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Uzupełniony test prosimy odesłać na adres piaseczno@linguateam.com.pl
lub pozostawić w sekretariacie szkoły, LINGUA TEAM szkolenia językowe dla dorosłych, ul. Świętojańskia 1,
Piaseczno, tel.: (22) 750 13 11.
Tom ………. a teacher, he’s a doctor.
A not
B doesn’t
C isn’t
D aren’t
He ………. a cottage in the country.
A had got
B ‘ve got
C ‘s got
D is got
She ………. in the office everyday from nine till five.
A working
B works
C work
D is work
Do you like ………. ? Yes, I do.
A to shops
B shop
C to shopping
D shopping
What time ………. to bed?
A usually do you go
B do usually you go
C do you usually go
D you usually go
What ………. ? Is it an orange?
A you are eating
B are you eating
C do you eat?
D do you eating?
………. want to do this weekend?
A What you
B Which do you
C What do you
MAŁA LINGUA & LINGUA TEENS SPACE ogólnopolska sieć szkół języków obcych dla dzieci i młodzieży Monika Ferreira
LINGUA TEAM szkolenia językowe dla dorosłych
ul. Świętojańska 1, 05-500 Piaseczno, tel. 22 750 13 11
www.malalingua.com.pl www.linguateensspace.com.pl www.linguateam.com.pl
D What you do
I saw Karen at the station when I was going to work this morning but she ………. me.
A didn’t see
B don’t see
C hasn’t seen
D didn’t saw
You need a ………. to boil an egg.
A plate
B spoon
C saucepan
D frying pan
10. Switzerland is ………. than France.
A as small
B smallest
C more small
D smaller
11. What’s the difference ………. ‘say’ and ‘tell’?
A between
B among
C of
D from
12. ‘I haven’t got any money’ ‘Never mind ………. some from the bank.’
A I’ll get
B I’m getting
C I get
D I’d get
13. In Poland you should ………. hands when you meet someone.
A wash
B change
C shake
D make
14. Where is ……… ?
A the manager office
B the manager’s office
C office of manager
D the office of the manager’s
15. ……… arrived for you this morning.
A Furniture
B A furniture
C Some furniture
D Some furnitures
16. He passed his driving exam very ………. .
A easy
B easily
MAŁA LINGUA & LINGUA TEENS SPACE ogólnopolska sieć szkół języków obcych dla dzieci i młodzieży Monika Ferreira
LINGUA TEAM szkolenia językowe dla dorosłych
ul. Świętojańska 1, 05-500 Piaseczno, tel. 22 750 13 11
www.malalingua.com.pl www.linguateensspace.com.pl www.linguateam.com.pl
C good
D easier
17. ‘Do you want to go to the cinema tonight?’ ‘No, I’m too tired. I ……… an early night.’
A ’m having
B will have had
C ’m going to have
D will be having
18. Jane ……….. just a few minutes ago.
A left
B has left
C leaves
D had left
19. Peter bought his jacket cheap in a ………. .
A bought
B sale
C bargain
D sold
20. She’s never ………. to China.
A gone
B been
C went
D was
21. What time will you arrive?’ ‘I don’t know. It depends ……….. the traffic.’
A of
B for
C from
D on
22. Rachel is ill, so ………. to the party tomorrow night.
A she doesn’t come
B she come
C she will come
D she is going not to come
23. ……… Kate lately?
