MTH 130

MTH 122 - 101: Plane Trigonometry
Fall 2011
CRN: 3132
3 Credit hours
Meeting Time:
Required Text:
MWF 8:00 – 8:50 AM
SH 516
Lial, Hornsby and Schneider. Trigonometry: Annoted Instructor’s edition. 9th Edition.
ACT 21 or higher; or MTh 120 or MTH 123 or MTH 130E with a C or higher.
Johny Kalim
The best way to reach me is by email or speak with me after class.
Office Phone:
Smith Music Hall 115
305- 467- 8208
Office Hours:
Monday: 9:30-10:30 AM
Wednesday: 9:30-11:30 AM
Friday: 9:30- 10:30 AM
or by appointment (send an email to schedule an appointment)
I will be in my office during office hours. You do not need an appointment to come in for office hours.
A scientific calculator is required for this course.
Tutoring Lab:
Lab Hours:
Smith Hall 526
See the schedule posted outside of SH 526
The tutoring lab is staffed by the math graduate students and is free to use. Walk in, say you are looking for help
with Math 122, and one of the tutors will help you.
Course Description: A trigonometry course for science majors that helps develop application of trigonometry
skills. Topics include trigonometric functions, analytical trigonometry, trigonometric applications and Complex
Math 122 Course Objectives: At the end of Math 122 you will:
 be able to present a comprehensive development of trigonometry and some of its applications;
 be prepared for advance course such as calculus and analytic geometry;
 be prepared to continue your studies in areas such as physics, engineering, biology, chemistry, pharmacy,
geology and medicine.
General course policy: No late assignments will be accepted without an Excused Absence. The university policy
on attendance, including the list of excused absences and how to Secure an Excused Absence, can be found in the
Undergraduate Catalog.
Attendance – attendance will be taken every day. Missing 0, 1, 2, or 3 days of class will not affect your final grade,
however, each day missed after 3 will result in the decrease of your final grade by one-third letter grade.
Written Homework – written homework will be due once a week at the beginning of class on Monday. The
homework assignments will be given in class. You may work with other students on these
assignments, however, each student must submit their own solutions.
Midterm Exams – You will be required to take 3 midterm exams. These midterm exams will be given during class.
You will have the entire class time to work on the exam. You may use your calculator, but no notes or textbook,
during the exam. Exams will consist of calculation and short answer questions.
Exam 1: Wednesday, September 21
Exam 2: Wednesday, October 12
Exam 3: Wednesday, November 9
Final Exam: Monday, December 12, 8:00 AM- 10:00 AM
The final exam will be comprehensive. It will cover the sections listed for the two midterm exams and Chapter 8: A,
B; Chapter 9: A, B, C. You may use your calculator, but no notes or textbook, during the exam. The exam will
consist of calculation and short answer questions.
Grading Policy: Below is a list of assignments and the points available for each assignment. The final points
earned and corresponding letter grade is also given.
Exam 1
Exam 2
Exam 3
Final Points
900 – 1000
800 – 899
700 – 799
600 – 699
0 – 599
Final Grade
90 – 100
80 – 89
70 – 79
60 – 69
0 – 59
Letter Grade
Course Policies
Academic Dishonesty: Academic Dishonesty will not be tolerated. Some common types of Academic Dishonesty
include but are not limited to: cheating, fabrication/falsification, plagiarism, bribes/favors/threats, and complicity.
The complete academic dishonesty policy can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog.
Any student caught cheating will receive a 0 on the assignment and Academic Affairs will be notified.
Inclement weather policy: Our class will meet every day it is scheduled to meet and classes are being held. Please
read the University policy on inclement weather at
Students with disabilities: If you have a documented disability, please contact me during the first week of class to
arrange appropriate accommodations.
Affirmative Action policy: This course will follow Marshall University’s policy on affirmative action, which can
be found in the Undergraduate Catalog. Specifically, all students will be afforded equal opportunity without regard
to race, color, sex, religion, age, disability, national origin, sexual orientation, or differing viewpoints.
Each student is a valuable part of this class. Please respect your fellow students and yourself during this class.
University Computing Services’s acceptable use policy: All students are responsible for knowing this policy,
which can be found on the web at
Official University Schedule: Below is a partial list of important university dates. The complete schedule can be
found at
Mon 22
First day of classes
Mon 22 – Fri 26
Late registration and drop / add period
Fri 22
Last day to add classes
Mon 29
Withdrawal period begins
University closed – Labor day
September Mon 5
Fri 28
Last day to drop full semester classes
Mon 21 – Sat 26
No classes – Fall break
Wed 30 – Tues Dec 6 Dead week
Tues 6
Last day of classes, Last day to completely withdraw from
Wed 7
No classes – Study day
Thurs 8 – Tues 13
Final exam period