood droplets in freefall have the shape of a sphere. Droplets striking surfaces and leaving wellformed stains make it possible to determine the angle at which the droplet struck the surface. Chapter 8 72 Angle of Impact The more acute the angle of impact, the more elongated the stain. 90 degree angles are perfectly round drops with 80 degree angles taking on a more elliptical shape. At about 30 degrees the stain will begin to produce a tail. The more acute the angle, the easier it is to determine the direction of travel. Chapter 8 73 Angle of Impact The shape of a blood drop: Round—if it falls straight down at a 90 degree angle Elliptical—blood droplets elongate as the angle decreases from 90 to 0 degrees; the angle can be determined by the following formula: Chapter 8 74 Angle of Impact Chapter 8 75 Point of Convergence The point of convergence is the intersection of two bloodstain paths, where the stains come from opposite sides of the impact pattern Chapter 8 76 Area of Convergence (point of origin) The area of convergence is the box formed by the intersection of several stains from opposite sides of the impact pattern Chapter 8 77 Point or Area of Convergence? Chapter 8 78 Point of Convergence The location of the blood source can be determined by drawing lines from the various blood droplets to the point where they intersect. The area of convergence is the point of origin; the spot where the “blow” occurred. It may be established at the scene with measurement of angles by use of strings. Chapter 8 79 Origin of blood Chapter 8 80 Image used with permission from Tom Bevel & Ross Gardner, June 2006. Bloodstain pattern categories (based on the mechanism that created them) Passive bloodstains are created when the force acting on the blood is gravity Projected bloodstains occur when some form of energy has been transferred to a blood source Transfer or contact is produced when an object with blood on it comes into contact with an object or a surface that does not have blood on it. Chapter 8 81 Bloodstain pattern categories PASSIVE TRANSFER Chapter 8 PROJECTED 82 Passive Bloodstains Drop(s) created or formed by the force of gravity acting alone. Drops Drip patterns Pools Clots Chapter 8 83 Projected Bloodstains Arise when a victim is subjected to blows that produce blood released at a force greater than gravity. 3 subcategories: 1. Impact spatter 2. Cast-off stains 3. Arterial gush The size, shape and number of resulting stains will depend, primarily on the amount of force utilized to strike the blood source. Chapter 8 84 Projected Bloodstains (impact spatter) Created when a blood source receives a blow or force resulting in the random dispersion of smaller drops of blood Subdivided into: Low velocity spatter Medium velocity spatter High velocity spatter Back spatter Expiratory blood Chapter 8 85 Low Velocity Spatter Relatively large stains 4 mm in size and greater. Impact velocity up to 5 feet/sec (Blunt force) Chapter 8 86 Medium Velocity Spatter Preponderant stain size 1 to 4 mm size. Impact velocity of 5 to 25 feet/sec. Chapter 8 87 Image courtesy UWA PhD research student Mark Reynolds. High Velocity Spatter Preponderant stain size 1 mm in size and smaller. Mist like appearance. Impact velocity of 100 feet/sec and greater. (gun shot, high speed machinery) Chapter 8 88 Projected Bloodstains Back spatter — blood directed back towards the source of energy or force that caused the spatter Expiratory blood — blood that is blown out of the nose, mouth or a wound as a result of air pressure and/or air flow which is the propelling force. Chapter 8 89 Gunshot: back& forward spatter Bloodstained foam held just above target surface. Bullet passing L to R just above sheet bullet exits foam Bullet enters foam bullet Back-spatter on entry Chapter 8 Forward spatter on exit 90 Which type of impact spatter? The high velocity gun shot wound leaves a mist-like appearance. Chapter 8 Low and medium Velocity, lightly Magnified. Low velocity blood from the simulation of a bleeding person walking or running. Note that the blood drops “point” in91the direction of travel Projected Bloodstains (cast-off pattern) Created when blood is released or thrown from a blood-bearing object in motion Chapter 8 92 Arterial Spurting or Gushing Bloodstain pattern(s) resulting from blood exiting the body under pressure from a breached artery Chapter 8 93 Transfer (Contact) Bloodstains (gun, knife, hand, foot…) Occurs when an object contaminated with blood comes in contact with another surface Examples include: Swipe pattern Wipe pattern Smudge Transfer pattern Blockage Simple direct contact Chapter 8 94 Swipe Pattern The transfer of blood from a moving source onto an