Mat 210 – Homework September 17 – Discussed the Hindu

Mat 210 – Homework
September 17 – Discussed the Hindu-Arabic, Egyptian and Roman Numeration systems. Properties, symbols used, and
form of the numeral. Homework: READ paragraphs about the Roman Numeration system. KNOW the properties of the
three systems discussed. Check the spelling of any numeral written in words. Section 3-1 A and 3-1B - 1, 2, 4, 7, 8a, b,
d, 10 and 11. (work these problems from both A and B parts of the text. Be sure to explain how you know or show
some work.) Journal: Write five sentences that explain (be specific) where you actually saw Roman numerals over the
September 15 – Students viewed their folders and handed in their homework. Discussion included: complement
relative to another set (A-B); properties of set intersection and union; and Cartesian sets. Homework: Section 2-3 A – 2,
3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 21,26 AND 27. Section 2-3B – 3, 8. Journal: Page 78 under “Connecting Mathematics” #10.
A simple explanation is required that you might give to a nine year old child. Do show your work when you complete
your homework or explain your thinking.
September 10 – Solved an “arrange the dominos” problem. Quiz. Discussed vocabulary to include: subsets, proper
subset, set complements, union, intersection, finite sets, infinite sets, and shading of a Venn diagram to illustrate sets (p
59 – 68.) Homework: Assessment 2-2 - 8,9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21-23. Assessment 2-3 A – 1 Journal: Explain why
each of the following sets are not well-defined: A = { wealthy MC alumni}; B = {books a well educated college graduate
has read}; C= {smart schoolteachers} and D = {pretty people}.
September 8 – Solved a ‘Counted the number of “squares”’ problem. Discussed sets: naming sets – roster, set-builder
notation, and words; is an element of, 𝜖 ( or not) ; sets are equal, = (or not); sets are equivalent, ~ (or not); number of
elements of a set ( 𝑛{ }); and ℕ = { 1, 2, 3, …} – the set of natural numbers. Homework: Assessment 2-2A – 1, 2, 3, 6,
7. READ the section 2-2. Journal: write five sentences to describe five sets to which you belong. For example: I am a
member of the MC Mathematics Faculty. I am . . . Earliest date for the first test is September 29 .
September 3 – solved Sally’s party guest problem. Discussed/demonstrated Fibonacci numbers (sequence), square
numbers, cubic numbers, triangular numbers, and geometric sequences. Discussed projects. Homework: Assessment
1-2A – 2, 3, 4, 9, 18, 19and NAEP problems. Read section 2-2 before next Tuesday. Journal prompt: “I want to teach
because . . .”
September 1 – Discussed : Common Practices that NCTM supports; ‘traits of good problem solvers”; Gauss’ technique
for summing consecutive counting numbers; Look for a pattern; and arithmetic sequences. Homework: Assessment 11A – 1, 3, 7 (explain your reasoning) 9, first two of the NAEP problems on page 15. Assessment 1-1 B - 9
Assessment 1-2 A – 1, 6, 7, 11, and 13. Journal prompt: “If math were an animal it would be a(n) _______ because. . .”
August 27 – Quiz on the syllabus. Discussed: Polya’s 4-step problem solving process; strategies for solving problems;
traits of good problem solvers; what CCSSM means, and how Problem Solving will be assessed. Homework: State the 4
step process. State strategies that you use. Read section 1-1. Assessment 1-1A – 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 14 and 15. Journal: On
a separate sheet of paper write a paragraph to explain “I like (or dislike) math because. . .” Please put your name in the
upper right corner of that sheet and date it September 1. I WILL take this up at the next class meeting.