Inspiring Learning Biology KS3 SMOG OFF What are lichens? Can you name some of the species of trees in the park? How do lichens tell us about air pollution? Trees You need to survey four trees, when you have found your four trees measure the girth and record it in the table with the species of your trees? Tree Species Girth (cm) 1 2 3 4 Recording indicator lichens on the tree trunk Amount of each indicator lichen on the trunk of each tree (0,1,2 or 3) Tree 1 Tree 2 Tree 3 Tree 4 Nitrogen-sensitive 1. Usnea 2. Evernia 3. Hypogymnia Intermediate 4. Melanelxia 5. Flavoparmelia 6. Parmelia Nitrogen-loving 7. Leafy Xanthoria 8. Cushion Xanthoria 9. Physcia How many other types of lichen? Types of algae □ Green □ Orange □ None □ Green □ Orange □ None □ Green □ Orange □ None □ Green □ Orange □ None Inspiring Learning Biology KS3 Did you see any of these insects of small animals on your trees? Record which insects and animals you have seen in the table below. Tree 1 Number of each insect or animal seen Tree 2 Tree 3 Spiders Mites Harvestmen Beetles / ladybirds Moths Snails / slugs Shieldbugs Others (specify below) Tree 1 Tree 4 Tree 4 Tree 2 Tree 4 Recording indicator lichens on the tree twigs Amount of each indicator lichen on the trunk of each tree (just tick if it is present) Tree 1 Tree 2 Tree 3 Tree 4 Nitrogen-sensitive 1. Usnea 2. Evernia 3. Hypogymnia Intermediate 4. Melanelxia 5. Flavoparmelia 6. Parmelia Nitrogen-loving 7. Leafy Xanthoria 8. Cushion Xanthoria 9. Physcia How many other types of lichen? Types of algae □ Green □ Orange □ None □ Green □ Orange □ None □ Green □ Orange □ None □ Green □ Orange □ None