BREAKOUT 1: Identifying the Gap (or Journey) (13.45 – 15.00) WORKSHOP OBJECTIVES • Present learning from pioneer sites and other teams, including their gap from current state to achieving their aim. • Identify and explore the gap between now and where you want to be. • Have fun! SOME IMPORTANT NOTES • Our discussions today are about learning, not about performance, so… • sharing your challenges and failures can be just as important as sharing your wins and successes. MEETING NORMS REFRESH • • • • • • Suspend judgment as best you can. Respect one another. Seek to understand rather than persuade. Invite and honour diverse opinions. Speak what has personal heart and meaning. Go for honesty without going on and on and on. Making Fathers Figure: South Lanarkshire CPP SITE SHARING: REFLECTING ON OUR WORK TO DATE Aim Primary Drivers Secondary Drivers Staff in early years providers actively engage and include dads To systematically engage fathers with services at all stages of their children’s development from ante natal to pre school by December 2015. Services recognise importance of involvement of both mums and dads Organisational cultures actively promote the engagement of fathers (measures might include strategic plans featuring dads, performance management info including gender breakdown, mandatory gender awareness training etc) Local services are committed to supporting dads’ involvement (generic parent services – number and % of dads attending; services aimed at dad specific programmes; mums only services) Dads actively engage with services Key Change Area: Developing Parents Skills Families recognise importance of involvement of both both mums and dads Local theme: Parenting support and attachment Communities recognise importance of involvement of both both mums and dads Dads feel valued by services (self reported feedback) Mums feel confident about their partners’ role (self reported feedback) Children’s views Local people use community based services Theory of what actions will impact on our aim An awareness raising workshop based event will increase staff awareness and motivation resulting in higher involvement of dads in services Dads will be more likely to engage and sustain involvement in a dedicated group for dads – mellow dads parenting group Dads cards will reinforce a positive involvement in their children’s lives Nursery publicity aimed at mums and dads will increase number of dads engaging in nursery activities Working across different services creates a critical mass effect and ensures consistent messages resulting in higher levels of engagement. Query play groups and involvement from direct area – explore opportunities to enhance dads engagement in week day sessions. PROJECT AIM • To systematically engage fathers with services at all stages of their children’s development from ante natal to pre school by December 2015 • Targeted at dads and male carers with babies or very young children • Working with nurseries, ante-natal and social work services Impact of the intervention: our nursery tests The stay and play session for dads made the biggest difference – but dads said they didn’t want this to happen very often! Will more dads come to future events at the nursery now that they’ve had a positive experience? Impact of the intervention: dads cards Our change theory: Dads’ Cards will promote and reinforce positive involvement in children’s lives. Challenges around identifying meaningful data and how to collect it! Impact of the intervention: dads cards Our initial tests on the Dads’ Cards involved qualitative feedback from mums and dads Learning for improvement • Dads do engage when practitioners approach them and are keen to remain engaged “Treat fathers as they do mums. Ask the dad and not always the mum” Make sure we are involved and given plenty of opportunities to interact with baby”“ “Address both parents where possible” • Challenges around data – how do you measure culture shift • Moving from project to influencing policy and practice more widely Site Sharing: Reflecting on Our Work to Date Begin with the Bump Kate Kenmure Child and Family Health Manager Jane Cluness EYC Programme Manager 0 Kenny PreBirth 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pre-school 7 8 9 10 Primary School ASN Support 11 12 13 14 15 16 Secondary School 17 18 Post-16 ASN Support Behavioural Support Base Schools One-to-one teaching Social Work Family Support Social Worker Family Support/Social Work Key Worker (frequent contact) Child Protection Register (Domestic abuse) Children’s Resources Women’s Refuge Psychological Services Speech and language support Child protection Youth Services No involvement Sport and Leisure Occasional involvement through active schools etc. NHS Shetland Offisland birth Health visitor Hospital visits x3 Residential Care (Off island) No involvement 19 Shetland Antenatal Parenting Programme 90% of parents-to-be who meet the Antenatal Parenting Programme criteria will improve their knowledge, skills and confidence in child development, child attachment and child safety, by Christmas 2015. Programme • Overview and health promotion • Physical needs of your baby • Child development • Attachment • Interaction and play (2) • Safety • Summing up and evaluation WORKSTREAM 1 (pre-conception to 1 year) Aim 2⁰ 1⁰ Parental Involvement Attachment Bonding Eye Contact Parenting Skills Play Breastfeeding Immunisation Antenatal Parenting Programme Detailed aim: 90% of parents-to-be who meet the Antenatal Parenting Programme (APP) criteria will improve their knowledge, skills and confidence in child development, child attachment and child safety, by Christmas 2015. Bathing Maternal Wellbeing Parenting Knowledge Child Health Attendance Right Session Content Child Development Opportunity to Break the Cycle Practical Skills Home Safety Self Esteem Parenting Confidence Health Information Reduced Isolation Nutrition Information Safety Version: PROJECT GAPS • Attendance at programme sessions • Evidencing that the programme made a difference. • Capturing the experience for the parents to be, did they feel it made a difference. • Data capture Impact of the intervention We couldn’t answer this. All our first measures were about the process. We had to find a way to measure impact. Data No. of Pregnant Women Attending APP Number of Pregnant Women Attending the Antenatal Parenting Programme (APP) 5 4 3 2 1 0 Months Learning for improvement A P S D Change 4: Develop questionnaire to measure benefits and satisfaction Change 3: Finding a way to measure outcomes for Parents to be AP S D Change 2: Created a criteria and process for referral Change 1: Improve the content of the session with Parents to be Learning for improvement • Too much too quickly • Use the PDSA cycles • Work closely with practitioners to keep them on track • Use the documentation • Use time with team to facilitate reflection • Be positive and give praise Table Reflection and Discussion part one • Using the guidance form – self assess your own work – 20 minutes • Then turn to a partner and debrief your reflections – 20 minutes – questions next slide Table Reflection and Discussion 1. Is your project(s) tied to achieving the big aim of the key change area or workstream? 2. Can you answer the 3 questions: aim, measures, change ideas? 3. Are you doing at least one small test of change per week? 4. Are you measuring data over time on one or more measures? 5. What will it take to move your project forward from where you are today to your aim for the CPP? 6. What assets can you draw upon from your partners and the community to move this work forward? Table Reflection and Discussion part two – 20 minutes • Discussing as a table, participants are invited to share what they realise they are missing and • what they saw about their gap. REPORT OUT • What did you discover in your review of where you are now? • What surprised you in your discussions? • What ideas are you taking home from your table discussions? THEMES FROM THE ROOM • PLEASE INSERT HERE (DURING SESSION): – Top 5 emerging themes based upon facilitator themes from tables. Parting Thoughts • Today was about exploring and exposing the gaps, we close tomorrow! • Take your explorations to CPP planning, share and discuss with colleagues today and reflect overnight • Come back tomorrow for closure! Thanks for a great session!