August 2015 ITEP Tribal Lands and Environment

New Tribal Water Quality Data Management
Projects for Improved Local Decision Making
Tribal Lands and Environment Forum 2015
August 17 – 20, 2015
Mark LeBaron
Who’s here?
A little about myself
A little about Gold Systems
Who’s here?
A little about myself
A little about Gold Systems
What is AWQMS?
• A web-based water quality data management
tool (with batch importing and data entry pages)
• Validates WQX Rules, Expected Parameter
Combinations, Expected Parameter Result
Value Ranges
• Includes data analysis capabilities (Graphs,
Reports, Maps, & Exports)
What is AWQMS?
What is AWQMS?
What is AWQMS?
What is AWQMS?
What is AWQMS? (Continued)
• Simple submission to the EPA Water Quality
eXchange (WQX)
• Web services for systems integration
See for more information.
Introduction/Presentation Goals
• Discuss projects we are involved in
• Provide new/improved water quality data
management tools
• Provide new/improved water quality data
analysis tools
• Better-equip tribes to make more informed local
Facilitate flow of water quality data to EPA
for grant compliance
Major Past Community Efforts
Utah Division of Water Quality
Eight Northern Indian Pueblos Council
EPA Region 8
Coalition of Oklahoma AWQMS Tribes
(COAT) – Via Iowa Tribe of OK
• Colorado Data Sharing Network (CDSN)
Major Past Community Efforts
• Bishop Paiute Tribe
• Southern Ute Tribe
• Fort Peck Tribes
Major Current Community Efforts
• Maryland Department of the Environment
• Eight Northern Indian Pueblos Council
• Region 5 Wild Rice Consortium (via
Fond du Lac)
• EPA Region 8
• Coalition of Oklahoma AWQMS Tribes
(COAT) – via Otoe Missouria Tribe
Major Current Community Efforts
• Native American Environmental
Protection Coalition (NAEPC)
• Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas
• Bishop Paiute Tribe
New Features in AWQMS 4.0
• Released in the Gold Systems Cloud
Environment May 5, 2015
• There are a LOT of improvements to
• All maintenance or hosting agreement
holders get the new enhancements at no
additional charge
Improved System Navigation
Improved System Navigation
• Drop-Down Navigation Bar
• Follows AWQMS/WQX Work Flow from
Left to Right
• Projects and Monitoring Locations are now
under the Meta-data/Lookup Tables menu.
• Submit to WQX is now under the
Analyze/Export menu
Import Configurations and Rapid Data
Entry Configurations are under the
Setup menu
Improved System Navigation
• Summary of your Activities and Results is
now under the Analyze/Export menu
• My Navigation History (with links) is now
under the Review/Update menu
Help Links in Far Right Menu
Log Out Button in Upper Right Corner
Can jump directly to the configuration
for a rapid data entry form
Improved User Interface
• Improved Navigation in Data Analysis
Tools (with previews)
• Tabbed List Pages w/Buttons at the Top
• Improved Pagination in List Pages
• Improved Search by Monitoring Locations
in List Pages
Gradually adding in mouse-over help
Improved User Interface (Continued)
• System messages now appear in pop-up
message boxes
• Ability to select a color scheme
• Tabbed User Interface in Data Analysis
Tools (with buttons at the top)
Improved User Interface (Continued)
• Drop down lists with Checkboxes
• Improved Save/Recall of Search Criteria in
the Data Analysis Tools
• Graphs, Reports, and Maps Generated in
the Data Analysis Tools now pop up in a
separate window
• (Be sure to disable your browser’s pop-up blocker
for the AWQMS URL)
Excel File Import/Export
• No more need to save Excel files as text
files when importing
• Can import from one or more tabs in a
single Excel file
• All exports in the list pages and the data
analysis are now Excel format (no longer
Update Result Status
for a Batch of Results
• AWQMS has had one-at-a-time update
capability for years.
• But, what if I want to update an entire
batch of result status without having to
open, change, and save every record in
the batch?
Data QA/QC and Cleanup Tools
• AWQMS has had QA/QC parameter
consistency checks and warnings for
new/incoming data.
• But, what about data already in AWQMS
and at WQX/STORET?
Typical Data Consistency/Quality Issues
Correcting these types of issues
(Old Way)
• Modify the data (one record at a time) in AWQMS.
or …
• Export a batch of data from the system.
• Open the exported data in Excel.
• Modify the data (row by row).
• Save your changes
• Re-import all the data back into the system to overwrite
the old data with your new changes.
The New Way (All Within AWQMS)
• Review your results (grouped by characteristic,
sample fraction, measurement unit, etc.) to
identify inconsistencies
• Select a group of records that need to be
• Make the required changes
• Review and confirm your changes
…….All from within AWQMS!