unstained surface. Direction of travel may be determined by the feathered edge. Chapter 8 95 Wipe Pattern A bloodstain pattern created when an object moves through an existing stain, removing and/or altering its appearance. Chapter 8 96 Transfer (Contact) Bloodstains (Smudge) Chapter 8 97 Transfer Pattern A recognizable image of all or a portion of the original surface may be observed in the pattern. Chapter 8 98 Transfer Pattern A recognizable image of all or a portion of the original surface may be observed in the pattern. Chapter 8 99 Transfer Pattern A recognizable image of all or a portion of the original surface may be observed in the pattern. Chapter 8 100 Transfer (Contact) Bloodstains (Blockage) Chapter 8 101 Crime Scene Clean Up View video clip about crime scene clean up 2nd video clip Please DO NOW 1. What do you think about the “crime scene clean up business”? Be sure to include something specific from the video clip. 2. Do you think you could do this? Why or why not? Chapter 8 102 Bloodstain Terminology Angle of impact—angle at which blood strikes a target surface. Bloodstain transfer—when a bloody object comes into contact with a surface and leaves a patterned blood image on the surface Backspatter—blood that is directed back toward the source of energy Cast-off—blood that is thrown from an object in motion Chapter 8 103 Bloodstain Terminology Contact stain—bloodstains caused by contact between a wet blood-bearing surface and a second surface which may or may not have blood on it Transfer—an image is recognizable and may be identifiable with a particular object Swipe—wet blood is transferred to a surface which did not have blood on it Wipe—a non-blood bearing object moves through a wet bloodstain, altering the appearance of the original stain Chapter 8 104 Bloodstain Terminology Directionality—relates to the direction a drop of blood traveled in space from its point of origin Terminal velocity—the greatest speed to which a free falling drop of blood can accelerate in air. It is dependent upon the acceleration of gravity and the friction of the air against the blood—approximately 25.1 feet/second. • High velocity—greater than 25 feet per second, usually 100 feet per second; gives a fine mist appearance • Medium velocity—5 to 25 feet per second • Low velocity—up to 5 feet per second Chapter 8 105 Tips for the Chp. 8 Test Multiple Choice True / False Short Answers What can blood stains tell you? Blood Types + Typing (antigen— antibody) Blood spatter analysis Impact angle, shape, size,etc. Blood tests (precipitin, etc.) Blood - general information Chapter 8 What 3 questions are asked at a bloody crime scene? Monoclonal antibodies vs. polyclonal antibodies Paternity testing Why might there not be any sperm in semen? Sexual assault cases (what is collected?) 106 Learning Objectives Students should be able to : Contrast chromosomes and genes. Use the Punnett square to determine the genotypes and phenotypes of offspring. Father’s genotype O O Mother’s genotype A B V. Principles of Heredity All of the antigens, polymorphic enzymes and proteins previously discussed are genetically controlled traits. Principles of Heredity Genes (basic unit of heredity) are located on chromosomes. The position a gene occupies on a chromosome is its locus. Alleles are alternative forms of genes that influence a given characteristics (such as blood type) Each cell (except for eggs and 46 chromosomes. sperm) have _____ Click for Web Extra 8.2 Click for Web Extra 8.3 Gene Pair A gene pair is made up of two alleles. Homozygous —gene pair of 2 similar alleles Ex. AA or BB or OO blood types Heterozygous —gene pair of 2 different alleles Ex. AO or BO or AB blood types One gene can be dominant over the other in a gene pair of different alleles. Ex. A and B are dominant over O in blood types. ( O is the recessive gene) In AB blood type, the genes are codominant. Click for Web Extra 8.5 Genotype and Phenotype Phenotype — a person’s outward appearance Ex. You have B type blood Genotype — a person’s genetic makeup for a trait Ex. You have BB or BO type blood. No blood test can determine your genotype. By studying the family history of an individual you may be able to determine their genotype Click for Web Extra 8.4 Punnett Squares and Paternity Possible“Father’s” genotype O O Sally’s genotype A AO AO B BO BO What are the possible blood types for their children? Could he be the father of her AB baby boy? Why or why not? Paternity Testing Disputed paternity cases are normally encountered in civil, not criminal courts. Genotyping of blood antigens (factors) can be useful in determining paternity by ruling out a suspected “father”. A-B-O grouping HLA (human leukocyte