A Did you see
B Have you seen
C Do you see
D Are you seeing
24. I like sitting ………. a comfortable armchair.
A inside
B in
C at
D by
25. We’re good friends. We ………. each other for a long time.
A know
B have known
MAŁA LINGUA & LINGUA TEENS SPACE ogólnopolska sieć szkół języków obcych dla dzieci i młodzieży Monika Ferreira
LINGUA TEAM szkolenia językowe dla dorosłych
ul. Świętojańska 1, 05-500 Piaseczno, tel. 22 750 13 11
www.malalingua.com.pl www.linguateensspace.com.pl www.linguateam.com.pl
C have been knowing
D knew
26. Shall I phone the restaurant ………. a table?
A for reserve
B for reserving
C to reserve
D reserve
27. John is English but he lives in France. He has been there ………. .
A for three years
B since three years
C three years ago
D during three years
28. I don’t like ……….. cheated.
A being
B to have been
C been
D getting
29. Why ………. return the money?
A not did you
B you did not
C you didn’t
D didn’t you
30. He ……….. for the national team in 65 matches so far.
A has played
B has been playing
C played
D is playing
31. ……….. a family buys a new PC, all they really want to do is play games.
A As soon as
B As well as
C As far as
D As long as
32. Do you know where ………… gone?
A has Tom
B Tom has
C is Tom
D Tom
33. He is learning ………. a motorcycle.
A driving
B to drive
C drive
D the driving
34. What’s the name of the man ………. ?
A you borrowed his car
B which car you borrowed
MAŁA LINGUA & LINGUA TEENS SPACE ogólnopolska sieć szkół języków obcych dla dzieci i młodzieży Monika Ferreira
LINGUA TEAM szkolenia językowe dla dorosłych
ul. Świętojańska 1, 05-500 Piaseczno, tel. 22 750 13 11
www.malalingua.com.pl www.linguateensspace.com.pl www.linguateam.com.pl
C whose car you borrowed
D his car you borrowed
35. They live on a busy road. ………. a lot of noise from the traffic.
A It must be
B There must be
C There must have
D It must have
36. If you don’t know how to spell a word, look it ………. in a dictionary.
A for
B up
C after
D out
37. Are you good at ………. decisions?
A doing
B do
C make
D making
38. Sally went to university, ………. ?
A doesn’t she
B does she
C did she
D didn’t she
39. I asked two people the way to the station but ………. of them knew.
A none
B either
C both
D neither
40. The woman was carrying a ………… bag.
A black small plastic
B small and black plastic
C small black plastic
D plastic small black
41. She ………. from flu when she was interviewed.
A was suffering
B is suffering
C had suffered
D suffered
42. They used to play the piano, ………. ?
A didn’t they
B don’t they
C used they
D hadn’t they
43. I’m not tired enough to go to bed yet. I wouldn’t sleep if I ………. to bed now.
A go
MAŁA LINGUA & LINGUA TEENS SPACE ogólnopolska sieć szkół języków obcych dla dzieci i młodzieży Monika Ferreira
LINGUA TEAM szkolenia językowe dla dorosłych
ul. Świętojańska 1, 05-500 Piaseczno, tel. 22 750 13 11
www.malalingua.com.pl www.linguateensspace.com.pl www.linguateam.com.pl
B went
C had gone
D would go
44. What time did they ……….. the hotel?
A arrive to
B arrive at
C arrive of
D get in
45. ………. she can’t drive, she has bought a car.
A Even
B Even though
C Even if
D Even when
46. They are starting their ……… by flying to Tokyo.
A travel
B voyage
C trip
D journey
47. I don’t like stories ……… have unhappy endings.
A that
B they
C whose
D who
48. We ……….. into the state of the Swedish car industry.
A done some research
B made some research
C made research
D did some research
49. Who ………. was coming to see me this morning?
A you said
B did you say
C did you say that
D you did say that
50. He was busy ……… his homework.
A doing
B to do
C that he was doing
D he was doing
51. Lisa has lost her passport again. It’s the second time this ………. .
A has happened
B happens
C happened
D is happening
52. Don’t worry ………. late tonight.
A if I am
MAŁA LINGUA & LINGUA TEENS SPACE ogólnopolska sieć szkół języków obcych dla dzieci i młodzieży Monika Ferreira
LINGUA TEAM szkolenia językowe dla dorosłych
ul. Świętojańska 1, 05-500 Piaseczno, tel. 22 750 13 11
www.malalingua.com.pl www.linguateensspace.com.pl www.linguateam.com.pl
B when I am
C when I’ll be
D if I’ll be
53. ‘I’m trying to improve my grammar,’ she ………. me.
