Project Phases_121

PrinceSultanCollege for Women
IS 333Information System Development
Project Work Details
Instructor: Ms. Nermeen Hakim
Teaching Assistant :Ms. Ghada Al Mazroa
IS 333 Project Details Term-112 (Spring 2012)
 The IS 333 students as a part of their coursework requirement have to complete aproject i.e. “Design and Implement
of any Information System”based on the knowledge they have gained from different chapters of their course book as
well as from the pre-requisite courses IS 225 Systems Analysis & Design –I, IS 223 Database Systems, IS 325
Systems Analysis& Design -II. It includes
o System’s Specifications
 System’s Functional and Non Functional Requirements
 Data Requirements
 Functional Modeling
 Use Case Modeling
 Class Diagram
 Sequence Diagram for main use cases.
 ER- Modeling
o Database Designing
o Creating Tables using Oracle 10g
o Inserting Data in the tables
o Writing Advanced SQL Queries
PrinceSultanCollege for Women
IS 333Information System Development
Project Work Details
Instructor: Ms. Nermeen Hakim
Teaching Assistant :Ms. Ghada Al Mazroa
 Correlated and Non-correlated Sub queries
 Aggregate Functions
 Procedures
 Triggers
 Cursors
o Designing Forms and Reports
 The Information System Development project workwill be done in groups, where each group will have 3 students at
the most.
 The Information System Development project work will be divided into different phases, where the groups have to
submit a deliverable of each phase on the assigned dates given below.Each phase will have a group leader, whose job
is to make an action plan for assign,coordinate and monitor the work among the group members. Every student
should get a chance to become a group leader for a phase of the course project. Each Phase will have maximum grade
of 5. The group leader will be asked to evaluate her group members for each phase and asked questions regarding
their submitted work on the time of submission to ascertain to contribution in each phase.
 The team members within a group should show coordination and team spirit among each other.
 The groups should adhere to the submission dates for different phases.
 The students should produce their own work rather than copying work from the previous projects or any student.
PrinceSultanCollege for Women
IS 333Information System Development
Project Work Details
Instructor: Ms. Nermeen Hakim
Teaching Assistant :Ms. Ghada Al Mazroa
 The group members should use
LMSforums (blogs) to discuss the project. Their online involvement will be
monitored and evaluated by the course instructor.
Submission dates will not be postponed.
Project Phases
Documents to be submitted
Phase 1.
Phase 2.
Phase 3.
Describing the Information System to be 
Analysis Phase (Modeling)
Designing Database and Normalization
Creating Tables using Oracle 10g
Rough Sketch of the (Forms) to be
Description of the Organization
Description of the purpose and scope of the
Information Systems
Data Requirements Functional System
Non Functional System Requirements
8 Queriesspecified from the system
Functional (Process) Modeling and
Use Case Modeling
Class Diagram
Sequence Diagram for main use cases.
Summary of each model shown.
ER Diagrams
Data Dictionary showing:
o Description of each entity
o Relationships between the entities
o Business Rules showing
Relational Model
Tables along-with all the required integrity
and column constraints
Date of Submission
PrinceSultanCollege for Women
IS 333Information System Development
Project Work Details
Instructor: Ms. Nermeen Hakim
Teaching Assistant :Ms. Ghada Al Mazroa
Project Phases
Documents to be submitted
Insert data for at least 5 rows
Phase 4.
Meeting the Query Specification of
Phase 1 i.e. Writing Advanced Queries
using Oracle 10g
Phase 5.
Designing the User Interface (Oracle
Forms-I) using Oracle Developer Suite
Creating Database Triggers
Phase 6
Designing the User Interface (Oracle
Forms-II) using Oracle Developer Suite
Write 8 SQL Queries specified in the first
phase using:
o Joining
o Correlated and Non-correlated Sub
o Aggregate Functions,
o Grouping
using Oracle 10g software
Forms using Oracle 10g
o Design of the common template
o Main Page
o Log in Page
Create and execute 2 Database Triggers
Create simple form including:
o LOV’s
o Radio group
o Check box
o List box
o Form Triggers ( using Sequence)
o Alerts
Date of Submission
PrinceSultanCollege for Women
IS 333Information System Development
Project Work Details
Instructor: Ms. Nermeen Hakim
Teaching Assistant :Ms. Ghada Al Mazroa
Project Phases
Documents to be submitted
Date of Submission
Phase 7.
Phase 8.
Designing the User Interface (Oracle
Forms-III) using Oracle Developer
Suite 10g
Project Completion
Designing Reports using Oracle
Developer Suite 10g(if time
Create Buttons:
o Add
o Create
o Save
o Update
o Delete
o Search
(Covering the concepts of Procedures, Cursors,
& Triggers)
Various Reports related to main functions of
the Information System
Week 15