antigen)- antigens on WBC If it can’t exclude a suspect than it’s better than 90% that he’s the father DNA testing Can determine with better than 99% that he is the father Please Do Now Explain this cartoon. Learning Objectives Students should be able to : List the laboratory tests necessary to characterize seminal stains. Explain how suspect blood and semen stains are properly preserved for laboratory examination. UV light makes seminal fluids glow brightly VI. Forensic Characterization of Semen Two step process for the examination of seminal stains 1. Locate the stain 2. Test the stain to prove it’s semen Testing for Seminal Stains Seminal stains may be visible on fabric due to their stiff, crusty appearance. Acid phosphatase test is the best way to locate and characterize seminal stains. Once sample is proven to be semen, the next step is to associate the semen as closely as possible with an individual Acid Phosphatase Test Acid phosphatase is an enzyme secreted by the prostate gland into seminal fluid. Concentration is 400X more in seminal fluid than in any other body fluid. A reaction time of less than 30 seconds is a strong indication of semen. Testing Seminal Stains for acid phosphatase Moisten Stain Activate stain with water. Collect Stain Rub stain with provided cotton swab. Open Test Strip Purple = semen Test stain by Semen is present rubbing the if it turns purple moistened swab immediately. onto test strip. (< 30 seconds) Microscopic Examination of Semen Semen is unequivocally identified by the presence of spermatozoa. Usually easy to locate sperm in semen Reasons why sperm might not be found Sperm bind tightly to cloth material Sperm are extremely brittle when dry and easily disintegrate when washed or rubbed against another object Oligospermia — lows sperm count Aspermia— no sperm in seminal fluid Seminal constituents — sperm Live (motile) sperm generally survive for up to 4 6 hours in the vaginal cavity Vaginal smear must be examined microscopically immediately after it is taken from the victim Nonmotile sperm may be found up to 3 days in the vaginal cavity (occasionally up to 6 days later) Intact sperm (sperm with tail) are not normally found 16 hours after intercourse (but have been found 72 hours later) Seminal constituents — Finding acid phosphatase decreases with time after intercourse Little chance of identifying it after 48 hours Need to know if voluntary sexual activity occurred before the assault p30 is NOT normally found in the vaginal cavity beyond 24 hours after the assault Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA or p30) Positive acid phosphatase test but can’t find any sperm — how can you prove unequivocally that it’s semen? By use of p30 (prostate specific antigen, PSA) Antigen — antibody reaction see p. 293 Figure 8-17 and Figure 8-18 Learning Objectives Students should be able to : Describe the proper collection of physical evidence in a rape investigation. VII. Collection of Rape Evidence Seminal constituents on a rape victim indicate that sexual intercourse occurred BUT their absence does not necessarily mean that a rape did not occur. Bruises and bleeding tend to confirm a violent assault occurred Physical evidence of rape may include: semen, blood, hairs and fibers How to protect rape evidence Outer garments and undergarments carefully removed and packaged in separate paper bags. WHY? Don’t fold an article through a seminal stain as it may damage the sample. Latex gloves must be worn when collecting samples How to protect rape evidence (the victim) The rape victim must undergo a medical examination as soon as possible after the assault Use an evidence collection kit see p. 295 figure 8-19a and figure 8-19b and p. 296 Figure 8-19c Physical evidence to be collected from scene/ victim 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Pubic combings Pubic hair standard/ reference samples External genital dry-skin areas Vaginal swabs and smear Cervix swabs Rectal swabs and smear Oral swabs and smear Physical evidence to be collected from scene/ victim 8. Head hairs 9. Blood sample (for DNA) 10. Fingernail scrapings 11. All clothing 12. Urine specimen • Check for Rohypnol, GHB, etc. Physical evidence to be collected from suspect 1. All clothing 2. Pubic hair combings 3. Pulled hair and pubic hair standard/reference samples 4. Penile swab (within 24 hours of assault) 5. Blood sample or buccal swab (for DNA) DNA Fingerprinting Contd… This will therefore produce a unique banding pattern following a gel electrophoresis. This test is highly accurate, and the probability of another individual possessing an identical banding pattern is estimated as around 1:14,000,000,000. DNA Fingerprinting