A told
B said
C spoke
D talked
54. Kim and Tony weren’t the only people in the garden. There ……… .
A was someone more
B was another
C were some others
D were some other ones
55. Sorry we’re late, we ………the wrong turning.
A had taken
B were taking
C took
D are taking
56. The police officer stopped us and asked where ……….. .
A were we going
B are we going
C we are going
D we were going
57. We ……….. by a loud noise during the night.
A woke up
B are woken up
C were woken up
D were waking up
58. I didn’t want any dinner because I ………. a large lunch earlier in the day.
A already ate
B already eaten
C had already eaten
D had already eat
59. Wait here until I ……… you.
A will call
B am calling
C am going to call
D call
60. Don’t be so ………. ! He was only joking.
A sensible
B senseless
C sensitive
D insensitive
61. Only three of the hostages ………. so far.
MAŁA LINGUA & LINGUA TEENS SPACE ogólnopolska sieć szkół języków obcych dla dzieci i młodzieży Monika Ferreira
LINGUA TEAM szkolenia językowe dla dorosłych
ul. Świętojańska 1, 05-500 Piaseczno, tel. 22 750 13 11
www.malalingua.com.pl www.linguateensspace.com.pl www.linguateam.com.pl
A have released
B are released
C are being released
D have been released
62. She reminded ……… the papers.
A me where to leave
B me where I had to leave
C where I had to leave
D where to leave
63. ……….. during the storm.
A They were collapsed the fence
B The fence was collapsed
C They collapsed the fence
D The fence collapsed
64. These pills are ………… with any other medicine.
A not to be taken
B not take
C not to take
D due to be taken
65. He was nervous because he ………. been on an airplane before.
A wasn’t
B hadn’t
C isn’t
D didn’t
66. ‘Shall I stay here?’ ‘I’d rather ………… with us.’
A you come
B you to come
C you came
D you would come
67. You ……….. mad if you think I’m going to lend you any more money.
A should be
B are supposed to be
C must be
D ought to be
68. You ………. whisper. Nobody can hear us.
A needn’t
B couldn’t
C mustn’t
D need to
69. He asked me where he ………. put the box.
A shall
B ought to
C will
D would
70. She lives ……….Perth. She owns a house ………. the SwanRiver.
MAŁA LINGUA & LINGUA TEENS SPACE ogólnopolska sieć szkół języków obcych dla dzieci i młodzieży Monika Ferreira
