Frost Questions

Tia Borso
Haven Miller
Penny Reif
Frost Questions
What, if any, is the significance of the title of the poem?
The significance of the title, To Earthward is a representation of Frost living in the past,
going back to earth. He was not thinking about the present, and now he’s going back to
reality. But before he does, he is rekindling his beloved memories from his youth.
Who is the speaker? What kind of person is the speaker?
The speaker is forlorn man looking back on his childhood. Frost is writing the poem in
first person point of view, but he is not the speaker.
Is there an identifiable audience for the speaker? What can we know about it (her, him, or
There is no identifiable audience.
What is the occasion?
The occasion of the poem is the speaker looking back on his beloved childhood and finally
coming to terms with the past and present.
What is the setting in time (hour, season, century, and political, social, religious beliefs)?
The setting is not necessarily clear, but it is later in the speaker’s life, likely at the middle
of his life; almost like a mid-life crisis.
Tia Borso
Haven Miller
Penny Reif
What is the setting in place (indoors or out, city or country, land or sea, region, nation,
The setting is not very specific, but seems to be somewhere outside in the country
surrounded by nature.
What is the central purpose of the poem? (arouse emotion, provoke thought, tell a story,
The purpose of the poem is to arouse emotion and provoke thought about the reader’s own
youth and reflect upon it.
State the central idea or theme of the poem in a sentence.
The theme of the poem is lost youth.
Discuss the tone of the poem. How is it achieved?
The tone of the poem is quite wistful, longing and painful. It is achieved by Frost’s diction
in the poem.
a. Outline the poem so as to show its structure and development, or
b. Summarize the events of the poem.
Paraphrase the poem.
Is this poem typical of Frost’s body of work? Why or why not?
Yes, it is typical because it causes the audience to think and it heavily references nature
and his surroundings.
Tia Borso
Haven Miller
Penny Reif
Discuss the diction of the poem. Point out words that are particularly well chosen and
explain why.
The diction of the poem is quite metaphorical and uses a lot of references to nature. Some
of the words that are very well chosen are: musk, stiff, sore, crave and burning. All of
these words are so strong in their imagery and they evoke a personal meaning for the
Discuss the imagery of the poem. What kinds of imagery are used?
The imagery is used in order to try and bring back images of memories and pleasant
childhood remembrances. An example of this type of emotional imagery is “That when
they’re gathered shake, dew on the knuckle (11,12).” “I take away my hand, from leaning
on it hard, in grass and sand (26, 27, 28).”
Point out examples of metaphor, simile, personification, and metonymy and explain
their appropriateness. Discuss how they contribute to the meaning of the poem.
There are no similes or personification in the poem, but there are examples of metaphors
and metonymy. A metaphor is “I lived on air (4).” This metaphor is such a large,
unrealistic comparison that it shows how out of touch with reality he was. A metonymy is
“Now no joy that lacks salt that is not dashed with pain (17,18).” This metonymy shows
the deep pain the speaker is feeling. Another metonymy is “Love at the lips was touch
(1)”. The purpose this metonymy serves is to describe how sweet the speaker’s childhood
love was.
Tia Borso
Haven Miller
Penny Reif
Look for patterns of opposites: light and dark, pleasant and disturbing, harmonious and
cacophonous: Do these illustrate a conflict in the poem?
Some patterns of opposites include past and present tense, such as “sweet of bitter bark
and burning clove (23, 24)” and the contrast between “I lived on air (4)” and “I long for
weight and strength to feel the earth as rough to all my length (30, 31).” Another example
is “The petal of the rose it was that stung (15,16).”
Point out and explain any symbols. If the poem is allegorical, explain the allegory.
Some symbols include salt and a rose. The salt represents tears and sadness, while the rose
represents love and innocence.
Point out and explain examples of paradox, overstatement, understatement, and irony.
What is their function?
An example of a paradox is “The petal of the rose it was that stung (15, 16).” Some
examples of overstatements are “The hurt is not enough (29),” “As sweet as I could bear
(2),” and “I had the swirl and ache from sprays of honeysuckle (9,10).” These literary
devices are used to describe the speaker’s deep anguish over the loss of his childhood.
Tia Borso
Haven Miller
Penny Reif
Point out and explain any allusions. What is their function?
There are no allusions in To Earthward.
Point out significant examples of sound repetition and explain their function.
“When stiff and sore and scarred (27)” is an alliteration, as well as “Love at the lips (1)
and “Downhill at dusk (8)” There is a repetition of the word “strong” in the fourth stanza.
a. What is the meter of the poem? Are there exceptions? Why do some lines have a
different meter?
It is mostly Iambic Tetrameter except the last line of each stanza, which makes it
b. Copy the poem and mark its scansion. If the poem is longer than 20 lines, choose 20
and make sure to include the lines that are the exception to the rule. This will be turned in
with your presentation.
Discuss the adaptation of sound to sense.
Frost’s adaption of sound to sense is using words people can relate with and experiences
they are familiar with, so that the readers can understand what the speaker is feelings.
Describe the form or pattern of the poem.
Tia Borso
Haven Miller
Penny Reif
The rhyme scheme is ABAB CDCD EFEF GHGH IJIJ KLKL MNMN OPOP. The poem
shifts halfway with “Now no joy but lacks salt (17)”.
What is the most significant line in the poem to you? Why?
Two lines that are the most important in the poem to us are “I craved strong sweets but
those seemed strong when I was young (13, 14)” and “Now no joy but lacks salt that is not
dashed with pain (17, 18)”. The first quote allows the readers to know the overall meaning
of the poem, while the second one shows the main shift in the poem and how the speaker
feels as he is coming to terms with reality.
Why is this poem still relevant today? What is its meaning in your life?
Everyone is familiar with looking back on things and wondering what could have been if
something was done differently. Also, the poem carries the common advice to not be too
rash about things, such as love, when you’re young.
Of his poems, Frost often said they “begin in delight, and end in wisdom.” Discuss the
“delight” and “wisdom” wherever you may (or may not) find them in this particular poem.
Tia Borso
Haven Miller
Penny Reif
This is quite accurate in To Earthward because the poem begins with a happy description
of Frost’s childhood and ends in advice to others not to take their childhood for granted,
appreciate it and not be too rash.