Projects Currently Under Way
• AWQMS 4.0 Step by Step “How-To” Videos
• AWQMS 4.0 Version of the AWQMS Getting
Started Guide
• AWQMS 4.0 Version of the AWQMS Data
Analysis Tutorial
• RESTful web services that allow for
interoperability with external software systems
Projects Currently Under Way
• Auto-Synchronization of Additional WQX Picklist
Tables in AWQMS
• Improved Organizational Administrator Control
of the AWQMS Public Portal Feature
• Streamline the Consolidating/Importing of
Probe/Data Logger Data.
• Search for Locations (And Associated Activities
and Results) by Watershed Management Unit
Projects Currently Under Way
• Search for Locations (and Associated Activities
and Results) by Assessment Unit
• Consolidation of Characteristic Results, Metric
Scores, and Index Scores into a Single Concept
of a “Parameter"
• Rapid entry form templates and import
configuration templates in support of vegetation
counts and vegetation individual sample
measurements (in support of wetlands).
Upcoming Projects
(not necessarily in a particular order):
Continuous Monitoring Data
Improved Support
Data Management & Storage
Data Analysis
Submission to the EPA
Hooked in to national solution
Using AWQMS to Store and Analyze
Drinking Water Data
A “home” for tribal drinking water data
Import, Store, Manage Data
Analyze Data
Flagged so it won’t flow to WQX
Tribal Waters Use-Assessment
• Set up standards per designated use
• Group monitoring stations into “Assessment
• Evaluate stations and assessment units against
standards (per designated use)
• Log assessments
Submit assessment data
In line with the national solution
On-The-Fly Water Quality Standards
Generation for Metals Parameters
• The “standard” for certain types of parameters
depends somewhat on the context at the time of
the sample (e.g. the hardness).
• Configure groups of such parameters
• For a limited list of parameters, auto-calculate
and store the standard on-the-fly based on other
parameter results captured
On-The-Fly Water Quality Standards
Generation for Metals Parameters
• Improve data analysis tools to compare
parameter results against the calculated
Improved Analysis and Reporting of
Biological Data
• Current tools were developed for
chemical/physical parameters
• Not designed for “counts”
• Not designed for metrics
• Enhancement will resolve these issues
Auto-Generation of Metrics Based on
Macroinvertebrate Counts
• Currently can record metrics but have to
calculate them external to AWQMS
• Enhancement will add a limited set of
abundance type metrics
• Necessitates addition of an ability to configure a
“profile” per taxon
Web Services for Easier Integration
with Other Systems such as GIS
• Web service = Software sharing data
• EPA Exchange Network is founded on Web
• Allow other specialized software such as GIS to
ask AWQMS for data.
• AWQMS responds with the requested data.
• Seamless / no need to manually export / import
Support for Measures WQ-SP14a and b
• SP14a – Identify monitoring stations where
waters are improving
• Techically, AWQMS already supports SP14a.
• SP14b - Identify monitoring stations on tribal
lands where the waters are meeting tribal water
quality objectives.
• Additional functionality needed to better support
SP14b “Path A” (statistical analysis)
Support for Measures WQ-SP14a and b
• Much of what is needed is in place to do this in
• Need to assist tribes to populate the water
quality objectives tables in AWQMS
• Need to provide improved AWQMS
navigation to guide user to existing
Support for Measure WQ-SP14b
• Add reports/graphs to evaluate the locations.
• Add ability to record the evaluation per
monitoring location.
Finer Control Over What Data “Flows"
to EPA
• Only send results for a specific list of parameters
• Only send results for a specific list of locations
• Analyzing other possible ways to control what
is/isn’t submitted.
Integration of eBeaches Notification
Data into AWQMS (for states)
• Record beaches monitoring data in AWQMS
• Add support for beach notification data.
• Integrate raw results data with notification data
to in maps and reports indicate the need for a
potential beach notification action.
• Submit notification data to the EPA Beach
Notification data flow.
Integration with the EPA Virtual Node
• AWQMS already has a built-in node client
• Will allow AWQMS to publish / consume WQXformatted data
• Hosted in “the cloud”
Other Data Analysis Tools
Graphing & Reporting Enhancements
• Better support 106 grant reporting
• Leverage our powerful statistical library
• Stiff diagrams (Cations & Anions)
Other Software Tools Tribal
Environmental Programs Might Find
Cloud-based training platform
You provide the content
Free if you:
• Don’t care who views/takes your courses
• Don’t want to charge for your course
• Don’t want to put your own branding on it
Underground Injection Control (UIC)
• Fort Peck Tribes Exchange
Network Grant
Underground Injection Control (UIC)
UIC Primary Objectives
Replace Access Database / Web-Based solution
Flow data to the EPA / Virtual Node
Integrate Permit Writer into new system
Eliminate the need to use the U2 application
UIC Secondary Objectives
• Mobile application for inspection and mechanical
integrity testing data
• Online submission of permit requests
• Integrate with other UIC programs, e.g. MT, ND, &
• Prepare a platform for use by other partner
• Present project at 2015 and 2016 EN conferences
Underground Injection Control
Underground Injection Control
Underground Injection Control
Thank you!