LINGUA TEAM szkolenia językowe dla dorosłych
ul. Świętojańska 1, 05-500 Piaseczno, tel. 22 750 13 11
www.malalingua.com.pl www.linguateensspace.com.pl www.linguateam.com.pl
A at……….on
B at……….in
C in……….at
D in……….on
71. When ………… invented?
A was telephone
B were telephones
C was the telephone
D were the telephones
72. It’s late. It’s time ………. home.
A we go
B we went
C we must go
D we should go
73. I asked him several times to tell me the truth, but he still ………. breaking my camera.
A warned
B said
C denied
D suggested
74. The shoplifter claimed she had every ………. of putting the goods back.
A purpose
B claim
C hope
D intention
75. Where ………. ? Which hairdresser did you go to?
A did you cut your hair
B have you cut your hair
C did you have cut your hair
D did you have your hair cut
76. The film was very cheap to make – it was shot on a ……….. budget.
A shoestring
B wafer-thin
C low-cost
D reduced-cost
77. By the time you get home I……….. painting the bathroom.
A will finish
B will have finished
C am finishing
D finish
78. We’re always playing tricks on Pete because he takes ages to ……… on.
A get
B keep
C pick
D catch
79. You shouldn’t slouch like this. It puts ……….. of pressure on one hip and leg.
MAŁA LINGUA & LINGUA TEENS SPACE ogólnopolska sieć szkół języków obcych dla dzieci i młodzieży Monika Ferreira
LINGUA TEAM szkolenia językowe dla dorosłych
ul. Świętojańska 1, 05-500 Piaseczno, tel. 22 750 13 11
www.malalingua.com.pl www.linguateensspace.com.pl www.linguateam.com.pl
A much
B a lot
C all
D some
80. High risk sports have really taken ………. .
A in
B off
C over
D up
81. Everyone laughed when he took ……… the teacher so well.
A over
B up
C out
D off
82. If I had closed the window, the thief ………. .
A would not get in
B had not got in
C has not got in
D would not have got in
83. The judge released him on ………. but he’ll have to appear in court again next week.
A bail
B sentence
C punishment
D fine
84. I’ve lost one of my gloves. I ……….it somewhere.
A must drop
B must have dropped
C must be dropping
D must have been dropping
85. She was caught cheating in the race. …………. she was disqualified.
A Accordingly
B Equally
C Explicitly
D Fundamentally
86. I know you’re upset about breaking up with Tony but there are plenty more ………. .
A horses in the stable
B cows in the field
C tigers in the zoo
D fish in the sea
87. I ……….. with the performance, but I got flu the day before.
A was to have helped
B helped
C was to help
D had helped
88. He presumed I’d ………… my job on the railways to pursue a painting career.
MAŁA LINGUA & LINGUA TEENS SPACE ogólnopolska sieć szkół języków obcych dla dzieci i młodzieży Monika Ferreira
LINGUA TEAM szkolenia językowe dla dorosłych
ul. Świętojańska 1, 05-500 Piaseczno, tel. 22 750 13 11
www.malalingua.com.pl www.linguateensspace.com.pl www.linguateam.com.pl
A broken off
B wound up
C pulled out
D pack in
89. You ………. the washing-up. I would have done it for you.
A needn’t have done
B couldn’t have done
C hadn’t to do
D mustn’t have done
90. Family relationship later ………. a greater significance in his life.
A built up
B kept on
C took on
D made up
91. Some children are encouraged by their parents to become ……….. achievers.
A high
B flying
C tall
D large
92. I ………. happy to see him, but I didn’t have time.
A will have been
B would be
C will be
D would have been
93. If I hadn’t come along at the moment, Jim ……… the one arrested instead of the real thief.
A might have been
B may have been
C can have been
D should have been
94. Some children prefer ……….. assessment as an alternative to exams.
A continuing
B continual
C continuous
D continued
95. I ………. hope there won’t be a repetition of these unfortunate events.
A deeply
B strongly
C sincerely
D thoroughly
96. A number of very interesting proposals have been put ………. .
MAŁA LINGUA & LINGUA TEENS SPACE ogólnopolska sieć szkół języków obcych dla dzieci i młodzieży Monika Ferreira
LINGUA TEAM szkolenia językowe dla dorosłych
ul. Świętojańska 1, 05-500 Piaseczno, tel. 22 750 13 11
www.malalingua.com.pl www.linguateensspace.com.pl www.linguateam.com.pl
A across
B down
C forward
D through
97. Far be it from me to ………. down the law, but I think we need to pull our socks up.
A put
B lay
C write
D set
98. ……….resigned, we would have been forced to sack him.
A Had he not
B Had he
C He had not
D He not had
99. No matter how much pressure you put on Simon, he won’t budge a(n) ………. .
A mile
B inch
C foot
D meter
100. If I hadn’t gone to bed so late I ……… so tired this morning.
A wouldn’t have felt
B hadn’t felt
C wouldn’t be feeling
D didn’t feel
MAŁA LINGUA & LINGUA TEENS SPACE ogólnopolska sieć szkół języków obcych dla dzieci i młodzieży Monika Ferreira
LINGUA TEAM szkolenia językowe dla dorosłych
ul. Świętojańska 1, 05-500 Piaseczno, tel. 22 750 13 11
www.malalingua.com.pl www.linguateensspace.com.pl www.linguateam.com.pl