Role of the Student Leader


Rowan University

Alternative Spring Break

Student Leader Application

Due Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Mission Statement

The mission of the alternative spring break program is to promote service on local, regional, national and international levels through volunteer experiences that immerse students in different settings and cultures. Students visit communities where they perform short-term projects while learning about issues such as poverty, educational and cultural literacy, racism, hunger, the environment, homelessness and health related issues. These educational experiences are designed to heighten social awareness and promote lifelong social action and community involvement.

Role of the Student Leader

The Student Leader position is a time-intensive, demanding, and rewarding enterprise.

Student Leaders prepare throughout the entire year in order to lead their trip over academic break, and this leadership opportunity is certain to become a very personal and integral part of one's collegiate experience. Student Leaders are held to high standards, and we seek dedicated individuals who will delve into the social issues explored in their service. Dedicated students will emerge as well-rounded and educated leaders who are ready to take their community service experience to a new level and become active citizens.

The responsibilities of the Student Leaders prior to trip are:

Design a trip itinerary

Maintain contact with service sites

Educate participants and the public about their social issue

Plan a pre and post-trip service project in the local community

Attend weekly 1-on-1 planning meetings with the Office of Volunteerism

Work with participants to organize fundraisers throughout the year

Interview and select a Trip Advisor

The responsibilities for the Student Leader during the trip are:

Establish and support positive group dynamics

Daily organization of the volunteer team

Lead daily reflections

Address and deal with participant concerns

Manage the trip budget along with the chosen Trip Advisor

Work to ensure a meaningful experience for the entire Rowan team

Trip Descriptions

The Carolina Tiger Rescue in Pittsboro, North Carolina

March 13 th – 19 th Total Estimated Cost: $250-$350 (Deposit: $150)

The Carolina Tiger Rescue is a nonprofit wildlife sanctuary whose mission is saving and protecting wild cats in captivity and in the wild. Volunteers from the Carolina Tiger

Rescue trip will be working with the organization to improve the animal habitats and raise awareness. To learn more, visit:

Center For Environmental Transformation in Camden, New Jersey

March 14 th – 18 th Total Estimated Cost: $100-$150 (Deposit: $50)

CFET directs its efforts to all people, particularly those who live in the neighborhood of

Waterfront South and the City of Camden, NJ. They seek to educate people into a more environmentally responsible way of living on our planet. Equally important, they seek to engage in sustainable modes of food production, storm water management, and waste recycling for the benefit of the people of our neighborhood and the residents of the entire city. ASB volunteers will directly support environmental projects throughout the City of Camden for the week.

To learn more, visit:

Important Dates

September 18 th

October 6 th

Applications Available

Leader Applications due by 4pm

October 19 th – 22 nd

October 26 th

Leader Interviews

Offer & Waitlist Letters Emailed

November 10 th Acceptance with Non-refundable Deposit Due

TBA Pre-Trip Meetings

March 2 nd Final Payment Due (Unless Payment Plan is set)

March 13 th - March 19 th Spring Break

TBA Post-Trip Meetings / Service Project

Please know that space on the Alternative Spring Break trips is limited. It is possible that not all applicants will be offered a space on the trip. Letters offering either a space on the trip or a space on the Wait List will be emailed by October 26, 2015. The offer must be accepted and initial nonrefundable deposit paid by November 10, 2015. Failure to pay deposit by this date will result in the space being offered to another student. If a payment plan is necessary, please contact Andrew

Perrone ( in the Office of Volunteerism, Community Engagement &

Commuter Services (Chamberlain Student Center Suite 210)

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Rowan University strives to provide reasonable accommodations for students. Please contact

Andrew Perrone ( to discuss any needed accommodations.


My signature below authorizes an official check of my university records to ensure that I am a student in good academic and disciplinary standing. It also certifies that I have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions stated in the application, including all expectations and responsibilities set forth through the Rowan University Student Handbook and the Student Code of Conduct. Similarly, my signature below acknowledges that I have read, understood, and agree to all components of the ASB “Alcohol & Drug-Free Policy” – At no time during the course of this University program may any participant possess, consume, purchase, or procure any alcohol or illicit drugs. Failure to abide by any of these expectations may result in the immediate removal from the program (including during the dates of the Spring Break trip).


(Applicant’s Signature)

____ By initialing here, I agree to allow the Office of Volunteerism, Community Engagement &

Commuter Services to use my ASB related pictures for professional activities unless I otherwise inform them in writing. (Pictures may be used on the internet for the ASB website)

Spring Break 2016

Student Leader Application

Application deadline is October 6, 2015

Name: ______________________________________ Phone #: ___________________

Home Address:


Rowan ID #: ________________________ Expected Year of Graduation: ____________

E-mail: ________________________________________________GPA: ____________

Major:_____________________________ T-shirt size:__________

Spring Break Trips

Please rank your trip choices from the following list of trips (1 being your top choice).

___ Carolina Tiger Rescue ___ Center For Environmental Transformation

Have you been on a short-term volunteer trip before? ____ Yes ____No If yes, where?


Please list any clubs or organizations in which you are involved both on and off campus.


Do you have any special skills or qualifications (Ex. CPR, First Aid, Bilingual)?


Please answer BOTH of the following essays. Keep each response to 1-page doublespaced.

What previous leadership experience do you have that will contribute to your role as an

ASB Student Leader?

Teamwork and group dynamics are an important part of an Alternative Spring Break.

Please provide an example of successful teamwork you have experienced as well as your preferred leadership style in this example situation.

Please note that Student Leader applicants will be asked to schedule an interview with the VCECS office.

Remember to deliver your completed application to SC 210 by 4pm on Tuesday, October 6, 2015. Be sure to sign-up for an interview appointment when you turn in your application. Sign-up sheets for interview appointments will be available in the office. Direct any questions/concerns to Andrew Perrone at
